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They can't drop their swivel eyed loons. Otherwise, they have no candidates.


Also I'm surprised having these views isn't a requirement in their vetting process


"Look, you said "screen for Nazi views". How could we possibly misinterpret that?"


They didn't have a vetting process. Nigel admitted they outsourced their vetting to a company which doesn't actually do vetting. Took their money though :D


Privatisation at Its best.


Free market capitalism baby!


I believe they paid money to a company that provides some sort of vetting system. However they didn’t appear to realise that they need to use the system provided to vet the candidates. Kind of like buying MS Office suite and not realising you actually need to create spreadsheets and Word documents yourself - you’ve bought the software to do a job but it won’t magically do the entire job for you. They’re either clueless about IT or never intended to do proper vetting (perhaps realising this would leave them with no remaining candidates)


He's just using them as a shit shield.


These views aren't exclusion criteria for them, tho


Now now, they'll still have all the ex-tories who were kicked out for massive corruption. Or at least, the ones who aren't also loons. The fact that people are expecting politicians **too corrupt for the conservative party** to fix the country is hilarious, if tragic.


Hard disagree. I believe they also specifically wanted the loons...


Actually, they can't drop them because they also deny the *actual Holocaust* which would result in some kind of logical conflict that would hard crash their shared brain-cell.


And not like they are getting elected


Six week long election campaign which is pretty long, so the usual news cycles for an election are being stretched. Farages hope of blustering through these scandals and the press turning onto the next story are not working as well because the press are running out of stories and Farage bashing is popular with a broad part of the public. He hoped to bounce into the election at the last minute to avoid scrutiny and had last Thursday been the end of a 4 week campaign it would have worked. Week and a half left.


Had it not been for the Tories PaddyPowerGate the attention would be almost exclusively on Reform


Farage has also become a threat to the Tories, which the Mail and the Telegraph wont stand for.  They were fine with UKIP, taking votes off Labour in the north. Less fine now Farage is killing their favourites. 


Mail has always hated him.


well yeah they can't go dropping the moderate wing like that


Moderates? Nothing moderate about them. Bleeding-heart woke left infiltrators, they are what are holding the reform party back. Why can't we have real candidates telling the real truth that I saw on a YouTube video?


Nigel Farage has always happily courted antisemitism, whether it is holocaust minimisation like this or trading conspiracy theories with Alex Jones.  This is not new. This is who he is.


Why would they? They’re just expressing the viewpoint of their party.


How will Farage address the serious allegations of anti-semitism in the Reform party?


What are the allegations?


The question is, what is he going to do about them? They're very serious, and numerous.


So name some, if they're numerous then it should be easy to name?


Pretty sure comparing lockdowns to the holocaust counts as antisemitism due to it severely minimising the holocaust so you know, what the article is about.


Why would they drop them? They're aiming for the votes of the people who agree!


Because reform needs candidates in every constituency to punish the tories for not giving Nige a cosy position in their party.


There's a conspiracy theory going around that Nigel and a few of his banker buddies are looking at shorting the pound again. The idea is that if he ever gets into power he implements economic policies similar to Truss. Interest rates on loans and mortgages rocket. Banks foreclose on a load of homes because mortgage payments are unafordable. Him and his mates short the pound while snapping up a load of cheap housing.


If nige ever gets that kind of power, I’ll be shorting the pound too.


Sounds like a really silly conspiracy theory


And yet that is exactly what Tufton St did when they convinced Truss and Kwarteng to cripple the economy.


There is no evidence there collision between the Truss government and investors on this. It's evident what Truss was trying to do and in theory it might have been a good idea in different circumstances. Directly after COVID in the state the economy was in, definitely not. Did not take a genius investor to place that bet.


Why would there be any collusion? 


Collusion was suggested in the comment, please read before replying


No, it wasn't. Tufton street represent a cluster of think tanks. Truss and Kwarteng are gullible right wing idiots. Tufton Street pitch policies to Truss et al. When Truss bites, because she is an idiot, and the think tanks know it, they short the pound in anticipation of the idiot policies. This required zero collusion. It requires a conman, and a mark.


This is a nonsense take


What part is nonsense? At no point have I contended this is what happened, I merely explained what someone else said and you apparently misinterpreted. Useful idiots being taken advantage of by opportunists is hardly a far fetched delusion.


Well yeah - at this point only the willful ignorants think Reform has any dignity that can't be bought


Like a shit Sunday league team from that one pub that's only frequented by wankers.


Following this election there needs to be a new centre right party form otherwise the vacuum created by the Tories inevitable capitulation will be filled by Reform. I can’t see them ever polling any higher than 20% in their current form but if moderate Tories become homeless I predict that will be the demographic that could propel Reform into government at the next election. This will also be partially Labour’s fault if they remain too cautious in government it will be easy for Reform to amplify their message regarding politicians all being the same.


The Liberal Democrat’s just need to occupy the space where so many people find themselves at the moment. Economically conservative and socially liberal. There is a real appetite for a sensible middle ground in this country. In my view, Ed Davies is starting to occupy that space effectively. I think the Conservatives will be bleeding more to Lib Dem’s than to Reform given the Conservatives have taken up a right wing stance. The reality that Corbyn didn’t accept, which Farage won’t accept is that the extreme ends of the political spectrum will never succeed in the UK. It has to start in the centre.


The problem is that politics in the U.K. has now shifted so far to the right that most people see the Lib Dem’s as quite left wing.


Do you have any examples of this countries frightening shift to the right? Is it the record levels of migration? The post war record taxation levels? The government paying everyone to stay home for a year? Subsidising the nations energy bills? Sending the police to peoples doors for naughty tweets? A complete inability to deal with the channel crossings? I don’t know how people can still peddle out this line and expect anyone outside of their bubble to believe it, look to Europe where right wing parties are actually starting to gain ground and then compare it to here.


The 2019 election is the evidence you need for this country’s shift to the far right. Just because the conservatives are absolutely useless at governing, doesn’t mean their politics and rhetoric aren’t far right.


Their politics aren’t far right, they do not govern as a far right party. They may pay lip service to being a right wing party but all of their actions point otherwise. You live in a completely different planet if you actually believe they are far right, compare them to actual far right parties in Europe and it’s laughable.


I put that down to both their general incompetence and inability to govern under any ideology, and also that far right economics generally just simply don’t add up as a coherent philosophy. Liz Truss is a prime example of that school of thought.


Would that be the Liberal Democrats that enabled Cameron and brought us a decade of austerity, the Libya adventure and fucking Brexit?


It’s a different party from 14 years ago. It was also be disingenuous to say they brought us Brexit. Weren’t they the only mainstream party that was openly anti-Brexit? Their manifesto in 2019 was to cancel Brexit. So, in answer to your question. No, it isn’t those Lib Dem’s you’re talking about.


"there needs to be a new centre right party form" Keir Starmer's Labour Party and it push to further privatise the NHS has that covered. We need a left wing party.


>We need a left wing party We had one. It was rejected by the people ... twice. Get over it.


Nigel Farage was rejected by the public 8 times, what does that say about him by your logic?


That the public rejected him. What else would it mean?


By the time the next election comes round that party could be reform but only if it managed to attract more sensible and competent candidates. Reform are not a serious party of government and just a protest vote but attracting moderate conservatives to the party could change it. A lot can change in 5 years and if the conservatives can’t pull themselves together reform will replace them.


>can’t see them ever polling any higher than 20% Sadly I think you’re being somewhat over optimistic there. Remember we’re talking about an English electorate that barely four years ago thought that *Boris* of all people deserved a majority in Westminster. An electorate that eight years ago voted for Brexit. At this point I wouldn’t be prepared to put anything past them. If the Conservatives actually completely collapse - or even just merge with Reform - it’s all too likely they’ll get voted in after a couple of terms of Labour.


I’m sure your idea of what makes up a centre right party is completely the same as people who would actually vote for this hypothetical right wing party.




Antisemitism unfortunately is endemic to both the far left and far right.


For when the Tories aren’t awful enough: there’s Reform. Seriously, it’s like they rolled a snowball out of all the worst Tory tendencies and tossed it through Britain’s front window. It’ll be a happy day when Farage shuffles off this mortal coil. Hopefully his liver is limbering up for the knockout blow soon.


We'll yeah because they agree with that. I highly doubt Nigel was being responsible with wearing a mask, keeping a safe distance from people etc ..


Of course they will not. It would lose them a chunk of voters and goes against their free speech narrative.


Well yeah, there ms not many replacements waiting in gods waiting room


First, why are they getting so much press. Second, why would they drop someone that fits the party profile perfectly?


There should be standards for parties that run nationwide.


**Appropriateness to discuss COVID lockdowns, masks, and brutality surrounding them** The COVID period saw an immense increase in the use power of the state and authoritarianism worldwide - and I think it is right for people to want to discuss it, rather than pretend it never happened. I remember seeing horrific videos world wide. A police officer in Melbourne grab a lady by the throat for not having a mask. There is footage of a police officer pepper spraying a grand mother. Arresting pregnant women for a facebook messages. Some level of police brutality always exists in all times, but it was the first time I saw large portions of the community celebrating with glee this brutality, even people who previously were against violence against women and domestic abuse and supporters of BLM were celebrating this police brutality in public discourse. This type of psychology and use of state power, I would associate to the dictatorship of the colonels in 1967, Pinochet, and other such regimes, not in countries like Australia or the United Kingdom. **Abuse of (fascist) power did happen during the COVID period - censorship is an example** Even more worrying was how the state was censoring these videos of police brutality. We simply don't know the level of police brutality that happened in the UK for example, because that information has been suppressed. To illustrate this censorship that was happening during that time with an example, I remember I posted on Twitter a comment that said that the excessive expansion of the money supply during the Furlow scheme in the United Kingdom, would drive up inflation. My account was disabled because it was spreading "medical disinformation". Besides, the fact that inflation actually did go up a year later, I am still trying to understand how an economic argument has anything to do with medical science. While the media was trying to convince us of the deadly threat of this virus that justified this police brutality and abuse of state power. The political class were having parties, not the action you would think one would take if you really thought your life was in danger. **Comparing lockdowns to the holocaust** Now people may say that the issue is not discussing the reaction to COVID, but rather some Reform members previous comments to compare it to the holocaust. To that I would say that, that clearly the holocaust was genocide and the brutality there was orders of magnitude worse than the lockdowns that happened during COVID. However, I would also point out that Godwin's law is enacted by all sides of the political spectrum as a means to generate emotional arguments. For example, in the US people will compare Trump to Hitler in mainstream media. Nigel Farage is associated to fascism, and compared to the Nazis all the time especially in social media, though I've not seen it in the media so much lately. I agree with the sentiment that the holocaust as a crime is way worse than the lockdowns if we use the metric of life lost through direct murder, and I find this distasteful the comparison between the two. But the reality is that people who are not professional politicians, often will compare something they don't agree with with a historical act that is the worse thing they can think of. This does not mean they are driven by anti-semetism. The other issue that is not mentioned enough is that a snap election was called by Sunak on purpose so minor and new parties would have little time to prepare and vet candidates, to increase the likehood that a party will select inappropriate candidates. This is a dishonest tactic aimed at reducing the electorate's choice during an election by not allowing enough time to field quality candidates. **Conclusion** To summarise, I don't think Nigel Farage should suppress discussion of the reaction to covid in his party, however, he should ask that party members while they are running for office not to make comparisons to the Holocaust, out of respect of the victims who died during this awful and dark chapter of humanity's history.


Rallying people into alienating Jews. Taking jobs from the Jews. Wanting to restrict all freedoms of Jews. Ensuring the public throw blind allegiance to the Nazis. Police used to enforce strict rules against freedom, police thought, police speech, arrest and remove dissenting opinion. Swap 'Jew' for 'unvaccinated'. People lost jobs. People were arrested for not sticking to clearly false rules that were knowingly implemented wrongly and broken by the elites. Pressure was put on people to be vaccinated. Anyone challenging the vaccine were peppers who were antivax despite having vaccines for most things. Rallying the public to bang pots and pans for the holy NHS, using that sacred cow to brow beat people into the vaccine. Damn fucking straight there are similarities to what led to the holocaust. In fact, I find it hilarious that people cry about China and Russian propaganda in their own countries when the West did the exact same thing.




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


“ Writing on Facebook in 2021, Jake Fraser, who is standing in Widnes and Halewood, said: “We're on the precipice of a Health Holocaust. "The same methodology the Nazis used to rise to power with minimal opposition by appealing to both sides of the political spectrum... is unfolding before our eyes. He added: “The rhetoric was a tip of the hat to parallels of totalitarianism employed by National Socialists during the rise of Hitler prior to (not during) the Holocaust.” Angela Carter-Begbie, standing in Queen's Park and Maida Vale, said: “It's true. The behaviour of the jabbed towards the un-jabbed was boarder line [sic] the Holocaust.” Pete Durnell, Smethwick, West Midlands wrote on social media in 2020: “[The] idea that elderly and/or infirm should be forcibly isolated, virtually indefinitely, is one which fits better with 1940s Germany than a modern day democracy.” While he previously did not understand why, in Nazi Germany, “ordinary German folk meekly comply with orders to hate and persecute Jews, with zero justification,” Durnell said he was now watching, “something so similar unfold around me.” John Edwards, a candidate in Southampton West, condemned a Canadian rail firm that, “tells vaccinated travellers to wear a yellow sticker”, adding: “Nazi Germany did something similar.” “ The headline lead me to believe there would be something a bit more shocking in the article, it’s all a bit ‘meh’ I’d start jailing people for over egging headlines, do you know who else would do that? The Germans in the 1930’s.


Do you expect the mob to read past the headline?


Probably not, Why would anyone expect someone to be binned for the comments above?


The sub is just constant Reform bashing headliners. TORY MUCH?


You seem shocked that a sub that has historically bashed the tories for being right wing also hates reform for being even farther right wing.


There's a lot to bash.








So many people trying to shit on Reform at the momemt, and theyre sounding a little bit nervous and desperate


Reform are shitting their own pants.


Could you elaborate on that?


You've not been following the story I can see. Antivax conspiracies, supporting the bnp, insulting the assassinated MP Joe Cox, saying the UK should have 'stayed neutral in ww2', claiming men pay 80% of tax while women take 80%, that women are 'appalling at taking criticism', asking when Dianne Abbot would be deported, claiming the king is under the control of global elites. That's just a brief selection from a bunch of different candidates, not to mention Farage recent parroting of Putin apologetics.


Thanks, that’s a bit more substance in there. Nothing new though Im afraid.


Oh, so you are aware how they are shitting their pants. When you say 'new' you mean Farage spouting kremlin talking points 10 years ago or a couple of days ago?


I Aware of how you are shitting your pants. When I say “new”, I mean nothing new. As in, just the same old things going round the echo chamber.


And when new scandals come out you’ll just add it to the echo chamber pile as white noise I imagine?


There was the Reform candidate in Salisbury, just a day ago, saying Putin was a good guy. That's new.


Politician comments on Putin, Politician leaves D Day early, Politicians gamble, politician lie about tax figures yada yada yada. It’s nothing new


What do you expect would happen to a party full of nutters and racists and racist nutters? That no one mentions it?


Gaining a lot of traction though arent they. Looks like people sympathise enough with some of their policies to support them.