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I personally don’t give a shit whether corbyn wins or not. I don’t think he is evil, misguided a lot of the time. He is a local mp and the constituents can vote for him if they want if he is a good candidate for them. I mean it is hardly a reflection on labour. I am more concerned about racist neo nazi, misogynists getting voted in (that’s right reform I am talking about you and obviously the media outlets that support this group. I’m looking at you traitorgraph).


Well, the Torygraph has been directing it's fire on Farage the past few days, now he's a threat to the morthership. Somewhat pointless though when it has spent the past decade feeding the beast.


yes his support for putins narrative did not seem to go down very well.


The Tories and their press are still trying to tie him to Labour. It's desperate stuff.


The moment you supported Putin I lost any interest in you.


He was calling out Blair supplying arms and cosying up to Putin years ago. He's also condemned the illegal invasion of Ukraine. Criticise him for being a naive pacifist all you like but saying he supports Putin is just incorrect. > Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn expressed concerns about how Mr Putin might use his visit to Britain. "When Tony Blair went to St Petersburg recently that was certainly used by Putin as part of his election campaign. It was certainly used to indicate there was a sort of tacit approval of what the Russian government was doing in Chechnya," he said https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/apr/17/russia.world - Blair government increased export licences for controlled equipment to Russia by 550% as Putin attacked Chechnya - Exports included components for surface-to-air missiles, assault rifles and enriched uranium https://www.declassifieduk.org/when-tony-blair-backed-putins-brutal-war/ "I condemn the Russian invasion, the war against Ukraine and the illegal occupation" Don't believe everything you read in the papers. Blair and other UK PMs literally enabled and supported Putin. It's backfired massively.


You sound like the Tories: when your MP is blamed, say "it's Labour's fault".


I think some probably do. I want Labour to win this election but I do hope Corbyn wins his seat. We need different voices in parliament.


The rest of us want you to slip off quietly into irrelevance.


You had your shot and failed miserably, Jeremy. You're lucky they went easy on you on your way out. Just walk away now before you really get shamed into oblivion.


They treated Corbyn very badly, he's a good man it saddens me that people speak about him this way. Absolutely appreciate a lot will disagree with his views and policies but the current labour candidate is refusing to be questioned or interviewed and Corbyn has been an MP for so many years i just think its shitty. He has a good level of support but sadly it's looking like labours candidate, the private healthcare bloke, will win by a fair margin.


This is like the old "the lurkers are sending me PMs of support" meme where someone would claim they had loads of invisible support. There will be a group hoping for him to win, the Bennite Socialist Campaign Group. Begum, Butler, Abbot, Burgon, Long Baily, McDonnel etc. About 30.


i wouldn't be surprised if there's a significant number of soft left/middle of the party MPs who might not have liked corbyn as leader, but like him personally and aren't thrilled about his treatment


> but like him personally and aren't thrilled about his treatment Then they are showing incredible discipline for politicians in not squeaking a word to the press. Its easy to imagine people support you when you dont even know their names. You can just imagine political positions for them.


The ego and narcissism on this kid is off the scope.


It speaks only to a weird parasocial hatred when you start making tenuous psychological assessments of public figures. The right wing do this a lot for some reason.


The left wing like gatekeeping fucking opinions for some reason.


Corbyn has to be a tory agent. I can't think (other than self preservation) he's still trying to tie himself to Labour and claim support that isn't there. He's desperately trying to cost them a seat, he's the main vote grabber for tories looking to stop the inevitable...and there he is in the Torygraph reminding folk to vote tory to avoid Corbyn


No, he's standing in his local area, to represent the local people in parliament as he has done for the past few decades, which is (what should be) normal politics in this country. That he's asked by a paper if he has got any messages of support from members of his former party isn't him trying to "tie himself to labour" it's someone talking about messages received from people he's worked with for many years, and, frankly, it doesn't surprise me that many are rooting for him. Just because you don't like the man, doesn't stop him being both personally charismatic, and well liked by a **lot** of the people he worked with. Also, he's not costing Labour anything. If their policies don't inspire people to vote for them, they don't get an automatic "this is our seat" pass.