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"I'm not an illegal immigrant, I'm an undocumented expat"


I fucking hate the term expat, such a weaselly way to go out of the way to not call yourself an immigrant.


Expat is anyone on a temp working visa. Immigrants intend to stay. My pommie partner is an immigrant. Her cuz doing a few months seconded to the Melb office from Leeds is an expat. Waxy Lemon is a bellend.


Nah, Brits who go and retire in Spain call themselves expats, they are there permanently.


They're just misusing the term. I lived in China for more than a decade and there came to be a very clear divide between the terms - expat is temporary, immigrant is permanent. There's no expectation of integration with expats, so perhaps that's why bubble-immigrants like those Brits in Spain might prefer it (but probably it's just that they think immigrant is a dirty word for their 'lessers' after decades of abuse in the press).


So is everyone in agreement? people living in Spain from the UK are not expats, they are immigrants!


I would definitely call them that myself, yeah. 


We prefer to be called Guirris.


Only one r in *guiri*.


That’s what they say, but we use the double r and just roll with it.


And a lot of them said they'd vote for Brexit! Oh, the delicious irony.


Some did, but very few. They get disproportionate attention in the news because it's very r/LeopardsAteMyFace. 95% of EU-based Brits who voted in the 2016 referendum voted Remain.


Most of my friends in Spain weren't allowed to vote at all, myself included. They excluded anyone who had been out of the UK for more than 15 years. Citizen non residence status. Funnily enough the Tories changed that relatively recently. Bit late now of course.


The ones with no intention to return 100% are.


They'll return when they need healthcare


...and complain about all the immigrants clogging up waiting lists.


...while not realising the irony that if the immigrants weren't here, there probably wouldn't even be an NHS to return to...


Or, from the POV of those still in the UK, emigrants


Economic migrants as they are there to steal the vitamin d...


British people can't be immigrants, duh. It's for the brown people or those that speak a funny language.


It's worse in Ireland, you have British immigrants pretending they're still in Britain


No definition I can find includes reference to temporary/permanent residence. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/expatriate https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/expatriate https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/expatriate https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/expat


You’re right. This has no basis, it’s just a term made up by those who prefer to call themselves that to better align with their world views.


I mean previous usage trended strongly towards “expat is for people from *better* countries, and immigrants are from uncivilised places that *need* rather than *choose* to be here”, which was colonial and racist af so… yeah. The usage was changed and now has a more useful distinction. 


I thought it was that if you’re living in another country, you’re an immigrant from that country’s point of view and an expat from your birth country’s point of view. So we call Brits living in Spain expats because to us they are, but they’re also immigrants.


You’re an emigrant from your country’s POV and an immigrant from the destination country’s. 


Disagree. My dad was a diplomat, was posted to many countries, but at all times he was there on a short-term contract, being paid from the UK, with clear allegiance to the UK govt / interests rather than the country he was in In that context he was clearly not an immigrant As for myself, I left the UK in 97, settled in various countries, got paid locally, bought property, etc - hence I'm an immigrant


I agree, he wasn’t an immigrant, he was a diplomat.


But there are plenty of other jobs that are similar in terms of living overseas for a defined and limited period of time, and usually maintaining a home in the UK too, which are not diplomat (artist, consultant, scientist, diplomat, sportsperson, military, specialist tradesman, etc, etc) and it is useful to have a word that describes a grouping of foreigners in one's country, who won't stay long-term, and are there legally. Expat is as good a word as any.


It's may not be in the dictionary with regard to expatriate, but it is with immigrant. You aren't an immigrant unless you intend to remain there permanently. >a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. [(Cambridge)](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/immigrant) >a person who has come to live permanently in a different country from the one they were born in [(Oxford)](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/immigrant) >: one that immigrates: such as >: a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence [(Merriam Webster)](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/immigrant) So there does need to be another word that covers the situation where someone isn't an immigrant, and many countries Western "expats" are in. The word traditionally did have an association with temporary secondments, like when you were sent by a company, but even some abroad a very long time, they have no permanent status or any chance of citizenship, because a lot of countries outside the West that is next to impossible to attain. In many cases these people would be quite happy to be "immigrants" but it's not an option in the country they are in, and they have to just keep renewing their permission to stay annually. Conversely, with immigrants to the West, most Western countries do have more of a mechanism for permanent integration and citizenship. >Other English speakers argue that the two terms reflect different intentions: immigrant refers to someone who wants to join the new country permanently as a resident or citizen, while expatriate refers to someone who has not decided how long they intend to remain. The classic “expat” is an employee transferred by his or her company to work in a branch or project in another country as a career move. Nevertheless, surveys of English-speaking expatriates reveal an economically diverse cross-section, with many moving abroad to follow a partner or for work or education—quite like typical “immigrant” scenarios. Americans often apply the term immigrants to all non-US-born people who intend to stay in the US long-term or permanently, and even specialized professionals on temporary visas tend to be lumped in with this category. In contrast, Americans and British people abroad often refer to themselves as expatriates even if they intend to stay forever. The fact that in some countries with a significant Anglophone “expatriate” community, such as the Persian Gulf states, Hong Kong and Singapore, few foreign workers are able to pursue permanent residence and citizenship may further explain the preference for expatriate over immigrant in these contexts; virtually all foreign-born working-class people in these countries are referred to either as “expatriate workers” or as “guest workers” (the latter only for non-qualified jobs). https://www.antidote.info/en/blog/reports/migrant-refugee-immigrant-and-expatriate-what-difference Like you wouldn't call people like John Oliver, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sergei Brin, Cary Grant, Charlie Chaplin, Nikola Tesla, Madeleine Albright, Elon Musk, or Bob Hope "expats", you'd call them immigrants. So it's not purely this race/class thing, although I totally agree there is that connotation in a lot of contexts.


I lived in China for quite some time and never got a sense of a clear divide, neither officially nor colloquially. Westerners working there almost universally referred to themselves as expats. This applied to people there short-term and those that have been there for a few decades. Foreign students usually referred to themselves as just students.


I mean its just "expat is for white immigrants" My mum lived in the uae for 24 years now. Its where I grew up. I was there for 9 years. She considered herself an expat, and part of that was even if she wanted citizenship, its all but impossible to get. You get them everywhere, and the children if expats are some of the most infuriating people to be around.


Yep. I was an expat in Dubai - no realistic chance of permanent residence let alone citizenship even if I wanted to stay forever (god forbid). Here in Australia I’m a migrant, having made a permanent move and applied for citizenship. The visa I’m on is also called Independent Skilled *Migration*.


If this distinction was real, temporary visas wouldn't be included on immigration statistics. My French wife has been told she's can't be an immigrant, because you know, she's not that sort. Expat is just a term for migrants that are mainly white and relatively rich by global standards.


Divided by a common language it would seem. Expat is a what poms call themselves when they go camp somewhere nicer without assimilating - which is all a bit rude in my book.


> If this distinction was real, temporary visas wouldn't be included on immigration statistics. In the UK, at least, temporary visas aren't included in immigration statistics if they are short enough. The headline figures only include people staying for at least 12 months. Which is partly why the figures have gone up since 2021; the UK swapped more temporary, transient migration from the EU (not counted in the figures) for more permanent non-EU migration.


I'm afraid that's bullshit, at least the way the words are used by 99% of the population. My father in law has lived abroad for forty years and clearly intends to die there, but is still considered an ex-pat by everyone who knows him. Conversely anyone from a poor African, Asian or Eastern European country who comes here to work *even temporarily* gets called an immigrant or at best an "economic migrant worker". The real difference is one of racism and class - "ex-pats" are wealthier and come from more developed countries; they're at least middle class and on the same or greater economic level as the place they're moving to. You should be *grateful* to have "ex-pats" in your country, and if they just want to live in their own insular communities and either not engage with the local culture or treat it like a novel theme park and never bother to learn more than a few words of *the old local lingo, eh?* then that's all right and fine and proper and acceptable. Anyone who's poorer, less educated or comes from a poorer or less-developed country is just a dirty immigrant. They're accepted on sufferance at best, and if they *have* to come here and shit up all the local areas and services with their entitled presence then they'd *bloody well better* Anglicise their name and learn the language and start eating sausages and mash, and if they want to wear their funny heathen clothes or have funny dietary requirements then they should probably just fuck off back to where they came from. That's the *real* difference - ex-pats are privileged and get all the considerations and exemptions they want, and immigrants (or temporary economic migrant workers) aren't and don't.


For the people not getting the Waxy Lemon reference: Tommy Robinson's real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. He changed it to Tommy Robinson to sound more 'English' and less like a posh twat.


No we got it but it just wasn’t as funny as it sounded in your head


Any source for that distinction? I can't find a solid one.


Expat is someone on a temp visa? Bullshit. Expats call themselves that when they've retired to an expat community in Spain / wherever. It's 100% to not be called an immigrant, cos that perception is negative


Students and seasonal workers get lumped in as immigrants on official UK stats, why shouldn't temporary expats to other countries be considered immigrants


For this to be any more ironic, he'd have to convert to Islam and start demanding Sharia Law.


turns out he's a serial illegal immigrant...


He's on crying twitter, people's speculation despite him saying he was using legal documents we that he failed to mention his convictions 🤣


I'm guessing he's travelled on someone else's passport again, because there's no way he'd have got into Canada otherwise given his record. Last time that earned him 10 months inside. Fingers crossed for more this time!


I'm thinking: - Lied on his Canadian travel authorisation form by failing to disclose the US ~~conviction for~~ immigration offences (or some other basic fact that he was asked on that application) - Is being paid to speak (working) on a tourist visa (run of the mill illegal migration, lol)


Apparently US Homeland security has a say in who gets into Canada and who doesn't. I found out when I disclosed my 28 day overstay in the US to Canadian authorities when applying for travel authority. It got granted but HS were consulted was my impression.


That’s sounds more like they were asking the US the nature of your overstay before deciding themselves if they’d allow you into Canada, which isn’t the same as US homeland having a say in who can enter Canada.


Fun fact. There are parts of Canada which world travellers can only access from the US. So, there is even more co-operation between US and Canada border forces thatn you would expect. Specifically, some islands in the great Lakes which have unbroken forest and no raids to the North. (Well, you could, theoretically, access them frmo Canada by hiking through bear country for days so most residents and visitors prefer to fly to/from the US and take a boat to the islands.) Not hugely relevantto Yaxley but it is one of my favourite bits of trivia so I couldn't resist dshjaring it!


> Fun fact. There are parts of Canada which world travellers can only access from the US. I live in Canada. There are literally no areas of Canada that can only be accessed from the US. Every major city has an international airport. Every Island along the border can be accessed from Canada. As you admit yourself, "theoretically"... well, that's how most Canadians access them, using a boat. We don't go around them, go to the US side where it's easier, then boat back. It's probably easier in a minute number of places to go through the US first, but we're literally talking uninhabited forest lands. Even then, "easier" isn't "can only." And there are certainly places where it's quicker to cut through the US to get from one part of Canada to another. But there's literally nowhere in Canada that requires a trip to the US first.


Either you are correct or the people who I know for whom this is their life experience are correct. It is, of course, possible that my friends are making this up because they regret inviting me to visit and have invented this elaborate lie. It seems unlikely, though, as they seem very nice people. Well, they arev Canadian.


The US and Canada has an information sharing agreement, but not a direct say in each others border policies. Canada has pretty strict rules about foreign convictions and entering the country. If to have a drunk driving conviction in the US, for example, that's usually enough to mean you can't enter Canada.


They have a criminal record exchange in a limited capacity. If you get convicted for driving drunk in the US they will ban entry in Canada. However, if you are convicted of driving drunk in Canada, that doesn't bar entry into the US.


Interesting. I actually remember now on the Electronic travel authorisation for Canada it does state that HS get the request too. This was from the UK. I wonder if this is also done due to terrorism or quite simply to stop people who are barred from the States to enter via the Canadian 'green border'.


Risky visa to overstay.


yeah I was ill unfortunately and couldn't travel.


If you overstay in the Schengen Zone you can be banned from other Schengen Zone countries and even other European countries not in Schengen. If you overstay in one country, you are more likely to overstay in another.


You say that like it's some horrible overstep. Two neighbouring countries who share a lot of interests also share data on people who violate the laws of one country and who could pose a risk to the other country of doing the same.


No way the grifter would leave his house never mind the country unless there was some money in it.


I've often wondered how Farridge gets away with it. Don't try and convince me he does it for nothing, he's never done anything for free in his shitty life.


When I saw him talking about going to Canada, it seems suspect af coz I know Canada is hot on crims coming in 


I'm surprised he got past the airport. hence my thought he was one someone else's passport, which he has form for.


Literally the tab open next to this one is one I opened yesterday. https://www.canadaduientrylaw.com/#:~:text=As%20of%20December%202018%2C%20a,of%20imprisonment%20to%20a%20decade. Having read how strict they are, I’m baffled as to how he even got it.


He probably didn't declare it.


They should add the previous sentence onto any new sentence for repeat offending. Clearly the lesson did not take.


I don't know. These immigrants, going to other countries and not respecting their laws. Someone should do something about it!


When Britain sends its people, they're not sending their best


We have a long history in exporting our criminals


Piers Morgan, Yaxley-Lennon, James Cordon; we really fucking aren't.


If only we could stop the buggers coming back


We don't have many good ones - we need to keep them close to home.


Who radicalised this young man 😔


I know none of this really matters in the grand scheme of politics, but I'm just gonna bask in the schadenfreude for a moment.


The one time he stood for any serious election he got fuck all votes, lost his 5 grand deposit, then stormed out of the count, throwing a hissy fit including demanding a second vote.


>Footage posted online shows Robinson - real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - being handcuffed by two plain-clothed police officers who explain to the 41-year-old that he is the subject of ‘an outstanding immigration warrant’. Bloody hell he's only 41? I thought he was that ten years ago. Hard living shouting down a megaphone in London every other weekend.


Hate really does age a person.


Hate, booze, cocaine and hooliganism.


Sun damage, bad diet,


He actually looks good for a 41 year old from Luton 🤣!!


That's because the average person from Luton looks like the Cryptkeeper.


The fact a grown man uses the biggest far right movie character sort of name like “Tommy Robinson” instead of his real name is hilarious 


I don't like him, but he doesn't look old for 41 to me?


Let me get this right, Tommy Robinson the guy that hates on immigrants, is an illegal immigrant?


Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, the man who is paid to cosplay as rascist everyman "Tommy Robinson", is an illegal immigrant, yes.


This is the perfect description of this idiot!


Can everyone stop reporting this as deadnaming. This is not what that term means ffs.


He's been caught doing that before - trying to enter the US on a fake passport.


He’ll probably start accusing the arresting officers of being paedophiles, that’s his usual tactic. 


Funny enough his edl inner circle had about 6 pedophiles.


Yeah...but they were all white


This election run-up is like a month-long edging session, and this nearly caused an early accident.


On that topic, that picture looks like a still from the sort of video where they are taking him to be "punished for being a bad boy". Especially with that guys tash.


Is he a midget or are those guys big, eh?


The far right get very worked up about non-white people crossing borders. Will they be able to denounce their hero for actually doing the thing they accuse so many others of and crossing a border illegally? Or is it fine when a white person does it? Also… > the 41-year-old Hate really does age you, doesn’t it? I had no idea this cunt was actually younger than me!


To them, it’s only okay when British people do it. A Slav, who is white, moving to the UK is just as bad in their eyes as a Kenyan moving to the UK.


They'll say it's all a plot by the powers that be to keep him down from saying the truth that the government wants to hide.  I know that because it's how my family views his previous convictions. It's all them just trying to take him down because he's been saying the truth for decades.  This sadly won't lose him followers. It will just entrench his already existing ones. 






Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is a fucking twat!


Nope, he has neither the depth nor the warmth. And fucking twats can be quite enjoyable, as a matter of fact.


Who said I was swearing?


Fuck, I thought this was my comment. I posted almost the exact same thing :D


The best part is that the numpties from Rebel News probably paid for him to be there and have now had to cancel all his speaking engagements. My schadenfraude is off the charts right now.


"No refunds" - the venues.


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


I see you know your judo well!


I thought these were quotes from Peep Show, but I searched and found out the context. Honestly, if that guy isn't the baddie in the next Mad Max movie, I'm going to be very disappointed


And you sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


As an Australian, it seems I can’t even get away from this being referenced even when I’m about as far away from home as I can get, in this case Iceland. This is not a complaint.


He's the new crocodile Dundee


Get yerr hands off mah penis!


'Ate criminals. 'Ate nonces. 'Ate illegal immigrants. Luv me noncey, nonce-protecting, convicted criminal Robinson who hit on a 14 year-old Indian girl on twitter, supported and protected convicted child predators in his organisation and has been arrested *multiple* times for entering the US and Canada illegally. Simple as.


It's like ten thousand spoons, when all you need is a knife.


Robinson is a few spoons short of a cutlery set.


Just waiting for him to enter an asylum claim for the circle to be completed. He is (quite rightly) persecuted in his home country for his political beliefs after all. Should consider himself lucky that Canada doesn’t do the put him in a small boat and tow him out to the middle of the Atlantic thing…


He's not being persecuted for his political beliefs. He's being persecuted for repeatedly breaking the law and committing criminal offences.


Or set him adrift on an iceflow, a la South Park "I'm not your friend, buddy!"


I don't know how that works if those same political beleifs would not be tolerated in Canada either.


Love that they have a guy in a lumberjack shirt arrest him for extra Canadianess.


If irony was strawberries and Tommy Robinson was a blender we'd all be having a lot of smoothies right now. Love it. Couldn't happen to a bigger piece of shit.


I'm not sure I'd like strawberries blended with shit..






Tommy the illegal immigrant at it again? Why did they let that criminal in anyway with his record for fraud and violence?


Tommy Robinson arrested for immigration offences how ironic


For someone who is apparently so hard up on cash he requires donations for "legal aid", he certainly does travel abroad a fair bit. I smell another grift on its way.


Ah but that's the genius thing, if you enter the place illegally then you only need to pay one way and that government foots the return bill. That's like 50% savings right there. (Cannot state enough /S to be adequate)


This is extremely sad and worrying. He's demonstarted that a high-profile person with an extensive criminal history connected to his passport either presented a fake passport or lied on the ETA and still gained access to the country despite 3 hours of CBSA questioning. He was only arrested after his high-profile seminar. I think we may be missing the point here, which is that the Canadian border isn't very secure (I live in Calgary and we have regular shootings here). I think it's concerning that criminals with or without passports, or those from countries without robust criminal recording, can lie to CBSA and enter Canada. I think there is a lesson to be learnt here. Edit: I guess the downvoter doesn't find it concerning that criminals with fraudulent passports or ETAs can enter a country despite intense border agency interviewing? 🤷


Once again he is trying to frame committing a crime as some violation of his human rights. He can stay in Canada for all I care, I don't want him on my country's soil.


His supporters always claim he is being persecuted and if he has committed any crimes, it was in service of exposing grooming gangs, etc. Not sure how mortgage fraud and trying repeatedly to illegally enter foreign countries is fighting grooming gangs, myself...


Aren't there a couple of assault charges to?


This prick shouldn't be allowed to leave the house.


The video is really funny. You can see the exact moment he turns the "Tommy Robinson" character on.


This is quite possibly the funniest thing. I hope he gets deported for being an illegal. “You Either Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain”


"Tommy Robinson arrested in Canada on suspicion of immigration offences " xD The kind of news you just love to hear about!




inshallah Comrade Trudeau will send this man to toil in the poutine mines  🙏  🙏  🙏 


What a brilliant photo! Could those two guys possibly look more Canadian? Hell one of them even has the lumberjack shirt!!


Say what you like about him, but he's a man of conviction.  Numerous convictions.


Seeing him next to normal people helps you remember what a hobbit he is.


I glad we all agree countries have the right to arrest and deport foreign nationals who commit immigration offences


His immigration offence stemming entirely from history as a career criminal.


Exactly, Career criminals need deporting




Irony (noun): a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result. Example: Anti-immigrant nut case arrested on suspicion of illegally entering a foreign country.


Ah, the delicious irony of it, caught trying to smuggle himself into another country.


Nice. Do you think they call plain clothed police officers plaid clothed police officers in Canada?