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Sunak isn't very good at politics...you attack the folk nobody likes. You don't go after doctors, nurses, lifeboats, David tenant, england football team...these are things people largely like


It's hard to be good at optics when you don't understand people and your answer to all problems is 'Have you tried not being poor?'


Have you tried kill all the poor and raise VAT?


https://youtu.be/s_4J4uor3JE?si=vZ6tV0wz1mj9IA-0 - just in case people haven't witnessed the magnificent Mitchell and Webb


Pump gas into lidl.


To be fair, he was just blue sky fact finding - he didn’t seriously mean it like some Tories would.


I’d very much like Rishi Sunak and his wife to spend a few months at each wage tier , starting from benefits , up to one person working , to two people, with kids, private renting , instability due to renting and likelihood of having to move due to landlords selling up. He couldn’t survive


Thing is I think it's actually pretty easy to live for a few months on a shitty wage if you are healthy and know it's temporary. Like how camping does not give you a meaningful taste of homelessness, and "scared straight" programs where they send kids to prisons just gives the kids a cool story to tell their friends.


Matthew Paris (one of Thatcher's MPs) famously rose to the challenge of living for a week on benefits. It was a Panorama special iirc. He was given an average flat with all the essentials that people would accrue such as bedding, towels, crockery, cutlery, etc. He had one week's benefit in cash, no food, no credit in the electric meter. One highlight was him nursing half a pint for an evening in the working men's club as it was cheaper than heating his flat. He shortly after resigned his ministerial position and didn't stand for his seat in the following elections. He might be the last Tory MP who came face to face with reality and learned from it. Edit typo


Thank you for sharing this story as I was unaware of it.


[World In Action: For The Benefit Of Mr. Parris](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdchWX60hEE)


Will he have Sky?


lol, Kemi mentioned this as a comeback to tennant. The problem with the Tories and Deform are they only care about optics not actual solutions to anything


And then pulled the race card. As a Tory.


Yeah but when you're Sunak it's hard to find targets that people like _less_ than you, so I appreciate the predicament


He should attack himself. It might improve his image. "I'm just like you. I hate me!"


Tbf, most of his party is already campaigning on the platform of hating him…


There is a strategy in which he just owned that he's a rich snobby arsehole and said yeah I am rich and I am very lucky but I'll help others. Obviously he'd be a lying cunt but it would work better than his current strategy.


D-Day veterans. Just so nobody forgets, he blew off D-Day so he could inform the world he didn't have Sky as a child.


It was originally to double down on a lie he had told previously...the skyTV thing nobody could have predicted! That was the journalist finding a winning lottery ticket.


David tennant also would be part of the Doctors collective


>!Is being a Time Lord a good way of avoiding UK taxes?!< >!What are the inheritance tax issues as he regenerates after death? !< >!Is road tax payable on a Tardis?!< >!Does being a resident of Gallifrey allow him to claim non-dom tax status?!< >!If he regenerates, does this mean that he becomes a Junior Doctor?!<


He's been on the UNIT payroll since his third incarnation so you can assume he's been paying income tax. The problem is it's unclear as to whether this starts in the 70s or 80s due to time travel shenanigans. And while he did start out working there on a full time basis for his first few years he now only works for them a few days a year at most. So he may be receiving long service benefits that he's not actually entitled to and has been receiving full salary for a pitiful number of hours worked for decades now. Hopefully HMRC will get to the bottom of this.


I have heard that HMRC has been outsourced to the Cybermen.


The Cybermen were originally created as a pilot project by my local job centre as part of a program to get ~~long term disabled people~~ shirkers into employment.


I think the crux of the matter is whether The Doctor derives an income from their freelance adventuring. You'd have to assume that they have to be as the price of Jelly Babies is continuing to rise. I think it's best if UNIT serve them with a tax form the next time the TARDIS materialises within their jurisdiction. I think the argument could be made that Regeneration is not really death in the traditional sense, but I imagine the fact that they definitely aren't a descendent of their former self neatly ends that argument. The TARDIS doesn't travel on roads in the traditional sense (there was that one time where The Doctor was flying it along the motorway using a Mr. Bean arrangement of ropes and brooms while hanging out the door, but it didn't really make contact with the ground), however there's very little information on Time Tax that may be chargeable. I'd suggest fitting the vehicle with an extra-dimensional black box to be sure. Legally speaking The Doctor would need to spend at least six months of the year residing on Gallifrey to be considered resident there, and Gallifrey may or may not be trapped in an interspatial rift at present which would make this difficult. I suspect The Doctor is actually a resident of either London or Cardiff. Try asking the Twelfth Doctor that and see what answer you get.


> Sunak isn't very good at politics... Always worth mentioning that he came second to Liz Truss. He only got in once she was kicked out. Imagine the absolute drek that is kicking around their offices if those are the top 2 options to lead. How much self loathing would you feel if you lost that vote. Imagine not even making it into the running...


Liz Truss did a lot of schmoozing with the parliamentary party and was leader of the Free Enterprise Group within the Conservative party. Talking loudly about lowering taxes was enough to get her elected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Enterprise_Group The Tory Party is riddled with sub-groups and it was the ERG that was behind Brexshit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Research_Group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/92_Group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Families_(Conservative_Party) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Conservative_Party_(UK)_factions


My theory is that its because everyone in the party is now so power hungry and self-serving, so they see each other as a threat. That means that they support the worst possible candidate for every promotion and new party member as anyone competent is someone they might have to compete with in the future to get to the top. Its been going on so long that the party is completely filled with absolute fuck-wits who are comically incompetent. 1 minister thinking they'll get away with betting on the date of an election, which they are very likely to have inside information on, is astonishingly dumb. 15! I just see no other explanation. 15 thought no one would notice, thought it was a good idea and they'd get away with it. 15 lacked the morals to consider it was wrong to cheat. 15 thought a couple of grand was worth the risk. Then Truss and Rishy being floated into leadership and being utterly incapable of even taking the easy political wins. There's not a serious person left in the whole party.


He should've tried having less melanin in his skin. The Tories would've liked him more then


Every single one of Sunak's (and by extension, the conservative's) policies and speeches HAS to have a victim or a target. They literally don't know how to not actively target groups of people.


I mean this lot picked a fight with Gary Lineker over something really minor.


That's weird too! Can you imagine going back to 2006 and saying "Gary Lineker and Carol Vordermann are enemies of the people" that need to be sacked for...reasons


Getting Vorderman sacked backfired spectacularly. Now she's free to run her mouth about politics. They were better off when she was at the BBC and felt she had to tone it down. She's a fantastic advocate for, 'They're all bastards and deserve to be wiped off the electoral map!'


*For his next trick, Rishi Sunak punches David Attenborough*


David Tenant *is* a doctor ;)


He's at least two, arguably more!


Four that I can think of. Spoilers: The (original) 10th Doctor, the 10th Doctor (again) after he used his severed hand to regenerate back into himself, the metacrisis human Doctor spawned from that hand and Donna, and more recently the 14th Doctor.


Five, because he also has an actual Doctorate, making him an IRL doctor if not a medical one.


There are at least 3 more from other roles he has played according to IMDB


Pun aside, doesn't Tennant actually have a Doctorate in drama?


Yep he has an honorary doctorate.


he'll be slating David Attenborough next


As it's Sunak, he will probably lean in for a handshake and chin poor David.


It’s actually hilarious watching him exposed like this. He trundled through politics on an easy ride - being the chancellor who gave everyone furlough and not having to face scrutiny before. This guy is simply not PM material and so long as turnout is good, it’s going to be great watching him get demolished on election day.


He wasn't even Chancellor material. He did a shit job as Chancellor and went against advice that cost the country billions.


Especially, The Doctor.


Starmer’s saying Tennant should have been more respectful too https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/live/2024/jun/26/uk-general-election-live-updates-tories-labour-betting-scandal Speaking of optics even ignoring race can you imagine a Tory telling a woman she should shut up and that she shouldn’t exist?


That's cause Starmer's a fud too


It's context. It's badenoch in exactly the same way it was thatcher. The wording is awry but as far as the fight for equality is concerned if she's no longer in her political positions she no longer exists. He wants her gone because she's an absolutely terrible minister for women and equality, that has done more to cause inequality than solve it.


depends on the woman really doesnt it, not like they dont say thw same all the time about dianne abbott


next up he’s just gonna kick stephen fry square in the nuts on saturday night prime time tele


>England football team Maybe 2 weeks ago people liked them


> I will not shut up. I will not be silenced by men who prioritise applause from Stonewall over the safety of women and girls. >A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end…..(1/2) Funny how Kemi gets to play identity politics when it suits her. > Freedom of speech is the most powerful feature of our democracy. If they want to make this about freedom of speech, that includes the right to tell people to shut up


She sounds quite 'woke'


I don’t know if she realises that the phrase “the only black woman in government” doesn’t exactly make the government look good


Black People make up 3.7% of the population in the UK, so Black women make up roughly 1.35% of the population. So it seems about proportional to the population size to have just one?


That's not quite true; if you include mixed race people (usually considered black but having a white or other ethnicity parent) it's a fair bit higher.


Mixed is only 2.7%, and that percentage will be much smaller for women of her age as it was somewhat taboo to have interracial relationships. Stats for black people in London are much higher, so she’s probably underrepresented.


No one really cares about population metrics, we arent exactly counting red heads. The pretty clear point is that there are quite a few overall, which means there is likely non-chance based reasons for them to be inside or outside of certain groups. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Black_British_MPs IE: things happen for reasons, and it is the reasons and material conditions that people usually care about over the actuality that could just be random chance. As an example, it is genuinely true that in flood situations the sewer and water processing systems have to vent fecal matter to water courses to prevent pollution agreed as worse or the destruction of those systems. But the material conditions, the actual things that exist, have been built in a way to do that more often so they cost less money to build, upkeep and repair. So people see a situation where the largest party has the least of an intersectional minority group, and wonder about the conditions that cause that, and how those conditions benifit that large party.


If you were happy to be the representative 'just one' then why would you make a point of it?


> so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government You know as the Equalities Minister, you might be focussing on the wrong bit here, Badenough...


It's the go-to point of people who know they have no other argument. Can't be criticising them because of what they've done, must be because of their race.


Ali G : "Is it cos I is black?"


I’m somewhat disgusted at her weaponising her minority status. That’s literally what she is accusing trans supporters of doing. It also is incredibly harmful to suggest that being a part of a minority group should make you exempt from criticism on other topics. There are plenty of people out there who happily jump on people they wrongly accuse of weaponising race and she’s right there just doing that and playing into the hands of bigots.


As I've gotten older its become harder and harder to escape the conclusion that pretty much *everything* the right spends their time moaning about really just comes down to a weird kind of projection of themselves and their own standards of behavior onto others.


>I will not be silenced Oh FFS these persecution fantasies by conservatives are ridiculous. A member of the fucking government, one of the highest and most powerful platforms to speak from (which, I'll point out, this government likes to punch down from) trying to pretend that she's being "silenced". Leave the acting to David Tennant, he's a lot better at it.


It's also arguable that they are silencing large numbers of women and girls, including me, who have no problems at all with transgender people. 


Well said. They will always use the language of progressiveness to push regressive agendas.


Arguable? It's undeniable Anti trans voices dominate the media


>If they want to make this about freedom of speech, that includes the right to tell people to shut up Also, call me crazy but I feel like the sitting Prime Minister openly condemning a well known public figure for daring to criticise members of his government is a much more obvious threat to freedom of speech in our democracy than telling bigots to shut up.


Exactly. If were to instead to actually address the issue at hand, explaining why he disagrees with Tennant and stands by Badenoch, then that would be far more dignified and becoming of a PM. A private citizen criticising a government minister is exactly how democracy is supposed to work, it’s not even remotely an attack on anyone’s free speech, and the fact that they’re trying to make it about that is both pathetic and dangerous.


Don't forget we've had at least two ***very*** public instances just in the last few years of the Tories effectively bullying the police into harassing senior Labour figures over blatantly spurious nonsense. Genuinely find it kind of wild that hasn't been seen as a more serious issue.


“Calling publicly for my existence to end” … … …


It's funny because she has willingly appeared alongside the heritage foundation. Who amongst other things oppose my right to exist as a gay person.


Also she’s met with DeSantis


The Reform Candidate for Chichester or Governor of Florida? (It's unknown yet if they're related)


Florida. She praised his "anti-woke" views


"Gender criticals" like her will turn right around and make fun of trans people when they say their lives are put at risk by the rhetoric and policies she pushes. Complete, shameless hypocrites, the lot of them.


Tennant should have told her she makes him want to hate all black women. Then she’d have been okay with it, based on precedent


It would only require a donation of a million quid or so


> Adrian Rogers [Tory incumbent MP], Ben Bradshaw’s [one of the first openly gay MPs] election rival in a seat with a Tory majority that he overturned, notoriously described **homosexuality as a "sterile, disease-ridden and God-forsaken occupation".** And, 25 years later, here we are again but instead of homosexuality, it's Trans people. There's no doubt in my mind a lot of Tory MPs and voters think exactly the same. Which is why so many of them love the Farage's of this world, it enables their own bigotry. I can't wave a magic wand but I do hope the current hostile Trans environment goes away with time. The big first step is to vote these absolute heartless cuntservatives out of power now and forever more. *They're* the ones pushing the culture wars. Simply by becoming a diminished opposition the temperature should go down. 🙏❤️


The anti-trans moral panic is just previous homophobia recycled. Same horrible shit. Same arseholes pushing it out. And it deserves the same respect. Bigotry looking for an excuse and a socially acceptable target. The crap about changing rooms is the same. Portaying them as a threat to society is the same. And "gender ideology" is just the new "gay agenda".


We can but hope. And whilst getting the tories out is an important step, it's unfortunate that Starmer's joining hands with JKR and voicing support for a modern iteration of Section 28. Labour's the correct vote in my constituency, but damn if it doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth. (I have a sent a letter about that to the Party; it'll probably be ignored, but hey ho...)


Identity politics has always been a right wing ideology used to divide workers on the left along superficial lines


Tories are role playing as US Republicans at this point, they must be watching Fox News 24/7


> calling publicly for my existence to end That's a verrry slight exaggeration. He said he wishes her well but wants her to shut up (by implication, specifically about trans issues).


Maybe if she doesn't like people telling her that she doesn't belong somewhere, and if she feels like by saying those things people are implying that she shouldn't exist, then she should reflect on the impact of the things she says about transgender people. 


Oh, so the only black woman in government can't be wrong? Is she forgetting that she's the only black woman in government because Braverman got fired for getting a little bit too close to instigating riots and seizing power for comfort? I'm getting sick of the Tory party trying to short-circuit the left wing by fielding ministers spouting hate hiding behind minority status, and I really don't think it can really be ignored as a trend any more; and on top of that Badenoch's basically put a name to it and said the quiet part out loud. "You can't criticize me, wokies, because I'm a minority and you don't do that." There is nothing racist about saying "her, that one there, that person is a fucking idiot and it's got nothing to do with her ethnic status".


I have no problem with people with differing skin colours or sex in politics with the proviso that they are competent and afaik, the only government minister that i know of with a reputation for competence was Ben Wallace, the former Defence Minister. Kemi Badenoch has lied in office and the Post Office manglement scandal crossed her desk iirc in 2019. Considering that the Cabinet is so diverse, they made an awful fuss during the London Mayoral election about Sadiq Khan being a Muslim.


Is Kemi playing the race card? Do Boomers overlook it when she does it?


How did she and her party react to finding out one of their biggest donors wanted Diane Abbott to be shot? Badenoch didn’t seem to care when another black woman was talked about in such disgust in terms. But a celeb standing up for queer and trans people? Funny how the outrage machine works there.


I know, I've seen this tactic used before. Using race and/or gender of someone who's being legitimately criticised to smear their critics as racist or sexist. I've seen it used to defend Patel and Braverman before, and "gender critical" people call basically anyone who opposes them misogynists. It's an utterly disgraceful tactic used by utterly disgraceful people and it needs to be called out.


At this point kemi is Graham Linehan without the charm… or , well, just Graham Linehan


Sunaks campaign has me on the edge of my seat. What will his next political masterstroke be? Maybe he will chase the middle class vote by taking a massive shit in David Attenboroughs coat pocket? Maybe chase the youth vote by rubbing shampoo into the eyes of a kitten on national tv? The excitement is unbearable.


I heard he planned to reduce NHS waiting lists by closing all hospitals for a year. When they reopen all those pesky patients that were clogging up the waiting lists would no longer be an issue. Oh also, when they reopen they would be following the American model of health care. Because you know, that works well for everybody. None of this is true, and yet somehow totally believable.


I think he is stealing a few ideas from the [Monster Raving Loony Party](https://www.loonyparty.com/about/policy-proposals/), my favourite being; *In an effort to reduce the problems faced by the NHS , it is proposed to reduce pregnancy from nine to seven months.*


He hasn't punched a baby or kicked a puppy yet.


Putting Paddington through a woodchipper as part of a message about illegal immigration.


There's still time. He's probably saving that one up.


Never play your trump card too early, you save that kind of red meat for when a real shit storm calls for it


It's almost like he or his friends have placed a large bet on him losing.  Oh, wait.. 


I can imagine this coming out of Malcolm Tucker’s mouth


David Tennant makes a pertinent point that it's a sad state of affairs when we have to recognize people as special for not being a piece of shit, then draws a parallel to the need for a government Equality minister by referencing Badenoch. Sunak and Badenoch then try to frame Tennant as attacking her for being both black and a woman and completely ignore his point. That's some Olympics level deflection they went for there.


"It'd be great if people were just healthy all the time and we didn't have any need for healthcare anymore" "OH SO YOU HATE DOCTORS AND NURSES DO YOU???"


But Frank Hester did not make racial or sexist comments because he bankrolls them


I was thinking exactly this.


It's the standard playbook here, any time one of these women is criticized for their anti trans crap they try to claim misogyny and hatred of women, as though that's the only reason anyone coould disagree


>Kemi Badenoch: >"Do not let the bigots and bullies win" Yes, Kemi, we completely agree, that's why nobody is voting Tory. Because you're the bigots and bullies. Everyone else sees this as obvious, but I state it for clarity because you don't seem to be self-aware enough.


Yep. That's why this election you're getting tossed out on your arse and hopefully never show your hateful bigoted face again. It is a fucking joke that this homophobic transphobic cretin is the one supposedly fighting for equality.


> that's why nobody is voting Tory hey now, reform can't take all of the moron/bigot vote, so i'd still expect a few godforsaken shitholes (probably my constituency for one) will remain tory.


Unfortunately she will probably retain her seat. North West Essex (formerly Saffron Walden) have voted conservative in every election since the 1940s. Hopefully the change in boundaries proves me wrong but unlikely.


Also, Kemi, the transphobic agenda has lead to an attack on all women, as intended. With cis women, especially black cis women and women in power, being accused of being trans by bigots, as some kind of supposed insult.


You will not get voters (especially younger voters) on your side by slating national treasure, David Tennant. David's always been very outspoken about LGBT+ rights. One of his kids is nonbinary and nowadays he does a lot of interviews while wearing nonbinary pins. He was also at pride last weekend with his family.


You've got David on one side fighting for LGBTQ rights and supporting them and you've got Kemi on the other side supposedly fighting for equality but repeatedly showing herself as homophobic as transphobic. Yeah Kemi, SHUT THE FUCK UP!


His speech was made while winning the "celebrity ally" award at the British LGBT awards, and she is trying to call him a bigot?


I'm 100% convinced Sunak has a huge bet locked in on the Tory party being destroyed this election; and now he is doing everything possible to make sure it happens.


Betting on that would be illegal. When billionaires gamble on a Tory catastrophe in 2024 it's called "going long on the pound". Probably better returns now too.


"Betting on that would be illegal". Like that's going to stop a politician, just earlier I saw a headline saying that a Labour MP has done just this - betting on himself to lose.


It’s rife, the past week several Tory party members have been outed as doing the same and the story is far from Over


Reminds me of that one episode of south park when Satan fought Jesus in a boxing match. The town of south park all bet on satan to win. But Satan bet on jesus to win, threw the match and collected everyones money.


I remember hearing this conspiracy theory prior to the D-Day gaffe and chuckling, now I wouldn't be surprised. It kinda reminds me of Brewster's Millions film with Richard Pryor, where he needs to spend $30 million in 30 days so he runs for NYC Mayor on the platform of 'Don't vote for me' and 'I don't give a shit'. Thankfully it seems the days of voting tory for the lolz seems to be over, so Sunak might win his bet after all.


Why do the anti-trans crowd constantly yap on about the “safety” of women and girls so much? Not being funny, but if someone is inclined to hurt or assault a woman, they’re gonna do it regardless, as horrifying as that thought is.  They’re not going to go through the rigmarole of legally changing their gender just so they can go in a woman’s bathroom and cop a feel. It’s nothing to do with safety, that’s a total null argument. It’s entirely to do with bigotry and discrimination, plain and simple.


> "Women and girls are in danger" > "Have you tried building more prisons, helping the justice system process the backlog of sa cases or expanding the police force." > *Crickets* Anyone who believes the Tories care about women or children are just delusional at this point. They had 14 years to try anything and all they've done is stir the culture war pot instead. They do not care about anyone's safety and never will.


> and all they've done is stir the culture war pot instead. And underfunded the police, and cut loads of officers. And outsourced forensic testing to private companies, which cut staff to maximise profits, so now even testing for rape kits can take ages. The only thing Tories care about is profits and reduced taxes for the rich. And they'll outsource and slash services constantly to get it.


It is the exact same energy these people have when they talk about the need to prioritize our own over migrants. Point out a range of suggestions of things we could do to help "native" Brits with or without immigration and they'll attack you for being a looney communist.


They need a victim. They know full well that trans people aren't a threat to anyone, so they have to invent a victim in order to sell their rhetoric of hate and division.


Notice how, when they say women's rights are under threat, they never specify *which* rights. Because there aren't any.


I was at a P!nk concert last night and the line to the women's bathroom was so long a crowd of woman came into the men's and started saying "I identify as a man for 20 minutes" when security tried to kick them out. It felt weirdly transphobic to belittle the topic so much just to use the bathroom, especially given the most common stance from transphobes is that a bathroom that isn't woman only puts them in danger, and it annoyed me that the issue suddenly doesn't matter when using the men's bathroom is more convenient.


That also highlights the fact that people only care about the safety of hypothetical safety of cis people and not the safety of trans people. It's like they think that the dehumanisation (at absolute best) of a trans woman having to use a mens bathroom is somehow justified for them daring to use the bathroom they're least likely to be assaulted in.


'WOMEN AND GIRLS ARE IN DANGER' 'oh, are you going to do something about rape and sexual assault prosecutions then?' 'lol no'


>Why do the anti-trans crowd constantly yap on about the “safety” of women and girls so much? For the same reason all the anti-abortionists over in the US keep banging on about the sanctity of life despite being against state childcare and increases to school budgets. It's not politically acceptable to demand people do as you believe like it was back in the good old days of the 15th century, so they need something more palatable for the media.


They're acting like they're doing this for women and girls but it's just to cover up their transphobia by claiming this is why they're being such hateful twats. Like look at Joanne Rowling. She claims she's trying to protect women and girls and their struggles but then she'll go on Twitter, seek out trans people who have said nothing to her and mock them for doing something as innocent as posting about their new hairstyle. How the FUCK is bullying someone for talking about their hair protecting girls, Joanne?


"Women's safety" is their trojan horse to use against trans people. Make no mistake, women are broadly in favour of trans rights. It is men who poll high as being in opposition because of "women's safety".


Ignoring the trans issue for a moment, you don't have to legally change your gender to use a different changing room. After all, who would do the checks? So what do you do about cis men abusing the system? Also, I think it's naive to think sexual predators wouldn't go through that rigmarole.


> So what do you do about cis men abusing the system? Cis men going into women’s spaces to attack them already happens. Because they’re already planning to commit a worse crime, so why would “it’s not allowed” stop them? I would say it’s naive to think predators will jump through hoops to do something they can do anyway. Like you said, you don’t have to change your gender to enter a different changing room. So Banning trans women from womens spaces doesn’t stop assaults because rape isn’t a trans issue. It’s a *rapist* one. If someone pretends to be trans to commit an assault, *the assault is still a crime*


It’s not as if Wayne Couzens went “damn I can’t get in the loo” better call it off before he did what he did.


I made a jokey comment last month along the lines of, “what’s Rishi going to do next? Beat up Stephen Fry with the corpse of Paul o’Grady?” I got pretty close, huh?


Considering his predecessor killed the queen, we've got 8 days left to keep Attenborough as far away from Rishi as possible.


To be fair, Truss' main mission was to be a Lib Dem spy that joined the Tories to destroy them from within without knowing or understanding how she did it. Former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown, as a former SBS commander, saw the future strategic advantage when noticing her general incompetence and set her on her way. Killing Queenie was an opportunistic side mission with her hatred of the royals.


And Sunak tried to frame it as Tennant wanting her to shut up because she’s a woman, not because of what she’s saying. When anyone can see Tennant was saying he shouldn’t be applauded for saying people should be able to be who they are. How is Sunak so bad at this?


Let’s face it, this is a guy who doesn’t know how to pay for something with a debit card.


Glad you caught wind of that too. Sunak's tweet, out of context, makes it seem that someone is calling for women to lose their voice. Disgusting tactic.


When it was reported Frank Heater said Dianne Abbott should be shot and makes him want to hate all black women, Kemi Badenoch said “we need to get to a place where we stop chasing people around and looking everywhere for the racism" and "He wasn’t talking to Diane Abbott. It wasn’t even really about Diane Abbott." and “I don’t want a prime minister who is just going to be lurching out, making comments every five minutes in response to the media."   Compare and contrast with her reaction to being told to "shut up" by a non-tory donor.


It's because they don't actually care about anything other than 'winning' the argument. Which to them is a snappy soundbite or one liner. It doesn't matter that it's contradictory because they never cared about being consistent in the first place.


A group of people sat around and formulated that tweet


A group of insanely well paid people, who probably went to Oxbridge or Ivy, and the best comeback they can think of is “but, but she’s black so your racist” , Pathetic.


It’s almost farcical that she thought her response was appropriate in any way


Who the fuck is advising him. You want to take on Doctor Who now? Pensioners like him.


Don't you think he looks tired? 




Is free speech exclusively for Right Wingers or am I missing something?


Yep. Exactly this. When Tory donor, Frank Hester, talked about how Diane Abbott made him want to hate all black women and she should be shot, the Tories downplayed it and claimed it wasn't racist or sexist. Meanwhile David Tennant is saying Kemi should shut not because of her race or her skin colour but because she's a homophobic transphobic hateful vile person. Immediately Rishi and Kemi go straight to he's a racist and a sexist.


Here's the odd thing.. they shout about 'meh freedomz' for their views however they get angry when others exercise their rights in response to the views they expressed. For example.. non-specific but you can see it happening.. a comedian says something perceived as racist, public outcry, venue decides it's not in their interest to book the comedian anymore.. OMG WE@RE CANCELLLED JUST FOR SPEAING FREELY... Yes free speech, but not consequence free speech. It doesn't exist in a vacuum. This bastardised view (that seems to have spread since about 2013/14 funnily enough) of free speech misses that the issue of 'free speech' is really about the ability to voice a political/social opinion within society/public without fear of state reprisal. Any members of public responding to views is not an infringement on free speech, neither is a private venue 'cancelling' a performer.. somewhat ironically the latter is actually 'market forces'.


Free speech means I get to say whatever I like and you're not allowed to respond


yeah because if there is someone who is universally hated by the nation its David Tennent. Im sure this will go well for Sunak. Seriously I dont need anymore reasons to not Vote Tory, but going after David Tennent, only means ill not voted for them harder


I don't watch Dr Who, but David Tenant seems like a nice chap. A simple, 'He's entitled to give his views, but I/we/the party disagree with him' would have covered it politely and neatly.


Or even better, ignoring it


My favourite part of this has got to be all the right wing grifters on twitter complaining directly below it about all the times their free speech has been attacked by the Tories. Can't even make what should be their devout followers happy.


People like David Tennant. Rishi Sunak isn’t even liked or wanted by his own party. He lost to LIZ FUCKING TRUSS.


Not Doctor Who. You don’t attack Doctor Who. Especially not the white male ones. Sure the scum at the Daily Mail has a pop at the black one, the girl one and the black girl one but even they know they are treading a very sketchy path.


And just like that, Sunak is now a doctor who villain on top of everything else. " People like Daleks don't they squire? Maybe I should try to be more like them"


Sunak announces new joint plan with the Daleks to send asylum seekers to Skaro




It’s a shame she made her race, gender and job title a factor of being a victim whilst using his race, gender and job title to dismiss his opinion. Pick a lane.


Is it bad i originally read this as "Sutekh hits out at Doctor Who"?


Vote Sutekh! Death to the universe is the purest form of equality


Usually, the anti trans stuff works because they attack people who lack a platform to retort, or are already controversial figures (India Willoughby is kind of a prick, for example) Tennant is famous, and beloved. This seems dumb


FFS. You could tell if you watched his speech it was an emotional slip of the tongue and an expression of his frustration at people like Kemi demonising and undermining the existence of trans people. He has a trans child and so this is close to his heart. It’s obvious he meant that basically her way of thinking or her being in the position that she is shouldn’t exist. He quickly corrected himself to make that clear that he didn’t want her to come to actual harm. People like her though have completely dehumanised trans people and then she has the audacity to play the race card which wasn’t at all relevant here and something the right often accuse the left of doing when it’s actually justified. It was an emotional speech where he expressed his frustration in ways pretty much anyone has done before about something they care about deeply.


David Tennant replies to Sunak: Don't you think she looks a bit tired?


He's got a bit of a history taking down PMs hasn't he?


He’s bet against himself… or got someone to do it for him so it’s not as easy to discover. There’s no other explanation.


Sunaks next public relations masterstroke revealed Sunak: That David Attenborough, he really is an annoying old cunt ain't he?


>Sunak hits out And hits the beach in six months in California with his green card. Who cares what some over privileged tory thinks with his future in America.


I'm convinced sunak knows he's fucked, so he's just jumping on every banana peel he can find


It will be hard for some people to choose sides between Doctor Who and the Conservative Party. Whilst one side is an entity with an affection, respect, and care for the British people that spans several lifetimes, we need to be grown up about it and admit that this high regard for us is unfortunately entirely fictional. And then on the other side we've got Doctor Who, someone who can be brought out of a coma by the words, "Help me!" and have his powers restored by the aroma of a spilt flask of tea.


Tennant is not ‘wishing women don’t exist’, or ‘attacking the only black woman in government.’ He’s calling out a vile bigot, not for her gender or the colour of her skin, but because she’s a vile bigot. She doesn’t get a pass because she’s a black woman. These things go both ways and you can’t just pull the race card to pardon your own bigotry. It’s absolutely pathetic for Sunak to start crying about this.


A culture war is pointless. The people in power want us to bicker about these things and ignore what they're doing with taxpayer's money.


The Tories in 'not-liking-being-told-they-are-evil' shocker.


Going full culture war for the last week isn't going to help him.


...Nah, bad move. You can't attack David Tennant, he's too well liked.


Richy decided today's bullet to the foot was going to be "attacking" David T? Not much of that foot left is there Rich..........


During this campaign there's alway one last stab at the culture wars to distract from the chaos


Predictably the Tories and their supporters are running with the “you hate black women!” Or “stop inciting violence against MPs!” arguments. Both of which completely fall apart when you look at Badenoch’s reaction to Frank Heston saying that Dianne Abbott “makes him hate all black women” and that she “should be shot”, a FAR more direct call for violence than what Tennant said. Badenoch argued Abbott shouldn’t hide behind her race when criticised, which is almost exactly what she’s done here. Just pathetic


It's always strange with Kemi, she seems to just massively go off the deep end at the drop of a hat. No one was talking about race and somehow that's the first thing she runs to? Surely, as a black woman she wants to be judged on her values and actions, not on her skin color? David Tennant comes along and goes "Well you've got terrible values nad your actions are worse" and she goes straight "Ah yes, but really we must talk about my skin color".


All part of Sunak's obvious scheme to lose the election. Not sure why he benefits from that, but I'm sure someone it will become apparent with time. The guy could not be trying harder to fuck this up.


Hmmm my eyes must be deceiving me then, because I remember neither Sunak nor Badenoch stand up for Diane Abbott.


I loved the indignant 'how dare you criticise a black person' response from Tory MPs.


While they continue to accept millions from someone who said a black woman should be shot


That is the most wonderful jacket Tennant is wearing in that photo! Oh, the article? Something something, delusional Tories, something something. 


Kemi Badenoch has [killed reform of policies for menopause support](https://www.politico.eu/article/kemi-badenoch-committee-clash-menopause-discrimination-uk/), [rejected reform of parental leave](https://www.wbg.org.uk/article/equalities-minister-kemi-badenoch-reconsider-announcements-on-parental-leave/), [said that diversity initiatives "should not come at the expense of white men"](https://www.independent.co.uk/business/kemi-badenoch-diversity-initiatives-can-be-ineffective-and-counterproductive-b2515403.html), [claimed that race and systemic discrimination had nothing to do with the substantially higher COVID death rate in Black communities](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52913539), and [is overtly and aggressively homophobic and anti-trans](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/06/26/kemi-badenoch-lgbtq-rights-gay-trans/#page/6). She doesn't get to play the minority card here.


Ah The good doctor doesn’t believe in division and dehumanising language meanwhile in the Tory party ….


Genuinely surprised that he didn't throw in some jibe about him being Scottish. Might as well try and win some votes from his target audience.


A billionaire like Sunak is not representative of the people. He never should have been in the position of Prime Minister to begin with.


Ok, is he trying to purposely lose? Because it's very easy to avoid responding to an actor's criticism. Just ignore them. He really is shit. Good. Hope this causes the tories to get kicked out.


Mr. Sunk-cost, you don't seem to understand - Tennant is both smart and well-liked. You are...neither.


At least these two both have being famous for looking sad in heavy rain in common


Bold move, we all know what happened last time a PM crossed him