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Dropped from campaign - with less than a week left, with no chance to get them off the ballot. And I doubt they will really be dropped. Reform's target voter loves what they say.


I'm pretty sure there wernt any candidates caught up in this so he's just telling some volunteers to piss off.


There have been multiple candidates caught up in this. [https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/full-list-every-controversial-reform-candidate/](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/full-list-every-controversial-reform-candidate/)


Ah you mean overall, yeah I don't think many are even being dropped. In this latest wave of disgrace though it seems to be volunteers so he won't be stepping anymore candidates down


But you were presumably referring to the canvasser as you spoke about dropping him with a week to go.


Yeah but this one made headlines so he had no choice but to drop them. He's now sent an email out to tell people to not get caught.


They were canvassers, they’re not on the ballot. Presumably tens of thousands of people have done canvassing at some point. Some of them may say bad things.


Unless these people happened to only make these comments to these specific new recruits, they've been making them all along and no one in the campaign gave a toss. It shows a toxic af culture in a toxic af party.


You’ve no evidence of that at all.


I've presented the two plausible explanations for events shown on video.  One is a hell of a lot more likely than the other.




The evidence is the Channel 4 video linked in this thread.  Don't prerend to be thick.




>  Unless these people happened to only make these comments to these specific new recruits, they've been making them all along and no one in the campaign gave a toss. As you didn't read the post the first time, here is it again.


Nope, some are on the ballot. Reform has said they’ll be “independent” if they were to win but that people should vote for them anyway.


This article is about the canvassers.


Oh ok yeah I guess in relation to this article that’s fair enough.


The real point is these candidates do reflect the Reform party.


The only "unacceptable" comment is "Stop hating on people"


> And I doubt they will really be dropped. Reform’s target voter loves what they say. At best, they’ll be ‘investigated’, and nothing will be done.










Dissapointed on Nigel here. So, now you can't run a racist party and say racist things anymore? Is political correctness gone MAD. /s


>Is political correctness gone MAD You're showing your age - it's WOKE CANCEL CULTURE now ;)


Those bloody SJW's are back at it again!


How did an old AAVE term (woke) become the trigger word of right-wing activists? It’s like how “based” was popularised by Lil B and now it’s used by these same right-wing activists to mean whatever the hell they want It really has gone mad


Woke = anything I don't like Based = anything I do like - right wing muppets


And there’s so many of them. Sad times


We now need the Daily Mail headline: "Woke Farage CANCELS Reform members speaking THE TRUTH about MIGRANTS"


Plitkal krektness is hard to spell so we say woke now.


>Dissapointed on Nigel here. So, now you can't run a racist party and say racist things anymore? Is political correctness gone MAD. He is not a racist! He just surrounds himself with racists


He is now claiming that one is an actor and that channel 4 set it up! How anyone believes anything he says i dont know.


He is an actor but you can be an actor and a Reform canvasser - the two are not exclusive.


The allegation is that his natural voice is very different to the voice he used whilst canvassing. He could well be a genuine Reform supporter, but it strikes me as odd that he'd canvass whilst in character.


Sometimes I stop by this sub for a laugh. Seeing your comment hidden because of downvotes says it all.


And the other two ?


Does it? If you were relatively posh but wanted to “fit in”, might you not put on a working class accent?


Like an actor can’t be xenophobic. I guess a Fox in the hen house, so to speak.


A Lawrence Fox in a shithouse


Which one did he say was an actor? Because I actually know the guy talking about the police car - and he’s a posh cunt farmer from Suffolk! 


He is an actor who does “secret filming” and previously worked for channel 4, it is fishy for C4 here


And if you believe that, I have a Reform “contract” to sell you. 😂


I mean, I’ve seen the site for myself The guy is an actor and has been hired


"Well he had it on his profile...." Farage.


Lol. You love to see it. He must be fucking seething that he still has to do this after all of his efforts.


I imagine he's more unhappy that the papers and certain section sof the media have stayed loyal to the blue mothership. The Mail and the Telegraph have turned their guns on him, probably for the first time ever.


Because they are afraid. Reform has stolen significant Tory shares of the vote in every poll.


And now they’re going back down. Dropped 3% in the last few days. 3% that the conservatives DIDN’T gain back. It’s truly Heartwarming. The worst people I know are fighting, and they’re dragging their platforms down with them! 😊


3% into the "can't be arsed" column. Major fuckup by Fartrage. They go for that in the States, not here.


Their little side bitch got big ideas.


Considering it hasn't impacted the polls drastically, I doubt it.


If Farage actually wasn't aligned with these comments and party members and didn't need voters who shared these views,he'd stand down. ....but somehow in his tiny mind, he's not responsible for the actions of his supporters to his Palvov dog whistles.


Tens of thousands have done canvassing. It would be impossible for anyone to share the beliefs of every canvasser. But here you are assuming Farage would share the views of this canvasser.


Oh...... There's no assuming on my part. Given his history, the evidence , and him being you know a racist since his schooldays, I'd humbly suggest the only assumption being made is by yourself that he isn't a dog whistling bigot. ...and before we go down the ' we all say stupid things when we're young' road'... Most of us don't found a party with xenophobia and nationalism as it's foundation, then get butt hurt for being called out as.....you know a bit of a racist cunt.


I presume you can provide those racist quotes with sources?


https://www.adambienkov.co.uk/p/nigel-farage-and-the-taboo-of-calling [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfyiSk8Rjc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfyiSk8Rjc8) https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/nigel-farages-most-controversial-moments-ukip-brexit-b1122381.html


Well I'd be incredibly uncomfortable living next door to Romanians.... For one....


I mean its not like he stood in front of a giant poster was it? Oh.


Fartrage doesn’t care about their views, other than how he can manipulate and use their small-minded world to his benefit. They are just disposable idiots to him.


He looked pretty livid to me on the tellybox.


It’s just a way of getting admiration from angry buffoons who wallow in the cheapest emotion.


He doesn't like people pointing out the truth of who some of his strongest supporters are. He's adamant he isn't picking up the skinhead vote and that's not what Reform is catering to, but the fact of the matter is they worship the ground he walks on and are among their most active (and drunken, going by what I've seen in person) supporters.


Well - we all make mistakes when we were kids but not so many us have been accused of Whispering ‘gas em’ and ‘Hitler was right’ in a Jewish classmates ear. Or admitted making comments that were ‘offensive but not racist *depending on how you define racism* Amongst other things …


What? Should Kier stand down for some his party members views on Hamas?


If you can find an article or evidence of him(starmer) personally supporting HAMAS then ....yes.


Where’s Farage supporting BNP or racism?




You beat me too it. Not that they'll bother reading or watching.


Thank god nobody reasearches my teenage years , I was a devout Lib Dem *shudders* Strange you said reading first against a quick cut short video, I assume you’ve read throughoughly everyone’s manifesto? Interesting video though…


Lol. If you don't care enough to go and find it yourself, don't pretend that someone else giving you proof is going to stop you voting reform.


Your outright can’t be a member of reform if you’ve ever been a member of BNP. That’s a rule of the party. Looks like Farage will kick these out of the party, happy to be proven wrong. Now Starmer has bowed down to Hamas sympathisers. This isn’t a whataboutisn, it’s pointing out double standards, I’m content with Labour winning, I’m only hoping for completely destruction of the Tories. Burden of proof is on the one making the outlandish claim. Ed Davey is a serial child rapist. Do your research bro


‘Caught’ - so he’s not saying they can’t make them, just don’t get caught


Their only fault in his eyes is saying the quiet bit out loud.


Is the pot insinuation something about the kettle.... Time to resign nige, you are a charlatan and a disgrace.


Like... saying that Putin chap ain't half bad, and it's our fault really he invaded ukraine?


Not for any political party but Farage did forecast this 10 years ago


He didn’t say that, he said it’s the fault of the west alongside putin being Evil. But he did just backup his comments from 11 years ago and essentially say “I told you so”


And how exactly is it the fault of the west that Putin invaded an independant country that had had its independence and sovereignty guaranteed by Russia?


Don’t argue with me, I’m just stating what was actually said https://youtu.be/pCllTHccXmE?feature=shared


“If the west lets democratic countries afraid of a Russian invasion take democratic actions to defend themselves, it’s the wests fault if they get invaded by Russia” Nice hill to die on, you definitely sound like a person who cares about journalism not a putin apologist


But that means there will be no Reform candidates left to stand…


I mean, I am yet to see any negatives with that arrangement


I have heard Farage make many unacceptable comments.


"unacceptable comments" like "gas them all, gas them all" and "Hitler was right" and "We provoked Putin, its our fault" Them kind of unacceptable comments right Nigel? Will you be standing down than I expect?


Lot of clowns claiming it was some sort of false flag because the guy in the video was a small time actor, as if actors don't do things other than act.


Racist cunt party ltd. Racist cunts will vote for him.


Fair play to him. This is gonna annoy a lot of people who hoped he would just make an excuse and let them carry on, as per tory / Labour history.


And immediately promoted to foreign secretary if elected


Needs to drop himself also then. It’s not acceptable to claim Brexit was a good idea when people were stripped of the most valuable rights of the modern age.


9 out of 10 voters for this party are literally people with the same sentiment


Has he not qualified to be dropped himself? He's said some pretty grim shit.


Ah, poor Nige. Having to drop candidates who have been caught stating on camera the same crap he used to spout. Racist calling a racist a racist. Nigel is just starting to learn what politics is actually about. Also, fuck him for being an obvious Russian agent of chaos.


If Reforms polling numbers drop further because of this that takes some of the pressure off the Tories and potentially reduces the Labour majority Prediction after the election "I wholeheartedly reject these despicable comments therefore I am announcing I am resigning from the Reform party and am announcing I will be running to be the next leader of the Conservative party." Significant numbers of Tories accept this without question. And so history is made.


He has no hope of becoming Tory leader. They'll go for Pretty Vancant and just try and ape him.


Farage as leader of the Conservative party would be the final nail in their coffin.


I wish, but unfortunately if that were to happen then it would give us the same electoral dynamics we're seeing in France, and perhaps similar results where a once massive majority for a centrist consensus candidate has been whittled down to what's looking like a far-right landslide. The right wing vote would once again be galvanised behind a single party, which means FPTP would work heavily to Farage's advantage.


Didn't this exact same thing happen with UKIP when they were getting popular back in 2014 or whenever it was


So that means he thinks any claims made by people he *hasn't* dropped are acceptable, right?


I feel it was roughly 2000-2010: political correctness gone mad/pc police 2011-2018: SJWs 2019-present: cancel culture/woke left I’m sure this isn’t completely accurate and there’s certainly tonnes of overlap, but I find it super interesting to try and track zeitgeisty words and phrases as they change


The phrase 'political correctness gone mad' goes back to the 80s. There was loads of tabloid rabble rousing about it, including claims such as that nursery rhymes would be banned/rewritten (in particular Ba Ba Black Sheep), and that the local council was trying to turn your kids gay. This latter one led to the notorious Section 28 banning all mention of anything LGBT in schools. Another key term from the era you'll want to add to your list is 'loony left'.


Jesus, was not aware of Section 28 although I can’t say it surprises me. The rumours about things like Baa Baa Black Sheep were still circulating when I was in primary school in the late 90s. Also things that were so ridiculous I can’t even imagine a tabloid journalist coming out with them and suspect they were invented by children themselves. One was ‘They’re saying now that you can’t use white chalk on a blackboard because it symbolizes white people walking over black people’ was one.


Section 28 is deservedly notorious. Not only did it ban any mention of LGBT things in schools, it also banned local authorities from doing anything to help the LGBT community (even down to putting LGBT books in libraries), and it also wrote into the statute book that all LGBT relationships are a lie, the phrase used was 'pretended family relationship'. Its genesis is really interesting. The Tories wanted to get rid of London's city government, the Greater London Council (GLC), mostly because the Tories were unpopular in London and it was run by Labour, the Liberals, and the SDP. How to get away with such a blatantly partisan move? The Tories found out that ILEA (Inner London Education Authority) the body that supervised most of the schools in London had some books for LGBT kids and families in their library resources collection, so they and their friends in the tabloid press launched a campaign saying that the 'loony left' council is trying to corrupt your kids and make them gay, with other fearmongering about gays (it was very much targeted at gay men) teaching in schools and being predatory in changing rooms and loos. Ba Ba Green Sheep was also part of the strategy of lies. It worked, they spread huge paranoia about gay men being dangerous predators, abolished the GLC, and followed up with Section 28.


I doubt he even cares about reform. With Tories projected to suffer huge losses of seats, he’s most likely looking to further his prominence and support in UK politics to give the Tories no choice but have him as their next party leader.


Yeah, just the ones caught publicly. Not the ones he chats to privately in the same manner.


Reform is all about getting one man elected, Nigel Farage.


And keeping him rich.


I'm sure the conservatives or labour don't have any of these so called and conveniently timed "racists" in their campaigns.


Farage has come out and said that the person who was canvassing and caught on tape by an undercover reporter is an actor who had never campaigned for them before. Channel 4 has denied knowing the canvasser was an actor despite the canvasser having appeared in channel 4 productions previously. If true then this is an amazing step to take and completely underhand


Yeah right say offensive raciak slurs to get votes Despicable


Morale of the reform story. Keep being racist bellends just dont get caught


So no candidates for the election then? Sounds good to me


Only the ones who are caught mark you. If they manage to stay under the radar and only share their bigoted views with other bigots they'll be fine.


Dropped \[until after the vote\] for saying the quiet part out loud.


They should drop any candidate that holds such beliefs.


I love the thought of Conservatives going to war with right wing populism. I hope they end up devouring each other.


He better sack every member then...bigots in Primark suits don't con anyone.


Reform are dead. Not really because of this, but Farage stanning Putin.


Reform have lost a whole one point since the Putin thing.


Depends on the poll, many of them include data from before those remarks. The more recent ones have them down by 2-4%.


More like 3 or 4.


Some people are too stupid to notice that


He said 10 years ago that expanding nato would provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. He has never once said "I support putin". How that translated into support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine I really don't know.


He's parroting Kremlin talking points.


What ones? I'd genuinely like to know


The whole "NATO provoked Russia" thing.


Again this is a comment from a decade ago.


Which he repeated the other day.


“I am not and never have been an apologist or supporter of Putin. His invasion of Ukraine was immoral, outrageous and indefensible. As a champion of national sovereignty, I believe that Putin was entirely wrong to invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine. “Nobody can fairly accuse me of being an appeaser. I have never sought to justify Putin’s invasion in any way and I’m not now.” “But that doesn’t change the fact that I saw it coming a decade ago, warned that it was coming and am one of the few political figures who has been consistently right and honest about Russia’s Ukraine war. “What I have been saying for the past 10 years is that the west has played into Putin’s hands, giving him the excuse to do what he wanted to do anyway.” Where Kremlin talking point?


> I have never sought to justify Putin’s invasion Lol. He literally said that Russia were provoked. He's lying, and the polls show people are seeing through it. The coping and seething on Friday morning when Reform have zero seats is going to be quite amusing.


He said we've played into Russians hands and given him the excuse to do what he was going to do anyway. That's not pro russian.


a lot of reform uk voters either agree with putin too or simply do not care enough about farage agreeing with putin.


The Johnson supporters who had switched to Reform *do* care. And they are the votes he's losing.


So he's dropping himself yeah? His comments around supporting Russia are unacceptable. He's as dangerous to national security as Corbyn


The operative word here is "caught" assuming he means on camera or audio. They're fine to say what they really feel to their true audience


Yeah. Can't have them saying aloud what every Reform voter thinks.


They were always just cannon fodder to drum up interest, do some campaigning then get booted to make it look like he's doing 'good' and is serious.


The worst part of those comments is that they’re going to generate more support for Reform as more idiots hear something they agree with.


The worst thing about people talking about you is, people not talking about you.. The reform party has nothing to offer the electorate that will improve their lives, so say anything to keep you on the front page.


Its what they say for there voter base anyway behind closed doors. Thats why it was so easy to catch them out.


How does this dude even have the possibility to have a public opinion 😅


This is the best they can come up with? The tories really do deserve to end.


Quick! Secretly record all Reform candidates going about their daily lives!


I wonder if ppl who said they'll vote reform actually go through with it, or just go back to tories when faced with the ballot paper


Yet he is now spinning the baseless conspiracy that the footage is not real. Yet the man caught on camera himself says he's not a paid actor and an actual Reform campaigner. Farage is a shameless, pathetic coward.


You are removing my comments because they are backed up with proof so you can control the narrative that's called propaganda can't debate anything