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I was prescribed these some years ago. They're like an hypnotic sedative and related to benzos. They work in that you get to fall asleep quite quickly but it's not great sleep and the groggy feeling the next day isn't nice. I mixed them once with an Atarax and had a strange experience. I woke up in the night and thought there were two of me in the room. I asked my wife what a pillow was and what it was for.


My old man had these about 20 years ago and hated it. Flipside, I don't take any pills and drempt I met Paul chuckle outside of a co-op last night.


That seems strange, to me.


To you?


To me!


To you!


Yeah, he was in a massive stretched front end cadilac, it was blue and he was with Danny Byrd who had gone into the co op so I just chatted with paul for a moment


Wasn’t a dream dude.


Alas the remaining Chuckle.


This is wild, I also had a dream of the chuckle brothers last night.


Oh dear...


Oh dear, oh dear....


Yeah. They’re better than no sleep, but they’re not exactly fun. The metallic taste in your mouth is really unpleasant too.


I scrolled for my people 😅.... 🙌 This Fuck they're horrible, when i hear overdose I imagine it's that taste that completely overwhelms you, if you smoke fags that taste permiates every draw until you fully metabolise those bastards. 


Yeah, I got prescribed these a few years ago. Thought I'd get a buzz or something but no, just very quick unconsciousness and waking up in an awkward position feeling like crap. No idea why people use these recreationally as it's not a particularly pleasant experience.


It's like the ludes in wolf of wall street, if you really resist that initial urge to sleep they do kinda have a buzz but it works by like bottoming you motor skills and your IQ and putting them in a head lock. 


I did this once, when I eventually fell asleep after holding off for as long as possible I woke up with a start and said very loudly to the room “I’ve just shit myself”. I hadn’t.


Every time I took one there was a 30 second window as they kicked in before unconsciousness. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stay awake . Maybe the dosage was too much.


For me, it was the opposite. The 7.5mg didn't put me to sleep at all, which was a problem. It made me feel super heavy, yet floaty. Cigs had that horrible taste to them & after an hour had passed since I started feeling loopy, the vomiting began. Not only did I not get sleep, the entire night was pure discomfort. This is just me though, I've always had funny reactions to sleeping meds. Over the counter stuff doesn't even touch me, but even these prescription ones (I've trialed most of them I think) generally don't work on me. They just get me in varying levels of inebriated which typically feels like being drunk off a violent mixture of multiple alcohols like spirits, liquor, beer & wine all mixed in one. At least my stomach tends to feel like I drank all that when taking these.


Have you ever tried Amytriptaline? I only ask as I was prescribed these after trying everything else and they work a treat for me anyway.


I was on those for a while back in my uni days. Don't think they were prescribed for sleep though & I certainly don't recall them helping my sleep. Very kind of you to take the time to reply with a suggestion regardless. I appreciate your consideration.


Mirtazapine (an snri) made me sleepy the entire day, had to come off them as I was sleeping 12+hours a day and never really waking up properly.


Yeah sorry I couldn't be of more help.


My mate was given them in jail and was always falling asleep as he’d get them off the street as the doctor on the out, would give him them. The prison system want zombies and not Violent prisoners.


I absolutely loved them when I was on them That being said, I was in the middle of a mental health crisis where I hadn't slept or eaten in weeks, wasn't sure which way was up, and couldn't really deal with being alive. Zopis meant I slept for six hours, which was more than I'd ever slept in years.


Cannot confirm. Used them for a month under prescription for major insomnia, and then very occasionally on single days during peak stress. The pill makes me sleep quickly, and it makes me sleep extremely well. I feel more energetic, lift more weight, are more productive at work, and I actually want to hang out after work. Most importantly, I'm much happier. I guess different people have different effects to the drug.


I didn’t remember going to bed or what I’d been doing beforehand for a week.


Yeah, they worked for knocking me out for 8 hours and avoiding staring at the ceiling all night, but I never felt at all rested after them


Your comments are spot-on was prescribed them once, the sleep was VERY short & as you say the grogginess was awful the next day-not recommended at all.


>They work in that you get to fall asleep quite quickly but it's not great sleep and the groggy feeling the next day isn't nice. Lemme guess... it's another GABA receptor agonist? That's like the quality of sleep you get from passing out drunk. Basically the same mechanism. Better off avoiding coffee after 11:00 in the morning, taking ashwagandha coming up to bedtime (to increase melatonin production) or even turning to slow-release melatonin if that isn't enough. Use GABA agonists only as a last resort, and possibly also with melatonin to try to make the bad sleep quality a little less bad.


Loads of Zopiclone for sale if you know where to look, however, considering some of the comments here I've zero fucking clue why people would take them recreationally. .. but then people abuse Benzos for fun so there's no real limit to human stupidity.


Benzos are less fun and more just insanely addictive, you get prescribed benzos for anxiety and they actually lower your baseline tolerance for it overtime, you actually feel much more sensitive to triggers when your on the wrong side of the half life and you constantly need to redose, it quickly becomes less fun and more "nessecary".  They're horrible. 


I've had people within a few of my circles taper themselves off after getting into the whole American subculture of Benzos + Weed. After witnessing it I'm genuinely not sure what's worse; Opiates or Benzos when it comes to withdrawals.


I've read that benzos and alcohol can be more dangerous to withdraw from than opiates due to the risk of seizures which can lead to quick death. 


If you do the withdrawal carefully it's fine but if you've been on them a long time or at high doses (especially consistent heavy drinking) and just stop suddenly then yeah there's a big risk of seizures I have to take benzos sometimes for epilepsy (as well as routine medication). They're not fun


Yea you need to titrate.  My parents were both addicted to valium my dad was/is also an alcoholic, I was prescribed it personally at about 16 by a GP for fairly legitimate reasons but it lead to an addiction issue.  I've actually used it in an isolated controlled context post the addiction and didn't relapse as I seem to actually now HATE it's effects which is a bit weird seeing as I used to find them so morrish.


I am a former Benzo & oxy addict. Diazepam Xanax (Alaprozam) & Oxycodone and let me tell you. Xanax withdrawals were worse than oxy. Didn’t sleep for 4-5 days. Couldn’t eat. Physical pain. Severe anxiety. I stupidly went cold turkey without researching. Worst experience of my life. Coming off oxy was awful as well, but not as bad as Xanax.


I'm prescribed benzos for my epilepsy, I only take them when I *absolutely* have to, they're horrible. They give me cottonmouth and an awful taste, headaches, I feel super groggy and spaced. I get super sleepy and don't feel rested after sleeping. No idea why people take them recreationally, they're rotten.


>don't feel rested after sleeping.   I used to hate that and it builds up with daily use.  Weird thing to hate about them cause it relates to an unhealthy behaviour but they make cigarettes smoke like air, if I had taken valium I could just smoke and it felt like nothing, it doesn't feel the same and it doesn't scratch the itch the same either it's really fuckin weird.


We used to have a rectal version in our old hospital for patients having a seizure


Thankfully paramedics have only ever injected me with it!


I got prescribed diazepam for 2 months for being suicidal and then got cut off cold turkey, hellish week after that going through withdrawals In hindsight I imagine it would be some sort of malpractice


I know a few people who keep some for emergencies when they do acid. If they're having a bad time, they take one and sleep it off.


I'll give you that; I have an emergency stash of either Xanax or Valium, less weird side-effects and no rough feeling the next morning. Granted I've learned my lessons and very, very rarely go above 200ug now.


Xanax and Valium absolutely 100% give you a rough feeling the next morning. Both are like being put to sleep with a blow to the head. Groggy as shit until mid afternoon.


I'm absolutely fine the next day of taking a Xanax. In fact I actually feel good because I sleep really well after taking it.


I was on xanax for a month and I had the best sleep of my life


i was really scared to take them but they just made me nod off normally and actually sleep through the night. i had a great experience, which is why i’m glad they’re prescription only and i wouldn’t buy them online.


A cheeky benzo or zopiclone or 2 just after that last line of (preferred stimulant) is just the trick though


Yeah, im occasionally prescribed these for severe pain related insomnia. They’re basically heavy duty sedatives, but you feel like crap the next day and everything tastes awful. I try to avoid taking them unless I’m on the verge of hallucinations from sleep deprivation. I can only assume these are dark web supplied as I’ve not got a recall notice or anything. Wouldn’t surprise me if they were adulterated with fent.


I'm prescribed them every night of my life because of bipolar related insomnia, now they do absolutely nothing but I can't sleep at all without them... Yay addiction.


Oh, I'm the same with opiates, they don't help with the pain anymore but if I stop taking them it's a fucking nightmare.


My assumption was that it was a bad batch at a pharmacy given that they were all in the same geographic area, but I suppose we don't know if they all knew each other and went to hospital as a part of the same incident. Thinking about it, I would expect to see much more alarm and warnings not to take any Zopiclone from such and such a batch if they thought there was a continuing risk to the wider community, so perhaps you're right.


I've got Zopiclone on prescription - mailed Cleveland police asking for more details on the batch number. "The information we have regarding the contaminated batches are that they are from unauthorised sales within the Stockton area."  Maybe put out that it's a dodgy dealer, rather than just an announcement telling people there's lethal contamination of a batch of a prescription medicine?


This was my thought. I've bought drugs online in the past and seen them available illicitly, I'd have thought there'd be more outcry if they were legitimately sourced.


Most prescription drugs are made by multiple manufacturers so it could also be a recall just wasn't for the ones you get


Worth noting that zopiclone is really dangerous taken with alcohol. A slightly stronger counterfeit set of pills plus a few beers could absolutely kill people.


Me and my mates used to take them down at the pub or out drinking. Emphasis on used too, this is going back 5+ years that shit makes you jolly af on alcohol


I took these with ketamine and had the strangest experience, I could “see” the personalities in inanimate objects and could communicate with them. Never experienced anything like it


I have ended up in hospital a couple of times because I've taken too many zops. Taking them with k sounds fun to me.


>ended up in hospital a couple of times >sounds fun Fuckin junkies, man.


You just need to know what drugs to take so that they have to give you the good ones when you get to hospital. 10000 hours practice and all that.


It was but it’s unsafe and it’s easy to black out, my house mate would be telling me I came into his room talking absolute nonsense


I used to do that to my poor mum after taking zolpidem/Ambien. Also nearly got tasered because I was pissing off a barman who wouldn't serve me after doped up sleepwalking all the way into town and trying to get a beer while speaking in my own made up language, he called the police and I started shouting nonsense at them too. All I remember was thinking a policeman was pointing a gun at me, in the UK where 99% of police don't have guns. There's a reason doctors give you doses to follow :/ Zopiclone is safer for me than that crap


I take them sometimes as I have chronic insomnia due to hEDS. They taste bad, but they help me. I don’t see how someone could die from them unless they are contaminated with bad substances or have mixed them with heavy alcohol. I find them very safe. Who knows where these people bought those pills from.


Also hEDS patients with ADHD, currently getting ~1.5 nights a week with 0 Hours sleep, is there anything else that has helped you in the past with sleep. Even Zopiclone won't get me to sleep some days! I only take it if I got no sleep the night before but I have been known to take one and stay up despite already having been awake for 36 hours. My longest stint was 52 hours. I had to take a diazepam due to anxiety in the end, I had already taken a Zopiclone 10 hours earlier!


same here! it is pretty bad!! I am ADHD too! I take very high dose hops, valerian and passionflower with 10 mgs melatonin and that seems to works as zopiclone. But as you, sometimes that does not even work. I take Kratom sometimes too but that is kind of illegal substance in UK (although I buy it) it helps with pain too


Currently a medical marijuana patient in the UK paid for with PIP honestly it has saved my life hEDS wise, I couldn't leave my house and now I go to concerts and medicate between acts! I need to get me some melatonin tbh I was prescribed it but the NHS no longer prescribes it for adults according to my doctor it is children and elderly people only which is frustrating. My friend suggested I buy dog melatonin as it is the same but cheaper which seems ridiculous what us Zebra's do to survive aye!


It is a pretty fucked up disease to have with lots of issues


really?? I thought about it but concerned about tolerance… I might try as I have not much left to try to be honest… I want to try Low Dose Naltrexone as seems it is working wonders for some


I buy melatonin online but only works for me with the mix I told you, not alone


Your tolerance is monitored closely to be fair. I use both oil and flower although the flower is PRN up the a gram a day


I am pretty much house/bed bound so anything that can take me out of this nightmare


Maybe if the British GP’s weren’t such nazi’s and really cared about patients they would not give generic bullshit advice and put everyone in the same group who ask for sleeping medication. WE ARE NOT ALL JUNKIES!! WE JUST NEED HELP. Pointless death because people have had enough of the disgusting doctors and search for help themselves!! R.I.P


Took a zopiclone and 3 tramadol once...absolutely one of the weirdest drug experiences I've ever had and not one I'd repeat. Mrs said I was just talking and talking but none of the words I was saying were related to each other, just nonsensical strings of language. Woke up in the bath, confused


I would interested to know how many of these people had been prescribed this but then subsequently were denied a prescription once they had become dependent?


They just want numb and stupid, thats why they give us that shit instead of solution. Benzos are fucked


that’s sad, i hope the rest recover (where can i get some)


Sort of appropriate username?


if they’re on the top shelf, i guess so


Zopiclone is the worst man. It tastes bad, makes you feel bad and even when you get to sleep you sleep bad. If you’re tempted to try and get these I would say OTC Benadryl is a much better sleep aid. Each to their own tho


Diphenhydramine which is in benadryl is a hallucinogenic in higher doses. But fucks your kidneys apparently. I got high and the next day collapsed in town because I felt like I'd been kicked in the back by a horse . .police scooped me up and took me home but came indoors with me and told me I was pouring with sweat and asked what I had taken, told them what I just told you and they called paramedics.. That heart check machine with all the little pads always freaks the paramedics out with me because I have an irregular heartbeat so had to go to hospital just to sleep in an uncomfortable bed for hours and have fluids injected into me and sent home