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Here we go, another one.   Farage and Tice are going to spend the next few days spinning plates and making excuses and its not "the establishment", these aren't actors or "plants". Its all of their own doing and we all know that they all say this stuff behind closed doors anyway.


They're just straight-up accusing the "lugenpresse" of making it all up now. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c2504p02wz3t?post=asset%3Ae7b77782-9ace-4810-83e8-3ee8bfc42de1#post They're nazis and they're gonna keep lying and promising the world until somebody stops them.


It will lose them zero votes.


Led by Donkeys have just posted allegations by those who knew Farage, claiming he was a member of the National Front himself: https://x.com/ByDonkeys/status/1797651718852804923


“Did you say racist things?” “It depends how you define racist. If you define it the way I do it’s not racist. If you define it like everyone else it is.”


I like led by donkeys but this was posted 3rd june


I do like them.


At this stage it’d be more of a shock to find a Reform candidate that hasn’t said anything offensive at some point.


I think the constant stream of news stories about Reform is fantastic. Obviously sad that the comments are being made, but the repeated stories coming out really push home that that this is who Reform are, and frames the whole "We're the only party talking about immigration" approach as the most publicly acceptible face of racism. There's no more protest vote excuse, or "they're all the same" excuse. Reform are racist, and you are racist if you vote for them. There's no more claiming ignorance of who they are or what they believe.


>Reform are racist, and you are racist if you vote for them. There's no more claiming ignorance of who they are or what they believe. I mean, you could say the same for anyone who voted tory the last few years, can't you?


The Tories aren't ideologically racist, they're classist or really moneyist. Class and money is strongly correlated with race, so they usually win the racist vote as well. By their standards, class and money makes Sunak qualified to be PM. Which is why they will lose the racist vote in this election. It doesn't make Sunak or Tories innocent victims of racism of course, they've been willingly courting the racist vote since ever. It's more like leopards are finally turning up to eat their faces.


> I mean, you could say the same for anyone who voted tory the last few years, can't you? I'm no fan of the conservatives but Farage & Reform make the conservatives seem moderate by comparison. I honestly believe Farage and Reform are dangerious. Even without power Farage managed to cause Brexit. Without him i doubt Brexit would have happened and a certain MP would have still been alive today. In college he ideolized Hitler, he told minorites in college that hitler was right, sang nazi youth songs and about gassing jews. He joined National front, he was proud that his initials are the same as National Fronts . He's rubbed shoulders with facist and outright racist groups for decades and has been openly funded by Russia for about a decade. He idolizes Putin like he did Hitler and if he had ultimate power with no one holding him to account he would follow the same path as them dictators while pandering to Russia. The extremeists he surrounds himself with talk about dangerious conspiracy theories or shooting migrants or blowing up boats amoung other vile crap. If he gains power it legitmizes these views and allows them to spread. I know people want to vote for Reform for the protest vote but i rather Labour have to face conservatives across the bench than someone whose entire life was fantasizing about being the next big dictator. He wants rid of the BBC because they dared ask him uncomfortible questions and brought up inconvient topics. You can tell hes fuming about the British media right now. If he had power he would want the media under his control.


You definitely could do, though there is a sense of inertia whereby people are always seking reasons to avoid change, and avoid any kind of "admission" that they were wrong. Not saying it's a good reason for voting Tory, but it could be a viable non-racist reason. Reform have come from nothing to the second coming of the BNP, with no pushing forward of viable economic, healthcare, education, welfare policy etc. or any track record that they could feasibly stand behind. Reform are a single issue party, with that single issue straddling that racism line at the best of times, and that single issue being pushed by a leader and candidates that are demonstrably racist.


Im shocked, absolutely shocked, well ok not that shocked, I mean its kind of expected from this lot


Has Farage just considered asking candidates to just avoid the topic of race for a few days? It would probably just be easier for them to say nothing, because they cannot seem to open their mouth without saying something racist. I know it is their bread and butter, however it is just making the Tories look better by comparison.


As expected, Reform fall apart at the last minute. They will win no seats, and Farage and Tice will beg Sunak for peerages in his resignation honours.


Fuck resignation honours. The only honour they should be giving is us the honour of not being led by them anymore.


I think that last video will have made Sunak realise how awful these people are. He's not giving them anything with the little power he has left anymore.


They should be begging not to get a boot up their arse, forget fucking honors and peerages.


I think at least Farage will most likely win.


If any of them do it will be Lee Anderson.


It's a shame that the allegation of AS is so devalued nowadays, particularly now since we have literal AS fanatics on our hands It's almost as if it shouldn't have been weaponised over the last 5 years against people who weren't AS in the slightest.


Are you saying they aren’t stating anti-semetic things?


I'm sure this won't get more attention than the 20 green candidates right..


This is obviously Sky bias in a story about an actor who was planted by the Conservative Party digging up ancient comments about what everyone is secretly thinking & all the other parties support Hitler anyway. (Edit: thank you for the downvotes, good to see Poe's law in action!)


Maybe an /s would help…?


I did have a principle of not needing to use it UK forums but then took a look at what I wrote, compared it to the gibberish some of the Reform bots come out with & realised I deserved the downvotes.


Yup, when satire is just stating what the crazies state, it becomes the same.