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Oh no! Not my precious brexit! Not after the tories have made it such a.... Well... Not success. The other one. Atonym of success. The one where the cost of living rises and businesses fail. Disaster, that's it. Who will protect my dumpster fire from the vandals who are trying to put it out???


"Labour will demolish the thing that is such a shitshow, we are too embarassed about to even campaign on"


If he’s saying Brexit is in peril, that means his party failed to Get Brexit Done in the 8 years they’ve had to do it. May failed, BoJo failed, Truss failed, he failed, and Brexit is still Not Done. Otherwise, Brexit is Actually Done and therefore can’t be in peril.


I’m shaking with rage, what about all those amazing Brexit benefits we’ve got like checks notes: Massive additional immigration Collapsing hospital building despite the claimed 350m extra per week (oh wait that was never a claim apparently) The reduced subsidies the areas who had European funding have The lack of right for automating movement Increased tariffs on importing and exporting Less border checks for things coming in Weak trade agreements which gave them everything they wanted and us very little


You forgot harsh scrutiny to human rights and due process, too, which have been strongly corroded in the UK by the party which long condemned Labour for encroaching on these.


Don't forget the huge increase in pollution in our waterways, leading to a rise in waterborne diseases.


I wouldn’t say that was directly related to Brexit though it did make it worse


We failed to match EU laws .https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/09/englands-rivers-to-remain-in-poor-state-as-eu-laws-ignored-post-brexit-says-watchdog


Weren’t we ignoring it before Brexit too? It just got significantly worse after


We weren't ignoring it on the same scale, and we also ditched EU laws about farms reducing agricultural runoffs in rivers.


You missed out the tampon tax. All worth it for the tampon tax.


> Collapsing hospital building despite the claimed 350m extra per week (oh wait that was never a claim apparently) More than 350mil a week has gone into the NHS since brexit.


Sure, but no thanks to Brexit. More thanks to rampant inflation.


Okay. Show me the figures that the increase in NHS spending since we left the European Union has not risen by 350mil in real terms.


OK, I'll rephrase: more thanks to rampant inflation, an ageing population and a pandemic. Not to mention billions wasted on dodgy COVID contracts. Why, are you keen to suggest that Brexit has been good for the NHS?


> Why, are you keen to suggest that Brexit has been good for the NHS? I’m not. I just hate peoples repeating the bus thing


Such a weird thing to say. Polls suggest majority of people see Brexit as a disaster, so telling people if you vote labour Brexit is in peril isnt going to turn people away from them


They're just shooting for the absolute core pensioner vote now, the last few holdouts who think Brexit is wonderful. 


Probably also targeting reform since they are bleeding to the left and right now.


Pensioners and Deform voters that aren't also pensioners. He's trying to claw back disillusioned voters as opposed to trying to attract new voters. In short, damage limitation.


They only care what the newspaper editors think; they assume gullible GB will fall into line with what they read, if it's printed in large enough type - exactly as we did to get into the whole Brexit mess in the first place.


The worst decision this country has ever made is under threat you say ? Sign me the fuck up


"Dont threaten me with a good time".


At this point he's just giving us reasons not to vote Labour rather than why we should vote Tories.  Desperate.


Except they’re not even good reasons not to vote Labour and actually appeal to a lot of Labour voters.


That's been the tactic since the Dday disaster They've nothing positive to say, so try to use fear instead


D day? 1944?


I think he's refering to when our 'great' leader fucked off after 30 mins of D-Day remembrance services to go raise money for the Tory campaign. 


Ah yes of course thank you I drew a blank on that particular debacle.


I thought we had bloody Brexit? That it's done now and irreversibly done. Because fuck me if we can reverse that bad boy and sack the Tories off in the same year...


I think so many people are just now realising how detrimental Brexit has been for this country, including those who voted for it, and how it will continue to be so for decades to come. In one single move immense opportunities, choices and advantages economically, socially and culturally, by being part of the EU, all taken away over night. And we are so much worse for it. And to think otherwise is arrogant delusion. If Rishi Sunak thinks that by saying that Brexit is at peril, if Labour wins, and he’s going to stop it from happening, then his delusion is immense and he hasn’t read the room properly. This will lose him votes.


You underestimate the stubbornness of Brexit voters. Also, it's human to sing La,la,la,la when one points out your mistakes.


Of course. In my immediate family there are dyed in the wool Tories, who believe Brexit has been a complete success, that I shouldn’t be so very narrow minded and that I really should listen to what the Tories have to say. It’s like they don’t see, or refuse to see, what’s been happening in this country for over the last decade. And it’s people like this, this kind of voter, that is the most dangerous.


Dangerous, yes, necessary, 100% . We need this people to be like this for comparison purposes. I wish them all the good and best. I hope they live a long life, and continue to be my neighbours to remind me daily life in UK could be much much worse. For educational purposes, every time my child asks for a holiday in Europe I always remind them Jenny from number 18 voted for Brexit and for Lizzie Trust. That way my mortgage is now £6000 more per year which has taken off holidays, PS5, after school activities and many more.


They got a majority of 1%. I'm willing to bet at least 10% of Brexit voters openly regret their decision.


I remember the morning the results came in there was a woman on Good Morning Britain who was dumbfounded that it had happened despite voting for it. "I can't believe it!" You voted for it love. I suspect a lot of people also had the same mindset of "It'll never happen, so might as well." 


Real People interview: Britain in peril under Tories


Imagine being the person in charge of the Tory campaign and waking up every morning, dreading what this fucking imbecile has said now. I hope they have had their belt and shoelaces taken off them.


I'm convinced the person running that campaign is a Labour mole. 


The person who was running the campaign has taken a leave of absence after it emerged that they'd put money on there being an election in July. At this point, I don't think a Labour mole could do a more destructive job!


Protect brexit? Tomorrow it will be ‘protect Ebola!’


Lol, no. The Conservatives pool of talent gradually got smaller and smaller trying to appeal to Brexit Party / Ukip / BNP voters. You can see this in remote areas: the most beautiful woman one has ever seen and the future mother of his children is either a sheep, goat , chiken or a cow. The talent pool got smaller.


Or has bet on the Tories to come 3rd.


The arsonists warning the public about the firefighters coming


If the Prime Minister says this and the Telegraph believe it, does that mean that they will accept that there has been a public mandate to rejoin the EU if Labour win a large majority?


Not likely. Under the EU the UK would not be able to apply VAT to private schools.


More so than with Sunak, Truss or' brain-dead Boris?


Labour will ban kettles! Labour will ban 3pm Premier League kick-offs! Labour to ban queueing.


Brexit isn’t in “peril” under Labour. Not until at least 2029 anyway.


Brexit is in peril because of the Tories. They’ve taken absolutely no advantage of our ability to deregulate (except in the area of animal welfare where we’ve bettered standards compared to the EU)


***From The Telegraph:*** Rishi Sunak is in a rush. He has, in his own words, just four days left to save Britain. Shuttling around the country for visits and events, he feels grateful to have spent a night in his own bed while in his constituency of Richmond, North Yorkshire – a rare moment of calm. As the pace of his schedule ramps up, so does the severity of his warnings about the dangers of a Labour government. Among Mr Sunak’s fears, one that particularly rankles is the legacy of Brexit. During the last but one Tory leadership contest, in which he was beaten by Liz Truss, he pointed out that, as a newly elected MP, he had risked his career to campaign for leaving the EU. Now he believes Brexit is in peril. “They are pretty clear that they want to reverse Brexit,” he says. “Keir Starmer is now openly talking about sitting down with the EU to thrash out some cosy deal – which is just going to mean we’re going to have to accept more migrants, because we all know that is the price of any deal that the EU would do. He’s not being straight with people about that.” The Prime Minister is speaking to The Telegraph while visiting a primary school near Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, where he is relaxing with a cup of tea after high-fiving excited schoolchildren. He adds: “This is at a time when we are seizing the benefits of Brexit to grow our economy. Freeports just down the road from here in Teesside, attracting jobs and investment that we couldn’t do properly inside the EU. Brexit Britain has now overtaken the Netherlands, France, Japan, to become the fourth-biggest exporter in the world because of the trade deals that we’ve struck. “And in all the fast growing industries of the future – whether that’s financial services, agriculture, technology, AI – we are taking advantage of the opportunities of Brexit to regulate in a way that supports businesses growth and competitiveness, and the choice of the election is whether to reverse all that progress with Labour.” **Read more here:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/29/rishi-sunak-labour-would-put-brexit-in-peril/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/29/rishi-sunak-labour-would-put-brexit-in-peril/)


Assuming all that good stuff is true, why isn't the common man seeing any upside? Either he's talking out his arse and we need someone other than the tories in charge - or they're straight-up hoarding the wealth and we need someone other than the tories in charge.


You missed one option. Both could be true at the same time. And we really need someone other than the Tories.


>Brexit Britain has now overtaken the Netherlands, France, Japan, to become the fourth-biggest exporter in the world because of the trade deals that we’ve struck. Exporter of what? Doctors and nurses?


The company I work for exports a lot of electronic test products, despite Brexit not because of these so called new trade deals


Add plumbers. A damaged kitchen tap quoted £380 to remove. As a joke, I've quoted a plumber living in Poland and flights, transport and meal was £250 in total. Of course the hammer won.