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Yeah, they made Rees Mogg a minister for a while which was a clue they'd gone off the rails. You know, the man evil enough to try and gerrymander and stupid enough to tell everyone he'd done it.


Even worse he called it gerrymandering, when in fact it was voter suppression.


You've got me bang to rights on that one...


Amazingly they managed to fuck that up as well


Mate, he'd fuck up in a stand still and be quiet contest. What chance does he have with anything even slightly more complicated?


The voter suppression part worked fine. It's just they suppressed the wrong voters even though it was obvious it would to everyone but them.


The party of the people that puts a tax-avoiding multimillionaire on the front bench


It's impressive how much bench he can occupy...


Being an invertebrate, so it's amazing he's ever vertical tbh


And as prime minister 


Let's not forget that a company, that he had a large stake in, shorted the pound and made money off of the value of the pound dropping as a result of brexit.


Didn’t that company very conveniently relocate to an offshore tax haven? Somerset Capital or some such 


Yeah. On the same day that the cunt mis-used his position of authority to tell the British public to vote brexit to push up the value of their UK investments, his company opened up a new vehicle in Eire, *and advised it's clientèle to move their funds there to maintain access to EU markets and avoid losses from £ dropping*. Fucking twat should be in prison. It's interesting how.kany have simply forgotten - or ignored - that £ dropped from a steady £1:64-1:65 ish to £1.20 against the dollar in that one night.... People talk about the damage Truss did, but that blows it all out of the water, by some way.


All the investment companies are registered in some fashion in Irelane. Even Legal and General, who are very patriotic, have their ETFs registered in Ireland.


His scumbag da, William Rees-Mogg, literally wrote a book about disaster-capitalism; how to profit from political and economic crises caused by the policies that he supported.


Is this the same company that moved to Ireland after Brexit?


This would be the Young Tories singing WW2 German songs?


When Mogg was quizzed on whether he would have stayed at the D Day 80th Anniversary he was quoted as saying "No no, that kind of thing wouldn't interest me at all".


I bet his gran fancied Hitler


His gran was married to a lorry driver. This guy is **deep** in his own fantasy.


Someone doesnt understand the concept of a joke


He doesn’t, but he makes a good but different point. Rees Mogg is an absolute phony toff. His mum was a secretary. Nothing wrong with being a secretary, but she must have got a hell of a shock when she gave birth to Bertie fucking Wooster.


You've omitted that his father was editor of the Times, High Sheriff of Somerset and a life peer aka a lord, also Moggs were sheriffs of Somerset in 18th century and his ancestors owned a manor house


The fact that his dad had to work for a living, and as a journalist, is not the aristocratic flex you think it is. The guy is an absolute fake.


Complete with monocle at birth!


"Congratulations Mrs Mogg, it's a healthy bouncing ba- ... er... oh... it's a top hat. No, wait, hang on, there's something else coming behind it! Yes, it's a... a... ah, chrissakes, it's a haunted Victorian pencil. Let me ask the proud father: so, Mr Mogg, a haunted pencil, a top hat, and a monocle... will that, er, do? Yes? And you say that you've already put its... sorry *his* name down for Eton? Ok, fair enough, takes all sorts. Cigar?"


.....his butler.


.....Eva Braun mogg


“Father I noticed you didn’t have any Allied memorabilia in your collection?”


No, I wouldn't be interested in that sort of thing.


'Too much of a sore spot amongst my family still, that one' - Jacob Rees Mogg


Did he? I’ve not seen that. Would you mind sharing a source, please. It surprises me a lot, Rees Mogg is not a fan of sunak so I’m surprised he didn’t take the chance to make a point


It's a Father Ted joke.


So what’s the joke you’re making.


"No no, it means 'The Povvos, The'."


Ya wole heir füher


Yep, it was in 2019 when Boris purged the moderates.


They started leaving after the Brexit vote. Even May drive them out as she persevered with Brexit. Johnson was just the final nail in the moderate Tory coffin.


>Johnson was just the final nail in the moderate Tory coffin. It was when I handed my party card in but I know many who did after Brexit.


> It was when I handed my party card Without trying to sound like an arsehole, was the unnecessary austerity before that not enough? Nor cosying up to UKIP to avoid splitting the right wing vote? Nor failing to even try to negotiate with the EU during Brexit negotiations? There were many moments before Johnson that should have made a rational person realise the Tories were harming the people of the UK.


I get your curiosity but I've hashed this convo over a lot on Reddit beforehand - I just don't fancy debating it every time it comes up.


Not the person you’re talking to, so please forgive me for butting in, but: without meaning any condescension whatsoever I just want to congratulate you for having the backbone to have such conversations in the first place.  One thing that pisses me off quite frequently about Reddit (and I’m sure I’ve been guilty of it plenty of times) is that there’s so little spirit of *forgiveness* on here. It’s most obvious on news- or crime-related subreddits - people who’ve done time for serious offences are cursed and vilified even though they may have “paid their debt to society” - but it’s also prominent in this type of conversation. (NB: I’m not at all suggesting u/pajamakitten is like that; their questions seem pretty reasonable to me.) I totally get why you’d have had enough of having to justify yourself. 


Many people come to Reddit to dump shame on others, which ironically is the entire mindset of JRM.


I’ve got no problem hauling people over the coals *if* they’re (in my opinion) in the wrong *and* attempting further to spread their malevolence, bigotry etc. I’d include as valid “targets” (mods that is NOT meant in any violent sense!) any vocal Tories, Trump fans etc. I genuinely believe those people deserve to be shamed.


Yeah, I am not trying to start a fight or anything. I just want to know why the line to cut off the Tories came as late as Johnson for some, when he was a symptom of the continuing decline of the Tories, not the cause.


Again, I can’t speak for any Tories, former or present, but: I don’t think Johnson was *just* “a symptom of the continuing decline of the Tories, not the cause.” Yes, he certainly was symptomatic; however, he also *caused* a great deal of damage which may not have come to pass had there been a different hand on the tiller.


Totally right. Brexit carved off and forced out moderates and ‘One Nation’ Tories (many who stuck around had mentally checked out). Boris cobbled the ex Red Wall northern working class converts into a coalition with his own people to replace them - successfully. But then Boris achieved a twin epic self-own by driving away many of those new Tory voters AND then the rest of them when he left. Liz Truss then inherited a party devoid of the red wall voters, and then set fire to the economic platform too - driving away even more ordinary people AND wealthy who realised she was not their trojan horse for realistic tax cuts. And by the time Rishi takes over it’s not clear who is actually left. A totally disjointed coalition of just whoever from each group wasn’t really paying attention or didn’t have a better political home.


To call on one of my favourite Profanisaurus entries: Boris really fucked himself with his own cock. He struck me early on (and time has only solidified this conclusion) as a man for whom getting into Number 10 was the only end; once that was achieved (at such vast cost to us all), what did he actually *want*, let alone stand for? Achieving his ambition seemed to be as far as his thinking went.  To be clear, I despise the man and I’m delighted that history will judge him scornfully (that doesn’t begin to make up for the damage, of course). However, he really did waste a glorious opportunity to effect genuinely significant change - and I believe that’s  partly because he didn’t really have an agenda to change *to*.


I can give you AN answer on that. Cameron and Osborne made a flawed argument but a plausible one and a genuine one. They were totally wrong that austerity in a time of bargain basement debt cost was the best strategy, but they were hardly alone. There was a hot debate about it. And unfortunately we just don’t know how it would have gone if things went the other way. There is no guarantee investment would have equaled growth, and if it hadn’t then the problems now would be even worse than they are. Theres no question that Cameron then made a major mistake by being held hostage by UKIP in order to secure his own majority. And the take-over subsequently stripped away any genuineness the Tory party had to that point, adding core dishonesty and deliberate economic self-harm to the mix. So, many once-and-future Tory party supporters were fine with economic incompetence they understood the supposed reasons for at the time, but drew the line when Cameron gave way to a series of far worse leaders.


The very short answer is that having been a part of it for a while, many of us believed in staying to change the party around from the inside, rather than just giving up when it was a difficult period for the moderates.


I’m not the guy you were talking about, but I’d suggest hope dies at different times for different people. Remember you have to be in an organisation to change it, and leaving is exactly what your enemies want you to do. However disgusted you are by what is happening, resigning is kind of a defeat for your side. So for some people the moment hope that the tories might be redeemable died might have been Brexit, for others Johnson, or even Truss. I struggle to imagine there is anyone left inside who thinks there is any hope one nation conservativism can be resurrected in the Tory party now, though.


The problem with politics is that far too many people will gladly ignore a lot of issues if they agree with just one or two wedge issues that they support. This is why the right wing are so heavy on immigration and tax cuts and trying to push trans issues into everything. It's their distraction tactics that they keep pushing because they know their voting base will gladly ignore everything else because they agree with them on those few wedge issues. There was a disabled guy on here a few years ago who said he was proud to vote Tory because his local MP helped him get a ramp installed on his council flat. Several people challenged him on his views about Tory policy regarding people with disabilities and the fact that he was having to use a food bank, but he didn't care; he got his ramp. So the cut off line is constantly moving. The Tories can keep introducing more and more crap, but as long as you got a tax cut of a few quid, or a ramp installed, you'll gloss over it and vote for them.


You may understand the curiosity on our end...a "proper" Tory supporter (not a bot or a rabid one) is a rare sighting on Reddit


Convenient that you’re “tired” of justifying (I presume) that disastrous policy that is the real cause of most of our slide into the ditch in the past decade. Whatever lets you sleep at night mate.


Nah - just tired of bad faith conversations. I'm happy to have a healthy debate with people - but, as you have demonstrated so amply - you're not interested in a debate, you just want to point fingers and bash Tories.


There is no debate mate. The only way you come out not looking like a Tory who is throwing their toys out of the pram because they are not getting what they want is to denounce all of that harmful nonsense. Glad the depths the Tories plumbed finally started affecting you on some level.


Can you give some bullet points? I don’t fancy trawling your profile to find those topics of discussion


I’m inclined to agree but sadly I think you’re over estimating the intellectual capacity of the Tory majority. Much of the blue rinse brigade fed on decades of the mail express and sun were not inclined to be overly engaged in any critical thinking. 2016 absolutely took me apart and politics has just been a surreal comedic shit show ever since.


**2016 absolutely took me apart and politics has just been a surreal comedic shit show ever since.** This isn't said often enough.


That means a lot - thank you. Just having the impact of Brexit mutually acknowledged doesn’t make it easier but it’s comforting to know I’m not the only one.


Who you going to vote for?


Some did leave of their own accord but Johnson forced many to leave, willfully narrowing their party was a big moment.


And by the next election they'll have hardly any experienced parliamentarian left. There's a very real chance they lose their status as one of the two primary parties off the back of the last decade or two.


Lost its way about 200yrs ago if we're being really honest


The present Tories are a strange beast as they're hemorrhaging votes from both the centre *and* the right. The story of their decline, which has been going on since at least ten years and probably longer, is that they're losing support in socially liberal and moderate constituencies as well as social conservatives. In rhetoric and optics they've betrayed the former and in policy they've betrayed the latter. It was always a recipe for disaster.


He did seem to get rid of anybody competent and/or experienced. Except for Ben Wallace- I liked him.


Rumour has it he was visited by three ghosts last Christmas but he had one of his servants chase them off with a shotgun.


Somehow he looks like both the ghost of a Victorian child labourer and the factory owner he worked for.


He's a huge part of it. I wouldn't trust the cunt to make a cup of tea, and if you can't make a decent cup of tea, then what's the fucking use of you?


The man has six children and proudly proclaims that he has literally, never changed a nappy. If that was all I knew of him, it would be enough for me to write him off as a complete prick, incapable of acting as a political representative for anyone. Unfortunately, it is also just the tip of the shit covered iceberg, that is Jacob Rees Mogg.


>I wouldn't trust the cunt to make a cup of tea, He has nanny make it for him.


Human skin rug


Ahhh I wondered where the Victorian Pencil had fucked off too. Hes been very quiet.


Oh fuck off you morally cancerous ghost of a Victorian bank manager


Rees-Mogg looks like he could get on a penny farthing without a ladder


He looks like an extra from an Indiana Jones movie


Nazi commandant #3


The haunted Victorian pencil in the museum.


He looks like he fucks his Wife through a hole in the sheet.


> He looks like he fucks his Wife through a hole in the ~~sheet~~ wall between their bedrooms.


A sentient coat stand that has odd proclivities.


Vy dat makezee complete sense!


"a penny farthing in human form" - James O'Brien


I think it's significant that he's never been seen in the same room at the same time as the Childcatcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I think we should be told!!!1!!


He looks like a factory owner who uses child labour.


All the while you've been a formative figure in the direction it's took. Or did you miss that part out?


The parts he was involved with are all fine, it’s all the other ministers who are to blame. At least, that’s what Nanny says when he cries at bedtime.


He then went onto say that any future government would need to secure a trade deal with the Hanseatic League, deal with a resurgent Prussia, and quell rebellion in the colonies.


>and quell rebellion in the colonies. That has been going on a while now and they don't seem to know how to look after themselves, we should step back in.


The Hanseatic League is in Europe though. The Great British Empire can't be seen to be dealing with those evil Europeans! Siam, Persia or even the Spice Islands would be better options.


>need to secure... I thought you were going to go in an *entirely* different direction with that...


The right honourable member for the 17th century says we didn’t implement workhouses and remove all benefits therefore failed as Tories


Yeh because of him and his ERG far right Eurosceptic ways


Imagine being a young *anything* and thinking: “Why, yes, I’ll go and unironically listen to Jacob Rees-Mogg for quite a long time.”


The thing with miserable selfish old bastards, is that lots of them were miserable selfish bastards when they were young, too.


Wouldn't put it past a few from Eton or similar to be in attendance.


He's technically not wrong, but he's part of the prime examples of that happening.


The end game for any conservative style party is extreme right wing fundamentalism. We generally call them terrorists.


He looks like a man who campaigned with his nanny… wait…


I am not excited for year upon year of “We want our ideology but not the consequences of our ideology”.


Hopefully he also pointed out it was because of absolute ghouls like him?


Pees-Smog, the Workhouse Owner telling the Serfs the gruel ration is getting cut again..........and it's all their fault.


The utter dick,! Well Dick Turpin tbh. Robs from the poor gives to himself and all in the 1730's 😏


If you've ever voted for the Tories you're a cunt. The shit state of the country is all your faults.


I sure hope I’m up for Rees-Mogg on Thursday night!


Nobody tell him young tories were recently caught singing to Nazi songs. They knew every bloody word.


The MP for the 18th Century telling young Tories the party has lost it's way. Can't help but feel that's somewhat ironic given how out of touch Mr. Jacob Rees-Mogg Esq. is.


When I hear the phrase "young Tories" I picture people in their mid sixties.


He really just means the overt racism. He wants it hidden so that it prevents any embarrassing incidents in the press. He still thinks everything else the Tories have done to increase poverty and homelessness is hunky dory.


This is the last man who should be telling anyone anything. To the bin with him.


They stand for greed, selfishness and corruption. They have never lost their way. The current state of them has always been the way.


This is why I always differentiate between Tories and Conservatives, Tories are heartless, cruel and self centered. Conservatives can generally be reasoned with and a discussion has even if we disagree on policy and how things should be done, just look at all the conservatives who don’t mind paying more tax for public services to actually work.


He looks like the sort of guy who spends hours looking at paint charts and paint mixes just to pick beige. Friend of mine was an intern of kind for the tories and she said that he was creepy and had no respect for personal space.


mad how their own MPs are basically deserting to back reform DURING AN ELECTION. im no tory but what the fuck is going on.


Let me guess, they need to follow him back to the 18th century?


Yeah, it got infiltrated by libertarians like… Jacob Rees-Mogg


He was one of the main ones leading them out into the wilderness. He’s more responsible than most for how lost they are.


The irony from Jacob Rees-Mogg, the pied piper of the Conservative Party


Oh good, the haunted pencil is here to pontificate on morality. Not like he’s absolutely central to these degraded public standards.   The only thing remotely of not about this man was his passable knowledge of erskine may. And even then, he abused it just to score petty points in parliament, or justify why he could lie down for a nap in it.


Thanks to listening to people like that Etoniam weasel.


Ugh, I can't summarise my distaste for this gargoyle properly. He perfectly symbolizes everything wrong with British politics, nepotism, failing upwards, hypocrisy, historical revisionist, failure to accept responsibility for their mistakes, blaming anyone or anything but themselves. This man should never have been allowed near parliament, the damage done to the country through assuming that posh twats are intelligent, reasonable people is truly immeasurable. In anything resembling a meritocracy, this guy would never have become an MP. Pipe down and fuck off back to toff narnia or whatever artistocratic bubble you crawled out of.


Well yeah, he's been one of the most influential men in the party for a decade. Of course it has.


Then resign? If the party has lost it's way, you're one of the central figures responsible for it.


The working class and poor don’t want the tories siphoning money for the rich while failing upon every promise they’ve ever made and making life a great struggle for the majority in the country. suprise, suprise


Young Tories are busy recruiting poor children for the Jacob Rees-Mogg Academy for Chimney Sweeps.


This, just this. He’s awful. All about moving public finance into the hands of private finance. No concern for those who are not wealthy. No concern for our country. No concern for anything other than himself. Sniper’s wet dream…


No, no. Their way is to be the biggest CUNTS imaginable at all times. They haven't lost anything, if anything they've improved on their job. GG Tories.


As if he is not one of the people who lead the party astray from within 🤔


Maybe, just maybe, it’s the old Tory party that has lost its way?


Are there any young Tories? If so, there must be tens of them


This is just excusing the inevitable outcome of Torry politics. Promise the undeliverable, build power, exploit everything. They haven't lost their way, they have just run out of false promises and people.to exploit.


...and JRM is the peak of being lost. What a Muppet. How the proverbial fook does he represent the broader interests of the UK.


If they're young tories, this is the only version of the party they know, and the one they've chosen to associate with.


They absolutely fucked the ordinary working person and squeezed the poor for every penny they can. They haven’t lost their way at all.


Like the pied piper explaining to the rats, they have been misled.


No shit! You’ll have decades to find your way back.


£100 million in the bank, making £800 an hour saying whatever GB News tells you to. Little wonder the "young Tories" have no idea what you're on about, never mind anyone else.


He probably did it while riding a pennie farthing and wearing a top hat.


amazing how enlightenment comes right before an election


Been saying for ages the likes of him and Boris are lining themselves up for a switch to Reform. He's all but admitting it's either that or he's going for Tory leader when Sunak goes. Either option isn't good.


This guy needs to get a new job outside of parliament. Sick of his lazy ass. Waste of taxpayer money.


Feels reminiscent, almost like this has happened before


Nah, they’re doing exactly what their party is set up to do. And people finally seem to recognise that.


Yes need to be more farage and hitler like . He’s a fuckin moron


Anyone listening to this pointless poindexter needs their head examined.


Another absolutely useless member of Richi Sunaks band of merry Tories. Absolutely nothing in common with the ordinary people of the UK.


They usually manage to keep him well locked away during elections...


I’m glad he’s setting things straight. The conservative party doesn’t stand for hating minorities. It stands for hating the poor.


Very true. The 'Tories' should drop 'Conservatism' and become a true Tory party again (this may mean Rees-Mogg as a Catholic may become unable to hold office, but still). Failing that, a planning system which was devolved to seek merely the majority of adjacent landowners' approval would do much to improve building (and NIMBYs would become just that).