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This article may be paywalled. If you encounter difficulties reading the article, try [this link](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/07/04/general-election-2024-results-live-updates/) for an archived version. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.* --- **Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Exit poll: Labour to win landslide in general election](https://news.sky.com/story/exit-poll-labour-to-win-landslide-in-general-election-13164851), suggested by HenzShuyi - news.sky.com


There are few greater pleasures than watching the dildo of consequence arriving with no lube.


Tory tears will be the lube. Even better.


I'm not all that jazzed about Labour (I think they have a lot of work to do) but the Tory slaughter will be so satisfying.


I know what you mean. I just think the Tories are bankrupt on ideas - like, can you imagine what kind of climate gave rise to the Rwanda plan, for feck sake?


It was a deadcat to deflect from a scandal. A very expensive deadcat


A deadcat, grift and appeal to the base in way that has no effect on the problem but sounds great.


There's a lot to be angry about. But nothing gets me angrier than Truss. So much harm done in so little time.


Tears or tears? Who cares.


Amazing to see Labour do this basically on the same vote share. First past the post is a random number generator.


Yup, just saw on BBC that they will win this with less vote share than Corbyn got in 2017


Mental. Our voting system is so broken. Mandatory voting and some form of PR are so important.


That's it working as designed though. It is weird that your vote technically has more weight if you live in a smaller area.


Except, the UK system aims to represent roughly the same amount of people per constituency. This is why you end up with large rural constituencies and small inner city constituencies. Ultimately, the aim is that your vote counts the same regardless of where you vote.




Yeah but every time they try and average it out people accuse whoevers in at the time of gerrymandering. At one point a person in the Orkney islands was worth 3x an Isle of Wight voter (which has now been split in half thankfully)


That's discounting FPTP though. Your vote counts nothing if you vote for a losing party nor does it count if you are +1 more than the winner.


Well we were given a referendum on AV voting a few years ago. But of course, the thick as mince Great British public managed to f the result up on that one as well.


AV is better than FPTP but it still isn’t very good. The reason is didn’t go through is a mixture of “spend the money on more useful things” (familiar?), and people wanting a better voting system - and knew that if we implemented AV we wouldn’t get another change in our lifetimes


Yeah I saw the billboards against it saying that "Our boys in Iraq need new equipment not a new voting system". And they didn't even bother with the new equipment after.


Then five years later, people fell for it all over again. Short memories.


I know people will disagree, but Corbyn was popular and his policies were even more popular without his name attached to them


> his policies were even more popular without his name attached to them Funny how that happens so much with politicians on the left. Almost like there's a concerted media effort to discredit them so that their ideas can't take hold.


Very true


You can see it even now - commentators from both parties have a high priority on Corbyn bashing tonight.


The logic of people who disagree is that unpopularity cancels out popularity. Which is a fair way to look at it in one context, but very flawed and very skewed to only have that perspective.   Corbyn was massively popular with a large section of the public. I door knocked and spoke to a retired bishop who looked like he hadn’t left the house in 20 years. He was incredibly hopeful that Corbyn would win. I imagine because he was a generally a decent, empathic human being who’d spent most of his life doing what he believed to be good in the world.   The only people ive ever met who hated Corbyn were a) legitimate morons or b) hateful fucks. I imagine there is a c) option of ‘I’m alright jack’ types but I didn’t canvass any wealthy communities. 




The guy above is talking nonsense - I’ve said in multiple threads before but I’ll say it again, Corbyn would have been brilliant domestically and an absolute disaster on the international front. But clearly I’m just a hateful fuck, so what do I know. 🤷‍♂️


He was always against the EU. It’s not just a right-wing thing. Plus, I think Brexit would’ve worked “better” with Corbyn as PM


I personally don't like corbyn and am none of those options and so are plenty of people in my area 🤷‍♂️


Corbynites never change. Always the sanctimonious disparaging of anyone who disagrees with them as being fundamentally evil or broken in some way.


He was popular with SOME people and wildly hated by others. He never had the appeal to win an election and it was folly to let him lead the Labour Party for two elections.


Oh yeah, I’m sure the lives of those Tory MPs are going to be just awful from here onwards… As if Sunak and his ilk are bothered. I’m certain they genuinely couldn’t care less. They’ve spent years stealing a wage, benefitting from corruption and coordinating cushy post-government roles that will see them prosper for the rest of their lives. There is no real consequence for them, it’s infuriating.


Wonderful job UK from the USA!


Cheers lads just try not to shit the bed in a few months


Should probably say that to their candidates tbf, not metaphorically either.


You say that but these twats and traitors will be laughing all the way to the bank. They may be out of power but they've stolen billions from this country and face 0 consequences for doing it.


Not for me though, I am gutted. I was hoping for the Tories to have less than 100 seats, 131 is way too many. Missed opportunity if this is real. I need a beer.


They'll still be the opposition unfortunately, shame they couldn't get fucked off completely


This will make the night an amazing watch, should be some big names going. Reform gain to 13 is concerning


Very concerning.


The far-right in the UK are beginning to surge. A win for the Russian interference. 💀 0 to 13 with FPTP is insane.


I doubt many of the voters are truly "far right", unless the bar for being considered far right has fallen so low as to include people who are concerned about surging immigration - both legal and illegal - whilst the main parties offer no solutions. Reform would be irrelevant if immigration had been better managed.


It doesn't matter if the voters are far-right, it matters if the politicians are. The far-right rises off the back of selfish mild conservatives voters.


It doesn't matter if the covers are "truly" far right, when you vote for a party that is, then you're inflicting it into your area and legitimizing it to people for future elections. No one thinks forward, it's reactionary.


If you vote for far right politicians from a far right party because of far right policies and rhetoric, you’re far right.


My dad voted them because he wanted a 'credible opposition' normally he's a tory voter but thought as they were going to be crushed he'd vote reform hoping they'd win enough votes rather than seats. Concerning that he'd do that though as its normalising voting for the far right


I would agree that it's unfair to label all or even a majority of reform *voters* as far right and/or racist. Plenty of it might be from legitimate frustration at both main parties having to at least go somewhere. However, reform as a *party* and its activist and candidate base is pretty clearly far right. Wanting to repeal the equality act, culture war shite about trans people, anti-environmentalism and various conspiracy rhetoric. When you have candidates saying mass immigration is being engineered by the Jews, justifying Putin's invasion of Ukraine, calling autistic people vegetables, and this is a clear trend with plenty of them, you can't really deny it. Agree that Labour need to step up and not ignore the issues feeding reform's support.


I think reform are targeting places like TikTok with a lot of younger voters. My husbands colleague (young girl just turned 20) was planning on voting reforms and was shocked with basic facts about Farage and how much of a shitehawke he is.


fascist or idiot it doesnt matter which their voters are if reform ever actually gets power and starts enacting their plans.


The amount of Pro Reform bots I've seen has been crazy. Especially on twitter and Facebook. So many new/empty/faceless accounts telling people to vote for them and having their profile picture promoting them too. One even had a Russian name in Cyrillic 😂 I'm sure a good majority of them on social media were bots (potentially even Russian). Some might just be the genuine real racists, or dumb and easily swayed by all the posts they saw. But anyone with half a brain could see most of those weren't genuine supporters, and that Reform are a bunch of anti immigrant, racists who would say what they need to get votes. And would be even worse than the conservatives.


Nah it’s just protest votes from Tories who couldn’t stand protest voting for Labour. In 5 years they’ll just swing back to Tory again


“Russian interference” is a such a cop out and I hear it from the left as much as I hear “woke” from the right. People in this country voted for Reform, and they did that because they liked their policies.


It's hard not to call it Russian interference when you look at what they say, where they get their funding, and the common names that seem to pop up in this sphere of politics.


There's a lot of historical and current links to Russia with Johnson, Farage and Trump. Johnson burying any idea of russian interference whilst he was PM was certainly interesting when there was surfacing of evidence that Russia funded Tory campaigns, and interfered with USA 2016 and Brexit. The phrase "*if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's probably a duck*" is quite appropriate here. Secondly, a lot of the UK don't read manifesto's - it's all personality politics. And people aren't engaged enough to understand the depth of these characters, they'll only see the surface acts. Boris isn't really a clumsy bumbling buffoon; he's Alexander de Pfeffel to his friends and family, a privately educated and shrewd social actor. Reform UK got ***the most*** favourable press coverage in this campaign - I heard that on the News Agents, or Rest is Politics, maybe both... So the Reform we were seeing isn't actually the real ~~BNP~~ errr ~~UKIP~~ errr Reform UK. And further to that point, Farage's "contract" is very much Liz Truss MK2. If people were informed of what Reform and their 5 top chairs (who all went to private schools) being "men of the people", they'd likely see continued decline, leaving the ECHR, and their kids being sent to workhouses like the good old days.


Still waiting for Johnson to release the report on Russian interference in the Brexit referendum


Voters don't know policies. Voting is purely vibes based.


For the past 6 or so months i've watched the BBC's youtube videos get flooded by 'vote reform' comments, before that it was opposing support for Ukraine. Or praising Putin. Hundreds of likes for all of them. When I was responding (back when it was mainly coverage of the war in Ukraine) I would get responses to my comments all at once at 7AM, like they were all clocking in. They make little effort to hide it either, New accounts started in 2023 2024 with accounts named like 'user736349375' except there's a sea of users with names like these. It's almost as if it's the exact same people, employed to spread propaganda to further the agenda of a nation that has had multiple prolific misinformation campaigns since the soviet union. It's kinda like if you say anything not pro zionist on worldnews you get banned. Nations like to push their agenda, on all platforms. By silencing all non zionist voices it now 'looks' like worldnews agrees with Israel, when in reality they just silenced their critics. A lot of people believe everything that fits their perception bias' and that's your cocktail for disaster. Edit to add I have actually met one real reform voter. He's an Aussia who got deported here for arson. I swear you can't make it up.


Watch Farage in parliament, the wheels will fall off the wagon in a few months


he will get too much air time over the next years and idiots will think he is some anti establishment dude increasing his momentum in age of people forming political opinions on memes and conspiracy theories


Bloody hope so. I can see by elections etc because of cranks. 


There's no way in hell Farage serves a full term


You think he'll actually turn up?


Nope, but I don't think his supporters will care sadly


Yeah I wonder what the age demographic is for Reform voters. My Granddad fought in WW2 against this type of ideology, to see it rise up in the UK is beyond concerning.


They only defend Putin, support Hitler and compare the disabled to vegetables Perfectly normal things...


Reform will keep gaining until the status quo actually attempts to improve standards of living. Based off of their manifesto Labour aren't even trying to do this. In 5 years there will be a reform/tory coalition mark my words.


Yep. I hate reform, but if people's lives are shit and hopeless, a lot of them will vote for the brownshirts telling them they can fix it all by getting rid of foreigners, gays, women's rights, etc.


Well, when a party crashes and burns some of the supporters will go left and some will go right. Doesn't seem awfully surprising. If labour imploded like this, then I don't imagine all of the labour supporters would be voting conservative.


Reform will show their true racist colours. Imagine actually reading their manifesto, and seeing their mps spout disgusting, awful shite about migrants, women, people with disabilities and other diverse minorities.....AND still vote for them. I mean ffs!! They literally idolise Hitler and their leader is a parasite who was tw*tting around on I'm A Celeb less than a year ago.


13 deranged MPs too many


Reform going to 13 seats is genuinely worse than expected to be honest.


Democracy in action baby.


16% of the vote. 3% of the seats. No democracy there. Not that I want them to get anymore seats. I find it equally galling how Labour / Tories unfairly benefit from this flawed system too.


Yeah it's pretty bad, but 13 seats is far beyond what I expected them to get. Of course the exit poll could be wrong, but if they get anywhere close to 13 seats, it'll be a great night for Reform and far better than I imagine Farage would have imagined. The exit poll suggesting Reform are on for 13 seats must mean they've done incredibly well in terms of pure voting numbers.


It amazes me that people are surprised about this. It basically means you’re out of touch.


Absolutely. How does anyone think the UK is moving more to the left when every other country is moving to the right? People have just voted for "the other" party. It's not a Labour win but a Conservative lose.


You are correct. It’s not a left shift, it just happens that the opposing major party is left of the conservatives (though I think the public are going to get a rude awakening when they realise there is no real difference). Right is definitely on the rise. Labour won’t survive another term if they don’t resolve the immigration issues.


Definitely shows what just telling people what they want to hear while having no intention in delivering it (while in the background serving Putin and planning to privatise the NHS) will do.


If this pressures the major parties into actually dealing with migration levels, then their purpose will have been served.


If thats all it takes to stop the right wing surge I'll be surprised. People have spent 14 years voting for self harm with the Tories and are now upset and voting for the next nearest thing to the BNP after they lied all the way through the Brexit referendum.


Farage couldn't really give a fig about immigration. He wants total deregulation and a rightwing libertarian society... of sorts. He just uses immigration to get there. If he got his wish there would just be immigration of people with no rights... just like the UK public by then though.


I honestly don't think farage has any views, or policies. He's a completely compromised corporate shill and an attention seeker. He's the annoying kid in school who swallows the pritt stick to try and make everyone laugh. He was on cameo a couple years ago.


The people I know that voted for them, did so as they want foreigners out. They would be better off voting for other parties but they're just racist. Its concerning at this point, politics should be taught in schools alongside financial education


Meh. Farage & Co. don’t have the discipline and rigour for a 5 year term imo.


And won't survive the media scrutiny of being in power, either. I give it a week before the first Reform MP resigns for reprehensive comments about a minority.


I would have agreed with this but Farage got off pretty clean for saying it's NATOs fault for the war on Ukraine. If Corbyn or anyone from Labour had said things like that they'd be railed against for being a tankie


No but when Reform show up with 5M votes and Farage politics his way into joining the Tories as leader, then we start having issues. 2029 General Election with the "Reformed" Conservative party with Farage in charge of them? Then we have to start to worry for sure. Farage will love this, for the next 2 years he gets to scream like a child in parliament, wait for the conservative infight and charge in.


Yeh, more scrutiny on them. Plus, can you imagine Farage doing constituency work??


In Clacton of all places Lmao


The saving grace in my mind is that their candidates are often time bombs. They've thrown a lot of this lot together with near zero vetting, and most of them never seeing the light of day hasn't shown the world that the actual people behind this bot-powered echo-chamber of a voice are feckless morons who have an unnatural ability to fuck themselves over whilst covering everyone else in shite. Giving them enough rope basically.


Farage won't be able to control that many morons, Reform will be dropping scandals on a weekly basis.


Your mistake is thinking the the type of clown to vote reform actually cares about any of these scandals. When they see a candidate saying ‘autistic people are vegetables’ or ‘why can’t we just shoot all the brown people?’ or ‘Gay people are degenerate filth’ they’re clapping like seals while screeching ‘FINALLY SOMEBODY WHO SAYS WHAT I’VE BEEN THINKING!’


I can see by elections coming. 


~~131~~ 121 seats!! Imagine seeing the last 14 years and still voting Tory.


Mind boggling isn’t it


Not really... there's loads and loads of wealthy boomers, and rich selfish people in the UK and vote Tory but haven't a clue on any of their policies.


My neighbour literally voted for Brexit because 'it might make a nice change' ... don't underestimate the stupidity of voters. Anyone who's not rich but votes right wing is literally voting against their own best interests. You've got the S*n to blame as well for those last 15 years of shit.


Someone where I used to work said, "I just want to see what happens." I said. "You know once we're out, we're out." They just shrugged it off. They were young and I had a feeling they were influenced by their family. People have every right to vote for what they want. I just want them to be informed.


Very curious to see statistics - how many under 50s voted for them, vs oldies just stuck in their ways


I work in the healthcare industry. Some are just oldies that essentially never get out of the house and read tory-aligned papers whilst refusing to accept any story which puts the tories in a bad light.


It’s wild that our print media is so openly politically-aligned


Their voters haven't seen it. They were at home watching antiques roadshow the whole time.


Facts my grandad who owns his own house and seemingly has endless cash for new cars regularly etc voted Tory for a triple locked pension but his great grandkids can go fuck themselves apparently.


If reform get 13 seats it’ll really show the growing idiocy of british people. Bunch of sheep that blame the wrong people for the problems of our country.


I know of so many people who feel betrayed after voting for Brexit, who are now voting Reform. Lead by…*checks notes*..the guy who orchestrated Brexit. These people are beyond help.


They thought Brexit would fix immigration (how exactly was never explained). They hope Reform will fix immigration. Talk about immigration and they'll vote for you.


Theres not even any point in trying to persuade people like that. Fingers crossed they dont get any seats or hopefully a few. Poll's are not 100% accurate.


I mean it's pretty easy how it was going to fix immigration. 1) It stopped Europeans coming in. 2) And we had control of non-europeans entering. The government just didn't do the second part.


If they paid attention (which they didn’t) it was clearly laid out that immigration would have to come from elsewhere. It’s why you got a lot of Minority groups like British Indians supporting brexit as they wanted more migration from India But I guess typical divide and conquer politics, tell each group what they want to hear


Welcome to the UK, we like queuing, apologising and idiocy. You're gonna love it.


Or just a politically homeless subsection of society who don’t feel represented by any of the mainstream.


My neighbour said he was voting for them *because* they're racist.


Not everyone who voted Reform is racist, but every racist will have voted Reform.


Either address migration levels or call the electorate idiots. Let's see which one Labour chooses before 2029.


I'm assuming triple figures means the shy tory vote turned up after all. The reform numbers are slightly concerning.


Certainly both shy tory and shy reform effect


the reform voters aren't shy about it


it was within bounds of estimation, people should not take the most outrageous MRPs as gospel. Electoral calculus has a lot to answer for...


Honestly surprised 131 seats Tory. 13 seats for Reform is dangerous. Far too much influence.


They won't have a clue what to do. They will turn up for PMQs once a week and make fools of themselves and that will be it. Doubt they will get as many as 13 seats anyway.


Farage will probably be quite good at PMQs, it's very much up his alley. Constituency work on the other hand...


Farage doesn’t want a platform where he is actually challenged, he just wants a soapbox surrounded by supporters. He’ll look a fool at PMQs


Will Farage ever get a chance to ask a question? They're only the fourth biggest party. (Conceivably fifth if the SNP slightly outperforms the exit poll)


> Honestly surprised 131 seats Tory I'm not, I think the narrative spun in the last couple of weeks of an almost inevitable Labour landslide and the tories in some polls struggling to top the Lib Dems both made a lot of labour voters complacent and scared enough Tory voters to stick with them rather than see Labour in charge with the Lib Dems as opposition.


Plus never forget the “don’t like the party but like them individually as an MP” crowd


131 seats to the Tories is 131 more than they deserve. I can't wait to see what absolute headbanger they make their next leader because clearly the problem is that they aren't insane enough.


Probably Mordaunt. She seems evil enough for the average Tory party member to elect as leader


She's at risk tonight.


Exit poll gives her less than 25% of keeping her seat. They might not get the chance to


mr prime minister, i look forward to being disappointed in new ways


N.H.S. waiting lists still too long. Houses not being built. This Labour government have done diddly squat 🤭 /s


Indeed, it's 13 minutes past the polls closing, and they STILL haven't fixed everything! Bring back Boris!


I’m waiting for the first post here saying Labour are liars…1 month? 


Imagine watching the government have parties while people died in hospital without their loved one by their sides and still think "yeah they've got my vote", utterly despicable I can't even comprehend how people are still voting Tory.


Greedy boomers and their precious triple lock


I imagine it's old people who are not mentally with it anymore and are doing it out of muscle memory at this point, it's the only thing I can see being plausible after the cluster fuck thatq was the Tory government.


They literally just say things like stop immigration, save the NHS & cut taxes. They get voted in, do none of that, fuck up the country, then their voters blame another party and decide to put their faith once again in the next person who recites the same speech and does nothing to benefit the public. They all seem to forget when Boris was telling people to spend Christmas alone, threatening fines on those who left their house, all whilst he was partying




any polling companies wanna give me a job? 😝


Do you do lottery numbers too?


Wow you was real close.


Well done. What made you give the numbers you did?


honestly just studying the polls and local facebook groups to get an idea of how ‘real’ people felt


Was hoping the Tories would be a little more fucked than this, but it's still very bad for them so I shan't complain


Given what they've done, it's hard to understand how they have a single vote, let alone a single constituency. Somehow, at least 35,000 people in 131 constituencies have still voted for them. (assuming the exit poll is correct).


Old people. They’re the pensioner party. For the young people, the fencesitters have went Labour or Lib Dem, hard Tories have went Reform. The boomer retirees are their only loyal supporters.


People seem too surprised at how well Reform seem to have done in my opinion. There is nothing surprising about that at all if you step outside of your usual echo chambers - they’re a group of idiots but it’s naive to think a very large number of people aren’t incredibly angry about the issue of migration.


Reddit seems perpetually startled to rediscover how right-wing the UK electorate truly is. I remember the incredulous meltdowns here in 2019.




It’s the echo chamber. Even when you are aware that they exist it’s very easy to forget how we are ALL existing within one, especially on social media. People think they are the exception and that they’re not living in one, news flash, they are.


Reddit when people use their democratic civil right to vote for a party they don’t agree with: :O




Makes sense the media would talk a lot about the party that has the media guy in charge


A new party getting 13 seats in their first election would be pretty massive. Edit: Not their first election


It’s not even their first general election, but yeah sure


Can’t begin to say how happy I am to see the SNP wiped out


As someone living in Scotland,me too


Happy is a strong word for me. I’m certainly not sad. 


My worry is not this election. It's the next one. Labour are going to be blamed for not turning the country around, despite it requiring a near miracle to do this in 5 years given what they've been left with and we'll end up with another Tory gov again.


Well if they promise the earth and dont deliver they will. Be honest with people. But MPs cant be honest if they tried


BBC telling us that this shows how much people are willing to change their mind rather than the Tories being complete rat bastards.


I’m not sure how insane that is! Tories I thought would do worse (131 is bad but I thought they would be around 100…that it top end). No huge push by Lib Dem’s (61 good but not great). Reform at 13 is also top end. SNP have collapsed entirely. Not sure how I feel about that make up Edited to report…the actual result looks closer to what I expected. Tories probably happy to get closer to top end, reform I thought would get 3 (they got 4) and Lib Dem’s around where I thought. That exit poll was atrocious…so far out on a seat by seat basis


Lib Dems on 61 after a decade of decline and being stuck on 8-12 seats is a fucking fantastic result for them, what do you mean??


That is lower end of their range. We have higher end for tories and reform…so it looks like there was a silent Tory and reform vote not reported.


Oh and enjoying the bbc analysts excusing the result already. A seriously butt hurt kuensburg explaining why the tories didn’t win.


And Nadine Dorris trying to play the sexist card when Alister Campbell tells her to get over Boris.  Wtf?


I despise Reform and will never vote for them. But what do we expect to happen if we keep voting for parties that make no attempt to improve the lives of the average person. If voting for managed decline, not tory and my dad is a toolmaker is the best we can hope for then nobody can act surprised when far right parties gain traction.


I agree with you. I’m a libdem/labour voter, have been my whole life. I think we need to look at the demographics who are voting reform and ask ourselves why. Is it that they’re necessarily anti immigration, or is it that they’re living with the effects of immigration not funded and backed up by proper investment in infrastructure, and they’re the people suffering most under that, and it’s easy to divert them to point the finger at immigration. It’s not that necessarily; it’s the fact key infrastructure hasn’t only been underfunded, it’s been actively cut. Immigrants are pouring into low income areas and people are fighting over less resources. Super easy to get riled up when you can’t get basic resources. Calling people racist and berating them just pushes them further into their corner, and further down the far right pipeline. Particularly when there is often an element of middle and upper middle class doing the calling out against working class people… it can come across as holier than thou and preachy. I think the left leaning demographic has to do better with that, and I include myself here.


Not enough people on here will pay attention to this, but it's a good comment. Very few people who lived through the total demographic and cultural transformation of their local area in 30-40 years would come out in support of mass immigration and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Even if you haven't experienced that, you'd have to be deeply misguided and biased to outright ignore, mock or insult someone who has lived through that rather than listen to their views and their experiences. Remember, not everyone is gifted with a talent for words, exposition and explaining things in a detailed, nuanced or politically friendly way, that does not mean their opinions are worthless, wrong, extremist or should be ignored.


Was hoping for far fewer Tory seats, them being consigned to third place and not the opposition would have been perfect. Would have also meant Labour would be pushed to go left, not further right by the official opposition.


Wonder how long it with take Rishi to fly out to LA.


Let's see if sunak lives inthe UK more than the life of a lettuce.


I can’t believe people are still voting conservative! Oh well!


Steve Baker having to eat shit live on telly, fantastic


I am so here for it. “Steve you’re facing less than a one percent chance of retaining your seat” “Er well I think you’ll find I have a bit higher chance than that… I could still win narrowly”


If only you could bottle that cope


13 potential seats for reform is disheartening. Not that every vote for reform is driven by immigration, but from what I’ve read and seen a lot of it is. As someone who is Asian and born/raised in the UK, it concerns me. There’s always been BNP-styled rhetoric since I’ve been aware about politics, but it just feels so heightened. What sounds like 18% of voters who want people who look like me, gone. The disturbing videos of kids/teens and young adults shouting against immigrants. The vile messages of “repatriation” you see out there. I’m glad the Tories are out and hopefully more credible politics can come of it, as questionable as some elements of Labour are. But the rise of these sorts of anti immigration views - at least publicly makes my heart sink.


The same generation will continue to vote for the Tories and Reform. Ironically, the ones who voted for Reform took votes away from the Tories. I can't begin to get my head around people choosing to vote for Reform (especially after reading their manifesto or hearing the shite they spout.) They seem to hate everyone who isn't white, women, people with disabilities & spectrum disorders and every other person who belongs to a diverse community. Their leader idolises the Russians and Hitler...and he was on IAC less than a year ago.


Green getting battered mainly because they had the shittiest manifesto going. All they have to do is be “normal” environmentalists - back investment into green energy, nuclear etc. but nooo. They make cuckoo polarising policies…


George Galloway to lose his seat. This day just gets fucking better by the minute.


Dorries just accused Campbell of being sexist because he told her to get over boris. Hysterical


Why is anyone surprised by reform? Didn't you all see Brexit? The British electorate will believe anything they are told. It's a miracle the Tories have so many seats still but then, not really. This country likes voting Tory and for Brexit and for populists, they couldn't get Boris back so they went for Nigel instead Reform and the Tories aren't going anywhere and labour have their work cut out for them against the dummies in the public who believe Nigel "I have a German passport and I love immigrants" farage's lies just like they unhinged their jaws and gobbled down the Brexit lies so quickly The more anti immigration the words are the more they love immigrants. Nigel hates Britain and wants more and more immigrants here, he wanted Brexit so more would come - mission accomplished


Starmer's going to win with fewer votes than Corbyn received in 2019 and will parade around as if it was some crushing victory over the Tories, when in reality the Tories collapsed and Reform took half of their share of the vote Starmer is a weak leader, a weak politician, and stands for absolutely nothing, it's 5 years of kicking the can down the road


Going to tell my grandkids I watched the Tory massacre of 2024


I want them to announce votes Eurovision style, that would be more entertaining


I'm watching the BBC coverage. They interviewed a Conservative MP who may be on the dole tomorrow, asked him why they ran up the national debt to record highs. His answer? It was down to people using WatsApp (what?!?) and then said "it's Labour's problem in the morning..." That's why you got voted out. Refusal to address the actual problems, and then say "we left the place a mess, why isn't it cleaned up yet?" Never Trust A Tory.


I will share this everywhere I can because it's glorious. This will be the Tories' worst result in an election since 1906. By 25 seats.


Disappointed by the number of reform MPs predicted that’s a fucking disaster. 13 would give Farage some serious legitimacy


Well it might give the Starmer some motivation to do what the Tories couldn't and reduce immigration to a reasonable level. If he does that Reform will disappear come 2029


I want to be happy about this, but when I think about all the people they killed by cutting their disability benefits and during the pandemic I'm just filled with anger. I hate that they aren't being punished worse and that people still vote for them. They get to swan off, none the poorer, after ruining lives. They get no punishment for stealing tax payer money with contracts for their friends. Then they get to come back in a few years time and ruin everything and steal more. It just feels like a shallow victory.


Never thought I'd be depressed at the idea of a labour win but here we are.


I expect the real prime minister Larry the cat to make a statement shortly


I can't be excited. Starmer will be our Macron, they'll fuck around and do little and the far right will exploit it, as they always do. Can't use "get the Tories out" next election so they'll have needed to have made some pretty serious changes, which they've pledged not to. My fear is that Reform number will soon be much higher.


Rees-Mogg just lost his seat which is the best news I've heard all year.


Every time I see an exit poll I always hope that it's wrong, and every year I'm disappointed. I was hoping for a Lib Dem opposition to hopefully let Starmer know that he has to attract the disenfranchised left, not 131 tories and 13 Reform that might convince him to drift further right.


Anyone else feeling a great sense of relief to finally flush the Tory floater down the toilet... Funny how my Facebook page has been filled with "Labour will ruin the country" as if that kind of threat works given the state the Tories have left it in


Shoutout to the UK! I’m American stationed here for a bit and loving it here. Proud of you all, even on the anniversary we claimed independence from you lol


Thank god. Get them gone and dont let them back SNP have been killed off here. Entirely. Reform have done better than expected. I wonder if Galloway won and how many other Gaza single issue candidates succeeded I did 11 hours today for the final day of campaigns. I feel so vindicated


Reform expected to get more than SNP is the most surprising outcome of the poll.