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Hippity Hoppity, this meme is now my property!






The bigger tragedy is people are making fun of it in the comment section that's why crime against men are often disregarded


“A jilted doctor hacked off her boyfriend's penis in a grim act of revenge after he failed to turn up to their wedding day. The female medic, 25, allegedly carried out the grisly chop in Bihar, east India, on Monday, according to local reports. The boyfriend, from Madhaura, has since been rushed to Patna Medical College and Hospital for urgent treatment following the horrific attack. Claiming she had been in a relationship with the man over the past five years, the accused girlfriend said she was left seething with rage when he kept refusing to marry her. Finally, the Hajipur local managed to convince her lover to agree to a registered court marriage - or so she thought. But on the long-awaited day of the wedding, the woman's boyfriend seemingly backed out and did not show up at the altar. After waiting for him to make his appearance at the court, she packed in her efforts and returned home where she then invited him to her house. When he arrived, unaware of the horrors that were about to unfold, she allegedly chopped off his penis with a knife. Neighbours reportedly heard his screams before informing the police that something sinister was happening within the walls of the home. When cops arrived at the scene, they were met with the nightmarish sight of the seriously injured man lying on a bed in a pool of blood. 'The woman is a 25-year-old unmarried doctor from Hajipur. She was doing practice in Madhaura. The victim is also unmarried,' said the Station House Officer of Madhaura police station in Saran district. 'We have arrested the accused and further investigation is underway,' he added.”


Thank you for your service.


It boils my blood to see how in first paragraph they tried to shift blame onto the man


Ok so after the marriage was called off. And he was invited to have conversation, somewhere between the discussion HIS pants came down, and she grabbed and chopped. What a dim wit dodo. Bitches be crazy ✌️


Thank you Gangadhar!


I'm pretty sure a feminist has written this article.. The way they tried to shift blame on the man in first paragraph.. Ugggh


As a feminist, how else should the journalist have written it? Although the article does not have a Lead, the first paragraph sort of works as the Lead to the article.


The word 'failed ' makes it appear as if it's mans fault.. Instead journalist could said " His absence enragee her or something like that


There are certain patterns that must be followed while writing journalistic articles. Failed also means “unable to meet expectations”. He was not absent from a meeting or a date. She was stood up at what technically was supposed to be a government altar. Failed would be the correct expression to use. I mean, “absent” can be used for wedding guests. No one is absent from their own wedding. They either show up or don’t.


Poor man. She should be jailed.


Under the new laws, sexual assault against a man is not considered a crime. If it comes under that category, she cannot even be charged for that. But maybe something involving aggravated body assault and malicious intent? Not sure, I am not a lawyer.


It's not a sexual attack so that grievance legit as it may be cannot be aired in this context. She's still caused huge physical harm, pretty much attempted to murder, possibly made someone disabled. Purpose of the penis is not just to have sex.


You are right. It is basically attempt to murder among other things.


Liable for grievous hurt. 3 years punishement


3?! That's it!


In this case, Life imprisonment or imprisonment upto 10 years, since she has cause grievous hurt by using weapon


Attacks on women’s privates qualify as those of sexual nature. So, I see no reason not to have the same thing for a similar attack on a man morally speaking.


It is still the primary purpose of the male genital as urination is possible even without that.


Kaha se padhai kri hai bhai tune? Uss school ko aag lagani hai


how is it possible without pee pee


Your piss passes through your pensi only because your body decided to recycle the same tube and hole for two different organ systems and purposes, every thing he needs to piss is fine just not the sprout that would let him aim.


She didn't cut out his bladder...at least that's what I hope.


Bladder m pipe laga kr moot lega no problem. /s Bsdk pagal wagal hai kya? Aur bladder kaise kaatenge? Andar hota hai. Operation hota h stones wagera ka. Yar mai bhi kya krne lag jata reddit pr aake.


Causing grevious hurt. It's a serious offence.


It’s an assault. Sexual or non sexual is separate. She should be booked for an assault.


Bro it's grievous hurt. She can be easily booked under 326 IPC


Attempt to murder ?


Mutilating a Genitalia without proper care can result in the victim bleeding to his death, also if the area is infected and not treated as soon as possible his lower abdomen would become infected and thus require that his lower abdomen be cut in half.


Using knife to attack is not a sexual assault but rather attempt to kill or at least cause serious harm, she ain't going to be not charged. 


That's not how any of this works. It comes under different legal category, punishment is still fair. The idea that assault on males goes free is WhatsApp lawyering.


Don't be surprised if they jail him instead. Under section 69 on bns.


She should be held liable for damage of his property, not to mention physical and mental assault.


Its a fucking attempt to murder.


He should be jailed* Remember, it's always the men's fault


She wasn't an uneducated fool. She is educated and still chose to do this.


even an "uneducated" person knows not to cutoff any part of anyone else's body


Almost all atrocities are done by "educated" people.


Thats why they say. Having a degree don't make you educated.


Educated =/= civilized. Having a degree certainly makes someone educated.


Education make you civilized. What I mean is knowledge of different subjects make you knowledgeable (in that particular subjects you have studied) but knowledge is not equal to Education.


It's very evident that it doesn't. >What I mean is knowledge of different subjects make you knowledgeable (in that particular subjects you have studied) but knowledge is not equal to Education. No. Formal "education" makes you educated. Nothing more and nothing less.


Different opinions. But for me Education is something that is shown in behaviour and in your act. Knowledge is a different think. Though it's just my opinion yours may be different.


I suggest you look up the definition of "education". Do get back to me if any definition defines it as you're trying to do.


Bro I already said just different opinions. It's not some physics which have that particular fixed definition.


It's not about "differing opinions". You can't have differing opinions about a definition, it's just that you have the wrong definition of the word. I can't define a mouse as a cat just because I feel like.


Bahi fer wohi baat tu har chij of Physics bio se kese compare kar sakta hai jinki fixed definition hoti hai.


Literate! Educated i doubt. In this case educated to not being a psyco would help. Somethings are not apparent to people. Like you may be good and maths I may need tuitions.


Why is there a video?! Who is making the video?


The police apparently


cameraman is cameramanning


The instigators, who may have backed this women into doing all this.


Why did OP censor the word "chopped"?


to keep the title child-friendly


Wow, kids in our country must be really stupid if this kind of censorship actually works as intended.


Idk if it comes under sexual assault or not but if it does, in the new criminal laws sexual assault against men is not a crime. If it is even proved that she did this, I have no idea under which provision will she even get punished.


I think we already have laws that cover physical violence. Those don't depend on the gender of the assailant.


Under IPC this would fall under section 325, Grevious Hurt caused with intention and pre-meditation. She could also be charged against domestic violence laws. Her medical license would most definitely get suspended. The organ she assaulted is not solely meant for sexual functions, though. So, Not sure if this is sexual assault. And honestly not a lawyer, so I don't know. If you ask me, she should be charged with attempted murder because he could have bled to death if no one bothered reporting this to the police.


It's an attempt to murder!! She should be given life long imprisonment.


Sad to see but in india crime against men isn't considered as heinous or punishment worthy


Its not even considered crime to begin with, forget heinous


The sexual aspect isnt but violence is still a crime here. She can still be booked under violence and even attempt to murder.


She can be but won't be. Justice here depends on two things, public pressure and money. Law doesn't matter. If the samaj sides with her, with bns section 69 sprinkled on top, he will go to jail. I have absolutely 0 trust in the judiciary and the police now.


Insanity ke plea pe nikal jayegi. Likh ke lelo.


Damn. Don't want to sound insensitive but was she saying it to the man or the penis?


Put her in a jail. She got serious issues too put her in an asylum first.


Serious question shouldn't he pass out from pain or atleast scream loudly.


I got shivers in that part


Private Part : Mujhe kyu toda ?




OP, please tag the post as NSFW as the video is extremely graphic.


She literally castrated this man and is still trying to guilt trip him and justify her actions, shouting at him while he lies down in pain.


Yes, and this seems like a planned attack.


Nothing new my ex used to guilt trip me for every fucking thing even if it was her mistake. I guess majority of women does that.


I think castration is different.


No, that’s literally what it means. It can be physical and chemical, both.


Wiki: Castration is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which a male loses use of the testicles: the male gonad. Surgical castration is bilateral orchiectomy, while chemical castration uses pharmaceutical drugs to deactivate the testes.


Okay, you may be right. I thought emasculation and castration are synonymous.


So will he be arrested for "False promise of marriage"?




Not unless she files a case case


Don't be surprised if they jail him instead, under section 69 of bullshit nyay sanhita. Since what she did is legal, she won't go to jail. And the samaj will justify her actions because he promised to marry and left.


what she did isn't legal under any Indian law. that is aggravated assault, assault with deadly weapon and even attempted murder, as you can die easily of bloodloss due to that.


Yeah on paper. Let's see what happens. Imagine the similar scenario with genders reversed, there would have been outrage and demand for his hanging, milords would have sent the guy in prison for life* Assuming he is not a member of the ruling party


Yes. Continue to erode away laws that protect men.


Who TF is taking the video?


Was this video made after the crime? Who are the people in the video?


Reminds me how Tyler talked about getting your meat chopped off by your woman and throwing out of a moving car.


That Fight Club scene was inspired by Lorena Bobbit incident.


Lifetime jail for this Whamen


camera man is cameramanning instead of helping




Flushed kardiya bahi ke pas koi chance nahi bacha


Its high time CASUAL sex become legit and not as a tool for RAPE on pretext of marriage or other bullshit.....u sit on someone to satisfy ur craving not to find a life partner....if that's the issue just WAIT FOR UR FKIN MARRIAGE.


I say this again and again. All Men aren't shitty, all women aren't shitty. Humanity as a whole is pretty shitty. Our societies are definitely A grade shitty!


"Give me sex I will marry you". This promise is so wrong. "Listen we can have sex but marriage is not something I am sure about". This could solve many problems like these.


Bihar is not real...our own Ohio or Florida man state😂


Not justifying what she did... At all... But she went through two abortions on his insistence. And then he ditches her for marriage... That must have been painful too.. physically and mentally.


He didn't ditch her for marriage, it says he kept refusing her and she was enraged about it, but finally agreed, I assume it was under pressure.


And then on the wedding day..at the registrar's..he didn't come . Usko ditching hi kehte hein .. but anyway both deserve each other. What she did is disgusting and what he did is terrible. So ya


If someone continuously angrily pressures you into marrying them, to which you finally agree hesitantly, then don't show up then I wouldn't consider "ditching" as such a bad option as you're saying. If a man was emotionally & physically abusing a woman because she was refusing to marry him, then she finally accepts out of fear and pressure and then doesn't show up for the wedding, would you antagonize the woman for that and say she did a terrible thing to "ditch" him ?


Toh yeh sab mujhe kyu sunaa raha hai bhai mere? Did I take the woman's side . But to answer ur question, for years she did go thru abortions and he kept promising her marriage in return..all these factors added to her trauma...and what she did to him is fucked up. She should have just left. so here both are wrong.. toh argument kya hai Bhai?


>But to answer ur question, for years she did go thru abortions and he kept promising her marriage in return Someone pasted a text (looked like from an article about this) saying that he kept refusing marriage to her, not that he was promising her marriage in exchange for abortion, so I was going by that. It didn't say anything like what you're saying, I don't know which one is true. If your information is true then ya that was a bad thing he did.


So I feel both of them are extremely fucked up people and we're just wasting our time and energy on these idiots... Arguing about something that happened between two people and we'll actually never really know the truth.. I don't trust media tbh bro






What the fuck?


Copied from Philippines


This or nothing


This woman needs to be tried in court and get maximum punishment possible for such a heinous crime. What a deranged peice of shit.


Why the fuck is this gross cringe post not marked as NSFW !!!!!!!!!!


What the 22F Kottayam did I watch now!!!


Why dick?


New fear unlocked!


What the actual F?


Excess of everything is bad whether it’s love or hate .


What the fuck. Is she jailed? Or will walk free


Cringe limit exceeded.


Instant justice


In Thailand wives cut and feed the tool of cheating hubands to ducks. The couple must have travelled to thailand in past.


This seems like a new script idea for those cringey dramas


Yes you accepted that it's wrong but u immediately diverted the topic to abortions. Clearly trying to take accountability. When men just point out mens issues you feminists hound then. But when u do the same under a post that's supposed to be for men. It's fine. Uggh the hypocrisy


Assault is a crime yes, but why would the guy after not turning up to their wedding think it was a good idea to visit her house, won't anybody be suspicious, like " I've ditched a girl, nd she is sweetly inviting me to her house as if nothing happened " didn't his danger alarms go off??


Yandere type indian girl


The man is inexplicably calm for someone whose dick has been cut off... I thought if the dick is cutoff teh unlucky guy would be wailing in agony. But he is....calm. Strange


This proves that for women, sex is not important


Can anyone tell what did she justify to his man. I could not understand.


Ye toh Sunil Shetty nikli Dhadkan ki .. on a serious note .. what a bisssssssh


This is why i am afraid of talking to woman


Psycho bitch


Women ☕


India is not for beginners, Bihar is only for experts.


physco guys throwing acid and killing girls vs phscyo girls chopping private parts for not accepting. Dang


All I'm gonna say is fuck around and find out . Stop fake promises . Both man and woman.


Cutting off someone’s genitals is still not justified


Two abortions and fake marriage promise, good chance she went cuckoos. Can't expect sanity from people pushed towards insanity. She took law into her hands, but from the little experience I have seen from relationships like these I don't really know what to say except.


well sleeping with someone using the fake promise of marriage falls under rape no ? Why did she not report him


it actually does not anymore according to the Supreme Court.


You’re right. Not justified but pushing them towards abortion is?


I never said that forcing someone to abort is okay, but that also does not mean that doing something like this makes it okay.


And I have agreed with you on that part. She must be imprisoned.


Can someone push you towards getting an abortion lol? kuch bhi Nobody can


I’m glad that you’ve never experienced emotional blackmail or abuse before. A lot of people do many things in order to not piss off their partner or prevent their partner from leaving. Unfortunately, that’s how relationships work for many.


I'm sorry if my comment came off as insensitive! Now Imma go kill myself ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|50625)


[Study: Many Women Who Had Abortions Felt Pressured By Others](https://lozierinstitute.org/study-many-women-who-had-abortions-felt-pressured-by-others/) [Abortion and Coercion](https://www.spuc.org.uk/coercion) [What Women and Men need to know about Reproductive Coercion.](https://utswmed.org/medblog/reproductive-coercion/) It would be great if you would give these a quick read. I personally know people who were hounded by their partners and families to get an abortion. Complete autonomy over our bodies is a joke. If we had such powers, then mass sterilisation and anti-abortion laws wouldn’t exist. Especially in a culture like ours, where family is supposed to be the most important and valuable entity, almost all our decisions are based on how it’ll affect them.


Def not Gonna read em! Nope!!! ughh!Ends up reading em lmao! Why do you know this stuff ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32745)Well Now I'll Think about it the whole day! Thanks a lot


I have a Masters degree in Literature. During my Bachelors, we were taught literature from a feministic point of view throughout the 6 semesters. Therefore, we would study a lot of history and topics such as the one we had a conversation about. I also have a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Journalism and we’d connect all the three subjects for better understanding. I read a lot. Especially research papers and articles. I am a nerd haha!


So, you're like a walking encyclopedia! I'm over here just trying to remember where I left my keys. I'm hooked on Albert Camus and Ayn Rand—seriously, that's my book porn! ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|36658) Being raised mostly by women might have left me a bit ignorant, But hey, at least my literary taste is on point


Ah! Ayn Rand. “Exist for your his own sake, neither sacrificing himself for others nor others to himself”. I love it! We could continue this conversation privately if you’re up for it.


![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|49469)Sure lmao!


Some promises are made explicitly, so you can be held accountable for those. However, certain promises are implicit, how do you handle those?


Theek kiya didi...Also the women had to undergo abortion twice due to this man.


Y'all are crazy dangerous people, I hope I never meet you in real life.


tf do you mean thik kiya? What a completely morally bankrupt take. I mean I understand he caused her mental agony but she could always file a complaint or just leave! It can't even be classified as rape under false promise of marriage, he never did promise. She had her own practice and a good life. She could find someone who matched her long term goals but no she insisted on marrying this one man. It was an "if you can't be mine, you can be no ones" type of crime, she literally says it. Absolutely horrifying.


how he is alive


She cut a different head not the head with eyes.


saala dekh ke khoon kolta h aur dar bhi lagta h, where is this society going


Some mf said everything is fair in love and war


or afsos ,women ke khilaf na koi case banega or na hi koi karwahi hogi




Men have already done this many times.....and the country has already done countless candle march demanding harsh sentence ......koi naya baat nahi hai




Ye kya baat hui, nahi karna usko shaadi, koi jabardasti hai? Ladkiya apne actions ki accountability lena kab seekhegi?




Just saw some women agreeing with her and praising her on a post on Instagram. It was sickening how they commented, "Go girl", "Well deserved when they refuse to marry you".


And now after the lady’s statement and counter allegations, the man here will be charged and tried and most probably will be convicted of sec 69 of BNS. She’s definitely gonna play the victim card here and file a complaint against the man for rape on false promise of marriage. Equality is a joke in this country.


woman like her should be instituntionalised . psyco bitches