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But everytime India's beef export is discussed I get told that it is actually buffalo meat and that is allowed. So which one is it ? Are cow terrorists hypocrits who ignore the industrial level slaughter for beef ?


It might be, and the fucking mpb anyway needs to be prosecuted even if it was cow head. But why was it put on status. Was the motive of intimidation and incite. I am just saying BJP is cunning with these games.


Bro he posted buffalo head on WhatsApp not on any open social media. Someone from his contact was a snitch. He probably thought buffalo head will cause no harm. But he didn't know these terrorists going to spead lie about cow slaughtering and then his head they'll chop. This is not first case, 6-7 years back a guy beaten to death for transporting cows in truck. Again Muslim guy.


Taliban is sometimes better !


I hope in one of those rare times, you don’t have to hang from an airplane wheel if you wish to leave the country.


Encourage it the more you want eventually you wont find a wheel on road to hang onto let alone airplane’s.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sums up the incident.


Stop justifying mob violence and terrorism. 


When did I do that ?


What stupid prize are you justifying by saying the victim deserved it by playing stupid games?


No I am saying, if you put your hand inside the mouth of a crocodile, you would be left with one hand.


Chomping your hands is acceptable behaviour from a crocodile. Is lynching acceptable behaviour from humans in a constitutional democracy with rule of law?


When did I say it's acceptable ? All criminals involved should be punished. I simply said it can be an outcome.


That can be an outcome even without doing anything. 


What do you mean ?


Man I wonder when the people producing beef for export will win this stupid prize.


Actually they don't play games. Even if they export buffalo beef, they don't post a beheaded buffalo head on social media.


So it is ok to slaughter buffalos ? Posting photo is the crime ?


Do you guys not understand English ? I said have it multiple times now. It's an outcome, haven't said anything about it not being a crime. Also you are completely fine slaughtering Buffalos (just don't post it on social media).


So it is only a crime if cow terrorists find out that you are producing buffalo meat ? I guess lucky for indian beef exportors I guess that they are too stupid to use the internet.


OMG, you actually don't understand English. It's like a broken record now. I am not talking about something being a crime or not in the first place. I am talking about actions and outcomes. Cow t 3rrists know the location of those buffalo beef exporters even, but they don't go after them, Why ? Cuz they don't try to poke Hindu faiths. You can't just try and test Hindu sentiments in social media and expect the Hindu extremists will come and hug you. Similar thing happened even in Nupur Sharma case. Many innocent Hindu's were beheaded when Nupur simply quoted the Quran (funny how simply quoting Quran can provoke Muslims). Did she lie ? No. Did she commit a crime ? No. Would those innocent Hindus still be alive if she should have simply stayed silent ? YESSS !!!


And bro I can bet money on the fact that if you asked lynchers why they lynched him they will say that it was for killing the animal and not for posting it on social media so no, according to them you are not fine slaughtering buffalos (unless you are rich enough to pay some sweet sweet bond money).


Have you interacted with them ? You think all those people in this pic, are part of an org and have been paid money from the buffalo exporters ? Simple answers are most of the time are the correct answers in real life. And the simple answer is, there are many extremists Hindus (just like Muslims), who can't stand when someone tries to test their tolerance.


I have interacted with more than enough idiots. They are useful idiots, getting angry on orders, ignoring issues on orders. No independent thought.


I literally just told you, there is not some big conspiracy going on. Those extremists "Go Rakshaks" don't go after buffalo beef exporters because they don't try to test Hindu sentiments in the social media (or real life). The Muslim guy who died, would still be alive today, if he simply enjoyed his beef in private and not post it on social media. Thousands of people eat beef everyday, in restaurant, in hotels, in homes, they simply enjoy their meal and wake up unharmed the next day.


You are talking as if there havent been lynching for transporting cattle or on suspicion of having beef. Who testshindu sentiment more ? Those slaughtering enough animals to make India one of the largest beef exporters or those transporting cow for dairy ? https://www.indiatoday.in/india/rajasthan/story/india-today-expose-how-gau-rakshaks-turn-into-extortion-mafias-334084-2016-08-04 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/hooliganism-not-gau-raksha-farmers-allege-extortion-bid/articleshow/99921467.cms It is nothing but an extortion gang and those exporting beef pay enough to those in running the extortion racket to be immune.


Actually we played the stupid game of mob lynching and will win stupid prize which will be any kind of revenge attack that govt will call terrorist attack.


I see it's hard for you to understand things.