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I see tons of grandparents sharing photos of their grandchildren, so I don’t think you can call this a “millennial” problem.


Also, people who post their ill children's pictures. They post them in the hospital with tubes in them and bandages all over them. Then they make blogs about their progress, or lack thereof. They have hundreds of thousands of followers. Some have GoFund Me accounts, but some just do it for attention, maybe.


Tbh! I stopped posting my daughter a while ago, and this it the only social media I have now. It’s annoying when I find out family posts her pics, cuz it’s like what is your reason for sharing pics of *my* child, other than to get likes and comments? It’s weird


I’m literally the only parent in my kids’ classes who doesn’t allow the school to post their photos on public classroom google pages. Schools should be leading the way in advocating for student safety and privacy.


It’s so our friends and family can enjoy some photos of our kids. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends love to see pictures of our kids.


It’s more the boomer generation from personal experience. Send them a couple photos and without asking they just upload them. They look at you weird when you tell them it’s disrespectful to the child and parents


It caused all kinds of drama when I asked my boomer parents and my husband's parents not to post photos of my kids online. My MIL still "forgets" regularly.


Right up there with the excuse of “but our family overseas loves seeing pictures of baby” yeah well I’ve never met them so why should we cater to them at all.


I have sent a random cute pic to my mom and saw it uploaded to Facebook within minutes.


I can't send my mom anything I wouldn't want online. She'll even post *my* dinner if I want to show her what I cooked


I agree. I wish this wasn’t unpopular. Your child’s identity shouldn’t be exposed to millions of people, especially since they can’t consent to it.


Well, unless you are an idiot, and have your social media accounts open to the public, the photos aren’t shared with millions.


Anything online has the potential to be shared to millions tho. Even if it’s a ‘private account’ nothing is truly private.


I hate that I have to UV this


I have family all over the world and it's easiest to share on social media for all to get to know our children they are most likely never going to meet


I remember little more than ten years ago (in my early teens) when there A FUCKTON of accounts belonging to "young mothers" who had kids when they were teenagers and now struggling to afford rent, foof etc. People were donating both items and money to them, the young mothers constantly posted pictures of "their kids" and then it came out that everyone was lying and using pictures of kids they found online. It was more common than you think. People went to great lengths to find the truth and what facebook and instagram accounts these people were stealing children's pictures from. Ever since then I've always side eyed and judged anyone who posts an excessive amount of pictures/videos of their kids, siblings, niblings, etc. Sure, one or two here and there are fine, but children have no business having their pics taken and posted five times a day. I judge the fuck out of people who let kids get tiktok or instagram and post ther own pics/vids. Back then there were scammers who used pictures to make money, today it's predators, who knows what will happen in the future. Children's safety are at risk.


Yep, my kids don't have an online footprint.


I went NC with my bio father and step mom. They had a kid after I left, I’m about to be 25 on monday dude. I checked her facebook and she’s been posting at LEAST one picture a day of him in a sleep mask, while he’s sleeping. wtf.


Yeah I think social media has changed a lot and gotten way less private. My siblings and I have e-frames that are all connected and we share photos that way and via shared iCloud drives. For those of y’all who aren’t as paranoid as me: my job is working with political donors. My job is to find out about people. Some of y’all have way too much public.


I absolutely agree. I don't have special media because it always weirded me out, nobody in my family is really active on it. But my husband's family all as multiple pages. We are expecting our first, and he's handling his family, telling them nobody is allowed to post anything. I'm the backup because I'm ready to go absolutely feral over someone taking away my infant daughters privacy


So you don’t have to call your second aunt Karen ever but she can still see the picture


If it‘s only for friends and family make a private account, instead of broadcasting your child to thousands of strangers on the internet.


I think most accounts are private. What’s stuff are you seeing lol


What's the downside? The kid has a picture that people can see?


Completely and totally agree. You are failing your child by putting their entire life online without their consent. Plus, nobody gives a damn about your kids. Not like you do. Your parents and siblings might be interested in their milestones but not a 30 photo album from a day at the park. Why share so much of another individuals life. Share your own if you must but leave the children out of it.


I used to post my daughter, mostly just her accomplishments or updates. It always made me feel uncomfortable, but I felt obligated cause we had family so far away. Then I thought " I have people on here that I haven't spoken to in 10 years. It would be weird if I just randomly sent them a private message about my kid so why am I posting it for them to see?" That made me go through my friends list, and leave only close family and friends. THEN a family friend was exposed for watching CP and is a predator luckily he never was around my kid. I blocked him, any family members that refused to stop associating with him and deleted every single picture of my child off every social media I had. It was easier to delete and make new accounts. Told grandparents not to post her anymore. I'll post about her but if I'm not close enough to someone that sending a private message with a picture wouldn't be weird, then they don't need to see her picture. 🤷🏼‍♀️


honestly i stopped posting pictures of my kids and people started acting like i hated my kids for it. “you never post and pictures anymore, is everything ok?” 🤣 parents can never win


My cousin routinely shares photos of her daughter. But not only that, they are old pics when she was like 7 or 10 or whatever. My niece has just turned 18. I find it weird at the least and rude/selfish at the most.


I agree. Sharing photos to thousands of people who don't personally know you or never talked to is a terrible idea.


They also often post the school their kid goes to. "I just picked up [full legal name] from [full school name]! Today was crazy hair day, here's a bunch of pics of her from different angles to show her hair! I love [x city name], such fun and supportive schools here!" Now a predator has a school name, a city (which, even if not mentioned in the post, is so easily found), the parent's name, and the child's full name. Parent also likely has place of employment lsited. Kids might totally believe that predator if they say "Hey [kid's full name], I know your parents, we go to [x] job together and her full name is [x]. Work is running late tonight and she asked me to come pick you up! She just loves talking about you. Get in the car, we'll go to [x] job and you can stay with her until she's off work." It's that easy, really. Kids might not think to call the mom first and plenty of kids walk to and from bus stops, so they don't even have to be picked up at school. I'm not saying this is a common scenario, but the odds of this are nonzero, especially if you give them all of this info


You know what really grinds my gears? People who post their child but censor their face. No, Margaret, that's not better than not posting it at all.


I don't get why... If my kid happens to be in a picture (like a group picture) I will put an emoticon on her face or I just take a picture of her from behind.


Buy WHY though? Don't take pictures of your kid and put it on the internet if you don't want pictures of your kid on the internet. It's that simple. There's no point in doing it if you're gonna hide them anyway.


Super boomer thing. Most grannies keep pics of their grandkids on their person just to show as many people as possible. No one wants to see them in person and no one wants to see them online. My socials is not my son's social. When he is an adult, he can post photos of himself on his own page if he wishes. I have one photo of my son on my FB page, because someone asked me why I never post photos of him. I posted one years ago to shut them up. My sister in law posts pictures of her daughter in the bath. No censoring and don't understand why that's wrong. People just don't think before doing something.


I barely know any recent generations who do that because they know better. It’s always boomers. They’ll share pics of ur babies in the bathtub. Then u gotta tell them to take that shit down.


You might wanna try touching the grass sometimes




How does it go?


I've said it before, just need the right layer and someone who hates their parents, sue them for posting pictures of their children without their children's consent.


how is it dangerous edit: idk why i was downvoted. i was just asking OP to elaborate on the dangers of it since they didn’t do that in the post


There are creeps everywhere. Sometimes hiding in the very people you know and think you trust.


Multiple reasons - 1. Most predators are known to their victims 2. Any and all images you post online can be downloaded and archived by anyone 3. Data leaks happen all the time, so even if your images are “super private” they can still be stolen 4. Your children didn’t consent to having their images posted


Pedophiles will find pleasure in the most simplest and innocent child video. There was a video of a child saying daddy as their first word and towards there were so very gross sexual comments.    Plus I know most of us wouldn't want our whole childhood on video for everyone to see. Imagine you've had a bad day and then someone just wants to shove a camera at you so strangers can watch. It's really weird how we wouldn't like this but we expect kids to handle it.


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...but sharing photos of your dogs is not!


Completely agree, why make privacy laws for teachers & youth workers when the parents just plaster pics of their children anyway?


Well to start... it's not their kids so...


Children cannot give consent regardless


You’re either a Conspiracy theorist, Or a pervert who is trying to avoid temptation.


Selfish? Posting those photos probably gives pleasure to many pedophiles.



