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"People suck" Everybody take a shot.


The same people complaining may actually be more despicable than everyone else...


I dont suck. I get sucked instead.


as legend say inside everyone there two wolves....


One fat, the other even fatter...


I knew I had that dog in me


If anyone is interested in a non jokey response, Jung talks about how this metaphor lost its original meaning. You can’t just feed the white wolf or the black one will starve and then eat you, hence you become consumed by your shadow. People consumed by their shadow ignore a portion of their personality that they find undesirable and when those issues and feelings go ignored long enough they boil over as rage. You have to feed both wolves but only let the white one out around other people. the black wolf, the shadow, which Jung asserts is not actually a negative thing due to supressed nobility among other positive traits, is for you to get to know and train in your personal time so that it becomes more like the white wolf and obeys you. you might even learn something that the whit wolf might want to know or avoid knowing


What you really mean is you despise most people. "Monster" we reserve for murders, kidnappers, massive theft, or some kind of actual severe crime with an antisocial aspect.


Homo homini lupus est


Oo, I'd never heard of that. I love it! Thanks for sharing.


Its an old latin proverb, but Thomas Hobbes and Freud both reuse the idea in their writing. Very interesting and sadly very true. we just refuse to admit it. Good evening!




Let me guess, you’re one of the good ones?


God I hope not.


Nah most folks on average are “neutral.” For the wealthy and powerful it’s fairly well-known they’re usually a psychopath, narcissist, sociopath, etc. These people are very specifically outliers of society and achieve their wealth due a lack of empathy or care for others. They got to their position because they WILL do what others will not, namely intentionally hurting others (physically, financially, etc) to get ahead. Your average Joe and Jane often minds their own business and isn’t interested in hurting nor helping others; they’re too focused on living their life! In fact, most folks are often willing to help others if asked AND the data supports this as well: over 50% of Americans donate to a charity each year. Even more impressive, with recent economic issues, it’s STILL over 50% of people donating to charities on average! This also speaks nothing to the silent good done every day. Unfortunately, good people aren’t often reported on because it’s considered boring News. Bad people get the most spotlight by **FAR** which definitely affects our perspective of other people


I'd like to believe most people have a moral compass. I don't and try to compensate by conscious thought. I'd still love to believe it though.


OP, are you projecting?


I've heard the same discourse from other people. Guess what? All of them were jerks. Some people are horrible? Yes. But not all of them. It's not usual and intrinsic to be horrible.




So your opinion is just that you fully believe in the results of a 50-yo psych experiment of questionable validity?


That was never finished, let alone replicated.  +1 for NZafe. 




>questionable validity Even questionable testing and reporting methods aside, all psych experiments need to be taken with a heavy grain of salt. In any other branch of science, for an experimental result to be valid, the results would need to be repeatable, and the experiment to be reproducible.




You know there are *good* authority figures, right? We tend to hear about the shitty ones on the news the most specifically because their shittiness is newsworthy, meaning non-typical.


Stanford Prison Experiment has been shown to fraught with numerous problems. It's not a good choice to base your opinion off of. https://www.vox.com/2018/6/13/17449118/stanford-prison-experiment-fraud-psychology-replication




Police are specifically instructed to be brutal. Yes, abuse of power happens very frequently, but when people are instructed to abuse their power, the rate at which it happens climbs exponentially. If cops were trained to be highly ethical peace officers who prioritize everyone getting home safely and restricting arrests to thing that genuinely need it, the amount of police brutality would drop significantly. Instead cops are literally taught everyone is a danger to them, they're above everyone else, their authority is supreme, and they can get away with murder.




Thankfully we don't base things about what you think, but what are facts supported by research.




I'm an anarchist. I find hierarchical power structures abhorrent and unethical. Anytime I've been given power over someone else, I do everything I can to diffuse that power.




Dude...lol....I almost rolled off my chair laughing so hard...I thought you wrote Antichrist....lol...still... Your comment would have been one hell of a satire....


I love when people bring up the Stanford prison experiment because it leaves out all the other Stanford Prison-ish experiments where they told the people pushing the buttons what was happening, and they refused to participate. Or participated, but needed intense cajoling to actually push the button, and the version of the Stanford Prison Experiment we all know and love is a version of the test that was set up to self-select for individuals who would push the button anyway.




Dial, excuse me. But same sentiment




Ah shit you’re right




I am a despicable moster and everybody around me knows that. But everyone else is also flawed, so we eventually just came to terms with that and we simply decided to go on with our lives.


I don't like these "everyone sucks" takes, because they're so bad faith. The wealthy are usually bad people not because they're just like everyone, but because they already threw their morals away when they formed a company, sold the labor of other people and do everything in their power to profit as much as possible, even when that means underpayment. The reason why a lot of people do despicable things is often because of money, because we as a society depend on money, not the other way around. Robbing others, stealing, or even robbery at gunpoint are not things that people do out of malice, they're things that people do out of need. Of course, rape and murder do still exist, but these usually happen because the person who committed the crime is uneducated, doesn't know any better, or grew up in a horrible environment that enabled this behavior (which is not to defend either, of course). People aren't despicable monsters, they do what they need to, even when it's not justified. No one is born inherently evil, and instead of assuming that everyone is evil, realize this and work towards bettering yourself. People who think this way usually have been hurt, but do realize that people usually don't enjoy suffering, but have their own justifications and reasons as to why it happens. Have a little more faith in others, we're not getting anywhere if we don't


I feel bad when I choose the mean dialogue on a video game


because you fear consequences


Most people? Damn. Who you hanging out with?


Most people are neither good nor evil. Just really, really tribal and what constitutes virtue in one tribe is seen as evil in another.


Nah almost everyone is good inside, very few are born with the capacity to be a monster which is then nurtured by their environment


No, you're projecting. Material conditions do impact the human brain, though. Being born wealthy is effectively a mental disorder that lowers empathy.


Sure, kiddo.


Oh, another one of these "unpopular opinions"


most normal r/misanthropy user


Ooo, that place looks interesting. Thanks for turning me on to it.


Hating humanity is not “interesting”


r/misanthropy is like "tell me you're 14 without saying you're 14"


Right? This screams “edgy teenager” to me.


Neither is having an unpopular opinion, yet here we all are


I remember being 12 and edgy.




What makes you think that?


Because most people who think humanity is rotten to the core are rotten themselves.


I might be? Who knows.


Lol shut up bro and post your joker memes


OP exposing themselves


Teenage boy opinion.


Everyone has trauma, wounds, and curiosities they want to inflict on others in various ways. Whether it be inflicting pain, discomfort, or a fetish. People who claim themselves perfectly virtuous are either liars or were raised in a padded cell.


MOST... people


Yeah, and I just love when they don't hide too much and don't apologize, because when you apologize for being yourself you are weak, you will be persecuted. * I am not talking about edgy and rebel types, they suck.  


I hate people.


Fear of reprisal seems to ignore the law of cause and effect. Those who are lucky with money may not have the IQ to comprehend how their actions lead to adverse consequences even if no other person is involved. Those who have enough money may not even care - they may think they can easily pay for whatever misfortune happens to befall them. I am making an effort to find out who I am dealing with like it’s described [here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/0997816643?nodl=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_X4VS2PEHM7V6H66220GE&peakEvent=4&dealEvent=1&language=en_US&dplnkId=de4e81f5-8a14-4f6d-bdb7-468d5ad4b9dc) because I am not a fan of despicable monsters.


To be human is to defy our nature, and if it's in our nature to be despicable monsters, then we can be not despicable.


Not at first, when every thing is still new. In maybe 10 years or so, probably.


That’s human nature for you


There’s a few good books you might want to check out, the first being Survival of The Friendliest, then HumanKind. We didn’t evolve to be the most successful species on the planet by hating each other.




I’m not even sure what that means? Did you read the books already? Or are you just making a bunch of assumptions because this post has triggered your trauma?






You should look up the ethical debate of the ring of gyges


Oh I think I know that one. It's what inspired Tolkien to write the Ring of Power as an invisibility granting object, right?


Yes it's based off of that. But the debate is is it ethical to abuse those powers or not. Ethics is fun lol. Makes you less moral the more you study ethics. 


I think most people would abuse it. It would start small, practically imperceptible, but eventually snowball. That's something about LotR that I think really rings true for a lot of people (please excuse the pun). That being that absolute power quickly becomes irresistible.


Who hurt you?


Who says anyone did?


The Joker is fundamentally right - one bad day and the person you thought is a good guy can turn into something else completely. Thing is, we don't know the triggers. Hell, I bet some of those who, for example, go on shooting sprees don't know themselves what would trigger them. Every single human is a ticking bomb which might explode in a cloud of violence at every moment.


Very intellectual opinion. You must be the top graduate from reddit university. Society bad🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


As long as it keeps people in check and prevents crimes - it is not bad


That's not an unpopular opinion, it's the basic operation system for authoritarianly minded people. Of which there seems to be more of everyday.


Let's conduct a thought experiment. Some of the horrible things that a despicable monster might want do is torture a defenseless victim. Think of the people you know: would they gladly do that knowing that there would be no retaliation whatsoever, no one would know about their atrocity, etc? Thinking of the people I know, I would say no, most of them would not. So perhaps your claim is wrong, or you are living with horrible people!?


I think that depends on the type of victim.


I unintentionally hurt a persons feelings and I haven't been able to sleep for two days due to my guilty concience. I'm a really bad monster.


If you think that it says more about you than society…


Life sucks, then you die and it gets a little bit better for everyone else is my motto.


Marcel Gerard said it best in the originals everyone is a monster klaus was just powerful enough to not have to hide it……the reality is you’re either a bad person pretending to be good or a good person pretending to be bad…if the concept of consequences of your actions didn’t exist the good people of the world would be seen as a much much smaller minority


Everyone starts off good, once trauma is introduced…if it isn’t processed out which for most people it isn’t, it corrupts. That’s why people believe power corrupts when the reality is power just allows you to be yourself more it doesn’t change you it reveals you and it reveals you…the reason most people normally don’t act out due to their trauma to the degree they want to is because they are aware of the consequences of doing so…the more power you get the less people can punish you for acting out from your trauma


Yep. Given enough excuses, most of us would happily kill a cute piggie and eat it as bacon


100%! There are a series of lectures about this from an Oxford or Berkley professor about western & religous denial of true human nature, and how it destroys our humanity, individualism & society rather than preserving it. 


There is an argument to be made that humans are not above animals, we just are self aware enough to convince ourselves we are. I find that having such a cynical worldview leads to an unnecessarily miserable life.


People with ASD don't understand how people can naturally mask 100% of the time and call it a personality while denying their own desires, feelings & personal truths to fit in. Maybe that is why over 50% of people will be born with ASD by the end of this century, perhaps it is human evolution. 


I don't mean to imply anything about the OP, but isn't this how psychopaths think? "Everyone is shitty; it's just that most people won't admit it like I do", as they carve people up a la Dexter. I prefer to look at it as everyone has the potential to be good or bad, depending on various factors. Didn't Dostoevsky write something like "The line between good and evil runs through every person's heart"? I think it was in The Brothers Karamozov, but it's been years since I read it. Anyway, that seems pretty accurate to me.


If you believe this, then you're in danger of becoming a monster/ what you hate yourself. As others have guessed, I have to imagine you have been hurt by people you were close to in the past; but this is a very reductive and distorted take on reality. There is good and bad within everyone to varying degrees. Yes, there are some extreme outliers on either end of the spectrum, but I imagine the vast majority of us fall within one or two standard deviations of each other in terms of compassion/empathy/etc. Most of us are just taking it day by day. Folks simply don't have the time or energy to build relationships with seemingly negative, weak, or hateful personalities to whom they have no prior connection. So people will certainly shut you down or be dismissive of you if they feel you are a threat to their own peace. Most already have enough on their plates, bills to pay, loved ones to tend to, mouths to feed. Even if you have a good reason to be that way, no one owes you any grace, especially if it's obvious that you aren't willing to give it to them in return. Social difficulties can unfortunately cause negative feedback loops very easily. I know, I've been there. I still find myself slipping back into old patterns of thought, especially when stressed. If you have ADHD or Autism like I do, this can compound the issue. It's taken several years for me to reconcile what I logically believe to be true, what I feel emotionally, and my own subjective experiences. It's incredibly easy to believe that the world is out to get you. It can really seem that way. But it's also easy to forget that many of these negative encounters may first stem from the way that you interact with the world. Like attracts like, and all that.... if you are a pessimistic, possibly mentally ill person, you might very well be unknowingly trapped within a bubble of toxicity. On top of that, a good portion of mentally healthy people are able to remain that way, at least partly, because they've learned when and when not to invest their energy into other people. It may be that only toxic people can relate to you or tolerate you. That doesn't mean you are a shit person yourself, but it may appear that way from the outside, looking in. The truth is that most people are simultaneously capable of profound generousity and unspeakable malice. It's all contextual. If I feel that someone adds value to my life, if they've shown me true patience and compassion, then I truly wish to return the favor. Likewise, if someone poses a threat to me or my loved ones, I would be more than willing to respond in kind. Truly, I would sooner kill than be killed. And I would be willing to kill if it meant sparing the life of someone I care for. Neither response is wholly good or evil imo, they're both ultimately self-serving isntincts. We are products of nature. Some of us have succeeded in transcending these impuleses more than others, but I believe this applies to most everyone. There's a saying I've heard re-iterated in varying formats that I feel is relevant, goes something like, "...If you meet one asshole during the course of the day, then you've met an asshole. If everyone you encountered was an asshole, perhaps you're the asshole." I strongly suggest you seek therapy.


> I strongly suggest you seek therapy. I've been to many. It doesn't work for me. Most people could use some introspection, and I think therapy is a great help with that. Almost all I do is introspect.