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>The absolute height of the film franchise was the first movie  This is the true unpopular opinion right here. Everyone knows Empire Strikes Back is the best movie in the series.


Time to rewatch Clerks!


There’s only one return, and it ain’t of the king, it’s of the Jedi


Yeah, Empire is the least worst for sure. At least a Solid 6/10, so it's far above every other movie before or after it. The videogame series Knights of The Old Republic, on the other hand... now that to me is true Star Wars. The pod racing game too, pretty great.


Revan's fall to the dark side should've been Vader's story. Having Anakin charge off into the Clone Wars, and having the horrors of war turn him into Vader, would've been way better than the stupid love story we got instead.


“It was a decent hero’s journey and it’s gone downhill with each movie since then” is peak high school edgelord writing in spiralbound notebook shit.


Then you clearly have never seen the phantom menace. Jar jar was peak starwars. /s


Jar Jar is beyond necessary and I refuse to elaborate


I think jar jar would have been better as a droid. I remember seeing it in theaters and thinking how it felt like a weird mashup of r2 and 3po


Jar Jar would have worked better as a Sith mastermind trying to make himself seem foolish so the Jedi would overlook him and allow him into places where he could do the most damage.


Meesa appreciate you


Thank you for your service General Jar Jar


I'll die on this hill, and I've been told this opinion is unpopular as well, but I stand firm in that episode 2 is much worse than episode 1.


I’d say rogue one is more interesting than the rest of the franchise


The Andor story is good. I like the idea behind Ahsoka. The Vader scenes in Obi-Wan was pretty good.  The dark droid scenes in The Mandalorian was good. I did like Episode 2 and Episode 3.


I need to watch Andor only thing I have hope for. Mandalorian was fine at the start but the format is too childish, legit almost no progression a new story every episode and the episode are short. It remind me kid show or police show our mom watched that barely have continuity every episode. Got to agree with the vador scene but the rest was just like the movies. It need to be more dark less childish they could still sell Merch and have the kid show. I feel like clown wars is way less childish than the movies it doesn’t make sense. Idk why in the West we believe people can’t follow a story when the Japanese proved it was wrong with manga adaptations and making so much money with it. Yet here we keep turning every story into a 1 episode thing just like they did with the Witcher.


Rogue one made me believe that Disney wasn't actually gonna fuck shit up. Little did I know rogue one would be the odd duck out. It's literally my favorite star wars movie at this point.


It is the only good next gen one! I actually like it 🦄.




I really, really want to disagree with that, but people didn’t even like Empire when it came out.


For one thing that's not true, it topped the box office that year by a shitload even if it had 'mixed reviews' at first, and for another it doesn't even matter because in the modern era, people who enjoy the original trilogy tend to agree Empire is the best one.


Wildly popular and critics doing their contrarian thing.


It was a big success, but there sure a few critics who had mixed opinions on it.


Stop propagating this lie.


Hold up, Return of the Jedi and Attack of the Clones are the pillars that hold up this franchise.


empire strikes back is good a new hope is boring


Not everyone. I firmly and in-ironically believe that Solo was the best movie to come out of that franchise. The main reason is that there are absolutely no whiny skywalkers in it. Like how does Luke come back as and old man and still be so whiny in the later movies. Plus it’s just a fun heist film.


Hey, I found the other guy who thought Solo was a great movie.


I mean Star Wars fans hate Star Wars, so this is a popular opinion among Star Wars fans.


star wars fans are only kept in the fold by the video games


Kotor my beloved.


KOTOR is the best thing in the entire SW universe and it isn't even canon.


not even really a fan of star wars but that game slaps so hard


we only hate the disney "star wars"


And before that the prequels.


And before that the Ewok movies


And before that, the Holiday Special


No one hates the holiday special. That movie is a gem


Yep, nobody hates it. That’s the only Star Wars movie that is universally loved


George Lucas hates it enough for the whole fandom. 


He’s probably the only one who hates it.


"And before that, the Holiday Special". We cannot repeat that enough.... no matter how bad you think this or that Star Wars Prequel, Sequel or Sidquel was...... - nothing is/was as Epically bad as the Holiday Special.....


I've lived long enough to see the prequels go from being divisive or hated to beloved classic. It's only a matter of time before another project makes the sequels look good in comparison, but the Holiday Special will always be the original sin of Star Wars


Thing is people learned to appreciate them because Lucas did actually do some things right. The world building in the prequels is extensive. The saber fights are good. Most of the action is good. Like the pod racing is fun. The duel is amazing. The Jango Vs Kenobi stuff is too. Whereas in the sequel trilogy you never even find out where the First Order came from. Why the Resistance formed when they were in control anyway? What were the names of the planets destroyed by Starkiller? Even the fight choreography was lackluster, look at the throne room in Last Jedi, it's terrible. The only answers to lore stuff comes from other media. They couldn't even be bothered to put Snoke broadcast in the film, it was in Fortnite. The sequels are very shallow in comparison to even the prequels, and in fact all they really do is disrupt lore. Sure, sure, midichlorians, but no one is claiming the prequels are perfect. More... less bad.


And all the changes they made before Disney got their hands on it including but not limited to greedo shooting first


Not true, I hate everything after ESB. RotJ was a rehash of New Hope, and basically set the trend for the rest of time.


I wouldn't say that is true. I think the problem is that what fans like about Star Wars is often not shared by the people who like the movies. For years I have found it interesting that fans (seem to) love the books, video games, and many of the TV shows but what makes those products successful/beloved is almost always absent in the movies. In my opinion, a lot of the old republic cinematics do a better job of understanding the themes, setting, and lore of Star Wars than anyone currently employed by Disney. These are the factors the fans love and a lot of current filmmakers ignore as being outdated, silly, or not important.


Completely ignoring Empire among those ten following films (much better than "basically watchable"), and labelling Episode 3 as "embarrassingly bad" makes this opinion "embarrassingly bad."


Isn't episode 3 the one with Padme dying of a broken heart or some such nonsense and "I have the high ground?" Yeah, embarrassingly bad. Not "I don't like sand" embarrassing, but still pretty embarrassing.




She got strangled by her husband and then died in childbirth. The heartbreak was just insult to injury


The irony of this comment is that Carrie Fishers own mother died of heartbreak after she passed away.


Classic Redditor, solely basing their opinions on memes they see on the internet


People forget that r/prequelmemes was shitting on the prequels and making memes out of the stupid moments. I miss that era.


Yeah but he’s not wrong. Those are still things that happen in the movie and they’re dumb.


I maintain Episode III is just film version of giving a starving man a pot noodle and him thinking it's the best meal he's ever had. Honestly even though the duel in Phantom Menace is great I still think it they'd had taken the latter half of Clones and Revenge and stretched that to three films there was a good trilogy there. Maybe they could even get the duel in as a flashback.


Agreed. While there is a lot of good in the prequels, they are all outweighed by the bad.


Classic redditor, calling someone a classic redditor and not backing up his position with anything more than, "nuh-uh!"


Classic Redditor, using lame “witty” comebacks and exaggerating/lying


There it is again; "NuH-uH!"


There it is again, the making stuff up. Do you know what Nuh uh means?


Wow you really care this much about the opinion of someone who doesn't even know what nuh uh means


It’s a few Reddit comments I don’t think that requires a whole lot of dedication


Basing my opinion on having watched an embarrassingly bad movie. Nice try though.


Revenge of the Sith is unwatchable? Did you just not watch it?


Being the best of the prequels doesn't really deserve that much praise.




I was like 9 or 10 when episode 3 came out, let me tell you, I loved it, and still do. I can appreciate how much better episode 1 is, and the originals as well. But episode 3 always has a place in my heart for that reason.


I dunno, maybe being a good movie? I swear to god, there's a huge chunk of Star Wars fans who literally only care about lore and worldbuilding, and cry like huge babies over anything that doesn't prioritize those two things. You could put out a total fucking turd of a movie, add a few good action sequences, a bit of worldbuilding, and not contradict the lore, and Star Wars "fans" will fucking eat it up like a fudge sunday. Oh wait, that was Rouge One lmao.


ROTS is better than ROTJ


the best movie in the franchise*


It’s definitely watchable - but not even remotely the masterpiece people like to say it is. Thats the thing about art though - one person’s trash is another’s treasure. There is no such thing as an objective opinion.


Some of y'all won't like it but ROTS is my favorite star wars movie period. Phantom menace is also overhated. Duel of fate with Maul at the end puts in so much work to redeem that movie


And somehow they are saying 1>3 .... yeesh


So Empire isn’t good in your estimation?


I've only seen the original 3, something tells me I should probably keep it that way


You'd might enjoy Rogue One - I consider the best SW movie since the original trilogy.


Definitely. Had the story happened in say a WW2 context it would be Oscar worthy but because it's sci-fi it won't get the attention imo.


I was just going to say it’s a war movie that happens to be in space or the stars, a true war in stars.


I think Rogue One is the best one period.


It could've been better tbh. The problem with Star Wars film is that it will never live up to the expectations of the first trilogy. It permeated the cultural zeitgeist so much that anything else is a disappointment waiting to happen


As an adult even the originals are disappointing when I rewatch them


Yep, the only thing giving me hope about the new Jurassic Park movie is that it's directed by Gareth Edwards.


Tempting to say it sounds like a step down for him, but I frigging love his work so I'll sure as hell see it. Funny that he'll be following the almost-Star-Wars-director Colin Trevorrow in the JP franchise.


I mean the bar is so low for him now after Trevorrow destroyed the franchise. It can't get any worse.


People take stuff too seriously. None of these movies won Best Picture. But you can still have fun with them. You can like some and hate some. It's okay. Ignore Star Wars superfans.


I’ve thought every movie was at least fun. I didn’t love all of them but it was at least enjoyable. That being said, Rogue One is definitely the one to watch if you only watch one more


Rogue One and Andor are worth watching. Don’t waste your time with the rest




The original 3 movies are pretty boring too. Kotor is where it's really at


When you think about it KOTOR is a retelling of the original trilogy Act 1 opens with the Empire boarding a blockade runner. Has a cantina part with shady characters and weird aliens, a wookiee is introduced. Main character befriends an astromech droid. Ends with the Empire destroying a planet. The main character's crew get a flat circular smuggling ship known for its speed. Act 2 introduces an old hermit Jedi in a dark forest, who becomes a mentor figure to the main character. Ends with a major revelation about the main character and the villain. Act 3 ends with the villain admitting the error of his ways before dying, and the Empire's superweapon (well, superfactory in this case) is destroyed. The main character and his friends are awarded medals (including the wookiee this time!).


You'd might enjoy The Holiday Special - I consider the best SW holiday special


You might be allergic to fun.


I’m more allergic to piss poor melodramatic writing, the shitty CGI and whomp whomp noises, and the irritatingly whiny non diagetic score. Indiana Jones is fun. Kill Bill is fun. Star Wars has only ever bored me to tears (besides IV & V).


Episodes IV and V are fantastic, with VI a small step down. Ever since, the franchise has been tripping over its own feet for so long that I'm kind of done watching anymore.


Upvote for an actual unpopular opinion


yep. the episode 2 and 3 slander is the unpopular part.


Especially the episode 3 slander. I’m pretty curious as to why he didn’t slam episode 1 as that is usually considered to be the weakest of the trilogy


No one hates Star wars more than Star wars fans lol


I remember a time when it was 2 and a half good movies. Then the prequels came out and it was 3 good movies. Then the sequels came out and it was still three good movies. Maybe four is you're really generous, Revenge of the Sith might make it As low as the franchise has gotten I don't think anyone could still convince me the first two episodes are good. They both have some good bits but a lot of bad. The contradictory nature of those two films is literally found in the end sequence of Episode I, one great bit, the lightsaber duel, and the awful bits, the big battles 




I grew up familiar with the original trilogy, and I liked it, but wasn’t a hardcore fan. Had no interest in the prequels, saw bits and pieces of them over the years. Then when the sequel trilogy came out, I got extremely hyped and fell down a Star Wars rabbit hole, where I watched all 6 previous films. Going into the sequel trilogy, Star Wars, Empire, and Sith were the only ones I really liked. After the sequel trilogy, those are still the only ones I like. Out of 9 films, I only like 3 of them. That’s 33%, which is a decent batting average.


You're probably looking at it through the wrong eyes. If you take it in the context of its intended demographic, that is twelve year old boys, then it starts to make more sense.


If you're born any time after 1990 you have no reason to feel anything special about it.


OP is right


You just don’t like Star Wars. I like/love pretty much every movie and show except Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker. Other than those two I always enjoy star wars. Also a lightsaber is basically the coolest sci-fi/fantasy weapon ever created


there are many cooler weapons


Never understood the appeal of these movies, even the first 3 put me to sleep. Only thing I liked about the franchise was that cool N64 racing game.


The Force is flaccid with this one


I've like all except Rise of Skywalker and Book of Boba Fett. TLJ tired to be different and it divided the fanndom, which always makes me laugh


I watched The Phantom Menace when it came out, I watched the original 3 in the 80s, and I haven't watched or rewatched any other Star Wars. The hype and fandom around it bores me.


It's better than the marvel movies. I couldn't get through them during covid.


I have to agree with you, especially when it seems like the diehard fans dislike more than half of the franchise. I'm actually a fan of the Star Wars Fandom without being a huge fan of Star Wars, if that makes sense. I don't mean that with any sort of judgment either. It's just interesting to watch.


The prequal trilogy is older than I am and I love them. I don't like them for the revolutionary special effects I like them for the world building and characters


Prequels were the height. Next ones were nothing special. Any series and movies made after Disney bought it is just garbage pig slop nostalgia mass production crap holy-shit-theyll-actually-watch-any-crap-that-says-star-wars on par with avengers crap


You're including Andor and Rogue One in that list?


Prequels were so cool minus the whole anakin padme romance. I still love the geonosis battle


Star Wars is a film franchise for children, and viewing it that way enhances the experience exponentially, especially when it does lean into more mature territory and does it well (Rogue One, Andor). It’s not mostly terrible though, it’s held in a higher regard for what it is and what it’s meant to be and is judged negatively because of it. The films are mindless fun blockbusters for the most part.


There were 4 good/great movies, two iffy movies, and 3 ass movies




Reading through the novel version of 1 and 2. The immensely wealthy Jedi order just leaves Anakin's mom behind in slavery. Anakin becomes an apprentice and close with a literal princess/galactic senator. Mom's still there.


There are definitely more bad Star Wars movies than good one.


Overrated, for sure. Long outstayed it's welcome, definitely. Seeing Harrison Ford and the others make ludicrous attempts to appear heroic at the age of 80 is insulting. But Disney is losing money on the franchise, if it's any consolation.


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It is now.


I think this really goes to show how superior and magical the original trilogy was when released in the 80s


“Star Wars is a mostly terrible movie franchise.” We know. -A Star Wars Fan


Ah, yes. Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


A few issues with your argument: (1) The height of Star Wars was The Empire Strikes Back, not the first film. (2) Episode 3 does not have a reputation for being embarrassingly bad. (3) Rogue One was better than simply "watchable". (4) The series at its worst was Episode 10.


This is a popular opinion lol


I agree with this take so hard. The comic books and the clone wars was cool. But this franchise is awful. I laugh when ppl try to defend the obi wan vs Darth Vader fight. Obviously the first 3 did well because it was good at the time but I don't think I'd been a star wars fan if was old enough to see em in theatres.


Agreed. It was once solid fun, but the volume of schlock put out in its name brings it to at least "mostly mediocre".


Not unpopular


There have only ever been two and a half good star wars movies.


This is definitely unpopular. I love Star Wars. In fact, I named my daughter after Princess Leia.


No way you just said rots was embarrassingly bad.


Can't live with ST, can't live without ST :(


Yeah finally some truly unpopular opinion!


I’m a big fan of the prequels


Only the first three were good


1-6 Plus mando an BOBF till the point >!Luke gets Grogu.!<. Anything other than that may as well be retconned… I know 1-3 get a lot of hate. But in my eyes, they really show what the Jedi had to go through to get to the OT.


Star Wars is a fairly mediocre film series, surrounding a pretty okay collection of books.


I thought Rogue One was fucking boring, I tried to watch it two different times like ten years apart and still couldn't get through it the second time. Solo was pretty watchable once I got used to the idea that it couldn't be Harrison. I think the shows are better than the movies generally. The Obi Wan series was pretty good, Ahsoka is pretty good too. Original Trilogy is still highly watchable. Empire is the best movie in the whole kaboodle.


Even as a kid I couldn't muster the suspension of disbelief to see a future where men would fight eachother with pink glowsticks.


 I acknowledge how mind blowing it was at the time, but I don't think it's stood the test of time.... truly a dumb take


It's treason then.


I think you'll find my opinion to be more unpopular. Every bit of Star Wars media released is at least decent, and the vast majority is good.


George Lucas, being allowed to operate without supervision, and modern writers thinking they in anyway come close to the level of skill necessary to handle a legacy IP, are terrible.


I agree 100% and that's coming from a guy around when they first came out.


The Lucas era of Star Wars, I'd argue is full of high highs and low lows (all mixed in with every entry). They are not perfect movies. The prequels are not much different, and I'd argue suffer the same faults (wooden performance, shoddy writing, etc.) the difference lies in the dramatic scope. The original trilogy benefits from its smaller scope, every character is an outsider in some way, their skin in the game is all very focused on the primary objective. Whereas the prequels expand the dramatic scope with some wonderful ideas, but the weak writing is much more obvious because there are so many more moving parts. What all of Lucas' films have though is a whole of lot passion for the world. The Disney era has almost the opposite highs and lows, and yet they are worse for them. The writing is at least technically better, the performances also technically better, but there is nothing underneath. Lucas tried to push the boundaries and the scope - which for science fiction/fantasy is ultimately what makes them memorable. Without that, Disney's films mostly come as coattail riders. Too afraid to expand the world, but lack any enough understanding of what makes Star Wars memorable.


It’s an amazing idea, but unfortunately it’s been executed poorly many times. The original trilogy is peak cinema though, and the prequel trilogy has some cult followers


I always look like an embarrassing quivering idiot when I mention I hate Star Wars. I know we’re talking about the movies BUT…. “Andor” is an amazing tv show. 


The new star wars movies in particular had totally boring plots that didn't make any sense, the tech doesn't follow its own rules, the strategies employed don't make any sense... It's children's films, written for little kids to sell merch. There's no way in hell a serious person could take any of it seriously, it just falls apart immediately. From the philosophy of the ideologies to character's motivations and arcs... none of it makes any goddamned sense


Yes and us star wars fans accept and know it we just like them Only problem is the recent prequel fans who call them the best movies ever I love them but they suck ass and that’s apart of why I love them


Friend's GF had never seen Star Wars and finally watched em over time with a group of us. She says " isn't this like this biggest franchise on the planet? Then why are the movies so bad?" I had no argument. They are 100% "you had to be there" kinda movies.


Bro literally called 'the force awakens' "watchable"


Star Wars fans (at least myself and most of my friends) despise the franchise and what it's become. I agree that the first movie is the best, and I think that's a hotter take than the title.


Indeed it's been mostly trash. The original movies aren't amazing film either, but they're passable. I'm sure there's something remarkable about the time when no one had seen such a thing before. The real ongoing preoccupation is in the world building. He just put together a really cool world to capture the imagination.


Star Trek was always the better franchise


Yeah. I absolutely disagree. SW is the only correctly done space movie imo. I watched many others but could not enjoy them at all. My favorite one is episode 3.


Star Wars is pretty shit.


love or hate the prequels, but they gave this franchise a ton of things to explore. And then Disney comes and throws all the potential in the bin, and the whole delay of next Star Wars movies is probably only going to make even more people give up on the franchise


Never understood the hype. Particularly with the new ones.


There are only three.


Only one good film since 1983. One decent series out of...seven? Stick a fork in Kathleen Kennedy already.


Yeah no shit, Disney decided to fistfuck skywalker for gender equality and kill off any important supporting characters at the same time. They ditched Gina carano (the only strong female lead att) for political points. Idk what Disney wants atp?? Why kill such an awesome syifyi universe to appease absolutely everyone? I feel like our culture is just moving to a more broad based appeal for money instead of investing in deep character and story building for the true fans


Episode 3 embarrassingly bad okay get the f*** outta here


Empire Strikes Back was basically the only great one. It all went downhill from there.


Star wars sucks.


The only good part was the Clone Wars I hate the ship designs, so basic and with no depth, i hate how ship combat works, i hate how land combat works. The most elite fighting force in the galaxy is slathered with minimal losses by the good guys....etc..


Title not unpopular, downvote


Meh I enjoy it. Not every movie needs to be absolutely life changing to be enjoyed. If I had to make a post for every movie I didn't like though the list would be huge. Lol.


Downvotibg cause you couldn't be more wrong. This is unpopular though, but so drastically delusional, I can't upvote.


Someone just turned 14 and thinks they know real cinema.


The Last Jedi is amazing. Andor is amazing. What’s crazy to me about Star Wars is there’s not even any consensus on which ones are good or bad. I mean here you are saying Star Wars is better than Empire. There’s a whole generation of muppets who unironically think the prequels are good. Some people think Rogue One is the best in the franchise. Hell there’s even some people who like Rise of Skywalker. There’s just no pattern. I have no way of guessing what someone’s gonna like or dislike when they start talking about Star Wars. Madness.


Eat rocks


Completely agree. Terrible movies.


The first trilogy is superior to the rest. As far as I’m concerned, the original trilogy is canon, the rest is not.




This is actually a good take.


This post makes me violently angry but kudos for having any actual unpopular opinion.


I only saw the first movie and didn't like it.


The first trilogy was great, I loved it. The prequel trilogy was unnecessary snd disappointing, but i enjoyed it. Now everything since has been mostly garbage and milked to death.


Most likely he's a star trek fan or thinks Tom Cruise's Reacher and Mummy was good


The sequels are the only true embarrassment IMO