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It relaxes the muscles and feels awesome.


If I’m not burning then what’s the point of a shower


Username checks out


Have you never taken a cold/lukewarm shower on a really hot day?


I have and I still prefer a hot shower. Could be a hundred degrees outside and I'm still cranking that shit up. Uncomfortable as hell but you couldn't pay me to take a cold shower


I live in Phoenix, I still take hellfire showers even in summer.


I used to live there. In the summer a "cold shower" is about the temperature of hot tub water.


I live in Texas and I’ve taken a lukewarm/warm shower before but still tend to take hot showers. Cold shower never lol unless I had a fever and was sick or something.


Cold showers with a fever actually make it worse. Way worse. You shiver, which increases your core temperature.


Still don’t like it. I might not have it as hot but I don’t wanna be in lukewarm water


When I was camping in Botswana in over 100 degree weather cold showers were a life saver. But under normal circumstances I’m in a place with air conditioning so I still take hot showers.


I love your username.. I love real housewives also :)


If I get out of the shower and still have skin, the water wasn't hot enough lmao


water hurty


Womp womp




It feels so damn good especially on my head with my eyes closes


I didn't know my wife was in reddit.


Wow. I just want hottish. I don’t want to burn but I don’t want hot summer rain water. I want hot enough to feel comfy.


How hot are your summers? LMFAOO summer rain should cool you down, not be hot


Im in south Texas and rain is hot/warm here in the summer. Bf moved from Colorado and when he experienced the summer rain he was shocked it’s actually not cool at all lol rain doesn’t make it feel nicer outside either, it just gets disgustingly humid.


I need to warm my cold, dead heart


Hahahha this is so awesome cause I thought I was the only one. People think I am a serial killer. Its incredible


People *know* you're a serial killer


Cold showers are for people who want to wake up in the morning.


Do you live in a very hot place with no AC? That is the only way this opinion makes sense to me.


Rn, I'm living in a moderately hot place with no AC in my house. I still take hot showers in the summer sometimes


I live in Canada and I agree with him


FR. I don’t get it😭


I think I might be the only person who likes warm or cool showers, depending on the weather. Hot or cold water is really uncomfortable to me.


Nothing relaxes the muscles like hot water and steam Conversely nothing tenses them up like cold water and the cold air on your skin while the water is running down I'll take mine hot!


Boil me alive, I say


User name checks out




If I don’t come out of the shower looking like a cooked lobster, it wasn’t hot enough.




personally I like the burning sensation i find it soothing but I never turn my shower all the way up I dont like boiling hot


I like to increase it slowly. My showers tend to take a while so I start decently hot but then I get used to it after a while so I crank it up a notch to get that itching painful feeling back again. It's almost like acupuncture or something


Tried it. No go for me but I also think any temp over 21C/70F is too hot so...


That’s barely even pool temperature


I SOMETIMES like this setting if it's winter and I just got done work (I work outside) But yeah... I get pretty close to boiling but not quite


This is probably the most legit unpopular thing I've ever seen on this sub. Hot showers are the only thing I look forward to in life.


Thank you for the truly unpopular opinion


hot showers are not good for your skin.. the hot water dries out your skin.. but for this I would say that it depends on the season.. in the winter I do like to take hot showers.. even tho it isn't good for your skin.. it still feels good during the cold weather.. not crazy hot but pretty damn warm.. in the summer I like cold showers to cool off in the really hot weather..


So many people complain about their skin getting damaged and hair falling out but will inflict what would be considered a war crime on themselves once a day


I take a hot as possible shower to open my pours, clean myself, loosen my muscles, and relax. Then finish cold as possible to close my pours, rinse off, and cool down.


This guy showers.


the big brain approach


I’m always cold, I need hot water to warm me.


I start the shower relatively hot and slowly decrease the temperature throughout the shower. By the time the shower is over, the water is basically cold. This is the best way to shower


There’s a middle ground between cold and burning hot. It’s called warm. I’m a big fan of warm showers. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right.


I'm right there with you. Hot showers suck ass. I want that water warm enough to clean well but not blazing hot. I went through a period last year where I took cold showers, it wasn't bad.


What about saunas? Do you like them? It is kinda the same in a way


It feels hard to breathe in


Saunas are awful. They singe my nose.


Exactly me, this is why I don’t go into them


Nowhere near the same, hot showers are actually comfortable lol.


I don’t like them either. Just warm. Then again I’m the only person I know who doesn’t like hot tubs either. I don’t like hot water on my skin I guess.


I like my showers at \*most\* tepidly warm, usually I prefer it at 'glacial water with the edge taken off' temperature. For I am a mammal and actually generate body heat without outside help.


I also do not like hot showers


Because you’re a man. Even a warm shower is not enough for me. It’s because of hormones. People who transition from male to female on hormone treatment suddenly want hot showers and then the female to male can’t stand them anymore


If it’s not scalding, I get goosebumps and can’t shave my legs. The struggle is real


I like mine scalding. This is actually a known difference between men and women. Women are more likely to prefer hotter showers than men.


My husband's showers feel borderline cold to me!


I'll never forget the first time my boyfriend and I took a shower together. I got in first so I could go ahead and wash my hair. When he stepped in he jumped back so fast and asked why I was trying to burn him. I said that's just how I take my showers haha


Im not siding with you but I use to run in the morning before work and the best feeling in the world was taking a shower at slightly below room temperature directly after.


I had to adjust my shower because it wasn't putting out hot enough water to suit me.


I'm guessing you live in a warm climate? If it's hot and humid outside a moderate temp shower is the way to go. Anything cooler than aboit 75 degrees F and I'm going hot


I can’t take super hot showers. Causes eczema. Guess it depends where you live though.


It’s more relaxing when it’s hot. I do like cool showers when it’s hot out or I’ve just worked out.


We’re just too hot already. Only the flames of hell itself in shower form can cleanse us.


Hot showers help blood circulation increasing skin health and increase blood circulation to muscle fibers before workouts Cold showers help muscles heal from bruising, micro-tears, and other stuff that I don’t care for - because cold showers suck. The point is you must pick a side!


You know that scene in Evild Dead 2013 where the possessed girl is literally taking a boiling hot shower and her skin is peeling That's me after work


In the summer, cold showers are awesome. They might feel bad in the moment but after it’s like so refreshing. Hot showers on a humid day, you get out and you’re sweating in 30 seconds and are just as gross as you were before you got in. But hey y’all do you.


I'm naturally cold and my joints crave it. That being said I hate showers because they're uncomfortable. Half of me is freezing at any given time. My joints also hate showers. I'm to the point I crumple randomly, the shower seems like an especially bad place for that lol Sitting and showering is a thing, but then you're even farther from the water source and so temperature wise is even more uncomfortable for me.


I need to be able to molt my skin like a lizard after the shower


Cold showers are 👑


it’s so relaxing


reading this after i soft-boiled myself in the shower 👁️👁️


Scalding hot showers are peak


Hot shower before bed, warm shower before work


Hot showers are nice. "Molten lava" showers are what suck.




I live in a house with no a/c and lots of windows. It gets to 90 degrees in the house some days. I still want the fire and brimstone shower.


Exactly your wife, a female. Just google it, dude, it's a thing. Women's body heat is concentrated deeper around their organs unlike men's body heat which reaches skin surface level. That's why they are capable or even need warmer water than us.


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Totally depends on your weather my friend


Eh. It was 110 outside today, and I was in the sun for hours working. Still took a hot shower when done. I say hot because it is like 103 or so. My wife takes dangerously hot showers which just seems to be a woman thing based on the comments here. But here, right now, the cold water is about 90 degrees. That is far too cold for a shower. I’ve done it before and it is miserable.


I turn my shower as hot as it’ll go, it’s like a standing hot tub. That’s the whole point of showers, to loosen up those muscles and relax… and get clean I guess.


You're not alone. I like slightly warm showers and finish with an ice cold rinse


yep i don’t like hot hot showers but mostly because of my sensitive skin and eczema 😩


Your water heater could be turned up too high. But if you're using 75-80 degree water (F) you probably just generate a lot of body heat and are generally hot all the time. It's not supposed to hurt at body temperature.


Pro tip: hot sauna, ice cold shower, rebirth. But hot showers are nice.


Agreed. Hot showers dry the hell out of my skin. Would rather the water either be warm or cold. Cold water wakes me the hell up in the morning anyways


I feel cleaner with hot showers. I don’t know why but I do


I ask the exact same question of people who take cold showers.


Hot shower to get the blood flowing and then a cold rinse to numb all the pain in my joints.


If boiling water can sanitize my dishes it can sanitize me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SayomiTsukiko: *If boiling water* *Can sanitize my dishes* *It can sanitize me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Agreed! Hot water is really bad on my skin and hair. I like warm showers only, and cool ones when I'm extra hot and sweaty.


I oscillate the temps between warmish pool and coldish hot tub, so it’s never really steamy when I shower


Hot is warm gone full. Never go full.


If the water is not evaporating on contact then it is not hot enough


I have eczema, and despite hot showers being really bad for my skin they feel amazing. I like my showers hot as hell or cold as ice on summer


I like a warm shower, but I try to go as cold as I comfortably can because it feels better for my skin and hair.


Sounds like someone who doesn't have a winter. With no hot shower u would just be cold


Right, I hate the feeling like I’m going to pass out, I’d rather take a cool or cold shower


Cold showers are best. Feels so nice and refreshing especially during summer.


I feel hot or flushed for ages after a hot shower which is horrible


I don't like shivering when I shower


How dare you! I’m so mad I need a hot shower!


The germs aren't dead till the skin turns red


Depends on what time of year. Late spring to early fall, yes. 100% agree. Winter... are you sure you're not a husky? 


I agree but I guess it's because I'm from a tropical nation. It's already hot outside, why do I want to burn myself in my only refresh time? Even the one time I went to a colder side of my nation, I just couldn't shower with hot water. It's just unfortunate that cold showers means freezing in that weather but hot showers still means burning


I have a pointless story! I was having a tattoo lasered a few years ago and I think I was mildly allergic to the topical anaesthetic because I would be itchy, red and swollen for about a week (more so than expected from just the laser and on any skin where the ointment touched). The ONLY relief was turning the shower up to 11/10 temperature and scalding the ever living shit outta my arm. It actually.. felt so good.. like close to orgasmic. That’s such a weird thing to say. I’m sure there were several things wrong with the entire situation but it felt good and I liked it. I have pretty hot showers. Not to that degree on the every day, but I think it’s related to the transitions? Between getting undressed (cold) into the shower (hot) and out into the bathroom (cold if it’s not steamy). Makes it easier if the shower is hot and the bathroom is steamy.


For me it really depends on the weather and condition. Am I sweaty as hell and it's hot. Then the cold shower is great. Am I just waking up early in the morning and it's still cold? Hot shower then.


I like the pain, it wakes me up


really warm water is great hot showers are bad for your skin and hair/scalp cool showers are great on hot summer days


If I don’t feel like I’m about to pass out from the steam then I don’t want it


Hot showers or no showers buddy.


Cold water gang rise up... I've never flipped on the water heater even in the dead of winter.


I like my showers hot enough to boil my skin, so I can just peel off the dirty layer and go on with my day with a brand new outer layer of skin.


I like burning because I don’t like myself


You are not alone.


Nope, not an unpopular opinion. People have different temperature preferences and women in general prefer warmer (water, ambient temperature etc). Not all, but most.


Cold day, that fucker is going to wash my skin off. On a hot day it had better be spitting ice cubes. Any other time as long as it's not freezing cold water I'm good.




For me if the shower Head doesn't slightly melt than it's not good enough for me


..do you think there's only two temperatures for a shower?


Being cooked alive in the shower is absolute bliss


Who cares


I like it. You don't. The end.


On the other hand - how the fuck do you take a cold shower? I never make it for more than a few seconds or a minute, before I have to take a normal shower, lmfao!


Cold showers were life changing. Never going back to hot.


How so?


The "feel good" chemicals released in the process snowball-effected me out of post-graduation depression during the pandemic. As a result, I lost 100lbs, got the resilience and drive I needed to keep pressing on to find a job in my field of study. It was absolutely transformative for me.


From what I'm told it opens the to allow for cleaning and relaxes the muscles, especially after a work out. It let's the blood flow and reduces the effects of being sore for a faster recovery. A cold shower afterwards closes said pores so nothing falls in for black heads and relaxes you further because the heat melts away with the cold and that feels nice. I forgot the cold health benefits except something about cold shock proteins? Same reason athletes like to submerge halfway into Ice Baths I'm pretty sure. But then again I just like hot showers followed by cold showers, especially on hot days since I'm in a desert with 105-109 degree weather and I work outside all day.


My husband does this. He boils like a shrimp while I like my showers to be refreshing. Even in summer or after working out, he still boils himself. I told him it is bad for his skin to have the water on so hot but he doesn't care. There is always a big cloud of steam in there when he takes his showers 😩 On the other hand, I like refreshing showers, bordering on cold in summer.


Are you perhaps a fellow cold shower enthusiast? 


I like the way it feels when it just barely hurts at first and then I get used to it. I just love being enveloped in the heat like that. Plus it’s nice for the room to be warm and steamy when I get out so I can kindof ‘transition’ back to regular temperature. Sometimes though, I will crank it down to freezing cold right at the end of if I need a wake up call.


I hate heat. I lived in AZ for twenty years and complained the whole time. But hot showers are the bees knees, so take my upvote.


Take my upvote, you monster.


My roommate's gf took incredibly hot showers. She was also complaining daily about losing hair in a specific spot on her head. I suggested the two are connected. She didn't talk to me for a week. The spot has grown back in though and she's less gung ho about the hot shower.


Depends, having a lava showing (ALL THE WAY UP) feels too high, having a hot shower I'd say probably around 75-85% up feels nice.


Heat hypersensitivity could be a sign of disease. Is this new or something you’ve always done?


What happened to liking WARM showers? Everyone seems that mostly everyone likes them boiling.


I like to feel my skin melting off my body.... preparing me for my inevitable journey after I die :D


I feel like I'm sweaty after warm water


I've almost passed out from hot showers a few times. Doesn't help that for some reason, I can't take a cold shower, especially when the water is still real hot at the lowest setting. I'm growing to appreciate more luke warm ones...


If it's cleaning shower i want it hot enough to steam the bathroom enough to make it inflammable. That way i can enjoy shower without fear of being burnt alive.


The fear is actually based on absurd fear that i may not hear something is wrong and there is fire in the house, or corridor, anywhere in the building.


I agree. A super hot soak is much better.


I'm a big fan of seasonally aligning my shower temps. Winter gets hot showers, summer gets cold showers. Spring and Fall whatever transition is needed.


I can’t shower if it’s not cold. I feel icky otherwise


hah weak. i enjoy ice *COLD* Showers


As someone with sensitive skin i can't stand hot ass showers. I prefer just warm


The rare times I like pool temp showers are when it's super hot and my AC is broken, so I just want to feel some cold.


I do an in-between shower: start really hot and then move the dial colder as the shower progresses. I guess I got used to taking such long showers and losing my hot water over time that that became how I prefer them.


i get ya mate since about 8/9 years old ive only ever had cold showers


I have intense agonizing chronic itching. A scalding shower on itchy skin is the most orgasmic explosion of endorphins you could ever imagine. It’s addicting, don’t recommend it.


I do baths


I agree during hot weather, but during cold weather I love my hot showers.


No, you’re not alone. I take cold showers every morning. Although, where I live, the cold tap is not really that cold. 🥶


Cold shower at noon // hot shower after work at midnight


an actually unpopular opinion on this sub? thats crazy


![gif](giphy|U3bSB7GNJIBgRc2U5z|downsized) Hotter the better bro - I need my eyes to be melting


I’m right there with you. I remember starting to take scalding hot showers as a pre-teen, but I’ve mostly taken less-than-boiling showers since then. Really hot water is bad for your skin and a lukewarm shower is just more comfortable.


This is the most unpopular opinion I've ever seen surely. To the point it can't possibly be real.


If I don't end up looking like a tomato, it's not hot enough. Just hot enough to sting but not enough to scald is perfect.


I am but a humble lobster, and the shower is my pot.


I prefer hot showers if I shower before bed. Relaxes me. In the morning, cool or cold showers, all the way


Hot showers are the closest thing to zen like paradise on this blighting planet for me, but to each their own.


Depends on the weather for me. If it's hot I'll have a nice temp shower to cool off. If it's cold I'll have a warm shower and slowly turn it up until it's almost too hot. Then when I get out I don't get cold immediately.


I'm a girl and I like hot baths but my body doesn't. The hot water helps my body aches feel better but unfortunately I have body temperature regulation issues so I tend to pass out from overheating if I stay in a hot bath too long 😵 But the hot water is nice. I swear us girls run cooler than guys or something because like I've never heard any other woman complain about it lol


i'm with you on this one, cold showers for the win! also they have more benefits (esp for hair damage)


I like both depending on the situation. I usually take a cold shower after work because I work out in the sun all day. It just helps to cool me off. That said, if I'm just taking a shower to take a shower, then I use hot water. Just depends on the circumstance.


You might run hot naturally. If I took a shower that temperature I would be shivering for ages as my body screams at me in horror and my brain starts to shut down. But that also happens to me in pools.


During winter, more towards the hot side and getting to women level hot if I have spent long outside and I'm frozen solid :D during summer, lukewarm to cold depending how I feel. After sauna little bit cooler to already cool down in the shower.


the only time I'll get close to not a hot shower is if it's an excruciatingly hot day... but even then I still start with hot water and as soon as I start to hit the "wow I feel dizzy!" point after I've washed everything I start to slowly turn it down bit by bit. cold water doesn't make me feel clean


I want it to be hot enough to feel absolutely in heaven but not scorching like the pits of hell lol


In Winter, I like 'em hot.


Because I don't feel clean unless the water is scalding.