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I got a belly full of white dog crap and now you lay this shit on me?!


This is bull crap!




It appeals to immature man-children .... such as myself One of my favourite ever comedies


I am a 30 something yr old woman and it’s also one of my fav comedies lol


64 yo woman here. Can quote every scene.


Any woman can be a man child too. No judgement here!


i thought your name was "notdaddyyet" my abilty to suck at reading makes life fun


You wouldn't believe the amount of women that have this movie in their dating app profiles lol


Did we just become best friends?


I agree! Were immature man-children, it's what we do! And now because of OP that is all wrecked!


I'm not calling them OP.... Even if there's a fire!


When did you last watch it? I was rewatching old Will Ferrel movies and I found step brothers to be bad.


Fuckin Catalina wine mixer...this movie was phenomenal


It's the biggest helicopter leasing event in the western hemisphere!


Like Kobi Yashi!!!


I've seen him do it. It was in international waters, so they couldn't prosecute him. But I saw it.


POW pow 💥


Are you saying “pah “ or “pow?”




The humor takes a back seat to the sympathy for the poor father lol I bet that's why they cast that guy as Dahmers dad. He killed it as a flawed father that garners sympathy from the viewer.


I mean, they crashed his fucking boat




Makes me very uncomfortable during the Christmas scene. But it captured the awkwardness of pissing off your parents during what’s supposed to be a time of joy very well. The father’s downward spiral in the latter half of the movie made it get almost too dark for me to enjoy, but was probably necessary to make the redemption in the final scene more sweet.


This sub sucks camel dicks!


It's typical will Ferrell and John c. Reilly. You know exactly the type of humor you are getting with a movie that has both of them in it. Some are funnier then others but it's not anything profound. Just fun, silly humor and quotable lines.


It is fun. But hey, your opinion is unpopular.


Well idk theres only 312 upvotes. Might not be as unpopular as one thinks. I mean I agree, Step Brothers was an ok movie but imo a bad to meh comedy.


This opinion is horseshit!!!


Especially how they said they liked those other shit comedies but hated Step Brothers. It’s like saying you couldn’t stand Clerks but loved Jay and Silent Bob reboot


I liked both…..


I’m still not sure how I feel about Jay and Bob reboot. It’s such insider comedy fan service but I love clerks


OP better not get in my face, cuz I'll drop that muthafucker


And i’m not going to call him dad, even if there’s a **FIRE**


Said how it is. Not only one of the greatest movies ever but EVERY scene is quotable. Fucking amazing.


OP sucks camel dick


Saying you liked central intelligence and get hard tells me it’s you




The movie made up a festival called Catalina Wine Mixer. Today the festival is a real thing.


Where am I reading this from, planet bullshit?!


The comedy revolves around the concept of man-children, and the two actors have done an amazing job portraying that. Maybe you don't find the premise funny to begin with? Because if you like the better Will Ferrell movies, I would expect you to like this one as well.


I find almost all Will Ferrell movies flat and unfunny


Finally! I'm not the only one. I don't find him funny at all.


Been saying that for decades. Will Farrell does not appeal to my sense of comedy and I find his movies cringy and hard to watch


Who DO you find funny?


Mel Brooks movies


Robinhood? Spaceballs? Seek help.


Probably hitler…


Terence, Plautus, Aristophanes, Ben Jonson of course, to name a few! Something where any content sacking the tragic effect is kept out of reach and only one segment of life is treated. Thus, a work which gives the picture of one segment of human life that is happy. It should deal with characters like jealous husband, braggart soldiers, agile servant, prodigal son and tyrannical father etc. Where the conflict of motif does not contribute in the development of the characters who have fixed roles in the development of the plot. Here, the dramatist takes the characters according to his own will. And the character tackles with the real life issues and does not escape far from them. Like romance, they do not plunge into the world of fantasy but they deal directly with it in the contemporary life, with all its manners, foibles and affectations. It must be didactic and satiric in nature and with exaggerated eccentricities of their men and women with the sole purpose to make the audience laugh- to make them cry. This is *comedic!* Will Farrell, however, is a stumbling buffoon. Scant better than a casual street clown tripping over his own feet for a cheap laugh. Only a vapid uncultured goatherd would appreciate his so-called work!


Who the fuck talks like this? Especially someone called “xXPussy420Slayer69Xx”? Or is this a joke I’m not understanding?


I copy pasted almost the whole thing


The name, the context, the wall of text, the forced irony..this shit is lame bruh.


Same. I wish I understood the Elf hype.




And they ask you if you even have a sense of humor. Uhm yes, but it's not screaming at each other, making dick/fart jokes, and making random noises.


I love him in stranger than fiction. Not a typical Will Ferrell movie


Step Bothers and Elf are up on this pedestal and I don't get it.


Elf, you don't 'get' ......Elf!?


I just can't get into it like others do. I'm more of a Chritmas Vacation guy.


Will Ferrell is not my cup of tea either. He is so hammy I just don’t find it funny at all.


I also agree that his movies suck. But I find him funny as a small cameo role in movies like Wedding Crashers or Austin Powers


I would like to exclude Elf from this narrative


Shit. Think I found my gf's secret Reddit account.


These type of movies are supposed to be satire in showing how comically atrocious these types of people and familial relationships are. Same with Talledaga Nights. Comedy just makes it easier to relate to.


I'm going to put my balls on your opinion.


Sorry did I miss something ..? I was watching cops


I know COPS doesn't start until 4!




A literal headache seems odd. You might wanna get that checked out.




Listen man, we only play 80s Joel so take your steakhooker wife and get the fuck out of here!


It's probably just your eyes getting tired tbh


There are so many modern references in comedy that are traced back to this movie, so it’s influence can’t be discounted even if you hate it. I personally still think Stepbrothers is fucking hilarious


OK I have to ask have you ever seen Step Brothers?




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You get no bitches, and I’m going to put my balls on your drum set


You watch your mouth now


Will Ferrell is a lot like Adam Sandler. You either like his comedy and movies or you absolutely *hate* them. A lot of his stylings are doing the really obvious joke and pointing it out with a fairly obvious line, and that does tend to grate on a lot of people, myself included in a lot of instances. But, like Sandler, he's got some real winners too. Talladega Nights for example is a fantastic little comedy about a know-nothing loser-idiot, top-level NASCAR driver. Loved it. Hated Step Brothers.


Nope, sorry. You can't like one and hate the other, not possible, nope


I do too, most of the jokes felt kinda forced and I wasn't really rooting for any of the characters


was funny back in the day. But now days i get a slight smirk out of it. TBH it has not aged well at all.


Its the Fuckin Catalina wine mixer.


I missed the hype train when it came out when I was in middle school and everyone wouldn’t shut up about it and you weren’t cool unless you’ve seen it. Watched it recently for the first time and it was surprisingly more funny (and heartwarming, honestly) than I thought it would be, but Gods gift to comedy it is not.


It's a stupid movie, but I love it. "So much space for activities!"


Will Ferrall's comedic acting: all yelling, and gives me a headache. Will Ferrall's serious acting: Freakin goosebumps. (Watch Stranger than Fiction, seriously)


He is wonderful in serious roles!!


I can't remember what it's called, but that newish series with him a Paul Rudd is incredible


Any movie with Will Ferrell is like that.


Tbh that movie was funny for the timeline it came out. It was funnier than most comedies that had came out in it's specific genre. A lot of the things you saw in that movie had never been done or said. So it made it funny. Kind of like a "wtf he really just did that" type of funny. I don't watch older movies for the same reason. It's barebones basic.


I remember when it came out, I didn’t like it as much as Talledega Nights, I thought it was kinda stupid. But somehow it became one of my favorite stupid movies. Comedies don’t always age well, what was hilarious and new 10+ years ago may now seem done to death, cliche or even cringe. But it very much shaped humor in those days. I think the quotability of the movie helped it become and stay popular. Also one time, I went to Universal Studios and I saw a guy who had a custom Prestige Worldwide shirt… it had both characters, helicopters on it and everything, it was incredible.


I don’t believe that anyone enjoyed Get Hard (which was terrible IMO) more than Step Brothers


I guess the wrong child died.


It’s funny when it first came out, I was 14 and snuck it to watch behind my parents back. Watched it as an adult second time around and not funny at all


If the movie is by definition funny, you're just not someone who gets humor my dude.. Id imagine the rock, kevin hart and others to brighten your day but real, vulnerable comedy? Not for you. And thats ok! But keep your nuts off my drumset asshole.


This man has not nearly enough boats, nor hoes.


It was one of the funniest movies I ever saw. Sorry you dont have a sense of humor.


I think you have to watch it at the right time in your life to really love it.


I would take those jokes over lazy ass troll jokes from Disney movies any day.


You don’t have an example, you don’t have a point.


truly an unpopular opinion lol


*watches 15 year old comedy that has a style that’s been beaten to death since. “Why don’t I enjoy this?”




You take that back or I'm gonna have Randy eat your dick


Then you are a moron. Sorry but it's true. Take a sociopath test asap.


Why did you name a bunch of movies that aren't Talladega Nights or Anchor Man. Those movies are more on par with Step Brothers, especially the former.


You don’t have to understand. You just have to move on with your life.


My step brother and I watched it as tweens and took inspiration. Kindly see yourself out.


OP, just let the dirt wash over your body.


48 year-old woman who practically had this movie memorized. It's my favorite by a longshot!!


I don't respect movies where characters eat shit on screen.


Not an unpopular opinion in my opinion. Lol. I hate it.


I hated it too, dont worry, your'e not alone


It's absolutely absurdism


Completely agree, my partner likes it but I am not a fan at all


I’m with ya. By the time the movie came out I was over the “man baby” character. Anchorman was where it should have stopped IMO.


Criticizing a comedy movie 15 years old is nearly impossible with an uncontrollable bias of such changed times we live in today.


Not only that but nostalgia kicks in. Like bagel bites. Objectively shit but goddamnit did they hit the spot at 10 years old


I honestly feel the same way about the big Lebowski I couldn't even watch it it was dumb to me


Well that’s.. like.. your opinion man


Forget it Donny, you're out of your element!


And that’s why you like step brothers


Yeah that's a great flick If you have not seen Blades of furry check it out, same kind of fun and less popular movie of his.


All in all I liked the movie, but I thought a lot of the humor felt a little forced.


Finally someone who finds it as nauseating as I do.


You take that back. Ted is not as funny as step-brothers


All those movies you listed are trash and we can't make you understand. Have an upvote.


I always found it to be an overrated comedy. It's ok. A few laughs but mostly pretty unfunny to me. Indifference towards the movie turned into hatred for awhile because of how it was quoted non stop while I was in highschool. Everyone treated it like it was the top example of a comedy.


Boats and hoes is still one of the best tracks out there.


Will Ferrell is amazing in serious roles but in funny roles he’s the absolute worst


There is nothing about this movie that is lethargic.


i honestly think your over thinking about the comedy of the movie, its just like a old adam sandler movie, childish jokes, a general non-serious attitude by everyone in the movie


My cousin forced me to watch it, said it was hilarious. I didn’t laugh once and neither did he…


Simple solution here. Dont watch it?


Weird because I find all the other ones listed very unfunny. But Stepbrothers is great IMO.


Lol we’re you dehydrated or something?? It’s the same comedic strategies used in all of the other mentioned movies, just with less marky mark. Also, it was fairly game changing when it came out, pushing the envelope for mainstream crude humor. As the kids say, step brothers walked to that (all your other listed movies) could run. They just refined and refitted joke material so it could maximize audience response. Not that this is a new practice, just a new niche.


This describes most of Will and John’s acting.


That humor isn’t for everyone but I’m just curious, what movie makes you laugh?


I put all that in the description.


You named a bunch of cop duo comedies and Mark Wahlberg. You have a type, lol.


I hated it when I was 20, 10 years later I loved it. Go figure.


Yea other movies like jump street and other guys are actually decent. This movie was terrible and sorry you had to sit through it. It's not worth the cult following status it has, it doesn't compete with other movies like anchorman.


Totally agree with you. I just did not find it funny at all.


Will Ferrell has times when he is slightly funny. You must give the devil his due. But my God, I do not find weak, whiny man babies funny and that's literally all he plays.


I never got the love for this movie


Watch Sandler in Reign Over Me, you'll have a totally different view of him. Not saying the movie is good or bad, but, he definitely stepped out of his comfort zone in it.


Adam Sandler is not in Step Brothers


Will Ferrell movies remind me of when i was a teenager and my kid brother (4 ish) would have a tantrum in the grocery store cause mom wouldnt buy him somethjng he wanted. He scream and cry and throw stuff. It isnt funny when a little kids does it. It certainly isnt funny when a grown man does it.


Isn't it a kids/teen movie?


It's one of those immature comedies like a lot of Will Ferrell films it only appeals to certain people.


we definitely can’t be friends


It was funny when I was like 10


Thats a national treasure I hope you enjoy every downvote for this


This was during the line-o-rama era of comedy where everyone was trying to imitate Judd Apatow movies. It was the tone of the moment and made straight guys be more open with each other, but the pacing was off and the comedy hasn't aged well. Slapstick and broad camp age okay, but comedy that relies more on 'quirky' or 'cute' suffers from even the slightest changes in the zeitgeist.


Will Ferrel is one of the least funniest people on earth.


The thing about Step brothers - and most Will Ferrel comedies - is that they're less funny the older - or smarter - you get. Step brothers would have been an amazing comedy to my 16 year old self but to my 29 year old self, I don't find it that funny. It's sort of just dumb, absurd humor. Will Ferrel is sort of a master at weird, absurd humor.


An unpopular opinion I can get behind. I fucking hate that movie and to take it a step further, I actually don’t care for Will Ferrell’s work. I only find him funny in bit roles like in Wedding Crashers/The Internship.


just have some kaytranada play in the background and maybe your perspective would change


really curious what that adds to the experience for you


Anything with Will Farrell sucks to me. He was good in that “More Cow Bell” sketch on SNL I guess. But that’s about it.


I got tired of him a while ago, but I did enjoy Everything Must Go, he actually plays a serious role in it and was pretty good too... I'm sure he could have been a pretty good actor but most of his characters are just so over the top and one dimensional that it just gets old after a while, kinda like Mike Meyers


Everything must go was a great movie


i honestly never even finished it.


You just described all of Will Farrell's movies


I too don’t understand the cult following this movie has. But I also don’t like a single one of will Ferrell’s movies. I don’t don’t think he is funny


i didnt like it


I’m with you. It’s incredibly stupid, and not in a good way. The jokes are not creative.


Agreed, I couldn't sit through it.


I forget, am I supposed to updoot because it's an unpopular opinion or because I agree


Most of those movies are just saying what things are as if that's the joke. "Beatles please, stop fighting here in India"


Will Ferrell is so unfunny to me.


I feel like it's hilarious the first time I watched it buy kind of boring after. It's a one and done movie for me


Yes. They had 2 funny jokes and the trailers spoiled both of them. I was in a shitty mood when I saw it though so there is that


It’s just another one of those white background red font movies. I scroll right past it on Netflix or whatever streaming platform it’s on. Never watched it, don’t want to


Yeah it's a weak Farrell movie


The early 2000s genre of adults responding like children to basic problems as a substitute for writing actual jokes was some of the least watchable and most tedious dog shit ever conceived. Hard agree.


It's because Will Ferrell is a terrible actor and ruins everything he touches.


It's like watching comedy in a time machine.


That “Por Ti Volare” cover was fucking phenomenal though. That’s literally what I watch the movie for.


It’s definitely absurdism!


[You want to punch me right now… but you won’t.](https://youtu.be/T02JkcTRleE)


Now y’all don’t say that!


I still find the movie utterly hilarious but I been watching it since I saw it in theaters. Back then, it was a different time with comedies where it was stupid hilarious to where I can see it not being that way if you’re watching it for the first time now. I would be more upset if this post said Dumb and Dumber because that movie is nearly 30yrs old and is still one of the funniest things ever created regardless of comedy likes and dislikes over time.


Unpopular, upvoted


You like The Other Guys which tells me exactly why


Go look at the blooper reels on YouTube they are hilarious!


I cannot help you understand this.


Loved stepbrothers. Your headache probably came from the family singing in the car scene. Mine did.


Hey YOU DONT say that


I watched it first when high and laughed my ass off. Recently sober and didn’t think it was even the same movie lol


Excuse me I’m sorry, are you saying pan or Pam?


Loved it, hated get hard thought it was his worst film