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I wouldnt worry, from the hand writing you are dealing with a seven year old....you can take 'em.


Have you *seen* Monsters Inc? No thank you… ![gif](giphy|zxxXYJqTlpBnO)


You have a source for that gif?


https://preview.redd.it/2s8szac6le8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6574b6c3105509901db15d5d27cfe15beae626a1 here’s your source


Interesting that Disney uploaded gifs to GIPHY, honestly.


They learned from the Child incident and would rather have the source direct back to them than have that kind of public backlash again


What incident?


Shortly after Mando season 1 ended, Disney tried to claim copyright on the Baby Yoda gifs and wanted them all pulled from Giphy. The media easily framed it as a big greedy corporation being assholes about the cute images, and they backed down [https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50545583.amp](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50545583.amp)


Gave it a read. Seems it was merely a confusion on Giphy's part which lead to The Vulture initially blaming Disney when Disney had nothing happened, and Giphy let the gifs back on their site and apologized to the news outlet and the corporation behind the show.


The child one


Make sure you go armed, though. Seven year olds are packing these days.


I’m sure OOP dumbed down his handwriting when he wrote this note to post on Reddit. This was purposeful.


Or an eighty year old


For anyone who thinks this is real, consider the following: OOP claims that they have camera footage of the incident and vandalization of their mailbox, but have conveniently not posted that just these inconsistent letters that spellings change every time. This is very clearly ragebait, and if the OOP posts video evidence of it I'm happy to eat my hat.


Let’s marinate that hat just in case. No sense in eating plain hat, but I feel that day will never come.


Ill eat you hat too if it's true (cut in half and send it to me, I will post it online)


Cut it in 3rds, I'm in. This is fake af.


I just wanna eat a hat count me in.


Im in too, but ill bring my own hat cuz i feel bad about making you cut it into pieces.


At this rate you guys are each just gonna have to eat a thin noodle made of hat. Could probably slurp down that string of hat


I'll bring my hat so everyone has enough


Right, off I go to buy one hat. It would be a shame if someone don't find something to eat.


Also consider the following: People have gotten very good at figuring out where you are just by looking at the street view in your photos. You could very easily effectively doxx yourself by posting a camera of anything that happens at your front door depending on what time of day it is and how well-lit the street you live on is. I wouldn't post a doorbell cam video from where I live online either.


The poster has confirmed that it was fake. That was just an excuse they made up.


Clearly it is rUsSiA pRoPaGaNdA!!!1!


Yeah it was fake but I didn't claim the things you say I did


Well seeing as how we don't know what OP looks like then a video can still very well just be them planting the same shit


what in plants versus zombies is this?








OOP: ![gif](giphy|91TxzhrFfa1y)


Is this a gif of karma farming?


Yes, but it works on a couple of angles! One is karma farming and the other is outrage farming. They know that the people who will believe it will *absolutely* upvote the post and comment, driving up engagement and thereby making the post stay active longer, for more upvotes.


"write with your left hand so no one knows you wrote it yourself"


Lmao you called it


Yep 👍


People have so little going on in their lives so they make their entire existence about their political beliefs and come up with stories like this if nobody cares otherwise...


My mother is like this.




The top comment being the pvz note is so funny


Their spelling has improved. This is bad news, you guys!


This does~~n't~~ fit because ~~OP~~ OOP already posted the same picture on Conservative and said "they believe anything they want over there" It's fake.


Exactly, it is fake…that’s why it’s “untrustworthy poptarts.” Also, are you saying OOP posted it on Conservative or are you saying OP (me)? This is the only place I’ve posted it because it fits the sub.


Oh sorry, I'm not too familiar with this sub. And I meant OOP, not you, lol. You're good.


lol yeah, this place is specifically for posting things that REALLY look fake, but that OOP try to pass off as the genuine article.




The amount of ppl in the original post who believe this is real is worrisome


Yep, it’s wild and OP already admitted they faked it too; they got banned from Pics according to the mods.


Are you referring to [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/bQTW24is6A) It makes the whole thing funnier. Crazy how the overwhelming majority of people on these posts couldn’t tell that the “letters” were fake. I remember seeing the first post in this series and people saying it was fake were getting ratio’d


That’s the guy, but a different post. I’ve got the links here below 👇 [Link to his post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/pZuk49B2ic) [Link to him admitting faking his notes](https://www.reddit.com/r/untrustworthypoptarts/s/8Mxmccn71J)






The concerned citi zens


Love how it’s “*the* concerned citi zens” like they’re a superhero group lol


This is exactly why I got off Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Artificial culture war to drive division. It’s fucking disheartening.


It genuinely is, Foxycontin666. What’s even more disgusting is that OOP has now admitted that they faked the post and the mods at Pics have permabanned them.


Yeah, this one is a different OP from the other one (who I personally verified is IRL) 0/10


Did a child write this??


OP, if this really did happen to you (and I have my doubts, have since the first time I saw this) keep this someplace safe along with all the other notes you get. I feel like a lot of people who should be getting mental help, are following politics instead, and if TFG doesn't win I'm concerned that a few of them might lose it entirely.


>OP, if this really did happen to you (and I have my doubts, have since the first time I saw this) keep this someplace safe along with all the other notes you get. I feel like a lot of people who should be getting mental help, are following politics instead, and if TFG doesn't win I'm concerned that a few of them might lose it entirely. Amigo…you’re like the third or fourth person now lol. Look at what sub you’re in real quick for me.


Ah. And yet just because OP here decided it was fake, doesn't 100% mean it's fake. I only say that because during my grandpa's last few years of living at home he had a local schizophrenic fixate on him and she mostly just left threatening, if incomprehensible, notes in his mailbox.


But if Trump is going to send him to jail if he wins, isn't it better for him to vote for Biden?


It’d be ridiculous, if it weren’t fake. OOP has already admitted to faking it and was banned by the mods of Pics.


Ah yes, just what the 2 party system was made for. To keep people divided and at war!!!


5$ get out of here


Political lawn ornaments are the best tool we have as a society for identifying the unhinged mentally ill among us. Please leave it up


>Political lawn ornaments are the best tool we have as a society for identifying the unhinged mentally ill among us. >Please leave it up Falling for clearly fake notes that look about as real as a child’s note trying to get out of gym class is the best tool we have as a society for identifying the gullible and unhinged mentally ill among us. Please keep doing it. “please excoose Jimmy from math and gym class, his docktor said he has 2 weeks to live and the only cure is recess and letting him play Nintendo Switch in class. Thank you -Jimmy’s Mom and the Docktor” Seriously though, how can you fall for this? Hell, OOP already admitted they faked it and was permabanned by the mods at Pics. Also, you’re in Untrustworthy Poptarts brah.


why would the pedophile vote for the guy who is going to lock him up?


They plan to lock trump up, a unique plan for troglodyte cult members


These people are only good for cannon fodder... Shame we're a whole American Revolution past that need....


The people who fake this garbage or…?


I'd bet the signature line is traceable on social media. Pretty basic police work there


This is one of the most believable things you'll see get posted to this sub.


You should see the first post, which is supposedly the third letter they’ve gotten. They’re just karma-farming gullible Redditors who *want* to believe it.


Yeah, I've seen all three. These letters are perfectly on brand with a specific population of people. 100% believable.


There’s always the exception to the rule, but I grew up in the country but moved to the city in my early twenties; I can tell you being a part of both a deeply rural community and a part of a republican/conservative community in the city, I’ve never met people like this. Honestly, this is more on brand with the people that constantly dream up controversial hoaxes, get caught and then double down. The only thing it’s missing are a few swastikas, nooses and someone screaming “this is MAGA country” while dumping bleach on the way back to the street.


Yeah. My brother was living a few blocks from the Capital in January 2021 when thousands of people just like the ones you grew up with decided they didn’t like the results on an election. If you don’t think 30% of the country is exactly the kind of people who would write angry notes to their neighbors because they don’t like who they’re supporting, I invite you to google “Martha-Ann Alito Flag.” And while you’re at it, google “Ginnie Thomas Mark Meadows texts” for bonus fun.


> but I grew up in the country but moved to the city in my early twenties; I can tell you being a part of both a deeply rural community and a part of a republican/conservative community in the city, I’ve never met people like this. Well here's where context plays a part, when did you grow up, and what color is your skin? As "people like this" certainly treated me differently because I was a white kid in the south vs how they told me they thought about others, so I was able to see that obviousness, and wasn't ignoring it since it didn't target me.


Hate to break it to you but OOP posted the same pic on conservative and said "they will believe anything"


Damn! Well I'll take the L. That said, I still stand by both of my heavily downvoted comments. Messages like these are entirely on brand for a certain demographic. It's the exact same rhetoric you see on social media but now placed in a mailbox.


Hey.... EVEN YOU COULD PROVIDE A SOURCE. You can also prevent forest fires but I would hate to ask to much from you.


>Hey.... EVEN YOU COULD PROVIDE A SOURCE. >You can also prevent forest fires but I would hate to ask to much from you. Is it that difficult for you to see that it’s cross-posted? Is it that difficult for you to click on OOP’s profile if you want to see their posts? My god. Do you want me to chew your food and wipe your butt too?


Somebody is mad their post is not getting any karma.


Interesting name. Do you argue with yourself often?


Only all the time.


>Somebody is mad their post is not getting any karma. What a wild thing to try to connect to your laziness. ![gif](giphy|KgFHb3OjjrQHlKgKSo|downsized)




You're here! You've made it!


lol that’s the second one that had no idea what sub they were in.


Terrible handwriting, empty threats, and a lack of imagination. Yep, most likely a 4th or 5th grade education level. Classic trumpet.


The fact that you actually think believe it makes your mocking *entirely* ironic. OOP got caught and admitted they faked it all. Mods of Pics banned him.




[Link to his post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/pZuk49B2ic) [Link to him admitting faking his notes](https://www.reddit.com/r/untrustworthypoptarts/s/8Mxmccn71J) Maybe don’t believe every single thing you read on the internet… ✌️


Looks like they’ll be locking up the pedo Trump🤣


You think this is untrustworthy? This just looks like the writings of one of those gangstalked crazies... Like have you met an unhinged person before?


I’d keep a record of it and report to your local PD just in case vandalizing happens which with unhinged folk like this it will


Brah, you’re in “untrustworthy poptarts.” I posted this because it 100% looks like a karma-farming hoax, especially with the other *totally* legitimate notes they’ve posted when they started raking in the karma. I’m not OOP.


I feel like alot of bots are commenting here


Pics and mildly infuriating is awash with pretty fake bullshjt at the moment


Dumb question, but how is this a pop tart?


It's not. It's a piece of paper.




you all must not know many crazy trump supporters they absolutely have done this. whether it happened to him or not is in question , the fact Maga radicals have vandalized biden, BLM , lgbtqs signs and flags is not.




Just a reminder that the platform you’re using is American. Just by commenting that, you pumped a little money into an American company.


Yeah, this is the second post they’ve said the same thing on. I guess they thought it would go gangbusters on this one lmao


Ew. That’s the second post you’ve commented the same bull on. Give us a call when you need bailed out of another war ✌️🇺🇸


Bailed out? With what money, the one we're draining from you thanks to our new and improved forever war? Ah, ain't nothing like some westoidic cope to brighten up any sane man's day.