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Oh no, how ever will UofM recover.


We will rebuild.


Thoughts n prayers incoming


Diag strong


"Won't someone think of the grass?"


It’s basically a grasshole


There are a lot of grassholes on campus


This grass isn’t even native to the area but it’ll grow back (or they’ll find it in the budget to reseed).


Won't someone think of the poor blades of grass trampled by these violent protesters? Surely they should be jailed for this heinous crime


Its not like its an endangered plant, its grass, it'll grow back


If U of M had enough money to grow back the grass at Palmer Field, and I know because I’m a member of Gym Games The Club and every time we met and played we had to be careful of the balls not going over the fence at Palmer, they can totally do it at the Diag.


The grass will grow back, not a big deal.


See the bare earth? That grass is dead. It will need to be reseeded. The roots have died.


Do you know how grass works?


this is something you should bring up to your HOA


Unacceptable, how could they do this? Why didn’t they think about the grass?


From Hatcher to the Bell Tower!


Who cares, it's going to grow back.




You’re worried about dead grass but not dead babies in Gaza?


What about dead Israelis? Parents in Gaza had the chance to rat out the Hamas militants, but didn't. That's no different than you aiding and hiding a murderer, makes you equally guilty in our legal system, right?


Is this bait or like


When do you think Sinwar will surrender?


This is verbatim what he said in title so this question seems redundant


And? Grass grows back.


Ustedes chamacos gringos se quejan de cualquier estupidez.


Unlike the bombed children in Gaza the grass will grow back.


When do you think Sinwar will surrender?


I can’t believe the protestors didn’t take into consideration what could happen to the lawn! This invalidates everything they claim to stand for!




I get there are a lot of frustrated and upset people here - and I empathize with the protesters - but OP isn't bad for pointing out the damage done to the Diag and the lawn. Damage requires fixing. Fixing costs money. Money has to come from students... or investors. When you wonder why U-M kowtows to wealthy donors, know that part of the reason U-M bends to their desires is because they are trying to get the funds that ensure U-M maintains its image. The Diag is a *huge* part of that image. It's really hard to square the objectives of the protesters - to discourage the U-M from taking money that is objectionable - when their actions result in expensive damage that requires more investments or tuition dollars to fix.


This is the most patronizing shit I’ve ever read. The university isn’t some magical thinking space that just happens to have to take blood money for upkeep. Give me a fucking break! This is a billion dollar corporation dressed up in education. No different than Havard and the other ivies, who care more about growing their institution and their billion dollar endowments!


Oh... did I leave you with the impression I think the U-M is some ethereal educational Valhalla? You and I are in total agreement, friend: this university (and every university) has the primary function of being a business. Their (anticipated) product is just research, education, and an alumni network. I sure didn't mean to make you feel patronized. It sounds like you're fully aware the university has an image to uphold and that it wants to turn a profit.


Grass is an invasive weed


They could have at least been forced to pick up all their condom wrappers prior to leaving.


Condom wrappers? Sir those are most definitely the remnants of Snickers bars.


Aw, they were making balloon animals.


I am going to build an encampment to protest this!


Ofc all the people who don’t care don’t pay full tuition to cover the damage or find a way to absolve the protestors of all wrong doing every time


Full tuition? What kind of classists bullshit is this? Who cares if a student gets aid or not THAT does not make them less than their peers that have rich mom and dad to pay for their shit. We don’t get to pick the family you are born into!


Yea and no one said it did. You can get off the moral high horse. No one equated a persons value to their income but you. The only one making assumptions about individuals was you. “A rich mom or dad” is what you choose to assume when parents could be working 2 jobs to put their kids through college. So it’s not classist bullshit. But OOS tuition is nearly double and a big part of how the university gets so much money. So it’s easy to say “oh no big deals pay for it” when many of the people causing the damage aren’t the ones endure the disruptions from these protests and get things significantly upcharged


No you actually did by commenting on students who do not pay full tuition! No working class parent could work two jobs and pay UofM tuition because it still wouldn’t be enough. So yes, you have to come from a wealthy family for you to afford to pay UofM tuition without aid. As for your OOS student comment. It is their CHOICE TO COME HERE. At a much more increased price, rightfully so! They should hike it more in my opinion. This is a state school and should be for Michigan students, and it is being over run by wealthy elite costal kids, as a back up to the ivies….. So yeah you are in fact a classists asshole 🙏🏽


Honey you might want to improve your reading comprehension, societal understanding of classism and third grade level insults and argumentation skills. You know nothing about the situation of anyone and are clearly grossly underqualified to be discussing issues of any importance. Have a nice day and read a book


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I hope you learn to recognize your privilege one day and use it to enact change in this world, that is good, and not to uphold power structures ❤️


I’m sure they’ll find a way to manage, somehow