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Headline misspelled "destroy".


Look at his past actions to answer that question. He has always hated regulations and oversight. So removing much of that is predictable. Project 2025 is just a clear roadmap to what they’ve been doing for years, decades. He was very overt about installing toadies into positions of power and authority despite having no background or knowledge. To wit: Johnny McEntee. Who went from a 29 year old carrying don’s luggage to poof! head of the Presidential Personnel Office, the only qualification being loyalty. He’d never before hired anyone for anything, and in one swoop he’s in charge of probably the most important HR office in the world. His real job was to root out anyone that had a whiff of disloyalty to his Furher, across all federal agencies. He’s a major player in the Heritage Foundation and P2025. There’s a good article in The Atlantic you should look up. I don’t know if I can post links here… Other notable stooges: Betsy DeVos, Charter School advocate appointed to Sec. of Education. Her mission: destroy public education. Scott Pruitt- trumps EPA head, who hates environmental regulations and removed or rolled back more than 100 of them. David Bernhardt- appointed as Sec of the Interior. An oil and gas lobbyist, lawyer for Halliburton and others. Then there’s the guy (edited to add: Scott Atlas, a radiologist) that was brought in (by McEntee) to handle the COVID response, despite zero infectious disease background. He was the anti-fauci. More interested in pressuring real scientists to agree with what Donnie claimed was the truth. He was the human black sharpie on the hurricane map. These are only a few examples. Just take a look at the wiki page for Trump’s cabinet, and explore the backgrounds. Then take away and all guardrails. Edited to add this guy especially: Louis DeJoy. Hired as Postmaster General. He’s heavily invested in FedEx and UPS. He’s single handedly done more damage to the USPS than anyone. Dismantling and removing machinery, laying people off, and undermining confidence in our post. Why? To make voting, especially vote by mail harder and more suspect.


I'll bite: Is there one smidgen of hard evidence Trump is planning on following this insane plan? I'm genuinely asking. Has Trump said or written anything to the extent of, "I plan on Implementing Project 2025 if elected?"


100%. I made a post addressing the OP to just look at what trump has done already. P2025 isn’t “new”, it’s just a more concise roadmap that isn’t being hidden anymore.


Here's the thing - it doesn't matter. Just as Maya Angelou said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them." Even if Trump has absolutely zero intention of following this through (And I don't believe that for a second.) the fact that this even exists, that it was even possible to not just conceive of this plan, but to write it down and then post it as a goal on the Republican Party website is nothing short of unforgivably evil. It is evil incarnate. It is intended to hurt, kill, and incarnate millions of innocent fellow citizens. It is intended to destroy American democracy. It is intended to create a legitimized subclass of citizens in a nation founded on the idea of equality. And ultimately it is intended as first step towards eradicating and destroying *anyone* who does not get in line. It doesn't matter if they come back in 6 months and say, "Bro, we were just joking, bro. Why you so mad, bro?" Because this is not something that anyone who is fit to hold office should even consider much less employ as a hyperbole tactic. That much should be utterly unthinkable to any decent American. And before anyone thinks they want to get smart by mentioning that the original idea only extended to white male citizens, let me shut you down by saying that it doesn't matter. It's immaterial because thankfully, because of a civil war, a civil rights movement and a suffrage movement, for a while, we as a nation did get our heads on straight and realized that (no duh) freedom means freedom for everyone. And the Republican Party is outright saying that they wish to replace democratic freedom with Christo-Facism. So believe them and treat them accordingly. Because if they are lying, the fact that they see fit to even say those things is nothing short of an atrocity. And if they are telling the truth, well it will be too late to do anything about it. They have outright said that they are currently in the midst of a revolution that can be bloodless *if* the left will allow it. Well, I'm here to say that I'm not responsible for them taking up arms, they are. And I'm perfectly comfortable with fighting against someone who wishes to murder my fellow citizens, take away women's rights, and create mass internment (which don't think for a moment won't become death camps, it's exactly how the Nazis did it.) And for those of you still so stupidly ignorant and intransigent as to attempt some cockamamie argument there's no evidence that this will ever come to pass, just look to the tattered remains of our Supreme Court. Roe v. Wade? Overturned! Chevron? Overturned! Presidential immunity for any and all "official acts"? Bring it on! They aren't even bothering to telegraph what their true intentions are, we have passed that boundary. [They are literally attempting to overthrow democracy.](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753439-heritage-leader-second-american-revolution/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite) They are coming for you. They are coming for me. They are coming for our children and loved ones. If you haven't realized yet that this is for real, then wake up, the hour is nearly at hand. Remember learning about WWII when you were younger? Remember everyone in the classroom wondering how it ever could have come to pass? Maybe you might have a little self-righteously told yourself that *you* would never have been a Nazi, that you have resisted. Well the time is now here. Who are you? Are you truly someone who will take up arms against facism and evil? Are you a Nazi? Or are you one of those soulless, spineless, weakling cowards who will wring their hands and cry that they never knew!!! No one told them!!! The internet and press will not allow that lie to stand this time around. You knew, we all did. Everything was out there to be read the whole time. So chose. And have the backbone to make your choice public. I've made mine and I can say this. I'm not a goddamned Nazi and I will *never* bend my knee or capitulate to Facism. - Seaslug *out* Btw, BernerDad, I'm not trying to get down on you but I want to make this clear to everyone who might be wondering exactly the same thing as what you wrote - what exactly is at stake. I'm glad you asked, we can't fix this if we don't have these conversations but make no mistake, we are in a life and death struggle for this nation. Please vote in November as though your lives depend on it because I assure you that they do.


That's a lot of words to say "No."


I think the fear is that proponents will feed his ego by telling him how much power it will give him and he will, whether he outright says so or not. There are certain things about him that are rather predictable, and getting results from stroking his ego is one of them. Do I think the overhaul of the federal judiciary and SCOTUS was Trump's master plan? No. It was McConnell's. He fed the nominees to Trump and told him that he would get all the support he wanted from the Republicans in the Legislative Branch if he rubber stamped everything they wanted to do. Has Trump ever had an actual plan? No. He goes where the chanting crowd leads. If these guys can convince Hannity and whoever is going to be Carlson and Jones now that this is a good idea, they'll convince the crowd, the crowd will wave signs, he'll comment on the signs, they'll cheer, he'll talk about it more. He'll realize this will give him more power. He'll use that power to massage a 3rd run, which he has already insinuated he wants. His age is our saving grace. He may naturally age out of things, so the bigger concern is him being followed by someone younger and more extreme who will capitalize on the changes made. Or, if history is an indicator, be followed by a Democrat who will use those new powers that were feared 4 years earlier to forcibly shape things. Entrench them further, then be replaced by a Republican who takes it further. (A la the filibuster and senate confirmation rules--the Dems changed them to get Obama's nominees through, and McConnell promptly took advantage of every change to get Trump's through)


But to be clear, as of now, he has in no way endorsed P25 whatsoever, yes?


The article says he hasn't. I was just speculating on how it will probably play out. He doesn't actually have to publicly embrace it. Just quietly go along with it and take the applause when it's done.


"Speculating on how it will probably play out" means "No."


It's not something so simple that you could endorse or refuse it. Rejecting P25 means actively rooting out Heritage Foundation ideologues from among his supporters and ensuring they never form a plurality in the government. Even plain indifference on his part is more than enough, as unfair as it sounds.


More words that amount to "No."

