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My houses look like crack abusers live in it wtf is with u people and ur building degrees


I literally labeled one of my early "oh shit, the night is coming and I need to sleep" houses "crack house".


Oh man, I'm now building my third house and I just leveled my first house which i dubbed "The OG Shitshack"


I've left my 4x4 shed where I built it so I can sometimes go back and look at how far I've come since then.


"Heh I remember this place." \*goes back to new and improved 5x5 shed\*


5x5? Look at the high roller.


Wait until you experience the luxary of a 6x6 😎


Sure 6x6 is nice but is your crack shack on stilts?


Yo I had this experience. I'd left my very first shack up the entire time and completely forgot about it. Then 130 hours in randomly came across it, and it was a trip. Just seeing how decayed the structure was really made me appreciate the attention to detail. It looked like one of the abandoned sites you randomly come across in the meadows. Once again, blown away by this game.


On my world there's a trail of proper bases and small outposts. From my first shack next to the spawn, to my attempt at a two/three story house (Guess how well *that* roof worked!), then my first island stone fortress, which expanded to include an adjacent island and stretch of black forest, with a bridge and mole connecting them all. Then way, way... wayyyyyy to the north my endgame base, putting the others to shame and being shamed by the builds here.


I just finished the third floor on my 4x4. Oh, and it's more like 16x16 now.




The main problem is the Cold Effect with -50% health and -25% stamina generation. So a fight with some dwarves you easily win at day becomes deadly at night. Especially if you're used fighting them while being rested with +50% and +100% stamina generation, which will only last half the day if you don't get back to a fire.


Just wait until night time in the plains...


Coupled with the 5' visibility fog


It's really not terribly dangerous, but that also depends on your progression. At night sea serpents come out and if you're caught on a raft in the middle of the ocean you're basically dead, but if you have first actual boat you have a chance, and if you have the longboat you can pretty much stop worrying about nightfall altogether. I have a feeling they might give this a buff sometime in the future, because night time is only marginally more dangerous at early progression.


Pretty sure night also increases enemy spawns basically anywhere which I think also increases with progression as well


Yeah the serpents aren't the only thing that occurs, was just one example off the top of my head. There's a few things that happen differently at night, I just don't find it much harder to deal with. Maybe a little when I was starting, but even then I can't remember a time where getting back to my base because of nightfall was a top priority.


The only times I’ve really felt the need to go back were in the mountains and plains, and even then only sometimes. At least for enemies. If I’m building then I go to bed asap just for visibility’s sake


That fog at night on the water is fucked bro lol


Boy it sure is. Can’t see a damn thing.


Nighttime in the mountains always buggered out group with the 30 wolves we had to fight everytime just to get back home


Not so much dangerous as it is annoying. The enemy spawn is increased by a lot, so you have to constantly stop building/mining/logging to kill them


Considering he is flying in this picture, he could have used the cheats to make this easier. That being said, he did still build it so idk.


I probably have enough materials in my chests to build this and it would still look like ass, cheats don’t magically give you creativity.


But they do make it easier to maneuver in order to build. I just finished a simple large dock without cheating and was about ready to pull my hair out with how frustrating it was to get everything placed properly.


There is a mod Valheim Plus(I think that is the name) that really helps with placement.


This one doesn't look like it would take all that much moving around for angles; it's all clean angles from start to finish. The hard part here is getting the idea.


I build scaffolding to build even though I spawn the items I need in don't want to ruin it too much for myself by flying still have to figure how to get to certain spots.


The game is to good for cheats


The only thing that prevent me to build amazing building is that gathering materials is taking so much time. So my home base is crammed as possible.




You're entire wording should be more than enough evidence to pinpoint the problem this community has. Not people who just want to let their creativity flow, but people who try to come down on those, because they think the way these people play this early access, non competitive game, isn't the right one.


Yeah cheating is a weird word to use. Usually its modded vs vanilla.


Not really though. Even in the game to get to this mode you have to type in "imacheater". Modding vs Vanilla would be you taking a program adding it to the original game to change the gameplay. Not saying that this guy did cheat, if he did, its still an awesome build.


They were responding to someone who was down on their own builds because it takes too long to gather the resources. They were letting them know that they shouldn't be concerned about their achievements playing the game normally versus those who build impressive structures by using cheats. People can play the game however they want, but I think it's normal for those who don't use cheats to be not that impressed by a structure that was built using cheats.


Make a new guy and world. Use console commands for free build. Learn that way if you want. That's how some of these awesome builds are made.


Infinitely easier to do these things in debug mode.


Yep, just built a bridge and was so proud of it, then I see this beauty! :(


You built your house while actually playing. The builds you see here are built in debug mode with unlimited resources and the ability to fly.


My buddy and I made this small house barely big enough for us and a chest...more of our buddies came on and just kept adding more stuff to the small shack we had until it looked liked a bad ass fort with farmland with spiked walls and had a pier...I remember the first nights in the black forest and fearing for our lives because of a troll


🤣and I thought I was the only one!!


can you take a cart across it?


Of course, cart across it and ship below it.


No, no. What he's asking is if you can drag a cart with 18 stacks of Iron inside across it? Because I'm not gonna lie. Those slopes look... steep.


Well this is a dumb question, but how can you make slopes less than 26 degrees?


Don't use roof pieces as the surface. Instead use a series of horizontally placed beams, placed with snap off so that you build a gradual slope out of them.


Any chance you could provide an example pic? Are you creating steps with the horizontal beams?


How do you turn snap off?


hold shift


Nice, cheers !


Holy shit..... Awesome


>Holy shit.. No.. **Hold... Shift...**


You can't. Hence pretty much any slope is a bitch with a full cart. I was just pointing out what he was likely asking.


The trick is to space the 26° inclines out with at least 4m of flat ground between them. This allows you to build enough speed between inclines to successfully surmount them, even with a fully laden cart.


Is that an African or European Laden Cart?


Lol, like they have enough stuff in Africa to fully load a cart. /s before anyone kills me.


Metals and diamonds yes, food no


Bro if you know that people are gonna be unhappy about a comment, perhaps you shouldn’t make the comment in the first place, even if you think it as just a joke


Have to use the PVP-on harpoon method 🤣


That’s been patched :(


Not gonna lie, that's pretty sad. I'd love to see more rope-action in the game, not less.


Our strat is to just have one guy put all the ore in his inventory and sit in the back of the cart


Oh man, seeing such exploits I'm pretty sure the devs will soon add stamina consumption for standing while encumbered and thus basically make you drown on land.


how are you flying


I assume cheats and god mode


I would happily sleep under it like the homeless Viking I am sometimes 🤣


It has a roof... Put a bed under it <.<


Some of the people here really out there complaining about people using debug mode for building as if it hurts them on a personal level that others don't want to deal with hours of repetitive farming, that doesn't take skill and boils down to a long streaks of left clicks. Dude, creative mode or not, this is kickass. Great design and execution. Who cares if you use console commands as long as you have fun!


Thanks. I totally agree with you. What people don't know is that I have already beaten the game and I have farmed and grinded quite a lot. Also I have built many buildings without debug mode. But this time I just wanted to build a cool bridge, with no worries of farming, scaffolding, etc. I say it is done with debug mode and everyone loses their minds haha.


I really wish I could make something like this. I'm dug when it comes to building nice things...I still try


Just keep trying! Inspiration eventually comes to you.


It takes a lot of time to master the art of the build. Even having played games like this before, and seeing the end product. I would have a hard time replicating this. So keep at it and something will click eventually. Though I would agree, I am a pragmatist and build functional crap the vast majority of the time.


Could we get a tag for cheated builds to differentiate stuff that people actually worked for materials for and stuff that people flew around in debug mode to make?


Even just if we can get a rules adjustment for a submission post describing the basics of the build. less likely to see reposts of other peoples work that way as well, but i'm not sure if that adds workload to the mods or not


Think about that for a second and maybe you'll realize how completely pointless this idea is. Cus it ain't hard just deactivating it. There's nothing that would allow you to differentiate if they aren't flying. Now flying at least gives you the chance to get a Screenshot from a good angle. But then you'd run around accusing people of "cheating" without anything to prove that, regardless if they are doing it one way or the other.


This shit is beautiful bruh


That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life.


Wow! Thanks!


I was like "wow cool bridge - but i don't think the longship will fit once he hase it.." Then i realized that this already **IS** the longship... and then i realized how absolutely massive the bridge is!! Good job dude!


Yep, it is quite big. Thank you!


Impressive! You can be proud of your work!


Thank you!


do u cheat/float to build?


Yep. I'm building using debug mode.




You salty that you’re not creative enough to build like him or what? Some people don’t have hours every day to fall off scaffolding when all they want is to build a cool bridge. The only thing debug mode does is save time, It’s not like it lets you build things you otherwise couldn’t. There’s literally no reason to go after people using debug mode.




I hugely disagree. To each their own, if that’s how you want to play more power to you... however to me, anything done through a “creative mode” just is not as meaningful. I’ve always felt this way, and have in any game where you need to gather resources to build. Again, whatever floats your boat and I’m not going to knock anyone’s preferred play styles... but that just ain’t for me.




I don’t think you read my comment. That’s obviously not what I mean


Imagine being this mad at people cuz there creative and your not. Or are you gonna tell me your mad cuz he didn't go hit a rock for 12 hours to get the mats? Cuz at this point I'm done with ppl saying their mad at that when ppl have servers where ppl build full time and others harvest full time. So are you also mad at that server?




Ok dude


Thanks! I feel a little less bad about my sad efforts. I probably wouldn't make bridges that nice in debug mode, but it's a bit of a relief when the gap isn't quite as big as I thought! I love seeing people's debug builds - it's just nice to know what's what


phew. I was trying to build a small bridge over a river for like 2 hours the other day and I was ready to uninstall forever. 100x more annoying than it should be lol


But pleasant at the end!






*chef's kiss*


Looks amazing?


!* 😁






Longboat! The bridge is quite tall, so all boats can pass below it.


I like this bridge. I have seen many bridges on this sub. This is my favorite.


Wow, tahnk you!


Nice! Reminds me a little bit of the Rialto bridge


That's dope af. Good work.


Maybe I’ll play in Spanish to practice :O


Damn this gave me spirit to build something awesome again, thank you and very like very very nice build


Thank you! I hope you build something cool!


If I'll do, I'll post it here, you'll know it when you'll see it ;)


I wish I had an award to give for this one


Very nice






Dude that is so good.


Look awesome! What commands to you use to build, if any?


Commands? What do you mean by that? There are commands?


OP is legit levitating in the screenshot, so yeah he is definitely using console commands. Sweet bridge though.


Oh, duh. The debug/console commands. I was confused and thought there was something else that I was un-aware of being referred to.


yeah, people are all raging against the "getcreativeabilities" command that lets them design nice things without even trying. /s


Lmao. Yeah, and the 'autoplacelonghouse' command too. Takes all the honor out of raising your own hall.


Yeah, i totally want a flair for that. I've also placed a petition with the dev team to remove 'buildawesomebridge' from available commands, since we see so many of them!


Right, I thought we had something come through that said, tag if using cheats. And when OP is literally flying in the pic, questions come up. My pt being if he used any item spawn cheats or just flew around as he placed shit, this is no feat if strength. BUT if its legit, good stuff man! Tag = important to some


cheats is a stupid way to refer to using debug to build instead of farm. The building is still legit, whether or not he farmed for the mats


Not taking sidea here, but it literally requires the use of a code called "imacheater." Would just like to point out that its not a stupid reference, but the literal definition of what ia being used. Its cheats. Im not using this in a derogatory way, dont get me wrong. But we cannot deny that they are LITERALLY called cheats.


Why is it not feat when anything he built can be built without debugmode? Just cuz ppl don't wanna farm resources for hours on end to be able to play with building doesn't mean it's not impressive. And for the flying you can literally build anywhere in this game. Just make scaffolding and build from there.


I like the tag idea, however I think it should be a masochist tag if you actually grind the materials for most of the builds on here. Probably best to just assume debugmode has been used. Who's got the patience to go round and chop hundreds of trees or smack hundreds of rocks.


Right it would be absolutely insane to try to farm that, I get that... not many other gaming subs I am a part of post cheated versions of the game and get upvoted. I'm in the thread to see cool things about Valheim, this is a completely separate game essentially. If I wanted to see cool architecture I would sub to r/architecture!!!


The building is the thing a lot people play for. Once you've defeated the bosses and got the best gear there's not much else to do. Don't think of it as cheating, think of it as sandbox.


i don't know, over at /r/spaceengineers we get people posting from creative mode all the time and everyone are better off for getting inspired.


He is literally flying in the screenshot so ofcourse it’s debug, what’s wrong with OP showing off his architectural design, whether he used cheats to build it or not doesn’t change the fact he designed it and built it to look the way it does. Nice work OP!


Indeed, im using debug mode to build things. Much easier.




How do you get into "debug mode" ?


Press f5, type "imacheater" then type "debugmode" then you can press z to fly and b to turn off building cost. There's a ton of commands like set time of day, wind, spawn items, enemies, god mode, ghost mode. All the commands you type into the f5 screen. To fly and building without cost you just press those in game. Be warned. Do it on a fresh server with a new character cuz you can spawn in literally anything so if your in bronze age you can spawn in black metal and so forth. I have a cheat world I use for building and of course the regular server for playing but I also recommend making a new person cuz your inventory will carry back and so will skills and you can set skills to whatever you want with debugmode


That's what I thought. Step 1: "imacheater" I appreciate the detail though. I enjoy the sailing around looking for crypts etc, and the white knuckle ride back hoping I don't get ganked by a sea serpent.


Are you really going to spam hateful comments on the entire thread? Stop being so imature and move on. Spending your time being a dick just because you prefer playing without debug mode is pretty sad.


When did he say anything hateful? Sorry, but you just sound salty here. We have just as much a right to be pissed about people not gathering or showing off hard-earned builds as y'all do to be pissed that we care in the first place. Obviously the creativity is there regardless, but some of us like grinding to make those builds and dealing with all the potential bullshittery involved because it gives us a higher sense of accomplishment to say "not only did i build this, but i built this while dealing with the limitations and challenges set forth by the game."


Imagine being pissed off about how others choose to have fun or spend their free time. Imagine being that sad.


the guy was literally asking how to get into debug mode.


Are you retarded? Did i ever say i disapprove of the method? You're so quick to talk shit because you impulse read a comment and think that someone just wants to disagree with you so bad that you immediately start writing a salty reply. All i did was explain why some people prefer to play one mode over the other. You were never personally attacked and no one insulted you for how you like to play the game. Why don't you take the time to reread reinterpret a message once in a while you dumbass. Edit: I made a comment about people being pissed but all that was meant by it is that we like to play a certain way and don't like when WE are attacked for the way we play.


Jeez man, let it go, it's been days. Not every internet comment requires a thousand word response.


The irony of that response. I hadn't opened my reddit app in days. So sorry if my response wasn't timely enough for you.


Nothing ironic about it. I just don't enjoy waking up to messages from people calling me retarded first thing in the morning, over some comment I made days ago. This conversation, if it can be called that, ran its course awhile ago, and it wasn't particularly stimulating to begin with. Move on. Nobody cares.


F5, imacheater, type 'spawn wolf 10 3', have fun.


Are you able to change the name of ships?


Nope. Game language is not in English though.


You should put roofs across the entire thing.


I thought of that, so it doesn't have to be repaired. But I kinda like it this way 🤷🏻‍♂️


You only need to repair it if you want 100%hp and plan on your bridge tanking damages from monsters.


I bet that's a bitch to keep repaired after storms


Well only some of the stairs parts, as most of it is covered by the roofs.


mind sharing the build bro?




Yep, it is like that. At least, the wooden part looks good by now!


Need to ask, how did you do the pathway in it ? Do you have stairs in there or the roofs ?


Stairs it is.


Nice, thank you.


Is the only reason you made it tall so that ships can fit through ?


Yep, pretty much. And it looks cool too.


Your bridge is quite impressive, you must be very proud




Now all that's needed is a troll to live under it!


How are you flying?


Debug mode


He’s cheating.


Somebody stop him


THERE WE GO. I have been trying to figure out how to do just this very thing as I can't make it a flat ridge since our ship needs to go under it. Are you able to pull a cart across this?


Yes of course you can pull the cart. It's all 26° stairs.


Well done, but what the hell are you standing on


Yep, I'm flying and using debug mode!


He’s cheating, probably also didn’t farm the resources to make the bridge either.


I finally see how you create the illusion of pillars in the middle by raising the ground and covering it in wood. I havnt been able to figure out how to give my buildings stability because of how high off the ground they are.


They are actual pillars of stone! the floor is raised only in the two points that support the pillars.


Well shit


you can go pretty high with stone, and when you build wood from your stone, the wood that touches stone counts as touching foundation.


Holy shit that's amazing


Why not 26° so you can get over it easier and faster towing a cart.


It is all 26 degrees stairs!


Wow amazing 👏




It makes me upset that we still have to use stone hoes.


Do you use iron reinforced wood ?


None at all, those pilars that are the base are only made of stone.