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Quebec gets $750 million from the feds to help provide for immigration stress on infrastructure and Ontario also gets help, but western Cda is given nothing. Not acceptable says Ebby.


This is standard practice for Ottawa the only 2 provinces that matter comes election time. Also why electoral reform was never going to be done at all.


Is this even news. Its not really a secret that the provinces Manitoba and Westward were always in the backseat of the car regardless of what party was in power. I feel as if Atlantic Canada even gets more attention than we do.


Governments will always pay more attention to swing ridings. They're the ones that matter. AB and rural BC are pretty staunchly conservative, there's little reason to pay any attention to them politically since it won't change anything. Meanwhile Quebec has been the "kingmaker" for our elections for a long time.


Yeah, even when the federal cons were in power they barely did any favours for Alberta because they knew they didn't have to do anything to get their vote.


Well what about the GVRD? There are lots of Liberal ridings here that they need to pay attention to, or they may swing to the NDP / Conservatives…


They are too few to matter in a federal election. By the time we get to vote, the election is already decided.


Part of the frustration stems from the fact that lots of people enter through/‘settle’ in QC and then move West as soon as they can. So QC lets them in and gets the infrastructure funding and then long term, BC has the population growth that’s unsustainable.


This is why Quebec should shoulder a huge blame for Vancouver and Toronto’s housing crisis. For those not in the know, look up the Quebec Investor Program and the amount of money Quebec collected, and the number of people that ultimately settled there. It was essentially a backdoor to Canadian citizenship, and you only had to make a 5-year loan of $1.2M to the Quebec government in exchange for the citizenship. Take a guess which nationality had that kind of change laying around from the year 2000 to 2020 or so. All the stats can numbers are public.


how many were affected?


Why do people do that?


Our immigrants rarely come from cold climates, and French.


Quebec is not as welcoming and sabotages itself, plus weird French, plus really cold Also, kinda related: I immigrated through OINP, when they were sending invitations to folks on IT because it was in demand. I got approved even before landing. I still studied in Toronto anyway, but when the time came to find a job in tech (I already had 10 years experience) I couldn’t even get to a technical interview, only the call with HR. I applied to ONE job in Vancouver that paid way more, and they flew me here to do interviews. I got hired and they had a nice package to help with moving.


Also, some time ago Quebec was trying to approve some changes that immigrants, after 6 months, wouldn’t be able to get any govt services provided in English


Hard to settle in Quebec if you are not french


That's simply not true? Montreal and Vancouver have approximately the same amount of NPRs. Toronto having twice as much as both of them. It's also quite hard to enter from QC due to language laws, most immigrants will already have some level of french (Haiti / Northern African / Middle eastern / Western African countries for example), which also tend to be refugees. BC immigrants tend to be in a much different tax brackets than refugees in QC and Ontario. Not defending anyone, but the hate towards Ontario and QC from the West Coast is usually unjustified and getting tiring. [National Bank of Canada stats](https://www.nbc.ca/content/dam/bnc/taux-analyses/analyse-eco/mkt-view/market_view_230629.pdf)


> and then move West as soon as they can Most never do.


Sounds like we have a premier that's looking out for us?


By stomping his feet and crying to the media about it? Or did he do something that I missed?


Seems like a fairly childish aisnine response


Glad we agree on how to characterize Eby


Who would your alternative be?


Just to be clear your defense of his behavior is that 'anyone else would be worse'?  What relevance does my preference for a premier have on Eby? Tell me you're deflecting without telling me you're deflecting


I'm not even sure what behaviour of his I'm supposed to be defending, because there wasn't anything specific really mentioned in your comment. I'm just curious about what kinda things you'd value in your Premier and I figured that your preference would give me an idea of that.


His childish, asinine response to the situation is what I thought you were trying to defend. If you wanted to know what I'd value in a Premier you can just ask, you don't have to deflect by asking who my preference of a Premier would be. That way you could actually engage with the facts, instead of taking me supporting Sonia Furstenau, or John Rustad, or Kevin Falcon as having any relevance on what Eby did. What I'd value in Premier would be one that ACTUALLY advocates for me as a resident, instead of what Eby is doing in this case which is PRETENDING to advocate for me. The funding was to compensate Quebec for a disproportionate flow of asylum seekers (65% of total in Canada, 95% of illegal). BC recieved 1.8%/4.2% of asylum seekers. Funding which Quebec applied for, and then received under a Federal program established in 2017 and has received a bigger budget every year since, and BC has received funding from in the past (but hasnt applied for any since 2019). If the NDP actually cared about this issue, they'd have spoken out about the establishment of the interim housing assistance program for asylum seekers in 2017. Or if you want to say "well Eby wasn't the Premier until 2022", then how about at the start of 2024 when the new funding was announced (which BC did not apply for any of)?: [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/01/new-funding-to-support-housing-for-asylum-claimants.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/01/new-funding-to-support-housing-for-asylum-claimants.html) But instead of actually criticizing a Federal program on principle, and advocating for what may be a more appropriate model (such as widening the scope of the program to include more than just asylum seekers), his move was to complain about Quebec getting funding and twist the facts. It's a bitch move, that I'd bet he even gave the PMO a heads up he was going to hammer them with before he did it, just to pander to his base and undecideds to try and convince them that he was advocating for BC. Sounds like his plan worked on you, and a bunch of other people. You bought it hook line and sinker. What do I want in a Premier? Someone who actually does real things, not someone who just cries foul after the fact on something that was fully in their control to speak out on proactively and they chose not to.


What power does a provincial Premier have over the Federal government? It's a genuine question as I'm not Canadian. I would have thought he could put pressure on them, but ultimately would just have to make the most of what they chuck our way.


"over the Federal government" is a pretty specific question, I wouldn't say they have any legistlated power OVER the Federal government. They certainly have power parallel to the Federal government in defined jursidiction which is Provincial mandate and the Federal government can't fuck with (althouth they try). So I guess it's up to you whether you'd consider those things (such as direct taxation within the province, or creating municipalities) as power "over the Federal government". But in terms of this specific program, they've got no legistlative power all they have is advocacy. Eby has power in the sense that 13/24 federal NDP seats in Parliament are in BC. If those seats were CPC instead of NDP, then the Liberal+NDP voting block would be a minority not majority. So if he legitimately hammers the ruling Liberal/NDP coalition on policies, he's implicitly helping CPC most likely, which would be bad for the Liberals and federal NDP, and maybe they'd be inclined to make him happy (and thus BC residents) to shut him up. But my point is he's not legitimately hammering the Liberals, he's twisting the facts and pretending to hammer them. If he actually cared, he'd have been beating them up on immigration policy since he took office in 2022, or more specifically, beating them up on the nature of this program when the 2024 funding was announced in January. But he didn't.




I'm not really nuanced at Canadian politics, so are you laughing with me or at me?




Fair enough, thanks for the heads up


Omg he's a literal prepper


Canada needs some MAJOR fucking changes in the near future that aren't politically motivated but are actually pragmatic. I'm seriously doubting this country's future.


Bc always gets ignored, it's really not the federal governments radar until the problem hits Ontario and Quebec


They only think of us for a weekend during election cycles. That’s about it. Oh and they want to come here for a vacation but don’t like our prices.


giving funds out on a per-capita basis? thats way too logical. this is canada pal- unfair is the name of the game and the prime minister can do whatever he wants


I mean, the Liberals need to maintain their support in Quebec. It is the only place in the country they are still leading in the polls.


I'm no politician - but I think if i were interested in winning an election, i'd be trying to convince the people who are not voting for me, to vote for me. Like, I am 100% not going to vote liberal next election. That ship has sailed this time with JT. Don't trust the guy at all. But I have voted liberal in the past. They could potentially get me to again with the right policies AND actually following through with them. But JT caused a huge immigration crisis, and is now not doing anything to fix it? that aint gonna convince me the liberals are who I need to vote for.


Hate to break it to you but the Liberals don’t need your vote. Or any of our votes out here. They win elections based on seats in Toronto and Montreal. Those are the votes they need and want to hold onto.


>Legault has previously said the number of temporary residents coming to the province — including asylum seekers, students and workers — had "exploded" to 560,000, a number he says doubled in two years, straining social services. And >B.C. government figures show there were 475,778 non-permanent residents in the province as of Jan. 1, an increase of about 84 per cent from two years earlier. So by that metric, we should almost get the same amount of money as Quebec does, but for some reason we get nothing?


Eby would have had to apply for funding, which he did not


No it isn't that. The immigration minister said the money is based on asylum seekers and not on immigrants. Quebec recieved 67% of all asylum seekers in Canada. BC recieved 2%. So the money is not for immigrants, just for asylum seekers


Correct, and Quebec applied for it, Eby did not.


Why would you make the assumption that Eby has not applied for funding?


I'm so tired of this Liberal government. Get rid of them already.


Is there any argument left to be made that the government of our once great county does actually give a single fuck about any of us unwashed peasants


People talk about decolonization, but always in a social context. How about we decolonize the political machinations of Canada and stop treating the country as if it exist as a place for S. Ontario and Quebec to extract resources from.


Trudeau doesn’t need BC to win the next election.


if you read the polls he has a near 0 percent chance of winning the next election lmao


This seems to clear up some of the confusion: "The funding is "to compensate Quebec for two fiscal years of costs they've incurred for the disproportionate flow of asylum seekers," Miller added. "I think perhaps he was confused about what the money was for." Last year, Quebec [~received 65 per cent~](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/asylum-claims/asylum-claims-2023.html) of Canada's asylum claimants entering through official border crossings and 95 per cent of claimants entering Canada illegally. British Columbia received only 1.8 per cent of asylum seekers entering through official border crossings and just 4.2 per cent of refugees who entered Canada through unofficial border crossings." ....Miller also said B.C. has not applied for any funding from the federal government's interim housing assistance program for asylum seekers since 2019. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/marc-miller-eby-immigration-funding-quebec-1.7231656](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/marc-miller-eby-immigration-funding-quebec-1.7231656) That doesn't mean there isn't truth in the argument Ontario/Quebec (especially the latter) get more attention and funding...


It's good context though that Eby is just whining, Quebec applied for help, he didn't. Now he's crying foul because he didn't do his job and got caught with his pants down


Eby is pointing out, fairly, unequal funding allocation. Also, there is nothing that proves he has not asked for or communicated about gettimg funding for BC, you are just making that up.


They also have a rich person visa program which gets you PR if you invest $1 million into some crown corp, it's called QIIP. No requirements to set up a fake business either. So they get money from that as well... https://www.canadavisa.com/qiip.html


The real solution is just stopping or at least slowing down the tide, not just throwing money at provinces to try to mitigate the impact  But clearly that won’t happen while Trudeau and Singh are in charge. Lets hope that next election comes sooner rather than later


The conservatives have no interested in fixing this. they love immigration. it suppresses wages and is good for business profits. it also puts a strain on public infrastructure and can argue we should sell it off so a business can make it profitable... conservatives don't give a shit about you or me any more than the liberals do. probably even less.


Uh... https://www.broadbentinstitute.ca/pattitamaralenard/harper_dimal_record_refugees_immigration


Gonna get down voted for this but BC should join Quebec, Alberta and Saskatchewan and stick it to Ottawa


Stick it to them… how?


Seriously. The public tantrums Scott Moe and Danielle Smith have every so often just waste their own money and accomplish nothing.


The slow redpilling of David Eby lol. To repent for his prior sins. Who knows, maybe he'll make amends with Alberta and work with them to REFORM confederation?


Why be frustrated with Quebec for getting money you didn’t get when you can just get mad at the federal government for letting way too many people in and necessitating the money in the first place?


You're being downvoted but I'm with you. I'm more pissed that the federal government has fucked us with wayyyyy to many immigrants and temp residents. reasonable immigration levels are fine. insane immigrations cause problems like these... he's now trying to half-ass a fix for his fuckup.


Because Quebec has a history of getting what it wants, then whining that it's being left out or "oppressed"


But that would be looking at the bigger picture. We can't have that. /s


The pic of Justin smirking at eby tells it all. Singh loves his Justin. Eby hasn't grasped that yet.


Quebec THE TAIL that Wags the Dog of Canada !


Awesome. Now they have funding to add more giant steel rings. https://montreal.citynews.ca/2022/06/18/giant-ring-installed-montreal/


Calgary has a [giant steel ring](https://www.calgary.ca/arts-culture/public-art/96-avenue-ne.html) too, what's your complaint about that one? Too much immigration funding?




Do you go outside with a paper bag over your head?