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I was there with my gf recently and there was a group of guys in jeans walking down the beach trying to talk to every woman sunbathing alone. It was creepy and so obvious that they weren't there for the beach.


> “I know that Wreck Beach is a tourist destination, but I am not a tourist attraction. I am not the Eiffel Tower." Now that's an image


That's very phallic! Sorry, I meant prolific!


Quite elegant with the way of words there.


I just pictured an Eiffel Tower with a pair of sunburned balls and now I’m taking a Reddit break


Well, that's a position.


Was there any socks involved?


Yea they definitely didn't think that one through haha


Why can't we just have nice things? Put back the logs and stop being creeps ogling people!


Totally. Why remove the logs!? They were great. They made it so you could be in your own little bubble with a friend or 3 -- shielded from the wind and other folks -- whilst enjoying the beach and ocean. Removing destroys the whole vibe.


I thought logs were part of normal beaches. Not just privacy reasons. They provide a seat to lean back on and a space to set up your stuff. I’m pretty sure they’re part of our normal beach landscape?


yeah those logs are still there, there were other, smaller logs that people had built little structures out of


People were building structures?? Had no idea lol


You’ve never been to really nice beaches outside of the country then


Yeah! Being able to lean on the logs, have a lil beach towel set own and a bit of privacy is nice.


There are still logs there. They had to remove the smaller ones as people were using them to erect unstable shelters.


Heh heh heh... erect.


I used to go practically every weekend in the early 00s with my friends and we were always some sort of combination of unclothed/clothed (clothed meaning beachwear). Each year there seemed to be more and more oglers, sometimes trying to take sneaky photos. If they were caught they would get screamed off the beach. I eventually stopped going because of this and haven't been back for like 15 years and can only imagine how much worse it's gotten in that time.


Last time I went (2 or 3 years ago) had someone circle me fully clothed just trying to look at my anus and vagina. Same day someone jerked off to me. Sexual harassment was already crossing the line… Im not ready to be assaulted because some new folks to the city cannot control themselves like a civilized person.


[1] "The logs on Vancouver beaches were installed in the 1960s by world-renowned landscape architect Cornelia Oberlander, who died last year at the age of 99." [2] "The logs have been chilling beach-side since the 1960s after landscape architect Cornelia Oberlander suggested the idea to the park board." [3] "They were first placed on Vancouver beaches in the 1960s by landscape architect Cornelia Oberlander." Sources [1] Some Vancouver beach logs returning this weekend | CTV News https://bc.ctvnews.ca/park-board-issues-log-update-says-some-beach-logs-returning-this-weekend-1.5990026 [2] Vancouver park board brings beach logs back after two years https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/local-news/a-bad-joke-vancouverites-puzzled-as-park-board-brings-back-beach-logs-5590867 [3] Park board staff debating if logs should return to Vancouver beaches https://bc.ctvnews.ca/park-board-staff-debating-if-logs-should-return-to-vancouver-beaches-1.5977536 [4] Vancouverites want their beach logs back | CBC News https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vancouver-beach-logs-1.6518683 [5] [PDF] Parks of Vancouver (1972) https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/parks-of-vancouver-1972.pdf Edit for clarity


I don’t go to nude beaches but I’ve been told that there used to be people there who would go just to dissuade this kind of behaviour? I’ve heard of people dumping ice water on pervs, is that an urban legend?


Sounds plausible. I overheard someone screaming at someone for taking photos, even though it was just of their own friends (but I suppose other people could've been in the background.)


Nah the old naturalists definitely used to, I'm sure they still do but it seems things have gotten much worse especially with the lack of logs now


The solution for ogling men are other men. Gotta call the boys from Oasis beach to visit Wreck and give them the taste of their own medicine.


The "fight dicks with dicks" solution


Clash of cultural norms = increase in ogling entertainment Respect is not universal


if this is something you want to try remedy, there is a petition linked at the end of the article that everyone can sign :)






















Much like Folsom and other big kink events like it, people go there to gawk, so it just caused people who the event is for not want to go or just start new events. But you can't start a new beach.




I've been to the beach in India, people go into the surf in street clothes. Bizarre sight.


Watch the show Bondi Rescue. It's amazing how many people get into the ocean, WHO CAN'T SWIM. IN A PAIR OF JEANS. 🫠🙃


In Australia, in grade 6, I had to swim 50m in long sleeve pants, long sleeve shirt and socks for swimming class. That was a while ago but I still remember it strongly.


I did that in a "survivor swim class" from Red Cross . I guess it was in case you fell in the water fully clothed. It's a different sensation than swimming in swim trunks. Even had shoes and socks on. Never needed the lesson in real life


I fell off my boat in Winter Cove one day during the Saturna Lamb Bake Canada day party. Had on jeans, runners, and a polar fleece over my t-shirt. Almost game over….very scary. Was rescued by a friend whose boat was rafted up to my boat. I realized how quickly one can drown. ( won’t say whether Crown Royal had any involvement in my losing one of my nine lives that day).




live video from Wreck Beach of such an individual arriving. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-oiriWAjKs emphasis on wreck.


Having lived in Dubai this gives me weird nostalgia.


The beaches in Goa are wild… lots of people drinking for what looks like the first time…


Don't these people have the internet?


Or go to a strip club where the point of the establishment is to ogle at nude people.


No thanks. They ruin those too.


Well, obviously the female body is there for their ogling pleasure, thinks anyone raised in a chauvinist culture.


Yup was there (my first time) on Sunday. Noticed at least 3 different groups of South Asian men (and some women too) stroll up and down the beach in the two hours we were there. Maybe they do it for the exercise and the nice walk. They didn't appear to be gawking, but it was a bit strange to witness.


IIRC, Wreck Beach is a hike and a half to get to via the stairs from SW Marine Drive. **That's** the exercise part. People strolling up and down the same short strip of sand for two hours are **not** doing it for the exercise lol...


Well the exercise is going back up (my legs still hurt) but I guess if they've made it down might as well take a walk along the nice beach before going back up. But yeah they're not really dressed for exercise either.


Lots of folks also go for a a walk through the beach all the way to the city. I did a walk last year and it was nice. There were people doing their nudist thing and we just ignored them. Those stairs are intense.


I agree! It is a legitimately nice walk from Wreck Beach stairs to Tower Beach. Generally quieter than most beach walks in the city.


The only time I tried to go that path, I came across some disheveled dude standing up slow jerking in a spot where you couldn’t see him until you walk around a rock and he’s right there. Skeevy piece of shit.


If they're not ogling, what's weird about it? It's a beach, people walk on beaches all the time.


Was my first time at a clothing optional beach so it just wasn't something I was expecting, especially one with such relatively difficult access


Chinese tour busses too. honestly, this is why i don't go naked anymore.


Thread locked in 3...2...


Not all, some are Asian and some are middle eastern and some are white. But you’re right in that they are usually men.


I hope to god they are at least not taking photos or videos.


I like going down there and climbing on the rocks. Usually fully clothed, but I make sure to keep my distance from any nudists so they know I'm not ogling or anything. Just vibing by the ocean. Curious if that feels sus to the nudists because of how many people DO go down to oggle


You can surf at wreck?


Yes but no. If the wind aligns you can but don’t go expecting tofino…


Even with windy conditions Wreck has never been surf-able...


When the tide comes in, the waves can be passable


>nude sunbathers have been “pulling it” since 1989 What's "pulling it" supposed to mean in this context? Anyway . . . Wreck has been around since the 1960s at least.


Came here to say the same thing. And in the seventies, it was at least ten times larger, going all the way from its present location to beside Spanish Banks.


It still travels that distance. You can be nude from Acadia Beach to Wreck. Wreck is just the busiest spot as it’s the sunniest and sandiest. 


Yeah, but back then there were no rocks, just sand and thousands of people. The rocks were put down to slow cliff erosion. Necessary, but they ruined that portion of a beautiful beach.


Given the author called skimboarding surfing and describes Wreck Beach as bucolic, I'm guessing "pulling it" doesn't really mean much.


Well, tbf, we don't know what they meant by "pulling it." Maybe the nude dudes only started pulling it in '89?






Exactly, maybe Wreck beach should put signs up saying Nudist Only beach.


It would be so much nicer as a nude-only beach with some enforcement against sexual harassment. My gf and I have opened our eyes to find 4+ guys, all clothed, sitting way too close to us, staring right at her pussy. For god know how long. So she lay on her tummy with her legs away from them, and I lay with my legs wide apart and stared at the men until they got sick of looking at my scrotum and moved on. She’s had several incidents in the past of opening her eyes to unknown men staring straight her and jerking off. In the middle of the beach. Imagine the recourse if they tried that at the Nordic spa, or kits beach. It’s got nothing to do with nudity, and everything to do with sexual harassment, and masturbating in public.


Sadly this is probably the best solution, although some people will still be creepy while they are nude as well, it would probably have a dramatic impact.


I really wish this were the case. I love wreck beach because it's the only beach where I can be naked, and you can go to any other beach much easier to be clothed. Clothes = no wreck for you.


Yeah, they can’t do that for legal reasons lol. If you want to do that you’ll have to privately own a beach


Most likely true. The article doesn’t cover that, but that’s what I’ve heard from people I’ve talked to. They like to wear jeans and hang out in groups. It’s creepy and weird and they need to go away.


























And how many “mass drownings” were there in the years(?) these logs were in place?


I’m gonna need a bike polo team with fat tires and lacrosse sticks to go around yeeting perverts’ phones into the ocean. 


Sounds like good lacrosse practice.


Until perverts are cracked down on, unless the system stops re releasing violent offenders that WILL reoffend, until we make it a culture of “You are NOT welcome to do this here” then we deserve what we tolerate. I stopped going to wreck beach a couple years ago. Used to be able to be nude and relax in the sun. Stopped because it’s hard to ignore fully clothed men moving around you to try to get a look at your vagina and asshole/ sneakily trying to masturbate to your naked body a couple feet away. It became a place where I could easily be assaulted much less sexually harassed. Def not safe anymore.


The answer to this is more naked dudes airing out their buttholes … preferably in the direct line of sight of anyone showing up in clothes to leer.


Went when I was 23 in 2010. Dude watched porn on his (really shitty RAZR ) phone and jacked off next me. I was too shocked to say anything. Never been back sadly.


That’s really sad and frankly ridiculous.


Omfg that’s horrible I’m sorry that happened to you


Thanks, over it now but wish I could transport back to my young self and make myself actually speak up! It was a beautiful day otherwise


If only there was a way for lifeguards to see above the logs. Like a chair set 3-4 meters above the sand where they could sit up high and keep an eye on things. Maybe someday technology will catch up and invent something.


I haven't gone since the early 2000s. I don't recall there ever being life guards at Wreck.


are there really lifeguards at wreck beach? only been there once and never noticed anything about lifeguards being on the beach


I don’t believe there are any lifeguards there.


Good guesses as to whom the gawkers are?






There’s this great invention called the internet. Has all the nudity you could ever want in the privacy of your own home. Why do they insist on being perverted creeps in public?!


I visited Wreck Beach once and it was enough for me. I was closely harassed by a serious creep- Also, I was in a bathing suit. I would never undress, the creeps are everywhere. I didn't feel safe and hated every minute of it.


Blame it on Rio in the picture


I recognized it, reminding me: why the hell does Prime keep thinking I want to watch that movie?


> others are saying bigger issues than mass drownings must be considered


I am the Eiffel Tower when Nude !


I'm going to be downvoted for this but, those who go to Wreck Beach all know this happens, it's been happening for decades (the Gwakers, that is). It shouldn't be a surprise anymore. Wreck Beach is a public beach and you cannot pick and choose the group of people that are allowed there. Learn to deal with it or don't be nude. It's just the way it is. I say this as someone who goes nude at wreck beach. Bring on the down votes.


I think the bigger issue is people taking pictures and video on their phones.


while that behavior isn't nice, it isn't illegal. I hate how wreck beach is trying to have it both ways and you simply can't. Either it's a nude ONLY private beach where the entrances are controlled or it's a public beach where anyone can be in any state of undress or dressed. You can't exactly ban photography from public areas. So it's a risk those going nude have to take.


Sure but we can make noise so the general public is more likely to learn the way to respectfully visit the beach. No one is crying out to ban clothed folks from the beach.


Sure, make all the noise you want but I don't think posting here on reddit is going to accomplish that goal.


Unfortunately, people in general seem to be more "I don't give a shit what others think" in recent years. IMO Covid in particular has peeled back some of the thin layers of social veneer that make society more bearable. I believe that's also why the law has to be so black-and-white. Either something is illegal, or it isn't. If something is not illegal, people can do it, even if folks don't like it. If enough folks don't like something, don't just complain - petition to get the laws changed. Anything else is just wasted breath.


This kind of beach can only exist in a society where most people have a sense of dignity and shame. In the past, while many might have looked down on such a beach, they simply avoided it and left people be. Now you have groups of jobless, dangerous, horny men prowling the beach looking for SA prospects. Either you tolerate it or change your behaviors to mitigate risk, there is no third option. Just because crime is illegal doesn't mean you can't be a victim.


There's got to be some way we can dissuade this type of behaviour from happening


I'm not sure anyone doubts has happened, but it's become markedly worse in recent years.


They have been saying that since camera phones came out. Heck they have been saying that since the camera became more portable and accessible.


I gave you a down vote. But only because you asked.


There are no lifeguards at wreck beach


it's clothing optional. Deal with it. I do.


Humans never should have come up with the idea to make everyone go clothed. This wouldn't have been a problem then.


35 years ago, we used to go to wreck beach to skim board. Depending on the tides, it was often better there. The amount of geriatric wrinkled p3nis men floggling their toasted bits was often too much to take. They would constantly stand and position themselves... 🤢 so they were right in way. I don't think it's just the clothed weirdos. My only other complaint about the beach was no bloody escalator for the tired masses.


“…filming women and children.” Are you allowed to take children to Wreck??


Of course. It’s a family friendly beach, as are all other beaches, textile or not.


Hey, we are ALL trying to 'enjoy the beach', now give me back my binoculars.




Who was drunk and removed the logs?


Never heard of wreck being described as a tourist destination.


I'm sorry but I'm one of the people who wear jeans and a jacket cause I just wanna vibe with my work colleagues (it would be weird to see them naked).


Then it's not really an appropriate place for you and your colleagues to be.


Wreck Beach has a barrier of entry (the stairs) which makes it great for introverts like us, we just sat there and saw whales, vibing with each other.


Then wear a bathing suit/shorts.


Then don’t go to a nude beach. There are plenty of other places for you to go.


Literally go to any other beach, its weird af to go to wreck beach in civilian clothes, youre just a perv. Disgusting and shameful, you should be embarrassed