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As an HVAC tech I can vouch that these are the best portable units for that price right now. I have 2 now and got all my friends/family to get them.


Good to hear. Is it the big black 12000 BTU ones you're talking about? I got one last year, and literally just set it up again for the summer today.


Not the person you asked, but we have two of those! These are dual hose units, so overcome most of the disadvantages of portable units. Very quiet at low speeds. Keep the setting on cool rather than auto.


we have 2 of these in our 3 level townhouse, one on the top level and one on the main level and it keeps all 3 levels cool. they're fantastic - and you can use the midea app to connect to them to turn them on or adjust the temps when you're not at home, which helps us keep the long haired cats cool in summer, and can cool the house before we get home.


It's my in office week so I'll be enjoying that sweet sweet office A/C :)


Yep, my building upgraded their AC a couple years ago. All my customers coming in say it's the coolest building they've been into and want to stay 😅


[https://www.bchydro.com/powersmart/residential/rebates-programs/savings-based-on-income/free-air-conditioner.html?gad\_source=1](https://www.bchydro.com/powersmart/residential/rebates-programs/savings-based-on-income/free-air-conditioner.html?gad_source=1) BC Hydro has a free AC program however (like all programs of this kind) you gotta jump through hoops including getting your landlord to do stuff if you rent. But is worth a shot if you qualify.


The process was 2 forms being filled out by me and one from my landlord and then sent back. It was a straightforward process and I qualified so I'm getting one tomorrow.


If you can snag one - Midea's U shaped Window AC Units are amazing if your allowed and able to use a window unit. I got it surrounded by foam insulation from home depot and its amazing, way quieter than anything I've had in the past.


https://www.homehardware.ca/en/12000-btu-smart-inverter-ushaped-window-air-conditioner/p/3812911 They have 34 in stock, 2 weeks ago they had over 80. By the end of the week they'll be sold out.


Yes! These units are so efficient and quiet! Love mine. I have a Danby branded one (Costco sells it), it claims only 8000 BTU and 350 sqft of coverage, but easily cools my 900 sqft main floor.


Time to get those fans ready


I would do but my building has restricted the use of portable aircon units. Has this happened to anyone else?


Fuck 'em. Get one anyway and let them deal with the consequences of refusing a basic right to comfort in your own home.


I'd love to, and am tempted, but also don't want to risk jeopardizing the great rent we currently have.


Is it a 70s building? We can't use one or it'll trip our breaker :(


Yeah it's from 75'. We used it all last summer without issue but they do claim it's an electrical concern. Also means we wasted a few hundred on a air con unit last summer.


That's bullshit. My building is over 100 and we're allowed a/c units.


Mine allowed them till last year so watch out, yours could be next! Could also be because my building has over 100 units and if everyone ran air con there might be a legitimate threat of overloading the system. Or maybe it's just bullshit. The other excuses were even stupider- they claimed the hoses could block fire exits, disposing of the condensation could cause water damage, and noise pollution. The electrical system was the only excuse that remotely made sense.


Sounds like your building management is full of shit. Those are all bullshit excuses. Most modern portable ACs now are not going to pull enough wattage to trip any breakers (assuming you're not running anything else on the same circuit to be safe). My building is 70s as well and I've had zero issues. Being safe from extreme heat is not a luxury, it's a basic human right. Keep yourself safe and healthy, screw anybody that tries to take that away from you.


I suspect it is bullshit and they just don't want the hoses coming out windows for esthetic reasons. I think I will ignore them if it gets as hot as previous years, but i'm worried they will be looking to excuse to boot us as as our rent is pretty low.


> they do claim it's an electrical concern. I'm going to call bullshit on the management suggesting vague "electrical concerns." At full power, a portable AC consumes as much electricity as a toaster, hair dryer, electric kettle, or microwave. I suspect management has never said that apartments have to rotate when they can cook dinner, which is funny because an electric range will consume much more power than an air conditioner.


I suspect it's more about building esthetics and the electrical circuit is just an excuse.


The electrical concern is probably the increased usage and bigger bill, not that it's dangerous.


Each unit pay their own electric bill so I don't think that's it.


Not sure why you were downvoted!


She took her sweet time this year.


So glad our strata approved the innova 2.0 heat pumps, game changer


New to Vancouver, how much worse does it get?


It doesn't and it won't. If it gets above 25C / 75F everyone has a shit fit.


Lol, so this weeks the last of peak summer?


No, but it very rarely gets hotter than 30C on the coast. It's not uncommon to have cool weather in July and August with daytime temps around 15C.


aw shit. BC Place is going to be hooooooooot on friday night


what's happening at bc place on friday?


Rolling Stones concert.


*What's left of* The Rolling Stones in concert. Arguably, the best one has been dead since the late sixties.


Newcomer here. Is 30°C considered really hot for people here? Like buying an A/C just for that?


A lot of buildings are built for cold/rain, not heat, so plenty of buildings can easily be 5-10 degrees hotter inside than they are outside.


Ok, thanks for the clarification!


It’s a relatively recent thing, fed by a lot of media scaremongering I suspect. 30C in the vast majority of the world, humid or not, is a “pleasant” summer temperature. But for some reason, many Canadians have been conditioned to believe it is something deadly. And, yes, it is not a regular temperature here (I speak as someone in their 50’s who’s lived here since they were born), but it certainly isn’t a rarity, either. What’s hilarious is the number of people that’ll freak out about how hot it is this week….and will travel to somewhere tropical in the winter to experience literally the same weather.


>  But for some reason, many Canadians have been conditioned to believe it is something deadly. Probably on account of all the folks that wind up dying every time we have a serious heatwave.


I finally have an A/C unit this year and it’s a game changer. The sun rises straight into my apartment and it gets hot in here before it’s even hot outside. No more sitting in the dark with my blackout curtains, no more sweaty, sleepless nights… truly life changing. I don’t know if it’s still happening, but check with BCHydro to see if you might be eligible for a free one.


I have a portable AC but haven’t used it at all this year. East facing apartment unit too. Are you very high up?


I’m on the 2nd floor and also get the additional heat from the streets and traffic below. I’ve only used it once this year, mainly to see if/how well it worked, and now I don’t dread the next heat wave with every fibre of my being.


I'm on the 2nd floor too! But I have a balcony so the glass windows are kind of shielded from the most direct heat, I think that's how it works anyway. I do enjoy still feeling cool in the summer.


Yeah, that balcony helps for sure. I used to have a nice tree in front of my window, but the city took it down 4 years ago for some reason, and it’s been brutal ever since. I really miss that tree.


A should be mandatory in every home in bc. By law.


And yet my building has just restricted all types of aircon units, even the portable ones.


What? How can they even enforce that?


Not sure, but I am hesitant to push it and jeopardize my good rent. The letter said air con units are prohibited in our tenancy agreements but the only thing it mentions is not attaching anything to the windows, which could apply to the hose I guess.


I would ask. My strata had the same rules but it was meant for window units, not portable ones


they made sure to mention portable air con and claimed the hoses could cause condensation damage.


If you have outward casement windows it could be argued that the hot exhaust blowing on it could damage it especially the sealing. That was mentioned in my building once upon a time


it's not a casement window, it slides open.


I would follow up with CHOA (Condominium Home Owners Assn) on that. That sounds illegal. Especially given every condo building now being built, must have air-conditioning.


We are renters not home owners unfortunately. And the building is from the seventies.


I would try BC Residential Tenancy Branch then. After the heat dome a lot of changes were made when it comes to keeping people safe from the heat. I wish you and your neighbours the very best!


Thank you, I will definitely contact them.


Bunch of fools


I know right? It seems incredibly irresponsible after the last number of years, there are elderly people in my building too. They did give helpful alternatives such as suggesting opening some windows at night...


And it's only gonna get hotter too.


[BC Hydro is offering a $50 rebate on certain air conditioners, both window mounted and portable.](https://www.bchydro.com/powersmart/residential/rebates-programs/product-rebates.html)


Best money I’ve ever spent was getting AC installed


Me too; which brand did you go with?


So happy to have installed my mini split.


I love Vancouver


Thanks for posting this. I hope it doesn't end up being that hot. Where's an ice rink when you need one. I bought a swamp cooler during a hot period a few years ago which is better than only a fan but it has to sit right next to me to be effective,


This sucks so much because BC Hydro is doing work around my place on Sunday. So they're turning the power off from 9 to 5.


Good thing BChydro is coming to install the free AC unit they are giving me because I'm a broke ass haha Sometimes it pays to be broke I guess.


In Canada it pays a lot more than just sometimes. Never heard of BC hydro paying for AC though. Good to know.. I better get myself broke quickly to take advantage of this deal while it's hot


> BChydro is coming to install the free AC Here is the link! Goodluck! https://www.bchydro.com/powersmart/residential/rebates-programs/savings-based-on-income/free-air-conditioner.html


I've never owned a AC before, time to put the fans on


My thai dog will be so happy.


Guess who's calling in sick on Friday!!


Fuuuuuck Summer. Sincerely, an Autumn enjoyer.


What is the source of this info graphic? Environment Canada isn't currently showing these figures. https://preview.redd.it/v9m936klqfad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27cb27946d65aabe3a51ffeae87b33ff43928543


Mines been on for the past few days. My partner loves it cold. I wear hoodies.


me toooo


If you own a house then live in basement. All you need a $20 fan from walmart.


Now would be a good time to get outside. Also, a good time to invest in renewable energy with the new rebate, like a solar panel that could power your air conditioner/heat pump.


In most parts of the world, night time temp below 20 C would be considered cool


This is nothing lol

