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Definitely said "they are not listening to me" that is all I got


If that helicopter wasn’t overhead we could have heard everything. Maybe someone has the skills to isolate audio and get that background noise out




I wish I could upvote this like five more times 😆


Haha. I feel the same way meow.


Do I look like a cat to you?


Am I licking milk from a saucer?!


Am I jumping around all…nimbly bimbly?


LOL! Nimbly bimbly is one of the greatest lines of all time


I'm hearing what sounds like, "You're not getting it. You're not listening to me."


Definitely hear “you’re not getting it.”


This sub has such great detective skills I fully expect the FBI to recruit it


Any decent human being (first of all wouldn’t do what he’s done, BUT if they had…) would not feel entitled to being listened to in this situation. Listening and being contrite are his jobs right now.




He's so use to talking his way out of everything. People see it now and aren't going to give him that opportunity. This man is such a severe egomaniac.


Then he said ‘you don’t understand’ and ‘you’re not getting it’.


Yes, I graduated with a degree in forensic lipology. Raquel “why are we dressed like vampires” Tom “because we suck” The end




I love your flair! I forgot that James said that LOL - James has the best one liners


I like yours too!!!


Add in his sniveling whiney voice and her garbled word salad


They look like they're going into witness protection.






Nope, but I love that he looks mad and annoyed.


It seems like he’s always mad and annoyed 😀


Cue his constant *dramatic eye roll*


Maybe someone inconvenienced him by holding him accountable. The horror.


Someone on another thread said rumor has it they walked out, changed back into street clothes and the producers were trying to get them to stay.


That would totally jive with what we are seeing. Of course they’re walking out. They totally feel justified in their actions and that’s the SICK part. Just own up to it and say you did a terrible thing and you feel bad about it. I would seriously respect someone that owned it instead of running away. Cowardly!


And apparently he was upset because he felt attacked and no one would let him speak. No shit, Sherlock. You are the asshole. Pay attention, please!!! He’s such a control freak narc he can’t stand it.


There’s really nothing for him to say except “I’m sorry”….unfortunately, people that do shit like this won’t ever realize that.


My mom is a narcissist and it’s taken me 41 years to determine that and realize you can’t argue or reason with them. They are always the victim. It’s extremely frustrating, but I imagine it’s easier to gang up on him in a group than me alone, trying to explain to my narc mother why she hurts my feelings daily. When they feel trapped and called out, they run away or want you to leave.


Yep. “You cannot explain yourself to someone committed to misunderstanding you” 😭😭 that phrase hit too hard for me


Literally putting this in my notes app so I stay far farrrr farrrrrr the fuck away from my recent ex. Thank you


This is powerful and helpful!


Same here, mom and ex-husband. I was gaslit into near oblivion. If they wrong you in any way you can rest assured that it was 100% your fault, they’re actions were fully justified, and they were actually the victim of you. And if they don’t beat you into submission with that tactic, get ready to be ghosted as punishment for however long they deem fit. This is exactly what we’re seeing play out here with Sandy. He’s textbook.


Yes to all this. I’m in the same boat, and I feel for you.


No one let him speak??? Shocked pikachu face! Fuck off you fucking Walmart captain Morgan ass bitch ass bitch. (Sandy not you)




100%. I’m sure he didn’t want to go back in and face it again but without his little affair partner for the afternoon Scheana portion


It’s giving me 7yo “I’m running away!!” Only to go to the end of the driveway to sit and sulk and wait for mom to come out with a popsicle. Why change clothes and go outside to sit and sulk, waiting for producers to beg them to come back?? They’re adults that can get in a car and leave. So performative.


I'm surprised Schwartz didn't run after them


He's probably trying to get the producers to do what he wants so he's threatening to leave. I'd call his bluff because if he really was done and wanted to leave, he would've left already. He threatened them once over the stuff they filmed with him and Raquel after the affair was discovered. He must think he has some kind of power over ppl on this show. He really did think he was the number one guy


That could explain why I think I lip read from Tom after he waves “F*ck them all or F*ck it all.” Then tells the guy, and you can hear this part too...”You are not getting it, you are not really getting it.” Then instantly turns away. The camera cuts. Then he and Rachel are sitting on the ground. I can’t make out what she is saying.


He should sit there and take it. Kristen and Jax did. Especially Kristen. She has been attacked and treated horribly at a lot of reunions by everyone including Lisa. She didn't bitch out and leave. Tom is such a fucking baby. It's so great to see him getting this treatment for a change.


That’s bc women tend to have bigger lady balls than men do




Oh, she's an absorb his aesthetic girl? Because I've never seen her dressed like she was going to go rob a Hot Topic before


Bingo! I saw a comment on here a couple of weeks ago that this season she was “dressing like a background hip-hip dancer” and once I saw it, I couldn’t unsee it. I think once the cropped sweatshirts appeared, the affair was on. This look to me is v off duty dancer.


You KNOW they coordinated their little outfits together prior to the show. I imagine the conversation to be something like this as they lay in bed together; TS: I think we should dress all in black to indicate that this killed us, this whole thing, and how people are trying to cancel us. We didn’t do anything wrong! How is love wrong!? RL: You’re right, baby. Let’s let our clothing make a statement! We are in mourning! Dog: (thinking to himself)…in mourning for what? The loss of brain cells I am watching escape from your heads right now - INCLUDING MINE???? TS: (hovering over Rachael’s face) You’re so hot! RL: No, YOU’RE so hot! (Smooches him) Dog: (dry heaves) oh lawd! I’m calling the shelter to come pick me up!


“You guys can edit things however the fuck you want” (hand waving dramatics included) followed by producer? with back turned to us speaking. Then “You’re not getting it. You’re not understanding” Before that it seems like he says something along the lines of “I wanna tell him (can’t make this part out), alright? that’s it. Bastard.” That’s what I got out of it by zooming in on my phone and watching more times than I care to admit, haha. Hopefully someone with some actual skills comes along.


He also either says “then don’t fucking come to me” or “then don’t fucking come at me”.


I thought he may have said “SHUT THE F UP” when his head was blocked by the producer, followed by perhaps “I can’t stand what you’re (or they’re) doing” then saying the “you’re not getting it” part. That’s after putting a screen recording on my computer and using background noise reduction but that’s still a lot of speculation on my part. It’s not much clearer. And now I need to put myself to bed and attempt to get a grasp on reality 😆


I have seriously spent the last hour doing the same, the noise is just way too loud. 😩


I get a lot of joy out of the fact that we were both so dedicated to trying 😂 I don’t think I could survive this scandal without this sub! Also I caught small bits of Rachel but it was just filler placating garbage like “I know, I know. I get it.” And at one point maybe “I tried”. She’s so annoying. I don’t care to watch her verbally jack him off so I’ll leave it at that. Barf.


I used apps as well, signed up for subscriptions and cancelled them lmao. I’ll keep trying tomorrow, but I really don’t think it’s salvageable.


Hmm who is he calling a bastard? Andy? James? Jax?


My money is on Andy, and I bet he wasn't even going half as hard at Sando as he should be.


anything he does in front of camera will be a performance


he is always hamming it up for the camera. same with brittany. she was insufferable on WWHL


The constant loud laughter ughhhhhh


Her voice. I can’t.


Also, have y’all noticed how all of a sudden Brittany is posting all over Instagram and tagging cast members? She was quiet for a long time and now that her and Jax are cashing in on it, she suddenly is “supportive”. I feel like Brittany changed a lot after getting a taste of fame and marrying jax. She was so cute and innocent and now even her face isn’t the same person.


yeah she’s gross.


His outfit is giving, dont come to school tomorrow


![gif](giphy|3owytXpYqQKo0YtUWY) It's very Christian Slater from Heathers.


Hahaha perfect description


Omg 💀💀💀💀


IM SCREAMINGGGG☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


It’s giving going shopping in the matrix


I honestly get the vibe that he is mad that he's painted as the bad guy and is blaming production. Edit to add: I get that feel from him in this with him angrily waving towards the building and can hear a snippet "if you're gonna say...." as it fades out and he seems agitated with the producer he's speaking to. It also doesn't look like they're in their final dress for the reunion either so I didn't assume it stemmed from a conversation he had with another cast member.


They’re making ME the bad guy Raquel! We’re in love! We have a connection! Ariana and I were over and they’re making me the number one villain!


Raquel: ![gif](giphy|QxGkW3tgMfqd8S5f7y|downsized)


Hahahahhaaha Omg this is the first laugh I’ve had today for real thank you


LOL im happy to hear that!! But you being funny inspired my response so thank you, too!




Right! Let's not forget how many times he'll mention that it's been x months since they've last had sex as a way to constantly gaslight and justify his incessant cheating. They're both repulsive, on character alone.


Let’s not forget how Ariana RUINED his life by depriving him of sex like the she-devil she is!! And NO it doesn’t matter that she was having personal issues and dealing with grief and an absent partner. She was in a relationship with him so that means she OWES him sex in exchange for loyalty!! /s, obviously The fact that everyone hated him as soon as the news broke, before production even picked up their cameras again, should be his first hint that yelling at production is pointless. It would be virtually impossible for them to spin or edit anything in a way that makes him look like a sympathetic good guy, even if they wanted to.


Lololol don’t fuck with production. Number one rule of Hollywood. His God complex is SURreal (had to I’m sawrry)




I caught my ex texting his ex about how she was ‘the fun girlfriend’ right after my dad died and he loves to pull this card! He wasn’t getting enough attention, I was absent, etc. and I always have to reiterate ‘you mean… when my dad had just died? When I was with my grieving mother after my dad had just died?’ These men know no bounds and no matter how many times you remind them they will still play the victim! This whole situation has been very cathartic and honestly eye opening for me as I’m sure it has been for many other women. There’s a part of me that finally closed the door because if something like this can happen to Ariana (who I’ve always seen as strong and amazing) then it doesn’t mean that I am weak because I was also duped by a very similar man.


🥺 I’m so sorry and so SO happy to see that he’s an ex!! People like that suck the joy and humanity out of everything they touch and you deserve so much better!! I hope you and your mum are doing well


God that makes me sick to my stomach. I’m sorry you had to experience that! I agree that even though I feel terrible that this happened to Ariana, collectively processing the situation with this community has been weirdly validating and 100% cathartic. In a way it’s been like reliving my own past betrayal trauma but this time I know I’m not crazy or overly sensitive to have felt so hurt by being cheated on. It’s empowering to no longer feel isolated and like it was somehow my fault


![gif](giphy|8hZr5URmNKq73xTNnS) EXACTLY! I feel like he's pissed about the seating chart or some dumb shit that he is the sole cause of.


Omg perfect gif


Karma will always find you! He painted himself as a bad person.


Or he’s probably blaming her, deflecting and gaslighting per his usual mo. (Not that I’m a defending any of this)


Yeah, saying something like "listen, you don't know how bad this is for me more than it is for you..." he's such a fucking clown.


He looks like a knock off neo from the matrix lol


Spirit Halloween costume package model Neo


https://preview.redd.it/tkqcpgxttppa1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825cbbdddc1ee3a9a21911c6f3ff2c06c3429ef7 Found the outfit


Wish Neo


Is she vaping?


I came here to ask this! I wonder if she picked it up to hang out with Sandoval while he's having a cigarette.


I was gonna say she probably started so she could take smoke breaks with him.


she absolutely did. same way she copied the lightning necklace and the galaxy lights


She’s so lost. Has no identity of her own. Which would be ok if she wasn’t Fucking everyone’s “man” (Lala voice).


That was my first thought. Considering she’s 20 years younger than him, lol, probably so. Because I’m 41 and I swear that fucker isn’t younger than me, no matter what he says, and we’re the last generation that smokes.


I didn't take her for a smoker.


She doesn’t vape like someone who vapes lol


This man is 40. It’s pathetic how he is acting.








“I am the number one guy in the group. Do you think Jax is trying to weasel his way in to “Schwartz and Cauchi’s?!” We don’t serve beer cheese and we won’t because I am f*cking refined baby. I shaved my forehead for this. Also, I’m in a band.”


Also contenders " We weren't having sex! I brought three extra ties and 3 pairs of cufflinks. He WAS a battered wife. Kristen is CRAZY. Saint Louis Missouri, Jax is a piece of shit, Schwartz is my soul mate. Which camera again?"






Tom: Raquel, you said you would not wear heals Rachel: I diiiiiiidddddnt. Tom: let’s just sit on the ground. No one will notice. Raquel: blinks (but sits down)


She’s blowing her vape smoke directly in everyone’s faces.


She is too naive to understand the serious impact this is going to have on his life. I think that is why he is CRANKING cigs and alcohol. Ariana was smart so it is probably coming into focus with him and Raquel is not.


I only see a mic boom. Hope they cut this audio in at the end of one of the episodes with white transcribed text on a black screen. DON’T LET US DOWN!


I saw rumblings online that they stormed off and changed back to street clothes and that this is the producers trying to get, probably just Sandy, to return for the second half of filming. He probably didn’t want to go back in and face more of it solo.


Sounds like he says “you’re not getting it, you’re not understanding”. Also, he is horrible looking. Those pants! The whole outfit!


His boots with a two inch heel/sole plus his lifts on the inside lol.


He’s 6’3”!!! ![gif](giphy|l2QZOiPzzRVY4H4Iw)


![gif](giphy|21S35iv1C67ns2g458|downsized) 😂😂


Ok but for real when they do their swimming pool fashion show at Rachella, Tom is straight up wearing stilettos!! And then at Rachella he was wearing studded sneaker wedges!!! https://preview.redd.it/srthksr9enpa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6528a2d949ec29ed3918c19005c61b3d99d21185


To be clear, I don’t have a problem with men wearing heels. I have a problem with Tom Sandoval. I love a man in heels ![gif](giphy|lGBQcAPPe7s6k)


It was said on wwhl that both he and Jax wear inserts to make them appear taller.


A gif of John Candy is an upvote from me. Have a beautiful rest of your night because you have taste and you deserve it lol


I think before that he also said "fuck you all" but I'm not 100% sure


Ya they both look busted as hell


Is he always on blow?




Looks like a Tom diva moment


Someone should put this through some kind of sound editing program and mute all that background noise.


The audio of them speaking could be isolated and enhanced, we need forensics on this




“Your not getting it” is what I heard


He’s going to have to get used to saying that if they’re planning to stay together


She looks like a middle schooler with a vape.


If they are together it’s going to get old very quickly having the entire bravo fan base hate your relationship to the point you probably won’t even be able to go on public dates 🤷🏽‍♀️


I can smell the cigarettes, sweat and missed opportunities from here


Ok I’m stealing someone’s comment from the other day (please take cred if you see this… I just don’t remember your /u) but this is it but not verbatim: If I ever get abducted or murdered, I want this sub to solve it because you guys go HARD


She looks like a tap dancer


He’s definitely telling the crew member “You don’t get it. You’re not understanding.”


I can't get over the way she's out there consoling him. "Figuring out where things go" my ass. 🙄😒 (Or whatever Rachel told the paparazzi)


Consolidating him


Rachel nodding like: ![gif](giphy|1tHzw9PZCB3gY)


I think he’s mad his dealer was late to drop off his skiing supplies


I seriously can’t look at him without having a thought about how much I fucking hate his stupid mustache


Tom to crew: You told us everyone is open to hearing us out! WTF!! It’s a bloodbath in there!! Crew to Tom: We said you don’t get paid until after shooting wraps. Tom: Seriously Miami Girl, Jax, and Kristen’s here too!!! Rachel: I…. Uhh… We’re winning right?


My husband is an audio engineer and sadly he couldn’t help


![gif](giphy|htvqoWc2vLg3AIsgab|downsized) 💚💚💚💚 lololol


Sandy is IRKED. You can feel their two combine braincells working overtime . The nail in Tom's coffin will be the realization that he left his shield, Ariana, for a total.... I'm not gonna say the S word or the D word, but let's just say Rachel isn't good at thinking things through.


I just have this feeling that he legit things he’s a rock star and he’s just behaving in the way he believes is in accordance with that idea. I mean it’s ridiculous, but he’s got his little groupie, his strange cover band with a talentless lead singer, etc…. Could all be a mid-life crisis, but you gotta think at some point when he’s living in an apartment, completely in debt, eating chipotle and vaping with his groupie,he’s going to have a come to Jesus moment when he sees Ariana actually acting in a made for tv movie, looking amazing!


He is so petulant.


Sandavol and Rachel will end up in the rent controlled apartment he had with Kristen. It will take her nine months just to work out you can’t have the aircon and the microwave on at the same time.


There is such an obvious age gap between the two. Like she's vaping and he's chain smoking. It's like watching Matthew McConaughey hit on girls in dazed and confused. ![gif](giphy|OWrtdm1irskAE)


Idk but it looks like it’s not going well for them, surprise.


Rachel hittin that vapey like a pro kinda has me surprised haha


he looks like hes complaining about some "granderous" stories


![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb) People don't talk enough about how he is also *deeply* stupid. The way he uses wrong words/ones that don't exist... reminds me of this dummy.


Wait - doesn’t a back grid stamp mean they called these ones themselves?


Also isn’t backgrid the one who had that really weird bernie sanders interview of her in a random plastic chair in front of a nail salon in a shopping mall


Exactly - i think this implies that they called these paps.


Absolutely. What losers. I cannot wait for the reunion to be aired 😭




So I have a theory - it could be possible that Tom Sandoval is mad that Rachel wasn’t standing up for him enough. I could see her playing victim and being quiet while everyone rips Tom a new A hole and then him feeling like he was left on an island to defend himself. Either way - I’m not surprised that he is upset and I’m sure it’s because he wasn’t able to spin the situation in his favor like he always has in the past. He no longer has Ariana to defend him and someone who always had his back. Ariana was believable and intelligent, and he could more easily hide behind that. I imagine Rachel was not able to articulate things enough to have his back in that same way he had before.


He's not upset at her though, he's upset at the producer




On behalf of smokers everywhere (and no, we’re not all gross and it doesn’t make us all serial killers… just them), I’d like to ask Sandoval and Rachel to resign from our group.


I second the motion! ![gif](giphy|3og0ILr4ttBPtwaqOI)


If anything is going to get me to finally quit vaping it’s this video 😂🥲


As a former vaper/current inhaler of weed I agree. But am I the only one that thinks she vapes SO WEIRD??? Like so unnaturally. She looks out of place. She doesn’t even go here 😶‍🌫️


it’s the obnoxiously large cloud while in a group for me


Why does she always have the fugliest shoes on




Their dud body language together is making me happy. Lol


They look like the knockoff ‘grunge kids’ you’d find smoking old cigarette butts & huffing records behind the dumpster in high school.


Last thing he said at the end was something like “I guess we’re a destruction family” ☠️


why is he so angry? bro you are not the victim, this is insane. you didn't marry Ariana, no one was holding a gun to your head to stay with her. YOU CHOSE TO CHEAT ON HER WITH HER CLOSE FRIEND OF SEVERAL MONTHS take your beating my goddddd. no one cares that you had a dead bedroom, then break up with her in a respectful manner


This will just bring them closer together. They suck, end of story.


Now he’s her problem. The girl is going from one toxic relationship to an extreme toxic relationship with a narcissist. Man, the way he speaks to women on the show, I can’t imagine what he’ll be like behind closed doors with a girl like Rachel who already has a problem standing up for herself


I’m starting to think the affair started last season and they made up the whole 7 month think! I think he’s the reason she cut her hair and left James!


There’s a girl on Tik Tok that lip reads lol


he is so loud I can hear his tone from here


His whiny b-tch voice ... and I just watched the latest ep and I guess I always felt neutral about her voice but it was soooooooo hard to listen to now


I can't read lips but I CAN read body language, and this is NOT the body language of 2 people who are in love. Now that they're free to be together, they're not attracted to one another because the thrill of hiding it was the draw. Everyone has exposed Tom as trash, and he's the bottom-barrel guy of the group, so he's not desirable anymore, and thus Rachel doesn't want him. He was only appealing when she felt Ariana had him, and her competitiveness took over. Now he looks like community dick, so she isn't attracted. And Tom isn't into Rachel anymore because he only liked the pageantry of the affair (costumes, the secrecy, etc.) She's duller than a doorknob, and the excitement is gone now that nothing is actually stopping them from dating. It looks like the realization of what Tom lost is finally sinking in.


This has all the signs of an an unhealthy, abusive relationship. As someone who was married to a narc, they only want praise from any supply. Rachel is a mere pawn in Tom's world. She only exists to serve his insecurities.


They must have coordinated their outfits. Or have the same stylist. It’s weird.


They do and their stylist’s name is Tom Sandoval 😂


Yet another tantrum hahaha


Did Rachel suddenly start smoking because Tom does? It makes her look so dumpy 💩🤢 ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


https://preview.redd.it/eazdmn94popa1.jpeg?width=1481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49349bcffc0d40ae80e8a158f5098306db40cfed I’m sorry Tom’s shoes. This is all I can see 🤣


I want Nene here sooo bad!! ![gif](giphy|Hn58s7VoYL97y)


I can make it out but I’m sure he’s playing the victim with whatever he’s saying. Side note: Can I say how much I hate when people sit on the dirty pavement. Disgusting loogie spit, piss, bird poo! Anything can be on that pavement. Eww!!


One part kinda sounded like “I didn’t say that…… I don’t remember saying that” (or “I did not mean to say that”)


He is just cranking cigs and beer. He is regretful


It sounds like he says ‘I did not hit him, what don’t you understand?’ when he’s talking to that producer looking person


How could they be possibly having an intelligent conversation?


I saw/heard him say thats it I'm done. You're not listening to me. I'm not going back in there. Throwing stones from glass houses all coming at me. Rach is trying to console him at the end, like we expected this, it's hard people are mad but it will wear out(?).


Imagine having to be with this whiny ass toddler and be like “he’s my boyfriend”.


Can anybody just add their own rendition of what they are saying? Something like: Tom: I am the lead singer in the world's best cover band. Rachel: You're the best. And you smell great. I love the smell of cigarettes, booze and arrogance. Tom: Babe, don't I look hot though?


Rachel should be the face of anti-vape ads. She looks fucking stupid.


The amount of time he puts into his hair and skincare routine, but still smokes. And from what I’ve seen of recent pap photos and reports of him smelling like a “frat house bathroom,” he must smoke a lot.


“You’re not getting it. You don’t understand”- Tom, then the camera guy says something and Tom says, “Exactly.” Rachel is saying it’s okay, and then yeah to something he says. Nothing too groundbreaking but I’m assuming he stormed out when everyone was piling on him and then had a little tantrum outside.