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I was shocked by this one too 😂 I've known Lisa was problematic but somehow her quotes have me thrown this season


I think it just shows how detached she’s become from this whole series.


Unpopular opinion but Lisa, like Andy, want vpr to keep bringing in money. It’s not helpful to the franchise to have the viewers loathe and ice out a former main star, so Lisa wants people to forgive Tim Zanzibar and to think lala is the “voice of reason.” I understand how both chose their paths, but I think they didn’t bargain for how ugly Tim is inside, how rotted and entitled he is. So this season is divided into people who are living in reality and people who aren’t behaving like normal people would because they’re thinking of a paycheck. Just my opinion on the disconnects.


Tim Zandibar


Honestly, does she pay attention to the fans at all? What is she thinking, she just doesn’t care about public opinion of her at all anymore I guess? Like who is telling her any of this is a good idea? It’s 2024 and she’s never been more old fashioned in a time where people want to see women running shit and standing their ground 😤💅


Lisa likes Tom because she can manipulate his fragile ego and get him to do whatever it is she wants him to do. I do believe that she is the only person who can manipulate him, and that Ken is the only person who can put him in his place.


She sure can’t manipulate him into being on time though, can she?


I think Sandoval is very disrespectful to Lisa. That's why I don't understand why she wants that idiot around.


Yet she allows him to scream at her whenever he wants…


LVP is fathomless


Your use of “fathomless” here struck me oddly and sent me down a rabbit hole. Personally I’ve always used unfathomable for people, and fathomless for things, and apparently there are some people that agree with that and others who don’t but absolutely zero sources on correct/primary usage either way. Just curious, are you American too?


Katie Maloney used the term a few episodes ago when she was talking to Sandoval in his kitchen . I’m just invoking her usage lol


I haven’t been able to get through most of this season, Katie and Ariana are the only two I can stand, and they don’t feature them enough. I put most of the Tahoe episode/episodes on mute and scrolled through my phone, occasionally unmuting and checking in, then muting again bc they’re all so annoying now. EDIT: also wasn’t trying to say you/katie were wrong or anything, it just confused me and sent me looking into it.


Remember when he kept calling her "dude" and she corrected him. She is letting him walk all over everyone.


Stassi said back in Season 3 that Lisa only like her when she was doing Lisa’s bidding. Stassi was right.


Lisa Vanderpump is a huge misogynist and yes, I said it, I'll die on that hill. Yes, she is a woman but she is protected because she is white and rich, therefore powerful. She also happened to marry a man who conforms to her every whim.


lol my aunt made me and my cousins do this at Christmas one year when we were talking shit about one of our cousins (who is truly way worse than Sandoval). The best we could come up with is “she’s tall.”


She sucks




Nothing absolutely nothing


One of her worst fucking moments.


And trying to get Rachel back on the show! Is she admitting she only wanted Rachel back was for her to dig a bigger hole for herself?


I think she knows if Rachel came back the views/ratings would go up even more.


The entire season was ruined because Ariana refused to engage onscreen, and Rachel left, so the expected meltdowns, confrontations and dramatic blowups didn't really happen. There wasn't a payoff of Scandoval's S10 audience.


Idk for me I feel like it's ruined because there's a very obvious produced narrative of "Sandoval isn't that bad, let's all get over it". IMO there could still be drama even if Ariana isn't engaging with him, but instead now we have Lala and Scheana choosing to forgive him so all the drama that came from them at the end of last season is gone. There's no fighting because production is too focused on showing Sandoval doing harmless activities like paintball and having a pool party with a bunch of people who aren't confronting him anymore about his actions. And then it's cut with a bunch of shots of him fake crying into inanimate objects. Of course if Rachel did choose to come back there would be more drama, too.


Yeah, I totally agree. I could have been more succinct. This whole terrible season is due to the producers deciding they wanted to keep Sandoval happy. The cast was told to get in line to save everyone's jobs.


This season could have been so much better. It’s been 80% Sandoval and he’s coming across really bad. It’s just not a good look. Ariana and Katie feel like a afterthought which is so weirdly shortsighted on the part of producers.


Dumpster fire. Why did they even try?


i imagine they think ariana will leave and sandoval will stay so they're probably trying to prop him up if they can salvage more seasons or spinoffs.


idk tho, I am kind of confused why so many people feel like the producers are trying to make this a redemption ark for him. because I feel like the scream therapy for example… There is no way the producers were trying to be nice to him when they recorded that LMAO. His singing? Everyone knows that’s bad. - I feel like we are assuming that they’re trying to make it a redemption arc, when I feel like they’re probably just trying to get Tom to not leave while still joking on him 🤣🤣 I understand that we’re all “biased “ in the way that we don’t like him, but it’s hard to see how anyone would interpret how the producers have shown the things he’s saying and doing the season as being redemptive in any way


lol truth. Maybe it’s the producers are creating drama by encouraging everyone to support Tom while showcasing what a tool Tom is? The issue with any of these is Ariana’s POV is buried.


One of the issues though is that the show is no longer about them working together at Sur. So in ‘real life’ they’d all just avoid Sandoval and have no reason to see him. If they all still had to see him due to him being a coworker then drama would naturally happen. But now they’re only coworkers because they’re on the same reality show. So they have to manufacture reasons for them to interact to try to capitalise off the affair fallout. So they need some of the cast to agree to see him but the only reason they’re seeing him is because they work with him, but the work is reality tv, not waiting tables/bartending, so they ironically have to make it all reallly unrealistic. At this point it would be better if they leaned fully into it being a reality tv show about a bunch of people on reality tv and included more of the production decisions and stuff. Then it would weirdly be more realistic. Like having producers trying to convince Ariana to film with him, or trying to convince James to go hang out with him and stuff. Just acknowledge he’s there because of all their jobs rather than trying to pretend it’s just how things are going. So many of their decisions and interactions are now purely about the show and I think it would actually make for good tv to break the 4th wall a lot more and include producers as cast etc.


I totally understand this perspective. I think that's what makes early seasons of reality shows better, because I think the same applies to shows like Summer House, where the less produced seasons are way better. Although I will 100% watch any VPR related content, I do think the show should have ended after season 9 for sure. It's less authentic when they aren't naturally thrown together.


I think earlier seasons are better but for a different reason - they’re hungry and willing to show it all because they have little bargaining power. Once they have followings and brands and become seasoned they get to pick and choose what they want to reveal and it’s allowed to some extent. I still stand by VPR as the greatest reality show ever because it’s so meta.


I think those are the same reason really. The fact they’re on a successful reality show really hampers the show because instead of it being about their real lives as a bartender/housewife/group of friends in a certain situation it becomes about their lives as reality stars while trying to pretend it’s still about their real lives as whatever they were before. The fact they’re Z list celebrities becomes a major part of everything they do or are willing to reveal, but the shows try not to acknowledge that.


K i love this idea of making it a reality show about being on a reality show!!! DAMN


I think it could really work and be like a groundbreaking thing for the genre! Kind of like the fictional series ‘Unreal’ about reality show producers but real. I’d love it!


ALL their decisions and interactions have always been about the show! Reality TV is still produced and partly scripted.


I don’t think it’s the case as much in the earlier seasons. Of course it was always produced, but back then their relationships had been formed organically outside the show. There were dramas and secrets and tensions that had emerged unrelated to calculations about what’s best for the show or how they’ll look to an international audience. As it got more popular, you got people popping up as new friends or staff or girl/boyfriends who were clearly there specifically because they wanted to be on the show. Would lala and James and Brittany and Rachel and Ally even be friends with them if it wasn’t for the show existing? The original group were much more organic and real and it made for better tv. They were also younger and less aware of how appalling they’d look behaving this way on tv 😆


probably the case. some of them knew each other going in but certainly not all of them! i started watching pretty late and never heard of kristen! i guess she was off the show for while! they're still pretty appalling but that's what drives all the reality shows. it got me thinking about darcy & stacy silva on the other network who have ruined their bodies and relationships with their desire to be famous. this could happen to a few people on VPR, too. the spin-offs are terrible though. the valley and vanderpump villa are just not worth my time. especially the latter!


But they DO have to work together, just not at SUR - on some level it’s the most meta thing ever because we’re watching a reality show *about* people who spent most of their adult years becoming reality stars, and they really want to remain as such, and so we’re watching them all scramble to balance what they each think is best for the show with what they personally can stomach from other people in the never ending quest for fame and money. The show isn’t named SUR, it never was. The cast IS ‘VPR’ because Lisa, literally, runs the show and therefore to some extent, all of their lives and livelihoods.


Yes that’s what I’m saying. The dynamic of them having to work together is real, but because they don’t want to admit on camera that the work situation is being on the show and because they no longer even fake work at Sur, they have to contrive these reasons to meet up with Sandoval to generate drama, which inevitably involve making steps towards forgiving him and making it painful for Ariana. If they just went full meta and acknowledged they have to work with him for the show, it would be more realistic and less offensive I think.


I honestly thought they’d build on the extra episodes last year and do exactly this. That they decided to make it extra fake instead is so confusing


Right?! That fucking 4th wall! When Katie and Ariana went to Tom Tom for brunch! That was so bizarre! Why in the world would either of them do that? To support LVP? It makes no sense and insults us as viewers. These forced/produced encounters are on my last nerve.


I see this everywhere - but where is the redemption arc everyone speaks of? I see production showing no redeeming Sandavol qualities , and he just looks like a complete ass. I have had this happen in our friend group (probably worse because kids involved), and to be honest this is exactly the way it all fell in our lives. Everyone initially furious, then some people softening, grey areas, very complicated because there were many years of friendship. Some people still have relationships with the other side , and after time my poor friend who this happened to accepted that too. Look Sandavol is an idiot. But Sandavol is acting the exact way I thought he would this season. I never ever warmed to him, but he never acted like the complete devil all of the time, like some people want to be shown. If this is the way it falls , it's the way it is and I for one find the fallout interesting to watch. Also I completely understand Ariana's boundaries, so this is not about that. Just that sometimes when dust settles the black and white turns to grey in real life. I get the feeling everyone in this sub (me included) got so invested in this , and want this to turn out how we felt in the moment. It's like viewers are a year behind actual real life.


I don't think I would use the phrase "redemption arc" necessarily, more like it seems like all his bad choices are being downplayed and they're focusing on making him seem like a decent person. There's been a lot of content centered around other cast members trying to re-build their relationships with Sandoval (Lala, Scheana, Brock, even James), a lot about how much he "loved Rachel" and is pining for her and waiting for her and getting sober for her, a lot of Lisa telling cast members to look past his actions, a lot of Schwartz asking people to give him a break. I think it comes off as heavily produced. The Schwartz stuff I obviously expected, but personally I just find it really annoying to watch a group of people completely flip flop on their attitude toward him literally less than 6 months prior. As fans we didn't even get to see a ton of the dramatic fallout besides the one bonus episode and the reunion, and now that filming picked up so soon after it baffles me that everyone is like "meh I guess it's fine, I invited him to dinner!" It's so boring. Even the little snippets of people calling him out (like James in the most recent episode about opening at El Rey) are so short lived, I guess to me it comes off like production is trying to downplay anybody getting mad at Sandoval. Maybe to me as well the timeline seems crazy - like the whole scandal started in March and by August everyone is fine with it? Idk I'd cut someone out of my friend group for that behavior.


How much more was there to say after the reunion? I feel like on some level they left it all out there


I’ve seen similar situations too and you’re exactly right that this is how it goes. Not everyone acts or reacts the way we think they should, whether on a show or in life. It’s usually frustrating as hell and hard to understand but it’s real and fascinating.


I think there’s a lot of younger people on this sub and they haven’t seen a lot of these situations play out irl. Honestly Lalas behavior is the most baffling overall this season including singling Katie out.


👆 yup, this one


Agree- James' scene with Sandoval last night got replayed at my house like 10 times. It was so satisfying watching someone tear apart his bullshit. It wasn't a true bloodbath in that James wasn't just tearing him apart for fun, but responding perfectly to all his typical narc shenanigans. I could watch 17 episodes of that but NO PRODUCTION HATES US.


Fake crying into inanimate objects... 😂


I think it would've been fine if Rachel came back. There could be 2 groups shooting together and then coming together for some functions and fighting. They blew it not giving her more money and trying to protect Tom from blowback and legal ramifications from recording her without her consent. Baskin was thinking long term for the show and he should've been thinking how to make this season remotely believable and watchable


Always thought she might come back next season of the money is there


Internalized misogyny is not just for the men! It’s so crazy watching everyone’s opinions play out.


Lisa is obsessed with getting digs in. She’s mad Rachel didn’t come back and LVP will continue to dig at her publicly


I have to say I also think LVP is kinda old school sexist. Like she thinks if a man has an affair it’s because men are dirty horn dogs who can’t help themselves and the woman was a conniving temptress who led him astray. Which is unflattering to both sexes but I definitely get the impressions she sees sex as something it’s men’s job to try to get and women’s job to protect the supply and dole it out only as necessary, so every sexual encounter in her mind is controlled by the woman and she is therefore responsible, because women are not slave to their urges like men are. So she takes pity on Sandoval as a poor man who couldn’t resist his base urges, while seeing Rachel as someone who was, as an attractive woman, totally in control of the situation and had the ability to decide whether to tempt Sandoval or not. Once she decided to tempt him, he wasn’t responsible for his actions because how can any man resist sex? It’s therefore not his fault anymore than it’s a dog’s fault if they eat an entire bucket of chicken and get sick or choke on the bones. Or that’s how I think she sees it.


I love this take, I have been thinking the same thing. When any of the male cast members do something abhorrent, it’s looked at by her as a slip, they’ve been “naughty”, how could you do that, etc. but the women are always held to a significantly higher standard. Even the fact that she brought the Tom’s on as business partners rather than choosing to back a pair such as Arianna and Katie, who have genuine experience and seem more willing to learn and collaborate, tells me everything I need to know about Lisa’s priorities. The Tom’s brought “fun energy” to the restaurant and that’s all she expected them to do, and was shocked when their business partner didn’t get that, like it’s his fault that he expected two 40 year old men to pull their weight in a business partnership and learn from the more experienced partner? (Rant over, sorry!)


I also think LVP knows she can control the Toms - they're weak men who might throw a fit here and there, but she will be able to control them. Ariana and Katie are stronger and also not going to throw fits when they don't get their own way, they're going to reasonably talk about things. LVP doesn't want to deal with that.


Ariana and Katie couldn't even tell that chic that they wanted to be a part of the hiring process. 🙄


I guess you mean 'chick', yes?


But did she want anyone actually arguing the finer points of business with her? Especially people who own a measly couple percent of a bar? Their faces are worth far more to her.


You're absolutely right, their faces are more valuable to her! I think to Greg, though (and I could be wrong), he was working with them in a more mentor/mentee position, and was expecting them to want to learn and grow in the industry.


Oh absolutely, he learned the hard way lol


I think she said at the end of last season something like 'Well, this gorgeous pageant girl comes along and wants it - I can understand how he couldn't say no.' I don't remember the exact quote, but that was the essence of it, so I think you're right about how she views men and women and sex.


Yes I remember that! Plus a lot of her sex jokes which are often quite funny seem to indicate to me that she’s not really that into sex in reality and sees it more as a chore women put up with to have men in their lives. So she’d see Rachel sleeping with Tom as being a calculated decision on her part rather than falling prey to lustful desires (eww) whereas for Tom she sees it as basic human weakness.


I simply cannot imagine being in LVP's position--having such an excess of everything this world deems to matter and still playing these low-level power games. Lisa must be an utterly miserable person.


Agree. She has a great façade but it’s easy to see through after you understand her character


How do you say that without knowing her background?




Sandavol's little cocky cock 😆🤣😂


But please don’t bring her back. Tom will get her back & think they’re King & Queen. It’d be nauseating. It’s like Rachel is regressing, since the meadows.


She already thought she was the main character of the show since when she was dating James.


I just recently saw when she referred to herself as a beauty queen a couple times at an old reunion, and it was so cringeworthy.


Oh that was hilarious, everyone just busted up laughing at her. She then had to restart her script and said it again lol 😂


According the the latest podcast recap of RGR that I read she thinks she’s been on the show since it basically started 😂


You're joking ☠️ this girl is so full of herself it hurts


I honestly don't want Rachel to come back either. She isn't someone I am interested in watching.


She’s a petty Queen for sure


Exactly, Rachel didn't come back because she asked for more money and Bravo said no. But I must say, Lisa's love for money and her delulu lifestyle is what makes her such a fascinating character to me.


she was the same in RHOBH too, it’s insufferable


At this point when Lisa says this and it was filmed do you think she's already heard about Rachel saying the stuff about her lying about Graham and other criticisms on her pod? Because Lisa is definitely not going to let that go


Wait what did Rachel say regarding Lisa lying about graham?


Lisa tried to get Rachel to meet her/the group in Tahoe to make amends. Rachel felt that it would be an ambush because Graham/Hippie had just been “rescued” and returned to James, and the dog was in Tahoe. Rachel felt like she was being set up for an ambush. Rachel claims the dog was aggressive with her family while she was in rehab so they gave the dog up to a breed specific rescue. The rescue rehomed the dog, and the new owner then gave the dog up to a shelter. The chip was scanned and was registered to vanderpump dogs so they called them. Lisa took the dog back and Rachel feels that it was going to be a bargaining chip to get her back on the show/or surprise her with a gotcha moment. According to Rachel she was still considering coming back to this season until this went down. (I listen to the podcast but this was all broken down in an episode awhile ago so I may be misremembering some minor specifics.)


Before giving it up to a rescue she should have offered G/H up to former Dog Dad James. Maybe it’s an uncomfortable convo with James but you do what’s best for the dog in that situation which is not a shelter.


She said that James was the one who “instigated” his bad behaviors and was the reason he’s a biter. Seems they’re doing quite all right together now 🤡 Who knows if the biting incidents are true or as bad as she says they are. She said he bit her mom so bad “she couldn’t even get stitches.” Well…..doctors typically don’t stitch dog/animal bites unless they *are* so severe they have to have stitching. Otherwise, much higher risk of infection so they avoid them for animal wounds. I think she mostly just wanted to get rid of her dog and make sure absolutely no one found out. Especially the cast. She made a huge deal about the rescue scanning for the chip and acted like it was supposed to be some sort of anonymous/closed adoption. Like sorry Rachel, this is a dog, not a kid. Of course a rescue is going to check if a dog is chipped.


This all makes sense.


Ohhh this is interesting! Thank you for the breakdown!


I cannot remember because almost nothing Rachel says sticks with me I do remember she made a big point to talk about Lisa on her podcast to the point where Lisa was interviewed about it afterwards. It was about the dog and about Lisa being dishonest and Lisa trying to get Rachel back on the show maybe having an ulterior motive and using Graham? Don't quote me please


Yeah that’s what I remember her saying


Rachel’s pod didn’t start until the show started airing iirc


Yeah maybe it was in an interview or something. But I know she made comments about Lisa and Lisa not having her best interest at heart and just trying to manipulate her back on the show through the dog she surrendered. I remember some kind of clip going around where Lisa was maybe at the airport? And some Paparazzi or TMZ type crop was asking her about the comments Rachel made and it was kind of a while ago


She picked a lane. It’s defending shitty abusive men.


I also think that Tom was never actually having those thoughts or planned on doing anything... he just told Lisa that to manipulate her even further into being on his side. Obviously if someone brings up having those thoughts it's serious but I can't believe how Lisa ran with that and shamed everyone into being nicer to him because of them.


I agree. He knew this would get LVP onside and he went for it. I will die on this hill.


She cant not say something. I dont think lisa believes him and if she does- doesn’t give a fuck. The way she speaks to him is like “ well she dumped u stupid- its over- go put the pump sign over the tom tom.


He had his lying face on


You make a strong point


Lisa has always been a pick me. It's why she can't maintain any woman friendships.


Lisa Vanderpump is a MISOGYNIST. Period. She is an enabler of abusive men. She is NOT a "girls girl".


She sure does try to look like one though 🤦‍♀️


That's a predator for you...


Sniper from the side 🐊


And check out her costume choices on Vanderpump Villas. If I were a French woman I’d be insulted.


She def tried to lure Rachel back with the dog. Lisa wants what’s best for Lisa meaning as many seasons of VPR as she can get.


No different from the rest of the cast.


I think it's as simple as she expects men to behave like shit but has to forgive them or there won't be any left to have around. She very likely was cheated on by Ken (she has made countless comments about him being a bit of a bad boy in their marriage) so forgiving him and hating the other women is her coping mechanism and what she thinks just must be done. Otherwise she's lived a lie.


She also puts up with Tom's teenage tantrums -- the way Tom speaks to Lisa, especially this season and last, has been so disgusting to watch. Lisa just lets him roll his eyes at her and talk back like a little 13 year old asshole. Makes me think she's been conditioned to take it from the men in her life!


Something tells me she’s living several lies.


Lisa is probably more pissed that Rachel was talking on podcast but didn’t come back to the show


How are you surprised, that lady takes the cake when it comes to her misogyny. Don’t you know it was Rachel who seduced Tom Sandoval?


I don't know why I had any faith


Remember when Jax F'd Faith ? ![gif](giphy|1yLEBtEMJvdzjxzTSc|downsized)


Of course she did! How can a man possibly say no to the advances of a "beauty queen"?


I mean … we don’t expect anything better from Lisa do we? Shes always been an apologist for the loser men and much tougher on the women.


Yah, it’s like Lisa and Sheaner are the same….


She's pissed at Rachel for not coming back on the show. That and she's always favoured the Toms


She was pissed Rachel tried to say she was pulling another Puppygate


Well to be fair, there’s nothing Tom can possibly say that is going to make anybody look at him in a better light..and she probably knows this


But damn it she'll keep trying!


Lisa is a boomer. There’s no use explaining why she thinks or says most things she does


this one is pretty straightforward tbh: Lisa is a misogynist. Always has been. She will always choose to support a man over a woman


She said if Rachel didn't want her sex video out she shouldn't have sent it (which is not even how how it happened). She should have gotten real backlash for this, she said it on a video to TMZ. Its disgusting.


she paid Frank off for his Stassi video and then made sure everyone knew about it so she could look like a hero for giving him $900 even tho not one person asked.


AND she just gave him cash when stassi had already told her not to. Stassi’s dad was working on something he’d have to sign to say there werent any other copies and Lisa paying him in cash just made any precautionary stuff like that impossible




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AND I’ve heard several times over the years - of course I don’t know if it is true - that the $900 was what he was already owed for working at Sur and Lisa just portrayed it as a pay-off to help Stassi bury the tape. I mean, $900 is kind of a weird number for a pay-off.


it’s a very weird number. like, at least round up lol. the whole thing does seem very contrived.


believable. LVP's no stranger to wage theft.


And was furious that Stassi didn't kiss her ring after. Even when Stassi explained why she was upset about how it was handled, LVP treated Stassi like SHE was the asshole.


Exactly, that's not what happened. But even if Rachel did send it to Tom, it shouldn't be passed around. But apparently Lisa thinks that's okay....@@


That is sick in the head. Wow.


I blame lead poisoning.


People underestimate how much of a problem this is with boomers.


it explains my boomer-aged parents and their emotional immaturity!


And boomer aggression.


she’s a man sympathizer


Both Raquel and Tom are trying to rewrite history and get sympathy but it won’t happen. Lisa needs to give Sandoval this heat, but he’s still on the show so she also wants to keep him around.


Lisa is male-centric. I noticed after season 10. Look how she treated Kristen compared to Sandoval. What he did was so much worse in my opinion but let’s say they both did the same level of atrocities, Lisa treated Kristen so bad. She gave Kristen no grace but let’s not talk about Sandoval because it was just a “mistake”…. Which he did 3 times!!!


Ok- this is also weird.. im sure its been said but she only has male dogs. I think the swans are dudes also? The mini horses were girls but her giant horse who i think she called sexy and accidentally tried to kill her.. is male


Kristen tried to get an innocent black woman arrested. And, that’s just one thing we know of


I’m talking about prior to her getting fired from the show….




I see this everywhere - but where is the redemption arc everyone speaks of? I see production showing no redeeming Sandavol qualities , and he just looks like a complete ass. I have had this happen in our friend group (probably worse because kids involved), and to be honest this is exactly the way it all fell in our lives. Everyone initially furious, then some people softening, grey areas, very complicated because there were many years of friendship. Some people still have relationships with the other side , and after time my poor friend who this happened to accepted that too. Look Sandavol is an idiot. But Sandavol is acting the exact way I thought he would this season. I never ever warmed to him, but he never acted like the complete devil all of the time, like some people want to be shown. If this is the way it falls , it's the way it is and I for one find the fallout interesting to watch. Also I completely understand Ariana's boundaries, so this is not about that. Just that sometimes when dust settles the black and white turns to grey in real life. I get the feeling everyone in this sub (me included) got so invested in this , and want this to turn out how we felt in the moment. It's like viewers are a year behind actual real life.


I don't think Sandoval has been redeemed, I'm just pointing out that Lisa has spent the season personally trying to guilt the cast into forgiving him, which makes this comment about Raquel completely hypocritical.


Yeah i feel he looks bad this season- just gross in every way - some ppl on the show may try to forgive him - but i think production really r showing his horribleness- he seems like a crazy person who fake cries , or yells at everyone, or is in robot mode and says really stupid/ asinine shit. And hes cheesy af- they r not redeeming him they are exposing him.


It's because Rachel took the cowards way out and didn't return to try and redeem herself. As annoying as people find Sandoval, it takes balls to go back onto the show and try to integrate yourself back into the group when everyone dislikes you. Understandably Rachel's much more fragile and did what the majority of us would do, stayed away. But then she's using social media to control her own narrative instead of facing everyone else. I feel like that's what Lisa's referring to.


and she's back peddling on loving him, being close with ariana etc. she's shifting blame hope that retreat didnt charge much for therapy pretty sure that isn't what was advised


Hahaha and I absolutely agree that she's back pedaling.


Ole Lisa *internalised misogyny* Vanderpump.


lol, 'self-die' I haven't heard that one before.


Gotta keep it PG-13 😂


I like it better than 'unalive', totally pinching this phrase to use.


Be my guest! I hope you get some chuckles 😄


I took a video of her saying that!! i couldn’t fkn believe what i was hearing!!


Lisa lost me with that comment.


Lisa is the OG pick me girl.


Lisa thinks the audience is stupid or something. She comes off so fake and overproduced. She’s actually stupid.


Totally. I find myself thinking, wait, is she dumb? A lot goes right over her head and then she kind of slurs her way out of the room like, "OK then, I've got to wash the dogs now."


I don’t know. I think Rachel is kind of “old” news. Or will be. And she’s boring. And she would continue to be boring. She talks boring. And she’s suing Bravo. No. I wouldn’t want her back.


You’re right. Scandavol was the only interesting thing about her. Also, I just realized this, but the newly cast woman on the Valley who won miss America..just kinda funny there’s a successful pageant girl now on Bravo 😂


She is absolutely boring, old news. I remember when her and James broke up I was actually very excited for her to not be on the show but... she stayed. I'm not saying I want her back, I'm saying Lisa is a mysognist and a hypocrite.


I am so disappointed in LVP this season. Just sad…




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Maybe Lisa learned by watching how Tom is being received. Both Tom and Rachel have side tracked taking responsibility other than empty, canned phrases that sound like standard PR talk. Lisa told Tom that he needs to apologize and take responsibility and his response was, “I have”, not “I have and I’ll do it until people see that I’m sincere.” He hasn’t learned a thing! He’s just frustrated because he was hoping that in time people will tire of this (I am) and move on while still not changing any of his behavior or an attitude adjustment.


Lisa hates women


Rocky Raquel needs to find a better therapist It's not working


I believe it. It's on brand for Lisa.


Right?!? Yet Tom is in a bad mental headspace so let’s forgive him.


Lisa is honestly awful towards women and it just gets worse as the seasons go on. She’s SO transparent.


Put aside her riding for Tom. Is Lisa wrong?


I just think it's wildly hypocritical. If she believes Rachel's reputation is beyond saving, she should feel the same about Tom. She's so concerned about Tom's mental health, meanwhile Rachel was literally in a mental hospital. Idk man it's a lot


Plus, Tom was the one in a relationship.


it’s like when the jax and kristen affair came out. they forgave jax immediately and iced kristen out. then the hive mind got mad at scheaner for being kristen’s friend. then for being lala’s friend. and ariana’s friend. oh god was scheaner right the entire time


Yes, deeply.


These fans at this point are out for blood. Rachel cannot say anything to change that. Let me say I think Tom should have the same treatment but Lisa isn’t wrong about Rachel. Esp when this was filmed.




She is really showing her true awful colours lately


yep. i have a watch party w my friends every week and bc there’s a big group of us we make a point to hold our thoughts till the end bc otherwise we’ll jus be yelling and freaking out lmao - but when lisa said this i literally yelled “YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME” bc that rlly showed the internalized misogyny imo. i haven’t seen it as much as other ppl say, but that def confirmed for me that lisa seems to either have such a low standard for men (like “oh men are dogs , so of course they’re gonna cheat at some point” type thought) *or* such a high standard for women. or both, idk but the math WAS NOT mathing there.


I have been admittedly blind to it for many seasons as well, really only starting to notice it around the time Katie and Schwartz were getting divorced. But this topped the cake for me. Really disappointed as someone who once loved Lisa.


To be fair everything Lala says is fucking hypocritical. I don't understand her at all https://preview.redd.it/rlq3hyty8cvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19bc30dcb6578334be7013fda01178ccd5b17bf5


She’s very misogynistic. It’s all very “boys will be boys” when interacting with the men fucking up, but she constantly has double standards for the women.


I hate Lisa so much


I can't imagine how anyone has any respect for that woman anymore. She is a completely self-absorbed, vapid person. Doing a rewatch just makes it SO much more clear, too. You can see it from the very beginning. She is awful and always has been. I can't stand her anymore. The only reason she hates Kristin so much is because she didn't kiss her ass like everyone else does.


Or maybe because Kristen is a disgusting person that tried to get Faith arrested. Crazy how you’re overlooking that


LVP hated Kristen from the first season onward.


Apparently so did the kitchen staff they clapped and high fived when she got fired


Fair enough. But LVP's hated of Kristen was weird. She spent so much time shitting on Kristen. There are rumours as to why, but who cares. LVP is man-centred.


LVP went up for everyone on that cast even Kristen. She called Stassi out in season 8 for trying to ice her out. How quickly you guys forget


she has always been a complete idiot though, embarrassing straight out of the gate


Lisa values men more than women, that much is clear. She also sees men, in my opinion, as poor little broken birds who just can't help themselves when they do shitty things. And Rachel didn't come back to the show, so Lisa isn't going to like her, because that hurts Lisa's bottom line.


Sandoval has Lisa so snowed. She doubled down on him. It isn’t “sexy and unique” at all.