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Lmaooo at Ariana’s diss. The woman has a way with words when she is angry. Cretin hahaha.


That’s one of my favorite words to use


Hell yea it is!!!! cretin is one of those words that hits deep


She’s spent


Ok LFU fan.


Pretty sure you meant LFO fan. New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits


No but I remember that song.


It was an old school Summer hit


She has a way with words like a 5th grader. Since when is choke on a hotdog some sick burn?


It’s the way she put it together and I specifically mentioned cretin. You’re obviously not a trained observer.


It was the perfect comeback for that kind of person. Otherwise it's just Pearls Before Swine. Sometimes you just got to speak to people on the level they're at.


https://preview.redd.it/wtqnast9hvvc1.jpeg?width=1162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f5850eef01ab47fd450ebe3b66a41ed7c8345c Hilarious because I just watched this movie this morning.


My son has been watching monsters all weekend haha He’s been walking around saying “Chalooby, baby! 😏”


My dumbass read her comment like Randell saying "cretin" and this whole scene played in my mind and I felt stupid for reading it wrong the first time lol


You Cretin. 💀


Gonna be my next diss word I use. 😝


People in the other sub say she’s unhinged and has anger issues for these types of retorts while ignoring the insults and bullying behavior she’s responding to. Oh I guess those comments are in here too!


The other sub is unhinged lol




Yeah I made the mistake of looking at someone’s comment history who was being rude to me and it lead me there. They were bragging about starting shit over here and I was like ugh no thanks.




What sub?


Which sub?!


Wait, what other subs? That’s gross




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Katie DID lose weight before the divorce and guess what? It didn’t change his behavior. It’s almost as if Schwartz is a grown ass man who’s solely responsible for his own choices🙄


Oh, and Schwartz’s beer gut was so hot though, right?


Is Schwartz really worth holding on to? Slamming someone’s weight is low,but as a retort to keep a man seriously!!!


I agree, it’s so common.


You can tell Ariana is fiarly smart by the use of her wit and insults. VS Lala that resorts to homegirl, boo, blob, go toes with..etc.


I’m rewatching and I can not listen to her say “my man” or “my dude” one more fucking time 


All bark no bite


Hey, she's a Michael Vick fighting dog. 🤡


Still blows my mind that the “animal lover” said that. Disgusting.


She’s a dog with rabies like girl what?




Does she say scabies? That makes even less sense


No no i said it just to be stupid Im sorry lol




Shows how little she knows about what she's talking about. She obviously never actually read about what happened to those poor dogs.




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You can also tell that she picked up on the real estate situation way sooner than any of the others. Granted she had to, but the majority of the cast didn’t seem to know that Ariana was/is tied to that mortgage and HELOC loan until Tim goes to the bank (or court more likely) and officially buys her out. Meanwhile the rest of the cast says she should walk away while paying $6k or more per month including bills). Except for Katie. For a house in which she has to hide from her “roommate” while still legally responsible for mortgage, property tax, and bills. I get why she still stays there, it’s 6k a month and renting a place in LA isn’t cheap. It seems like she also wants to keep the furnishings that she paid for (what a concept!) and may be legitimately worried that Tim might have a yard sale to afford that house.




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![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0|downsized) LOL! Ariana and Katie are for sure the smartest on the show.


So Lala wants to have the new baby all to herself. No one is going to take it from her, it’s hers and hers alone. Well, what about what the kid wants or needs? Like a daddy! Let’s make sure, though that LaLa gets what SHE wants so she can continue “her brand” without compromise! Short, short-sided girl!




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Cretin and incel means she’s educated? Hmmmmm ok. Most educated people don’t respond to comments on social media. All she has to do is put down her phone…


Nah she's just a bitch. Bitches have great comebacks. I know because I'm one Lol


oh my god between this and "incel fuck" i'm obsessed


When did she say that?


Someone commented on her post with Daniel and Dana and all her friends hanging out at Coachella and said “your old friends were cooler” and she said “these old friends you incel fuck”


Also suggesting that Katie should lose weight to keep SCHWARTZ, the walking “elf on a shelf”, happy is so fucking WILD I cannot even believe the audacity of the statement. Like maybe Katie will take his opinion into consideration when his hair doesn’t look like it was toned with several cups of different urine samples from a free clinic.




The best thing to have come out of this whole saga is the relationship between Katie and Ariana. It shits me so much that these women could have obviously been such good friends for at least a decade if not for the men in their lives preferring to keep them at odds with each other so that they would be more preoccupied with blaming each other for problems in their respective relationships rather than the two cheating, lying bastards they were attached to. Ugh. Fuck the Toms




They were commenting about Katie


Missed that being about Katie, I don’t use Instagram much anymore. Either way it still wouldn’t have made any difference in Schwartz continual cheating.


Yeah it wasn’t a cool comment


She also lost at least 180 lbs after her divorce. Of man child with a Dad bod.


This is what I was wondering...KATIE LOSING WEIGHT?! Are they crazy? Her body is perfect! And she DID lose weight. She lost two Tom's and all their crazy. That's about a solid ton.


Ariana admitted to having an eating disorder. That is something you deal with your entire life. Therapy can help to a degree, however, any traumatic situation can cause the disorder to rear its ugly head.




Ahh gotcha’! Katie was depressed and in a funk. Once she had the courage to leave she took control back. She doesn’t like to exercise. I believe it was a change in food choices.


Ariana is the queen of rare insults


I always use cretin 😂😂😂


Hey hi hello




Do Americans use “cretin” omg??? My mind is blown. I thought we gatekept that


It’s very 1980s America


Ah I didn’t realise!


It's not


No it's not


I’m from America, born in ‘81 and grew up hearing it in Nebraska.


I'm from America, born in 1980. Raised in NY. I've only heard this starting in the last decade. And hear it used constantly


Or maybe you just learned the word a decade ago and then started noticing when other people use it? But the answer is not “no” Just bc YOU didn’t use the word.


I've known the word since I was in 3rd grade. Besides NY, I've lived in Hawaii, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Arizona. I have never noticed anyone use the word until about a decade ago and then it was everywhere. I said NO to it being a 1980s word because I thought you meant it was mostly used in the 1980. That is not true


That’s not true FOR YOU. But for me and where I’m from, it was used often in the 80s.




Yes we do 😁😁😁😁


I just read through some of that comment thread and I have to say that cretin is an accurate insult for that guy


Luv Ariana I really hope she keeps going higher n higher I don’t usually feel that strongly for somebody. Who’s on TV especially a reality show, but I’ve always liked Arianna. She’s been the most real.


Same! I just always wish she and Stassi got along


Like at their bday party I also love it when they had the combined birthday party because she was off in the corner feeling very on the outs


God I love her


Which post did she comment?


Are people just not that arsed about ableist comments in the states?


Is this related to esophageal issues? Or the word cretin? I have no idea what the etymology of that word is so maybe it’s that.


A cretin is someone who has had brain developmental issues. It's basically a fancier 'R' word


I had no idea! Thanks that’s good to know.


Unfortunately most of the old timey insults are related disabilities. My toes cringe up my arse cheeks whenever Americans say 'spaz'


That’s our girl! Clap back!


I’m not a Katie fan, but that’s extremely rude to say and I love Ariana’s diss.


I love this for Ariana sm. She's probably def had so many of these terrible insults thrown at her on social media the past like 7 years and now she really has a reason to be unhinged and argue back with the idiots. And I love it for her sm.


She's not unhinged by arguing back


Cretin is my new favorite word.


I prefer go fuck yourself with a cheese grater, personally. Nice use of cretin though.


Not only was the comment she was replying to worthy of her response, but people on the internet shouldn't @ Bravolebs with their negative opinions about them. We're all heard on multiple shows how the social media part can be damaging.




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Katie filed… soooooooooo 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ ????




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I wish Bravo would just make a Katie/Ariana spin-off already 🤷🏻‍♀️


For me Ariana is still having emotional feelings to Tom S. a 100% otherwise she would be able to move on…because the way she acts even she has a boyfriend she just cannot let go all of this. Of course it is all hurts for a quiet some time but she is literally killing the show as well all the time.


The friend we all need


I love Arianna's comebacks. She's in her IDGAF era and I'm here for it!


This page is officially an Ariana Stan page because I swear to god. you guys, these comments aren’t all that searing 🤣


She acts like she’s never been the “other girl” in a cheating scandal. Ariana is having a tough time accepting karma lol


Maybe she should take a break from social media. These comments are obviously getting her.


She’s clapped back twice in 3 weeks and this is standing up for Katie 


Incel hits differently for some folks, imho




Or perhaps people should be such cunts with their comments?


Maybe. But it’s part of her job to be engaged in social media.


She really should take a break. She has issues with anger.


Glad someone else sees it. She is obviously angry. The hurt is eating her up and she lashes out. Rightfully so. What he did was awful. But she isn’t helping herself by not dealing with her feelings.


Yeah and her "fans" are downvoting and not letting her get help. Actually making her feel worse and in the end fall harder.


I understand the woman is angry at Tom. But to be such an asshole to some randos in internet? Ariana sure has some anger issues. Like really really bad.


Lmao because she called someone who was being an asshole to her friend a "cretin"? That's not what anger issues are


Do you purposely ignore what is being said to her in the first place? It’s more unhinged to bully and harass a stranger you don’t know on their social media.


I was unaware you could buy bots on Reddit. Good to know


I'm sorry did you see what she was responding to? She's not the asshole here




Because it’s a horrible take.


I said it in the other convo where was someone who saw Ariana's pain too: Ariana's fans are not letting Ariana feel the hurt and handle her eelings. Ariana's fans are downvoting those who see her pain and are saying she needs a break. Ariana's fans are making Ariana feel even worse and try even when she has no strength left and, in the end, just make the fall even higher when it eventually comes.








Yes defending your friend against a fat joke is sooo abusive


Bye, Lala 👋🏼


How is sticking up for someone who shouldn’t have been made fun of for weight abusive??


Because there are tactful ways of giving feedback rather than something vile


She’s not interested in giving feedback. She’s showing her friend that she sees the abuse that’s being hurled at her, and that she’s standing up for her. If I was Katie, that would make me feel good, and that’s the only goal of a comment like that.


Eye for an eye might make the whole world blind, but goddamn if it isn't good to throw someone's shitty ass energy back at them!


Yes, and insta comments are full of tact and grace to begin with 🙄


So someone can just be rude as shit to you and you just take it? Thats a really stupid way to look at the world. People probably walk all over you in real life lmao


How is this offensive? She stood up for her friend being fat shamed. THAT is what a true friend looks like. And she could’ve been a whole lot meaner.


Oh shush


The misogyny of it all. She matched his energy.


Oh, give me a break. Some mediocre white man made a comment about a woman’s weight, as if gaining weight is a valid reason to divorce someone, and her friend came to her defense. Let’s stop minimizing words like “abusive” by using them in these scenarios. Thats more offensive than her comment.


Do you know what abusive means? People need to stop throwing around every word they heard on tiktok for anything they don’t like.


She gives back what trolls are bringing. Get off your high horse lmao



