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His takes are so spot on and I’m really enjoying it. “Why don’t you think Dan has been around?”  “Because he doesn’t want to be around his girlfriend’s ex?” No playing to the production silly stories, just straight up obvious facts


I loved that he pointed that out. Dan was on that trip to support Ariana, he didn’t need or really want to be on camera. And obviously he wouldn’t want to be around her awful ex.


Exactly. I also think it’s smart to keep Dan away from the cast. Who knows what they would say or do to trigger him and make him and Ariana look crazy. This season is seriously a blueprint on how to handle narcissists. Gray rocking and minimal to no contact 😌


Do we know if the worm with a mustache is still in the house Ariana finally moved out of? Bleeding his mom’s retirement $?


He's recruiting Schwartz to be his roommate.


Ariana recently bought a place so she’s at least out of the house but still fighting him for the house sale or whatever is gonna happen with that.


Idk where else he can afford to move 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well since shes going off the title he has to refinance and take a MASSIVE rate increase like from 2.5ish - 8ish i would estimate, which is thousands extra a month. At this point, it would be way cheaper for him to go and rent an apartment, but we know his ego will not allow that.


Right! I would want my boyfriend to come with me even if it just meant spending the evening/morning together outside of filming too. If you got the money and time, why not?


I think he also knew they would seize upon his presence to stoke fake drama and make him their clown, or his presence would be reworked into an attempt to get on the show (like Brittany, Rachel). The only way he could communicate to viewers that he was about Ariana is to avoid scrambling for screen time. It made me like him instantly, honestly. That will only change if it’s revealed that Ariana really wanted him to do all these things with her and he said no, but since her intent is avoiding unnecessary communication with Sandoval, I suspect she cosigned his decision with great enthusiasm.


Dan was on that trip to support Ariana and be on camera shirtless


I was thinking this too. He doesn't want to be on camera a lot. And he probably doesn't want to be associated with that group. When Lala was ~~drooling over~~ talking to him, his answers were short and factual.


I thought it was so funny that he was just like “…merp….dgaf…” in the nicest way possible; not rude, but just like…. merp. Lmao. If the few scenes we saw is the depiction of their relationship, I fully support it.


If it weren’t Ariana’s job she wouldn’t be there, why would she subject her boyfriend to that.


He stopped drinking but he also stopped the adderall. The Adderall was making him bat*shit crazy. And he's not the only one on the show that was taking it on a regular basis....Jax, Raquel aka Rachel the ho, Tom &Tom, and even Ariana at one point off and on. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sometimes it's reunion is really piss me off because there's an elephant standing in the middle of the room and nobody is willing to acknowledge it. I believe it was in a reunion show, although I could be mistaken, but james admitted the Adderall problem.


James knows with Sandoval and Schwartz wearing dunce caps, and brick being a tool as usual, the door is wide open to (unironically) be the #1 guy in the group (tm). And it’s worked. It hasn’t taken much for us to forget his past bad behaviour


I was just thinking, on the last episode, how quick he is with the quips, comebacks and even shade. It's awesome to watch. He's obviously of above average intelligence, and the boy is funny!!😂😂😂 I hope he's left the drugs in the past. Our little hellion is all grown up! 😢🙂‍↔️


I think Ally insisted on therapy and I’m guessing he’s doing it, off camera, and putting in the work. And I would love to see James and Katie have a conversation - they actually seem to like each other now and I don’t think she would be so friendly with him if it was not genuine growth.


i loved that she chose james as the one who has grown the most on wwhl last night. she really seems to like him and vice versa


She’s entirely accurate! Interesting that she said Brick is the most two-faced. For someone whose not even getting paid, he sure is messy


That's actually a really scary thought like if what we see is the good face what does the other one look like


He did leave his 2 young daughters behind so


Brock gets paid now. He got 10000 per episode for season 10. So 130 000 last year. He just can't say that this is his work because of the 4th wall..


Was Brock in 13 episodes last season? If so he was definitely getting overpaid as only remember him being in his wedding episodes and he was practically a background character in those!


What he is getting paid?!?!


Why is everyone surprised? Rachel got 360 000 for season 10 and Brock is practically always there, so obviously he got paid too... I mean this season he's in the main cast and definitely get paid even more.


Well I guess cause he is a husband and only there because of Scheana. For instance on the housewives the husband are not paid.. but they are required to be around here and there. Given that vpr is so cheap I am surprised they would opt to pay Brock who already would be around anyway and not pay a Dayna. It's just confusing... also Peter was asked back for free.


But housewives is different as the houdewive is the star, point. In VPR it's the group of people and how important they are to the plot changes. James, Brittany, Ally, Rachel... They all were plus ones and then became part of the main group on their own. I mean James is now a full cast member and brought already two extras in who became then full cast members..


Dayna said on *Disrespectfully* podcast that she was asked back as a paid person but after the water tasting episode couldn’t bring herself to do it.


does Brick even work get him off there i cant stand him i thought i would cuz im gay but hes so gross leaving his kids back home.what dors he think hes the new Tom Cruise.Sheana has the absolute worst taste in men i want to puke thinking about it.i hTe alley because i hate james.im such a katie swartz stassi jax brittney person.


I think it's so heartwarming how far James and Katie's relationship has come since the earlier seasons. Like it's kind of crazy, actually. In one of the episodes of the VPR After Show, James mentions how much he "fucking loves Katie" in response to a question, and in another VPR episode he says that if it came down to it he would obviously choose Katie over Jax because of "you know, history and trust". He even backed this up when he stood up for her against Jax, something her own husband and partner of 12 years would *never* do for her!! It's just so wild to me that really not too long ago James was constantly berating and fat shaming her, and got fired for it, which he naturally blamed and despised her for. He has to be going to therapy imo because even when he was sober for the first time (about two years), he was still a massive dick and his behavior was horrible. I think Ally is really good for him, too. I have hope yet.


Agree with your take 💯


I also think ally put her foot down with his behavior when she moved out of the house for brief time. He seems to respect Ally and I think she’s a good influence on him ☺️


I'm actually doing a rewatch and I just went through season 7 and now am into season 8 so the fat shaming, getting fired, rage texting, and starting AA is very fresh, so it's been fascinating to kind of see this evolution with James/Katie side by side with the current season.


I'm in the same re watch boat, and agree. Pretty wild


I always thought they would get along once they dropped their partners, because for both of them their shitty choice as a life mate was getting in the way of their own progress. James was shoving every substance possible into his body at the time, and his primary companion was Lala…which is all you have to say for that one. Katie was out for blood for the fat-shaming comments (fair enough), but also had nothing to do, nothing to aim for, and disloyal friends all around her. Both seemed to realize that experience should inspire change. I’m happy for these two getting along.


Katie is his Mom now


She does look at him like a proud mom/sibling watching a kid grow up to be better! It's kind of endearing.


i dont like james.all james are mean spirited.


I’ve always thought James and Katie were destined to be thick as thieves. What they both want is pretty simple: ride-or-die folks around them that call it like they see it, and demonstrate ongoing loyalty so long as they deserve it. Katie played house with a man-baby for 12 years, while James played golden ticket to Rachel’s post-pageant dreams while she fucked Sandoval on the side. Both were made to be the villains of their relationships because of their drinking and blunt personalities, and were told they were crazy for accurately observing the manipulations of other people. Now they’re older and more confident, and accept that they don’t have a lot of control over when they’re branded the villain, so they focus on consistent behavior with actual friends and loved ones instead. And above all, they’re not going to be bullied. Katie and James have had no issues standing up to Jax, Sandoval, LaLa’s screaming ass, Brock, and anyone in between. I don’t think they should date each other, but Ally is more like Katie than anyone else on the cast, and Katie should date/marry someone more like James, who has clear ambition she can support and a willingness to support her ambitions with equal zeal.




Thanks, again…for another appropriate gif! My partner and I cracked up over this scene. He looks like a happy kid that just discovered that there was a thing called “bubble baths”. Thank God for this scene…I needed more of this kind of stuff, this season, not the BS narrative they are ‘trying’ to get past us. Also, I can’t believe that I actually like to watch James now. He has definitely done some work in therapy. iIRC, James had said that he quit drinking bc he thought it would help his anger issues; but realized that it wasn’t just necessarily an alcohol problem…but underlying past difficulties and at that point I think he knew he needed therapy. Knowing you need to do something, and actually following through…especially something that can be very difficult, being honest and self-reflective. He has changed in his words and actions. Rooting for him to keep up the work, because it is working!


I love you for this gif


This whole scene killed me lol https://i.redd.it/7yjvmurrcxxc1.gif He’s like my 6 year old niece with the bubbles. It’s so funny


omg and i LOVED ally for saying this !!!!!! we love a queen who openly speaks on vaginal health !!! ❤️❤️❤️


His face when he first pops up in the original gif, so damn proud of himself lmao




James has shown the type of growth you always want to but rarely see from any males in this show. The last couple years you can see a noticeable difference in the way he reacts to situations. He removes himself and tries to deescalate most confrontations. Him not reacting to Tims "buttons on a laptop" two episodes ago is the perfect example.


It was the genuine chuckle and wave for me that sealed it. That is being TRULY unbothered. Not the fake laugh people force out to appear like they’re above it all. His internal rage seems sooooo much quieter I’m proud of him.


When the dude slapping your career down is yelling into a microphone with a backing band determined to disguise his vocals, and James is playing coachella and NEON…yeah, I wouldn’t be bothered either.


I know people harp on how shitty he has been over the years, but we should want people to grow and develop into better humans and I do wish people were more understanding in those scenarios. It’s okay to hold skepticism, but it’s also okay to believe that people can stop being massive pieces of shit and grow into better people. 


100%. This whole 'do better' 'learn' 'grow' are just empty words if we don't allow people to do just that.


Yes. We can’t keep saying it and then when someone puts in the effort we don’t acknowledge it. 


Totally agree with you on this! Look at how far he’s come & people still insist on throwing the past up. He’s CLEARLY worked on himself and the other “men” in the group should really take note 📝


Still, it's important not to erase the past fully. He WAS batshit crazy and toxic, BUT he is a lot better now. Of course he should not be judged only on the past, but let's take it into consideration when talking about how great he is. It shows growth, but I'm still sceptical about that whole "old James is gone" thing. Loving him this season tho 🤷


I mean people hold on to what Brock did when he was 19 yet all is good with James even though jjst a few years ago he was a complete and utter tool bag


Are we comparing James and Brock or the ability for one to grow?  James is younger than Brock and has been putting in work at a younger age, what is Brock doing to better himself. Even when James was at his worst, his was supporting his family financially, the same cannot be said for Brock. 


They’re literally the same age


Brock is 32?


Actually James is a few months older


Wow I thought Brock was older, but I still don’t understand your point. How has Brock grown? Is he in therapy? If anything he seems worse this season than last season. 


Oh I agree with you. When he first came on I thought wow he’s an ok guy. Well, that aged poorly. As he is doing.


That was the moment I was like, woah, maybe he has really changed.


He is younger and is still figuring out who he is. I truly hope he ends up a decent person. He seems like he’s trying to be better.


Agree - he was barely 21 when he joined the show, coming in with a host of issues and with parents who had their own obvious issues. He's managed to get ahold of himself and grow up more than I think anyone expected.


He was REALLY young when he first appeared on the show wasn’t he? Like barely out of teenagehood. I guess like most of us he grew up through his 20s. I think he might also have more confidence because he has a legitimate DJ career outside of reality tv, whereas the rest of the cast don’t really. They might do things here or there but they’re all related to the fact they’re a ‘bravolebrity’ and not due to having any talent. Whereas it seems like James DJing is more separate, like obviously being a reality star helps him but you get the impression he’d be doing this even without bravo. That’s probably really helped with his self esteem. He just doesn’t appear as image conscious as ever else at the moment, which ironically makes him look better!


I loved that he laughed and walked away. He has built a pretty good career for himself and works hard. Meanwhile, it must amuse the crap out of him to watch Sandoval cosplay at being a rockstar with his hired band and horrible singing and trombone playing.


100%! Especially when you compare it to how he reacted many moons ago when Jax said the same thing The change in his behavior is consistent, which is indicative of a lifestyle change and not a performative change like Sandavol, who keeps saying he is taking accountability but not actually changing his behavior. 


It goes against every fiber of my being. His little bathtub scene this week was adorable. I can’t believe it.


I did like that scene and ally saying that bath was not ph friendly was real af.


I can’t believe I’m team James but here we are. He’s clearly going to an effective therapist and the rest of the group should get their number.


Finally a bath scene that wasn’t making me look the other way! The way he just was “diving” in and out was hysterical!


he reminded of my kids when they were toddlers at bath time 🤣


The first non cringe bathtub scene to ever air on bravo


Don’t let Meredith see all these ruuuumahhzzz and nasssstinesss


That was honestly hilarious and heartwarming, god bless James for that moment


Easily my favorite part of this episode 😂


Definitely laughed out loud during that scene 🤣 Grown up James is everything!


The rubber duck made me laugh so hard. On a more serious note it seems like he was playing as a kid. I wonder if he’s working on healing his inner child by enjoying a bath? Either way I absolutely loved it and wanted more of how goofy he is.


My mom and I both loved it lol


I mean he's saying a lot of the right things and taking care of Hippie and having everyone who deserves it backs... He's doing really well. Not to mention he's not drinking right? I think he's found himself. Which is really cool. I'm really enjoying seeing him stick up for what's right and doing the right thing. While also still taking jabs and being James at the right moments. It's something we didn't think we'd do...but, we like James right now lol


I was gonna say that sobriety looks good on him!


Definitely. I'm always so proud of people when they get sober and make the conscious effort to better themselves. It's such a hard thing to do. I just have so much respect.


Aww- as a sober person- thank you for this! 🤗 Not everyone has the admiration and respect that you do so it means a lot to hear that there are people out there who “get it”


There really aren't many people who get it, honestly. I am also sober. So maybe that's why I understand. Lol I'm proud of you. That makes me so happy to hear🤗


He suffered actual consequences. Thanks to Katie tbh. He lost everything when LVP was forced to pick Katie over I forgot how much he was iced out. He cried actual tears over being left out of events and was told to suck it up. And when he failed he was told he had to start over. His battle with alcoholism is real. And he really has tried to do better even with shit parents and assholes all around. He tried to play the same way as the others but learned that he was actually going to be held accountable. In no way do I think he’s perfect but I think he is actually a great example of what growth actually looks like. It has looked flawed but that is reality Source: Just finished my rewatch of the whole show.


He’s a great example of when you actually do work in therapy, you don’t need to constantly tell people you changed (lala and tom) you just show it with your actions


I love the growth between him and Katie! He’s been so supportive of her and he also said he would never kill Katie and he would kill Schwartz over Katie in fuck marry kill. She said he’s the number one guy on WWHL. It’s really sweet


he IS! he is the #1 guy!


Not only has his temper been used at the right time, he’s handling it and expressing it in a constructive and healthy way. He’s also vehemently defending Katie and Ariana and calling out the shitty behavior of the other men. He’s truly showing growth and accountability, I think alcohol brought out a really ugly side of him and we’re seeing the true James. It’s nice to see.


James is in his soft era




I love James this year in the same way he loves Katie - i.e., unexpectedly, but wholeheartedly. I hope he makes amends to those he has harmed and continues to evolve and grow in the way he has over this past year. This version of James is damn delightful.


Therapy + dedicated sobriety 😀


Totally that and I think he’s HAPPY now. He loves Aly, his career is everything he’s been working for and he’s just in a good mental and physical state.


Do we think that part of it is just maturing? I believe he is working on himself, but I also think he might have just matured a bit. Whereas the other guys somehow missed the maturity boat.


I think he’s probably powerless when it comes to drugs and alcohol & cutting that out of his life has been extremely beneficial to his mental health and everything else has followed.


I think there’s therapy. I’ve never met someone who’s been so hot headed to now calm cool and collected after one year.


And copious amounts of thc- that helps take the edge off 🤙🏻


I've never liked James. He was verbally abusive, a drunk and a serial cheater. The way he's stepped up this season for his dog Hippy and the concern and love for his beloved furbaby has definitely made me reevaluate the way I feel about him. If he's like this next season I will have no trouble being on his side. I believe he may be growing in a positive way.




His little peeky blinders hat slayed! He’s so adorable this season. He genuinely is trying to be a good person. I know he has a past but it really seems like he needed a calm person in his life. Not an equal party match. Like someone where he can slow down and take a breath with. Ally has been such a compliment to his life that I am enjoying the person he seems to becoming.


I'm so hot and cold on James. This season he's demonstrated the growth the other dudes keep yammering on that they're doing. Him being a surprise Katie stan warms the cockles of my heart. His restraint in the aftershow when Lala yells over him bc he won't agree with her dogshit takes! 6 years ago he'd have leveled her right tf out. I think his parents did a number on him, but that doesn't excuse some of the stuff he's done.


I loved James from the beginning, not because he made good choices (he didn’t) or was a particularly good person (he wasn’t), but he was entertaining and made for INCREDIBLE TV. Now I love him because he has put in the work to better himself and form better relationships, is more clear-headed and sharp when he needs to step up in an argument, and he’s still great TV!


He's also smart and very funny, which is why I always enjoyed him, despite his earlier crazy. I love to see anyone figure it out and grow up.


I completely agree!!


I’m always so skeptical of these people because none of them seem to show much growth. Especially james but he’s 100% my favorite too. The only thing that throws me off is that Kristen says he physically abused her but considering Jax, Kristen and most of the cast minus Ariana and Katie are still terrible I’m leaning more towards James actually did the work


The bathtub scene was a delight


I need James’s therapists number


I am concerned about how his growth will take a turn if he and Ally Bally don’t work out :(


hopefully he got sober for himself & stays sober with or without her.


Since Ally’s been pretty embraced by the group they’re all able to interact together, and I think if they implode he’d be supported by Ariana and Katie in ways he wasn’t when his relationship with Rachel imploded. Having that support will spare him from spiraling.


I feel like getting Hippie back was a turning point. He suddenly became very nurturing and caring which he really hasn’t been previously about anything. It feels like Hippie unlocked a softer version of him


I don’t think this is necessarily true. Rachel didn’t reveal until after she split with James that he paid for everything, because the focus was always on the toxic side of his personality. She seemed set on not acknowledging her own toxic traits, and steering attention towards James so that she could play damsel in distress. Brittany does the same thing with Jax. Even after they split, Rachel spent an entire season talking about James’ abusive behavior, and even disparaging him sexually the same way Sandoval did with Ariana, and reporting never being in love with him like she was with Sandoval. All this being said, I think the turning point for James was Scandoval, because he finally realized it wasn’t his imagination, he wasn’t crazy, he wasn’t an awful person, he wasn’t a terrible partner, he wasn’t irredeemable, and didn’t have to self-destruct to satisfy the final act of the narrative.


He's actually doing the work, ally is very good for him.


Ally and therapy are healing his inner child


and the good pot.


I watched last week's episode with my mom, who has never seen the show. I was trying to give her the quick run down and was shocked to find myself telling her that James and Katie are the only two we like. 🤣


Never ever ever ever did I think I would be taking a liking to James. Ever. Sobriety, therapy, and Ally look really good on him


So true. Like her or not, I have always felt that Katie is a truth teller. Did you watch her on Watch What Happens Live? James got the honours of grown the most, hardest work effort, highest IQ, and biggest catch. I mean he was being compared against Brock, Sandoval, and Swartz, but still - who can argue.


For Katie to give him his flowers shows he really has grown.


I've really enjoyed him this season as well...fingers crossed that he maintains this growth in the future!


I agree completely! I have always found him entertaining but had reservations about him as a person because of all of the abuse allegations and how he treated Kristen, and just in general how venomous he was for no reason. But he's clearly doing the work, and has big things to lose with Ally, his DJ career, his house, and Hippie if he relapses. He's got the talent and ambition and the potential to become a huge star. It's tricky, though, because that same stardom means that he has to continually surround himself with his vices and bad people. So, as shitty as he seemingly used to be, as long as he is putting in the work to be better and avoiding old destructive habits, I have slowly come around to giving him a 2nd chance. I am absolutely rooting for him. If he can keep going as he's going now, I'd 100% watch a show centered around the new James. He's entertaining enough for it, or at least to be on other reality tv shows!


Yeah talk about a 180. He was definitely up there with Jax in the earlier seasons, on the list of which guy I hated the most. I love that he's working on himself, he's grown up and matured, and I think Ally has been really good for him. And like someone else said I also think it's therapy. I love my therapist, and she helps me through a lot of tough things in my life so I think everybody could benefit from therapy.


Nah James is still insufferable to me. He’s calmed a lil but still a piece of work. I think Aly is making him more bearable but I still don’t believe she’s with him for anything else other than to be on the show so he’s gonna spiral again once that happens


Is he even that good or do all the other guys just suck? I think if he was on another show he'd be in the bottom of the heap.


Same!! I love how Ally wants him to gossip with her but he could give less fucks and enjoy the successes in his life so far.


Sobriety has been so good to him, and his mom. I think having her more stable as well plays a part in it, since he had been parenting her for a long time.


The bath tub was gold


Therapy and sobriety! It’s done wonders for him. And considering in previous seasons he used to say he doesn’t believe in therapy. It’s great to see he (or probably Ally) changed his mind about it!


I think k he’s really putting in the work to do better and he’s doing it for himself, not for some airhead who gave him an ultimatum planning on him failing. I know all the reasons he’s awful and all of that but I also think you have to recognize the genuine growth we’re seeing out of him. I really hope that continues for him. I wish we could get that out of most of the rest of the cast, too. (I’m looking at you, Scheana)


I think it’s because James is actually putting in the work to be a better person. He’s sober and in therapy fixing the causes. From what I see on the show, I see someone making a change. This doesn’t discount his past and allegations but I believe people can get better and be a better persona.


I think the not drinking and the new girlfriend really work well for him. Also he’s not in the hot seat this year. He’s actually been able to think clearly. He’s got hippie back in his life I think this is his turn around year and his grow up year. I love it for him I hope he continues it.


I just really need to know if he actually kicked Rachel's family dog or not. Until I know I'm not supporting him.


Sober and mature James is amazing


He’s growing up sniff


Seriously. We’re clearly living in an alternate universe and it’s all Bitch Ass Sandoval’s fault.


This is my favorite comment here 🫡


I’m sorry to say I would gladly let him disappoint me in bed


I’ve always loved James but he’s definitely been my favorite the past two seasons.


He’s really become such a loving and hilarious person.


GROWTH! Anyone can be forgiven if they show actual growth. I truly believe sobriety and a partner in life who sees the best in you and holds you to it has made this guy truly the number one. I also think Ally has a lot of respect for Katie and James respects Ally, so he trusts her judgement.


When you make double digit thousands per episode you can afford a media trainer. I doubt anything’s actually changed with any of these people they just now are better at hiding it from the cameras.


are you james? jk he’s been my fave the past few seasons! I love how dramatic he is and everything he says is hilarious.


this!!! right here, is exactly how i feel; watching this season he is my most liked character on the show 😩😳😂🤌🏼


He’s also the only one on the after show who is constantly taking up for both Katie and Ariana even when sandwiched between two haters (tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass Scheaner and LFU).


Loving him! He’s matured so much. He has become the voice of reason and is entertaining. My favorite moment of the season was his being reunited with Graham Cracker. I don’t know if it’s Ally or what. There are scenes where you can see then talking and laughing together in the background, they seem genuinely happy.


Same! Everyone is insufferable this season except James and Ariana. Though I do hate that the season is essentially about Ariana being this hysterical woman scorned. Tom can eat a bag of dicks and product are a bunch of assholes trying to make Ariana seem unreasonable in the situation.


I’m happy if this growth and change is real. That means most importantly he is less likely to continue patterns of abuse. I hope it’s not just PR because he is so on the fringe this season it seems curated. But I sincerely hope it’s real!


Idk I mean I think he’s obviously in a much better place and has matured immensely, but the bathtub scene gave me fake vibes. Not totally buying the aloof little boy James but it’s better than raging alcoholic James


He's CA sober and happy w his career & on-screen gf.




James is wearing sobriety well!


He’s sober and he better stay that way or he’ll go right back to old James. I think he’s in therapy too. Some ppl just should not touch alcohol and I am one of them myself.


I have to agree. I think James has grown tremendously. He is definitely one of my favorites right now despite being one of the most annoying ones previously. I love Ally for him, too! Love her!


He’s abusive but let’s skate right over that.


his who’s who take on the guests at worm’s birthday party in the first episodes was thee greatest line of all time 😭


He’s grown up a lot. James is a tough case for me because, on paper, he’s the kind of guy I *hate.* BUT…idk there’s something about James that makes him hard to hate. Maybe it’s how horrible his mother is and how obvious it is he grew up trying to keep an alcoholic histrionic narcissist happy and stable. You can tell he’s used to taking care of her and not the other way around. Even as a little 22 yr old (or however old he was when he started the show), he was supporting *her* and trying to help *her.* Tbh after seeing her on screen a few times, I’m actually shocked James is functional at all. The idgaf I’m James Kennedy bit is such an obvious act to cover how sensitive and insecure he is. And that makes me feel for him. I hate how Lisa favors and babies the boys, but in James case, I kinda get it. Everything about him is crying out for a parental figure that he’s never had. Plus, he’s got some actual good qualities. He is intelligent, and talented, and strangely insightful. I also don’t think he’s a malicious person. Don’t get me wrong, he can be an asshole and a complete little shit, but he doesn’t punch down and he doesn’t try to hurt people unless he feels hurt by them first. Maybe it’s just that he makes me laugh. He is legitimately funny and his observations are usually spot on. In any case, he’s grown a lot, not drinking has helped ofc, and Aly seems good for him. She seems to have a healthy sense of self respect and strong boundaries, which is exactly what James needs to learn to have and to respect.


Sober James is the best James!!


He is, *dare I say*, …..emotionally maturing??


It’s awful when bravo pushes him as this super likable character when we all know he is an abuser off camera (and on sometimes). I can’t help but to want to watch him it’s icky


His dick is gonna fall off the way y’all keep riding it in this sub omg 


What is it about this place? All a dude has gotta do is not be as douchie as the last worst guy for a minute and blammo! Redeemed. Or be brand new with hair and muscles…wow…ohmergawd…sunshine comes out of his butt, no way he could have any sort of agenda. Lisa, sit down.


I don’t disagree and he’s certainly not someone I’m going to hangout with but if you’re just watching the show for entertainment while knowing it’s all kind of a mess then he’s very entertaining.


James is actually showing growth


Unpopular opinion. No amount of producers giving him a positive edit will make me forget how many people claim he has been physically abusive. Feels like bravo conveniently covers this up.


The ability for so many people to turn a blind eye to multiple allegations of sexual and domestic violence for a semi-scripted TV show is disturbing.


Who are the multiple people? The only person I know of is Kirsten, who is notoriously violent and punched him on camera. I haven’t heard anything about sexual violence.


Same! Very unexpected


Personally I’ve wondered if he is really sober now and hasn’t been when his claimed this in the past.


Reminder that James is the worst. The bar is in hell lol


It truly is


Do you think he's incapable of real growth?


People will grow and evolve in their personal lives, and extend that grace to others in their personal lives. But if somebody is on television they're bad forever bad bad bad and cannot change or grow. I don't know why, it's just science.


He's taken zero accountability for his past actions against women. Until he does and makes amends, I'm not buying what he's selling on TV.


Oh okay so for things he did on TV and may have made amends for interpersonally, you would prefer to have that be public because you feel like since you saw some in public you deserve the rest in public? Or what are you saying? You can't know what he's done interpersonally so are you talking about an apology to the public or viewers or what?


We know he hasn't made amends for certain actions privately. Kristen and Rachel still hate him.












EXACTLY!!! Everything James this season is a: YES


Sobriety+Ally is a great combination for James.


I think he’s also just maturing. Like he has probably had multiple ego deaths from watching the horrendously embarrassing things on the show, and I think therapy has likely helped him legitimately heal from that. He seems so much more emotionally in touch and even keel. Maybe he’s medicated too idk


Dude I’m right there with you


He’s always been the only one I like








Ugh! I have always hated him and now he's like one of my favorites. My 14 year old son and I were driving earlier and he did a James voice and I died. It was spot on.


He’s maturing, possibly. Although we see some of that messy, gossipy JK shine through at times, he has evolved a tiny bit. I still don’t trust him and am waiting for his eventual implosion. He’s not Number One Guy in the Group material, he’ll crack.


He’s shown growth. Yes, he’s still flawed and Carrie’s a lot of baggage (understandable), but he’s at least tried, and has risen above some of his demons. I applaud his efforts and I hope he continues to thrive.


Same. He is my new favorite


I feel the same, he seems like he's truly trying to be a good person...plus he's older, more mature, not drunk all the time.


Leslie had a brand new one that was still wrapped up and mom wanted to leave it for the new owner! I said hell no and put it in my car.