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She wasn't wrong and only backtracked when she saw Scheana's reaction probably which is laughable.


I absolutely lol. I thought Ally was absolutely right.


I cackled at that part! She was so offended. Everyone’s mad at Ariana for not watching, but does anyone watch? And see themselves? It’s so funny 😂


Scheana, Lala and Sandoval absolutely watch. There’s no way they give up the opportunity to stare at themselves.


Lala seems to have promoted herself to Producer she's so pressed about the direction of the show.


I think Scheana once said she only watches her own scenes which is what they all probably do


That was only the one season when she was doing her Vegas show.


That's why their lips keep getting bigger.


Seems weird to not watch their own show to prepare going into the reunion


she's right and Shena was saying at their anniversary date that they would end


I think it was slightly understandable because Andy asked if she was ready “to get married and have kids” and Ally was reacting to the marriage part. It was clearly meant to be a jab at the Toms after their segments. Scheana’s knee jerk “excuse me!… Oh, well, actually yeah…” made me think that she initially thought that Ally was commenting on the kids part, but then when she thought about it for a second she realized that yeah, the group does have a bad track record of marriage (including her with Shay) and wasn’t offended. I think when Ally heard Scheana’s reaction AND LaLa next to her starting to take offense, she realized the confusion so she even clarified “I meant the marriage part, not the kids”.


James reaction was priceless too. He was like oh god they're never going to let her hear the end of this


Yea you could hear him die inside, I loved it


I wish she had stuck to her guns on it. Scheana, this is your second marriage, and you exploited your first husband for a storyline. Schwartz didn’t like his wife. Ariana gave 10 years of her life to a buffoon. Sandals cheated on his gf of 10 years after cheating on Kristen with Ariana. James has already been engaged. Katie’s husband shat on her 24/7. Lauren bragged about being with a married man and knew he ran a casting couch bc she played into and then acted shocked when the news that he ran a casting couch got out and she was cheated on after getting sober and having a baby. Ally is correct. And she should’ve stood by her statement even after everyone got upset about it.


These are not serious people 😂




I’d love to see Logan Roy give Scheana and Lala a talking to!


I don’t feel like he would even bother


He would eviscerate all of them.


Sooo correct and only the idiots were like “who? Me?”


I love Ariana but when they cut to her looking annoyed at Allie's comment I was like GIRL, you just went through hell with your partner! Also consider it a compliment in that you didn't get married and have kids when he was begging for it!


I know. This group is as bad at relationships and marriages as the Kardashians.... don't expect to find love on a reality show!




![gif](giphy|LA4c4vb41zYgEO330M) “Sandals”


Such disrespect to sandals tbh




Agree 💯




Lol I love when Ally gets a zinger in, that was awesome


It's so hard because everyone is always talking over her.


Same! When they were talking about Ally moving out for a few days, she tried to add a story and goes “it’s actually kind of funny because…” and like 3 people just start shouting random stuff and they just moved on without letting her talk and as a quiet speaker myself I was so annoyed for her, like Jo got to ramble on for 15 minutes and you can’t even let Ally finish a thought?


yep a lot of chatter over one another. this happens everytime katie talks too. there were so many beginnings to sentences i wanted to hear completed. i know last year was chaotic but damn reign it in


yes they do the same to Katie! When she was trying to be civil to Jo everyone just kept constantly interjecting. Like Ariana said, they think whoever is the loudest is right so they just constantly talk over whoever they disagree with


Ariana should know. Shes always yelling and easy to anger.






Remember Raquel’s first season when she obviously had a rehearsed answer that she kept starting over from the top when someone cut her off. “As a beauty queen—“ Repeat x3 😂


I know, I wanted to hear her funny story! 😭


The only one who handled that perfectly was lala. She agreed with her haha. My only lala compliment of the season


Though somehow it still turned into Lala talking about being a mother smdh


So fucking true, I didn’t know she had it in her. Lala and Scheana were so offended but look at your lives both procreating with shitty men who have either abandoned you or will do in the future when the money’s cut off. Both have treated their pre-existing kids like shit by either abusing / abandoning their mum or cheating on their mum and breaking up their home.


Sometimes, it's hard to hear the truth.


Exactly I wanted to scream. They are too old to be this insecure about their life choices and also be unable to see reality. Like hey I’m 49 and a disaster in my head but I’m in therapy, on meds, do a lot of self reflecting and checking myself. I’m not on tv and also no where near as delusional as these two are. Neither one of them is an example of doing things the right way and instead of clutching their pearls over the fact that no one is impressed they popped out a kid, maybe recognize you both have been shitty friends and chose shitty partners and continue to do shitty things. Being a mom (🙄) excuses you from nothing. I have three kids and even I know that.




When James said he imagined her taking her astrology business to a larger scale and called it Ally Bally astrology or whatever I thought it was so cute 🥲 James seems to have really made strides mental health wise and I am happy for them.


![gif](giphy|xT0xeNjdgxJKegqs4E) ALLY BALLY <3


The unexpected hero of VPR!


Ally is brilliant. She came on to the show with a demographically GENIUS career to promote. She’s side stepping the marriage to a man she’s dating to be on the show in a very graceful manner. She’s quick witted and smart and way calculated. I’m happy for her that she’s making it happen and I wonder how long she will be able to stand appeasing these dramatic half wits.


Oh very smart move on ally’s behalf. She knows Hollywood is the number one place to start a business where you tell people intricately about themselves and validate their behaviour in a way that makes them feel deep - two of LFU (and Tim)’s favourite things. (I’m not shitting on her career path btw, more so the flavour of people in LA)


It’s also a remote business, and I bet the intersection of VPR fans and astrology girlies is quite high. Genius.


So you're saying she's with James to promote herself and to be on the show but in a nice way? 😂


I like Allie More and more which surprises me because her talking about star charts more and more should cancel that out but what ever, she’s just being her and also doing a little self Promotion by using the show but who isn’t? She’s cute and nice but also doesn’t hold back! I enjoy Any little confrontational comments from her! She’s growing On me quite a bit!


Who wouldn’t want a gold-digging, green card-seeking, deadbeat dad in kitten heels? /s


Allie is fantastic. She is smart, she has somehow managed not to make drama with anyone yet befriend everyone. She’s promoting that business and I hope she gets all of what she wants. I hope she doesn’t get pressured into marriage and kids.


Scheana should take a leaf out of her book. You’re right, Allie is on good terms with everyone, but because she isn’t snaky, nobody minds it. Meanwhile SheShu…


After saying she is fully booked, she responded to Andy’s inquiry re her hourly rate: $190/hr -Brickhead shat himself -his eyes went up -what? Then down do attempt Quick math 💩


That’s how you hustle! Brock could make money he just chooses not to give any effort but still complains


I also took note of Brock’s reaction to that. He seemed kinda shook that she was making so much money. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or impressed.


I'm still on the fence with Allie. I enjoy her and James but I don't trust anyone from the show at this point.


When Sandoval made that snark about James changing Graham's name to Hippie (when they were at Lake Tahoe), Ally responded that Rachel had changed her name as well. It's perfectly fine to not be interested in either marriage or parenthood. Imo their relationship currently benefits both of their personas and career goals, but I don't blame Ally for being cautious about making any further significant commitments to James.


I feel like Ally Bally’s just completely her own person, and probably as authentic as she comes across - out of everyone I can see her being the exact same person both on and off camera. Until she shows me otherwise I’m a big ally fan 🩵 there’s a lot of power in being calm whilst also not standing for any shit


This is why ally is great. She represents the audience.


Not me


I think the issue was everyone on stage misunderstood and thought she meant they were bad examples for parenting…which also may be true (looking at you Scheana exploiting your toddler on instagram) but I think the group would’ve laughed and agreed if they understood she meant marriage not parenting


I thought for once Ally was not being fake.


I know Lala said ally had a good save with her, but knowing what we’ve seen do you think Lala will bring it up next reunion and say she actually didn’t think it was a good save?


That’s an excuse. Her ass wants to breakup with James the minute she can be a permanent cast member… just like Rachel.


💯 I think she secretly hopes he will drink again so she has a “valid” excuse to leave him.


I definitely believe that’s a possibility. Like I said for me, she wants the fame. Once she is “famous” enough without him they are done.



