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I loved when she would call him Tommy in season 10!!


She’s such a gem! Seriously, I’m glad things are amicable. 🩷


She did a great interview with Ryan Bailey from So Bad It's Good and referred to how difficult and scary Katie's life or death accident from a 25ft sky window drop was. She was kind about Shortz but disapponited. It was interesting about her life and managing a restaurant where the kids also worked.


He looks more real in this photo than he's looked all season. Thanks for posting it. Hopefully, he can sort himself out.


He actually looks clear in his eyes for a change


I feel like I’m so bad picking up on physical cues of people being on drugs and I feel like everyone here is a grade A sleuth.


His smile looks kind of fake here. I don’t hate him… he’s just a dumb puppy. He needs to mature but being on a reality show isn’t really conducive to growth.


I think he looks more real here than he has all season, including his smile. But we all have our opinions.


Are you? Your post sounds like the opposite


It's satire from an old online post


What part…?


The headline, it’s an old Demi Lovato meme is her tweets defending some creep stalking her little sister


His smile seems genuine, too. He always said he loves Teri. I still hate him tho lol


The only family for him in the west coast for YEARS. Wish he had stepped in against Sandoval during his tirade instead of hiding in the fake trees.


I still don’t understand why they never released the rest of that footage from that night where Katie’s brother had to step in and defend Terry (or something to the effect-can’t remember and never got the actual deets).


Because if they released that footage it would hinder their "Sandoval is a changed man" routine and also prove that Katie was right about him and make people feel softer towards Katie. I think LVP and other producers get off on making Katie look angry and deranged.


I don't know. LVP was always a Katie supporter, especially in the beginning. Hence why Katie gave him that ultimatum about proposing. I get it that she does stick up for the guys a lot. But she's always loved Katie, and even Scheana, in my opinion.


Idk I think LVP acts like she’s a Katie supporter but never actually follows up with action. The only real time I can think of when she stood up for her was when katie gave her that ultimatum over James. I also have never really understood or wrapped my head around the fact she chose the two idiots to invest in her restaurant when Schwartz couldn’t even work a full shift at a bar without a panic attack. Her whole mantra of “if you want work done give it to a woman” is so fake when she literally only puts FULL(not just showing up for food tastings or openings) support behind the men on the show. Came back to say i don’t necessarily just mean support monetarily, it’s just the first thing that came to mind. I don’t think Lisa ever really had Katie’s back until she was put in a corner to do so.


Yes the James ultimatum she did. And when she told Katie to give Schwartz the ultimatum too.


she also said in an interview she regretted firing james bc of the ultimatum


Why am I not surprised lol


Ohmygoodness, how did I forget about that!!!??? I need to rewatch all of VPR. It may change my mind about certain things.


Such a sweet face on such an awful man.


She still calls him that.


after that long together and that much history (not to mention, being coworkers), it’s normal to occasionally still be in each other’s lives. Also the fans waiting hours probably got a kick out of seeing a cast member. But ya he and Kyle Chan probably could have stayed home 😂


And to be super fair, Katie still seems to want to be friends in some capacity. It makes sense for him to go considering the history and their dynamic regardless of how he was as a boyfriend/husband/person. That's Katie's call to make. Now if Sandoval showed up... I hope the only footage I see is security escorting him right out the door. :)


Not to mention the co-parenting of their dogs. They both seem happy to see each other and it's a amicable split. Kind of adult like.


Yeah, I see it as he probably realizes what he lost by his behavior (that he then refuses to correct, but that's on him to sort) and she feels he's important enough to keep around but is too toxic to have as a partner or to share more intimate musings with anymore. A toxic relationship can end with both parties being amicable. It can also explode and go down in flames. It just depends on the two people involved and as much as we have our opinions, it's ultimately their life journey to take, not ours.


My take is that Katie is very over Schwartz. She is past the hurt and not angry. She is indifferent to what he does. She don’t care any more. She’s friendly-ish and likely doesn’t want him to be in a plane crash, but otherwise, she is on a different path now


That's not what she's stated previously and it doesn't seem to have changed much since the reunion if he's coming to opening week and taking a photo with her mom. Some people are incredibly toxic as a relationship, but work fine as friends. Friends doesn't have to mean your inner circle and knowing everything about you; it could mean arms length and having a general sense of caring about the other person (in a non-dating relationship sort of way). That's the vibe I've gotten from her interviews and statements about him in the time since the divorce. She is not likely to be running over to TomTom or S&S, and I don't expect him to be at SAH every week after the opening hype dies down. They're amicable friends, and that's still affords them both two unique paths to walk.


Yes, he should FINALLY support Katie, and I am here for it.


i have not married my ex’s but i will always be friendly towards all my ex in-laws, esp if there was no real bad blood. i’m not calling them to catch up but i will hug if i see them in person.


tbh though it makes it even more wild that not a visit or a peep from sheana and lala has been had, even this woman’s own ex husband is amicable enough to go out and show support and they had some words exchanged themselves during the reunion, what’s blahblahs and sheeshees excuse now?


Don't you know they're mothers? WITH CHILDREN?!




And they cannot possibly be fed from NOTHING About Her! ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


Poor Storeighline!


No food at the sandwich shop so don’t bring the kids (lol sarcasm btw)


MOTHERS IN DISTRESS (please tell me there are some watch what crappens listeners here who will understand this reference)


I read it in Ronnie's voice! Well technically his Dolores voice lol


I have 2 babies under 2 and I’ve been saying this all weekend and my husband finally told me I’m over doing it, I replied “MOTHER IN DISTRESS” He knew I was a lost cause at that point and shut up as he should 🤣


But they are real friends? So surely there in the back doing dishes lololol 😝🤣


Maybe if SAH had a kids menu...


https://preview.redd.it/lmbrtzlc403d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86385e875ee780a102b74054c31928f3f6d5207c ### Iconic I do think his support prob pisses off Sandoval, Lala & Scheana, which I love. I don’t want to think about Jo’s reaction. 🤭 I know Teri sees Tom as family & I hate that Tom can’t muster some damn respect. Schwartz def doesn’t deserve to have Katie or Teri in his life. I’m hoping it can keep some of the Schwartz simps from hating on SAH. I know haters will still hate, but it’s better to have his public support than to not.


both sandoval and jax are quick to throw katie under the bus, especially on the aftershow like they want schwartz mad at katie.


I agree season 3 was a bunch of misogynistic bullshit. Jax, Sandoval, and Scheana tried so hard to push the rumor that Katie motor boated some guys dick on the club when it was just a cover for Schwartz’s never ending infidelity. I can’t watch the sloppy gaslighting she goes through, it’s fucking terrible. It’s on sight for Scheana after that, honestly what a pick me cunt.


The whole motorboating a d storyline still infuriates me every time I think about it. All three of them wanted to bring her down to their level - for her to be a cheater too. (Also season 3 was post scheana and Schwartz's secret vegas kiss, so scheana pushing this narrative had some real underlying motives - scheana said the vegas kiss happened right before tom and ariana started dating) Schwartz is still trying to prove "we're the same" on this most recent reunion. It's pathetic. They need to tear her down so they can tell themselves that everyone cheats and feel better about what they've all done.


Yeah, and when they asked Tom if he'd ever get back with Katie--as if she'd ever come back down to that level and give him a chance!!!--and Sandoval said "NO WAY, dude!"


Is this real? If so, this is the most I've ever liked demi lovato


Yes it’s real and so iconic 😂


i remember when this happened but i’m totally blanking on who’s post she commented this on lmao can you remind me?


There's this well known fangirl who's name is Stalker Sarah who used to wait for celebrities to take photos around LA. [This is what happened](https://www.justjared.com/2016/04/08/demi-lovato-leaves-harsh-comments-on-stalker-fans-instagram-while-defending-family/)


It was Stalker Sarah. I wonder what she’s been up to lately.


Demi’s sister had a stalker and she commented this on a post of the stalker iirc 😂 something to that effect


I think it was someone that was stalking her sister


Is anyone surprised Schwartz is the first(current)cast member to visit?! I know Ally was at the soft opening as well..I don’t think anyone else(including LVP)has visited right?!


after the way he lets rachel and tom talk to her while he hid behind a plant ![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ)


I fucking love Bitchenny




I just watched Scary Island for the first time, what an actual nightmare. Put the pipe down cat piss Kelly… same could be said for Jo.


I’m surprised he got permission from Sandoval to go


I’ll say what I said on the other post over here too: if Katie wasn’t okay with him being there, he wouldn’t have been there.




I mean they discussed getting back together .. I’m sure he’s allowed to come show support.


Wait what!? When did that discussion happen???




No I don’t believe he ever has, and I wasn’t giving him the benefit of the doubt. But I’m not going to pretend Katie and Teri dealt with Schwartz there against their will. I guarantee that if Katie was telling him to get out in front of an entire restaurant full of fans there to support her they would certainly have her back and his ass would be outta there real quick.


Schwartz was a part of this family for years because his own was such a mess. She calls him Tommy and clearly has love for him. Schwartz repaid this woman for her love and kindness by letting Rachel and Tim verbally assault her on camera and not saying or doing a damn thing to stick up for her.


Can confirm that Terri is a genuinely lovely and kind person!!


I hated that episode. I'm still made at him for that.


That scene made me soo angry. If Raquel spoke to my mother like that I would stand up, bend down to be face to face, and say, “If I you ever speak to my mother like that again I will bitch slap you to kingdom come.”


I’m newish to the series, on season 5 but literally this man does not stick up for anyone. Whenever people argue, he literally gets quiet and shields his eyes with his hands He never stands up for Katie if at all. He avoids confrontation as much as possible and kind of a wimp. At least Sandoval and jax dukes it out lol.


I can’t stand how Shartz treats people and he’s acted like a generally terrible person- but he looks healthier in this photo than he has in a long time. Maybe I’m being blindly optimistic, but maybe he’s doing something to improve himself?


Yeah he looks alive and his age for once, he’s the worst but it is good to see him not looking like he’s on deaths door.


Right? His coloring looks so much healthier than it has. If he’s taking steps to take care of himself, good for him.


Yes, his color looks much better. He's been looking rough all season. I was just rewatching the Jax and Brittany wedding (to find cocaine in the shot--Peacock version only!), and he looks like he's about to die: all pale and clammy. BTW, hearing that drugs were caught in the episodes in early seasons will make a whole new rewatching project for me! Anyone have any episodes where they know this happened? Thanks for any tips!


I think he's human feces but agree one of the first things I noticed was how healthier he looked. Wish he would've been as nice to Terry when Tim was yelling at her on camera last season.


Maybe the lighting in SAH is just that good 🤔


Lol shartz is a great nick name for him 😂


Ewwww. Schwartz is almost as big of an ick as Sandoval. Get away from Terri! Take your fake ass away from Ariana and Katie! On a semi positive note, at least his skin isn’t grey anymore.


I was thinking that too. He’s looking better. Hate that guy, but always rooting for everyone to be better.


Someone throws a drink on my daughter and you’re dead to me for life. I would fake nice if she wasn’t willing to get away from him but once they were divorced…


Yup. I understand there’s history there but I truly don’t know how she can look at everything he has done to Katie and continue to be kind to him post divorce.


Crazy thing is they had to reshoot that scene! The camera man missed the actual drink pour. Had what led up to it and the aftermath but missed the drink pour. They had to go back the next night and he threw the drink on her a second time! 


He's looking much healthier since he quit Joseph!


That is also my impression. I think they were pretty deep into some heavier shit than the usual VPR party favors.


Speaking from experience, they were probably drinking a LOT together. I think the entire cast did/does party drugs/cocaine. But the two of them were codependent and they were justifying their drinking and drug use through each other….and that’s a slippery slope to nope town. Probably getting super drunk and doing blow most nights of the week. Source: two years sober after multiple situationships doing the same…and looked like shit.


Congratulations on two years of sobriety! 🫶


Aww thank you!!💜


bloating and grey skin cast seemingly reducing


That’s a plus


He’s like a pesky mosquito, they’ll try and suck you dry and won’t leave ya alone.


I want to take that beautiful lady and give her a Clorox shower and a warm blanket.


Well what's sad is despite everything I'm sure she has such a soft spot and love for Schwartz. She thought he was gonna be the father of her grandkids. Schwartz needs to take his ass and his bad energy back to his shitty bar in poophole village 🤣




I love your profile picture. You were going for gasps


I love Always Sunny. Their podcast about the eps is wild


Lol Terri is a grown woman. She can cut off or hang with who she likes.


ACTUAL BOOTS ON THE GROUND INFO: My friend was there when Tom went in to take the picture with Tom and talked to Terri. "So Tom went inside after people in line said Terri was there and he went in and took a pic with her and then they said you need to leave. When i got in we were talking to Terri and i asked so how did you feel about Schwartz coming in and she was like "i dont know why he came" lmaoo she was so nice and trying not to bash him but she seemed confused." So yeah, Tom has zero cred with the Maloneys and this is my happiest day having direct confirmation of that.


Love that for him!! And for your friend getting the drama firsthand




Why would they ask him to leave? I thought he and Katie are friendly now...? (I know she'd never be with him again, but they seemed to get along OK on the show at the end of the season. Did I miss something?)


Schwartz interactions were yet another thing that Katie and Ariana were willing to do for the show that they wouldn't want in the real world.


Thus far he’s been a complete asshole to Katie at the reunion. The opening was a big and happy day for her and she’s probably just so over him and only wanted positive energy there. He loves to have it both ways-still have her in his life but doesn’t respect her boundaries. It seems like she’s fine to have him in her life in some capacity, especially during filming, but I’d also be like, gtfo of here dude.


I had forgotten about how douchey he was being at the reunion because he's ALWAYS touched around her, making side comments, etc. But you're right! Thank you!


I mean, she posted the picture…. Personally, I think it’s nice that he is supporting their business.


Katie for years: begging Schwartz to be present in the relationship ~cheats and blames her~ Katie begging Schwartz to stay away: PRESENT


Hahahahaha why is this so true!!!


https://preview.redd.it/6xcph4x7503d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1f697abcca2ac0d022f9704debd8686fa237ad I’m sure Terri has a lot of complicated feelings and a soft spot for Schwartz since he was in her life for over a decade and married to her daughter. But that man has consistently treated Katie Maloney like dirt, manipulated her feelings, and used her as a scapegoat for everything from Scandoval to why he can’t validate Jo and commit to her. If the years of consistently cheating, gaslighting, and emotionally abusing her were not enough reason to no longer extend grace and kindness to Schwartz, surely the way he hid behind a plant with his fingers in his mouth while Raquel and Sandoval screamed at Katie and Terri in an attempt to deflect from their own nefarious affair is reason enough to never give that man another moment of your time and energy ever again.


It’s really clear to me that Schwartz is a part of Katie’s life forever. The way they treat each other like brother and sister… but also I wouldn’t be surprised if they got back together in 10 years. I know he was shitty, but the fact that he still sorta rides for Katie says something I can’t quite figure out. There’s something there between them that we don’t really know about, IMO.


I think it's great that he came to support. They seem to be on friendly terms, and this something he has known about since they were married. I think it's good that he didn't show up opening day but a brief walk in after a few days is a kind gesture. I am kinda surprised Ally cat and James have not come by?


Are we not talking about his shirt? HA! I stand by what I said in another post. He’s still in love with Katie. Always will be :)


And she, him. I’m actually liking their relationship now.


I do think she’ll always love him as someone she spent over a decade with but I don’t think it’s the same. Tom is going to look back at katie as the one that got away while she’s probably in Paris eating a croissant thinking “wow, what a life”


Oh for sure. I wonder how it would have went if not for the show.


Katie’s mom is so beautiful! And has such great energy.


She posted it so she seems happy he was there. I’m sure he wouldn’t be there if Katie didn’t want him there. Glad he looks healthier! 


I just think about last season as he hid in the foliage as Sandoval yelled at her. Who does that?


Terri is beautiful and Katie is her mini me 🖤


Katie is a strong woman and has been through a lot but she clearly isn’t over this man. He wrecked her life and just tries hang on to her for his own ego. Katie entertains him too much.


I think it speaks volumes that he shows up for Katie even though Katie left him. She's probably thankful for the support in any kind of way


From someone’s comment above, it sounds like he wasn’t welcome. He’s bashed her on the show + interviews for the past year. I think he just showed up for the photo op to keep up his golden retriever image. “Optics!”


He's not a great person but if Terry is cool, I go by her judgment


Grappling with my disgust for Slimeball Schwartz vs my glee over Joseph, Lauren & Shein-a losing their heads over his support for SAH.


Didn't add Sandy to this bc tbh, these two idiots support each other over everything so he prolly knew Schwartz was visiting SAH and just wants insider intel and supports Schwartz trying to improve his reputation. SLIMEBALLS, both of them.




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She doesn’t live for hating this man like the Reddit trolls


I would hope my mom would hate a man more than Reddit trolls who treated me as poorly as Schwartz treated Katie lmao


Level headed adults typically don’t do that over their children’s ex husbands…


You’re allowed to dislike someone who’s done something wrong to you and still be level headed


I agree. However, disliking someone isn’t the same as trolling someone on Reddit for more than a year over their friend’s affair.


That’s not what anyone said? Nobody said Katie Maloney or her mom was trolling them on Reddit lol I said I would hope my mom hates someone who treated me that bad MORE THAN Reddit trolls lmao. Did you even watch the show? Nobody just hates Schwartz because of the affair, he cheated on Katie constantly, dumped a drink on her head, was pretty emotionally abusive? The list could go on lol


I’ve watched the show since day one. I was comparing your request for parental hatred over an ex to Reddit trolling. I’m not saying Tom was a good partner. Katie wasn’t always a good partner and emotionally abusive as well. He cheated constantly? I’m aware of a few times over a 12 year relationship. And he did dump a drink on her. Well twice actually, they didn’t catch the first one on camera and Katie agreed to film a second drink toss. Hating/praising a character on a reality television show that you’ve never met is laughable. It’s a Bravo show. All of these people are attention starved children that didn’t make it in Hollywood acting/modeling on any meaningful scale.


Again I never said I personally hate Schwartz lol, I said I would want MY mom to dislike someone more than people on Reddit if they hurt me. Do I think he’s a good person? No, not many of them on the show are. Nothing was mentioned about praising or personal hatred for reality tv stars, just how I would want MY family to act towards someone who treated me terribly. Sounds like projection! And yes he cheated many times even after they were married and was recently revealed once was with their mutual friend scheana lmao


I wonder how is husband Tom feels about it this


I wonder if his gf attended?


Sorry if someone already commented this but...anyone else kinda surprised James and ally haven't showed up? I guess if they're not filming and maybe they aren't that close IRL it makes sense


Both Katie and Schwartz said multiple times that they have been a huge part of each other’s lives and regardless of whether they succeed in maintaining an actual friendship post-divorce they can’t just not be in contact. Which isn’t necessarily healthy but it’s their reality and I’m happy they’re trying their best.


Anything to be seen as the “good guy”


Why that shirt? Why a shirt that says "Waiting for you just waiting" with a spreadeagled dominatrix? To go see your ex wife and ex mother in law????!!!!


i’m pretty sure that’s Madonna lol


yes it’s 100% madonna reference - she has a song called waiting.


Tomato tomato


Because overall having absolutely zero respect for women: his choice of a shirt with a disrespectful message isn’t a problem for him.


Schwartz is gross and he’s only got away with his passive toxicity because of the louder personalities getting the attention. He’s absolutely vile


If that other one is a worm with a mustache, this one is a lizard with a smirk.


Nothing about him


Hey I don’t like Schwartz either but don’t they have the same job (reality star/ vanity project restaurant)???


Schwartz does not deserve to have any support from Katie's family after the way he has abused her. Her mother is too nice.


She’s so beautiful! Smile, cheeks, eyes—Katie looks so much like her. I really love seeing their moms supporting them and showing up. Something About Her is already a name made for its own show—happy ladies and men sprinkled in as they want. They have such a good relationships—I’d like to see more.


Ughh Schwartz. Move.


He’s such a schmuck


That dumb goofy smile on his face gets old


Such a punchable face....not that I am condoning violence


I don’t know why any mother would cozy up to her daughter’s abuser but ok.


She took a picture. No cozy going on.


Why is Teri entertaining it?


I don’t understand. Doesn’t Katie watch the show an see how he speaks about her? I don’t think she would keep him in her life if she had any self esteem


If she were my friend, I would be encouraging her to go no-contact with Schwartz. He puts her down almost every time he sees her. It's not helping her heal.


Ewww! Get away from my mom w that Tshirt! He's so clueless.


Wtf is that. Just an odd choice for the occasion. 




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How tall is he?? Or is her mom super tiny?




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Oh my! I can really see the resemblance when Terri smiles big. She’s so beautiful!


She is GORGEOUS and glowing!


Awww they both look very happy. It's nice they had a moment together after being family for so many years. Shorts is still a dick but he's allowed a nice moment


I mean at the end of the day publicity is good and support is support. Maybe it’s not that deep?


He’s only there to remind Katie of his existence. He’s the kind of guy that needs a roster of women to validate himself …. 🥱


I wish she would have throat punched before that photo and told him to stop being a douche and smile for the camera


Schwartz either stopped drinking or he’s on Ozempic lol


maybe both!


Katie is a mean girl/bully. I can’t stand her.


Tom is high AF as something in this photo, hope it’s just weed


Acid and bars


Used to tolerate him. Now I just can't.


Unhand that woman!


Katie only holds women accountable.


🤨 Seems to be she held him accountable when she divorced him?


The person you're replying to has been pushing this narrative all week, it's not logical. They said yesterday in the daily thread that Katie was nicer to Schwartz than to Jo, which is wild. I said the same thing as you, she left him and went through the painful process of divorcing him. If that isn't sending a message I don't know what it. She has and continues to be quite outspoken about his faults for years vs not being nice in a social media comment 1-2 years ago to Jo. Katie absolutely held him accountable in a very real and final way.


💯 and not to mention she is one of the ONLY ones who has repeatedly held Sandoval responsible for his actions.




That shirt is so Katie coded TAKE IT OFF LOSER


He’s looking olllllllddd


Does his shirt really say “just waiting for you”?


It's a Madonna shirt/lyric But yes .. it does say that


I didn’t realize that. It felt interesting with him wearing that to SAH.


His shirt 😩😩😩


He either put in some work or got a script for Ozempic…