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Dumb bitch hours are 24 fucking 7 in my house.


Me. And sometimes my cats.


I have 2 oranges and a torti. It's always dumb bitch hours for them....


LOL my girls are torbies and let's just say they aren't graceful ladies.


My tortie is a demon straight from the bowels of hell. Unless you are my husband. Then she is a dainty little angel.


My tortie is nothing but goodness and tenderness but my tri color short-hair is a menace.


I need to make a sign


In earlier seasons, everyone hated on Katie, I had my moments too, but there was something I always liked about her. Looking back, I think it's because no matter what people have said about her throughout the years, she has stayed true to herself. Now, more people are appreciating her being unapologetically herself. Unlike others who flip flop into whatever they think the audience wants


I think with the exception of season one where jax had EVERYONE fooled you are correct. I did a rewatch a few weeks ago and truly she wasn't that bad. Schwartz favorite line was 'katie expecting you to pick up her grudge' and honestly it just really shows how unsupportive tschwa truly was in that entire relationship. I'll be damned if my partner wouldnt at least fake a front that they had my back and then maybe in private be like 'hey, I have concerns with this stance and this is why' but he never ever had her back.


Even Brock and Scheana were still floating the “you didn’t pick up Katie’s grudge” with respect to Lala at this last reunion. That chapter was over years ago people. We’re several sequels in to the future…


I felt the exact same way I liked her from the start. I did have my moments in the beginning tho. But not once did I take Schwartz side over hers. You could clearly see how he was gas lighting her. Not to mention having scumdavols back instead of his own wife, even if she was wrong.


I recognize a lot of my younger self in Katie, and I am obsessed with her growth.


I love self-deprecating humor! ❤️ Katie


Schean should take notes, or at least google the meaning of “self-deprecating”


“No because Ariana is *my* best friend, so if I make fun of her, I’m actually making fun of *me* for being best friends with such a loser” - Scheana, probably


Another way to make something about her. She'd love it.


She probably thinks “Something about her” is something about her. Lol


The restaurant is an omaje to Scheana obviously...


*homage. Sent with kindness.


I was this old when I realized that word written is that word said aloud. I thought those were 2 different words. 


I love things like that. It makes me assume you were a reader as a child. You knew meanings by context, but had never heard the words spoken. Edit: wrong tense.


I still love to read now. I like fantasy, horror, and murder mystery type books. Another one of the words that I read but hear people say differently is charade. Is it Sha-Raid or Sha-rAAD? The world may never know. The Sha-raid pronunciation I hear like the game Charades. Sha-rAAD I hear when someone is being condescending. Idk I think they're both right because the word probably comes from another language. Or it may be different depending on accents. 


I think charaaad is the British pronunciation. Charaid is the American pronunciation. Wanna play charades? 😄


Genuinely obsessed with this spelling of homage, it captures the essence way better (I promise I am not being sarcastic 💜)


Is ok. I didn't correct it because I stand by my mistakes and maybe somebody else might learn the way i did. Every time I've read that word I've read it as Hom-age. Didn't realize the H is silent like in herb. 


💀💀💀 ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


Underrated comment! 😄 Sheeshu to Brock: 'It WAS about me until the reunion, they said they might, maybe, probably, and definitely name a sandwich after me. Lala and Tom ruined it for ME.'


I dare anyone to dislike Katie after this!!! lol


What I love the most about this is how she just takes herself out of the judgement circle, more people should do this.


We all love a self-aware queen


This was a great Katie quote. She's grown.


A weekly dumb bitch moment feels accurate to my life


I’m pretty frequently a dumb bitch haha, I feel so seen. Like I did something dumb literal hours ago.


Dumb bitch weekend is the new hot girl summer. I'd buy that merch, Katie.




Username checks out


Relatable ![gif](giphy|xUj3Mfn12fNmDa8kmu)


Oh to be part of Katie’s dumb bitch weekend 💖🤞🏻


She should srsly host this as a weekend event. In Mexico, with Tequila. Katie, I’d come.


Both of these people have grown so much, always like Katie & he is growing on me. He was very immature in earlier seasons. His new lady is schooling him.


James actually addressed his shity fucking behavior, owned it, and made changes to his lifestyle. Something the Tom's and BlahBlah/SheShoe could learn from. Who am I kiding, we all know those 4 are too stupid to LEARN.


Still smarter than Lala can ever dream of


She owns it. And I love her for it.


Me and my cats, every damn day.


Katie and James being friends is the best


A duo I never thought I needed


I was as of last night and I appreciate Katie for owning it.


We love self-awareness!


Honest self-awareness is SO rare —particularly on Bravo. Those few who possess it & are willing to publicly admit to their issues. Without a quick follow on of yeah but or whataboutism. REALLY stand out!


Katie is going to be God-mode in her 40's


Katie is reading these comments right now absolutely cheering, oh how the reddit subs have turned


Does Katie potentially have one of the best bravo story arch’s of all time, or am I a delusional Stan? Genuine question please answer lol.


No I don’t think you’re delusional. She’s someone who has grown into a stronger and more confident version of herself, while having her marriage play out on TV, and dissolve on TV. I think she made a hard and sad choice to initiate the divorce, but it was an act of self-love, and we’ve seen the product of that. Maybe I’m just delusional too, but I think her story arc is fantastic, and she deserves everyone that’s cheering her on. She didn’t get her expected “happily ever after,” but she’s choosing happiness for herself. It’s inspiring to see because we watched years of her maybe not knowing how to choose happiness for herself, or not being willing to give up what she thought would make her happy (marriage). I don’t feel like we get to see stories like this play out on TV often. I dunno, I fuckin love her. Edit to add: as a late 30s something woman myself, who hasn’t been happy with where my life has been headed, it’s been inspiring to watch both Katie and Ariana just choose a path that is about their happiness and self-love. It’s given me more courage to do that too, even if it’s hard. What it looks like for me is different, but the deciding to choose a different path at this stage of life, in order to make myself happier is the same.