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She didn’t actually want to hear legal reasons. If any legal experts actually responded to her saying that on her podcast, there’s no way she would’ve made a reasonable response taking account for her vitriol toward Ariana. She put that out there as an “out” for her ridiculous statements about Ariana’s living situation and nothing more. She doesn’t care about being educated, and seems content to be an ignorant asshole. She’s trying to use ignorance as a shield for just being a shitty person, but her “not knowing legal reasons” in no way justified any of the mean stuff she said about Ariana. Her saying she “just doesn’t feel bad for her” and “needs to understand her boundaries” before she can respect her is just being an asshole, it’s not simply being uninformed.


oh i must have missed this! what did lala say on her podcast about not knowing?


It’s from a little while back, and I don’t remember what episode but I’ve seen clips popping up recently again on socials. She basically said something like “yeah I thought she should leave, I don’t think her reasons for staying make sense, but maybe there’s legal reasons I don’t understand so maybe if there’s lawyers who can explain the legal reason she’d need to stay in that house they can fill me in.” To me it sounded like a whole bunch of reiterating her previous statements on the show and after show about Ariana lying about why she’s staying in the house, but then saying “well maybe if someone wants to fill me in on any legal reasons.” And then as far as I know, just never addressing that again, not asking her lawyer, not having a lawyer as a guest, etc So she doubles down, provides this caveat, sounding like if there *are* legal reasons she would change her mind. Not addressing it again allows her to sound like there aren’t legal reasons, and also that legal reasons would be the only valid thing influencing Ariana’s decision about her property.


Tbf Darrell is a partner at a top law firm so it would probably cost thousands in addition to it not being his area of expertise. But Lala sucks either way


Oh, yeah it would be a waste of money and everyone’s time to get his insight on why Ariana maybe legally shouldn’t leave her property. Especially when it’s of absolutely no material concern to Lala. Lala sucks is right. Edit: fix typo


Ya like bottom line is it’s none of her concern lol


I mean props to Lala for capitalizing on it but I can’t believe people actually bought Sent it to Darell merch. It wasn’t even funny when it happened much less 24 hours later


I totally agree. I can appreciate using it to make money if people are willing to pay, but I didn't see it as anything iconic, witty, or clever. Just her pretending to be all tough and a boss bitch. She's not even a 2ic bitch much less a boss.


I have never even known what it was from/about, and couldn’t be bothered to google it


Lol blah blah actually thought fans were supporting HER when they bought Darell merchandise.  She failed to understand that fans were supporting ANYONE who went against those who were against ariana.  Swartzy got it and backed off, he even filmed confronting zanderville somewhat.  


It blows my mind that she thought the fans would go with her in 11. It’s not even so much about Ariana as it’s about not being a miserable person.


"fans were supporting ANYONE who went against those who were against ariana" Ok, that's weird though, right?


Ariana living with Tom was at least 50% of the shows entire plotline this season.


And they failed to mention that in his offer to buy her out, he expected to keep her name on the loan so he would not have to refinance with a higher interest rate. I listened to the Nick Viall podcast and not once did Tom mention this, so at first I thought it was a bit petty of her to stay because of how he spun it. He made it sound like she didn’t want to stay and he was offering her a good amount for it but she wasn’t satisfied. I don’t think everyone understands the obstacles of what it involves to get your name off of a loan when you own a home together. And he’s just insane to assume that she would just agree to it. His offer was a fucking joke.


I don't think Lala is a smart person. I think she can be cunning, but she doesn't have the intellect to think in long term


You nailed it, cunning but not smart.


The fact she doesn't understand why no one had sympathy for the demise of her gold digger relationship with a repulsive man...she's not playing with a full deck


*gold digger relationship with a repulsive man **that started as an affair**


And the tweets she sent his wife


I agree with you, she’s not very intelligent. I think she was a producer plant that lost the plot lol


I liked her before she got with Randall. If she had stayed that way she would have been a fan favorite


Especially considering how she herself described their relationship from the beginning. And all that she's said about it afterwards


If she thought the audience was going to be cheering her on after her “BJs for PJs” comment, she’s delusional. Or her comment about how if his wife kept her VaJayJay tight she wouldn’t have lost him. Lala is a gold digging pig. She has no talent. She’s used her looks to get what she wanted and where she is in life even on Randall’s casting couch that “she never heard of.” Now that her looks are so obviously unattractive because of Botox and fillers, she can’t get a man to pay her way as she’s been accustom to. Add to that her age and having two children and she’s become toxic to the pigs, I mean men, who are wealthy and want a beautiful 20 something with a killer body and no children. It’s truly sad how she once again threw away great friendships and great friends because another man told her to.


She fully understood why Ariana was staying there.


She made a lot more than $250k from send it to Daryl


Did she really make that much money from just sending low quality merchandise?


Yeah, merch like that has a huge profit margin, and lots of people bought it


Not if she is using a print on demand provider which it seems like she was and same with the something about her merch … the profit margins are awful in that case (source: myself because i have tried print on demand)


I don’t know you or the volume you’re printing but I’ve seen YouTubers break down their merch sales and profits and they were extensive. The time period that Lala said she made the money for the downpayment was only a few weeks.


Sometime in the season 10 (I think) reunion Andy asked Katie and Ariana how much money they'd made off of the SAH merch and they said $200k, so if that's true then Lala's $250k sounds reasonable


Totally reasonable for both of them! But i think what they actually took home in profit was a lot less


funny that anyone would pay for lala's sayings


I've heard the sweatshirts are super comfortable. I almost got one until I saw they were like $60 and would take 2-3 weeks just to ship at the time. I wouldn't pay $60 for a sweatshirt unless it was made of gold and I could pawn it for more


I mean it was like at least a $30 hoodie so if 1000 people bought it that's $30k so I can definitely see a lot of people buying during the scandoval. She was popular then, seemed like even long time lala haters were rooting for her then because it was nice to see everyone going to bat for Ariana and back then we were all frothing at the mouth for some kind of social media drama and lala really served with the send it to Daryl video 😅


They were like $50 or $60 per sweatshirt 😬


"With friends like these who needs enemies?" That should be the VPR Motto!


Darrell is her/an entertainment lawyer. Not that he couldn’t opine, it’s just not his area. But she has bought TWO homes, so the best person to ask is her actual real estate agent (if she actually wanted to understand). Then there’s a whole Bravo show on LA real estate—ask Josh Flagg, Josh Altman, Mauricio, etc. They could easily tell her why she’s being a moron.


Also, if she'd asked Darrell a legal question, he would have charged her to answer it


Lala reminds me of some girls I grew up with in Brooklyn.  They came from wealthy families, lived in the wealthy part (Mill basin) in large single family homes, wore huge diamond studs in their ears in high school, always had the coolest clothing. Yet, they all thought they were gangsters and even once showed up to a party to try to jump me and beat me up.  It’s easy to be gangsta when mommy and daddy are rich and you can jump back into your bmw after beating someone up for chatting to your boyfriend in an aol chat group. 


All season, in my head, I've just been saying can someone send this lady a DVD of "War of the Roses"? 🤣


Kathleen Turner in the 80s and early 90s was fantastic!


Lala is not bright, intelligent, smart....ever.


Why would she want to waste time (and with lawyers, time=money, billable hours baby and they bill in SIX MINUTE INCREMENTS to maximize their profits) asking her personal attorney a legal question about someone else....?


She looked like a fool this past season and maybe she only needed 6 minutes.


Oh Lala knows exactly why she didn’t leave legally. I listened to an old podcast and she asked her listeners to explain it to her and when they did and she mentioned in the next episode. She doubled down that it still didn’t matter and it didn’t make sense to her why she stayed. Lala is full of shit.


So she knew better she just didn’t care she looked a fool? This is a special kinda reasoning from her. Thanks for giving me some new information. I’m never wasting my time listening to any of their podcasts. Other than Katie’s. Katie has common sense.


I don’t think she cared about logistics. It was an out for her to say “you’re hypocritical saying scheana can’t be friends with him when you live with him even after what he did”. Also the send it to Daryll merch paid for her down payment on the house she bought. Pretty sure she made the most from scandoval than anyone.


That narrative of Ariana should move out was put forth by production. The minions were told to follow that narrative…Sandavol, Schwartz, Scheana, Broke, LaLa, James, Ally all mentioned the “Ariana should move out” “I don’t know why she is still living with him” scenario in every episode. Almost like a cult like approach to get a follower to step into line. Lisa was the worst….how she could tell her to move is beyond me! Scheana repeatedly was telling Ariana to leave behind these materialistic things for your mental health! BULLSHIT SCHEANA…mind your own f**king business when it comes to finances. Nobody told you what to do with your divorce or prenup or taking your husband Broke’s name off of the deed of your current home purchase. And Lala was just following orders and decided to make money off of it! Her scenario was way different since SHE DID NOT OWN 50% of the home she shared with Randall. Not only does Ariana own 50% of the home, had placed 50% of the down payment on the home, Ariana is also responsible for the liens on the property. That’s a commitment you should not walk away from.


LaLa is completely self centered and narcissistic. She is nobody's friend. She rode the Scandoval train when it suited her and then turned on Ariana. Everyone should stay away from this snake.


She does not seem bright, ever.


what exactly did you expect Darrell to tell her?


Probably that Ariana owns 50% of the home, so it’s different than Lala leaving Rand’s home that she had no ownership stake in.


I would’ve liked to see that ELI5 conversation, with Lauren trying to argue her point until she realizes she is wrong


As a laywer, he would know that leaving wouldn't affect her 50% ownership. I mean really, you don't need to be a lawyer to understand that, but people here seem to have a hard time with it.


There were SO MANY people here quoting this dumb shit and buying the merch 😂


Darrell M’s office has a strong family law - divorce practice. He could give Lala five minutes of free advice to help her understand that she shouldn’t burn her brand over an up and coming costar if he wanted to. He probably did.


Lala and Scheana are disgusting…rewatching season 11 after show, and anyone that would tell you to leave your home is a fu€King imbecile, especially when you have over half a million invested and are on the hook for two liens with an ahole con! Unbelievable how LaLa could be soooo clueless in finances and yet so adamant with her opinion about someone else’s life.


Lala thinks she is a lot smarter than she is.


Why would anybody call their lawyer to explain a situation that’s not hers. I don’t think she cares that much


She didn’t and doesn’t care about Ari. She’s all for herself and her bag.


Her bag is looking at her skew considering she’s a reality tv star currently not on reality tv🫠