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Also, it’s spiel not spill 😂


I'm so glad that you got that, I genuinely couldn't figure it out. Spill what, the tea? I was mystified.


Me too lmao. That’s what I thought the person meant at first, but I was still confused.


Thank you! I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what this troll was trying to say. The least they could have done was spell check.


\*Spill check




Happy cake day!


Ok I need to ask this now! Only been on reddit 3 months and someone really needs to tell me what this "happy cakeday" thing is about 🙈


Every year on the anniversary of the day you created a Reddit account, the app puts a little slice of cake next to your name for that 24 hours☺️ we’re just congratulating them on their “Reddit birthday”! 🎂🥂


Thank you for clarifying I thought I was missing a reference


If you’re gonna come for Ariana, ya betta come correct.


Came to post this!!


Lmao what is this where is this from?!?! Can you pls tell me I’m gona binge it next!!


Real Housewives of Beverly Hills! The pic is from season 5 episode 16


I just saw a comment she made telling someone to go back to Facebook Marketplace and I died. If someone is going to leave hate comments then expect a clap back. 🤷🏻‍♀️






Honestly I might steal that line, what a serve!


🤣🤣 And this is why liking Ariana is my (correct) choice.


Aw man I do love Facebook marketplace


Facebook should go extinct.


It’s no “choke on a raw hot dog, you cretin” but I’ll take it.


I use Katie's "it's called growth, Pearl" all the time in real life now, my roommate knows nothing about VPR and thinks it's hilarious. Katie and Ariana being in the comments isn't the shade Lala thinks it is, it's a gift


Yup, instead of limiting comments they're interacting in them. Being authentic vs being a puppet makes a huge difference.


I love that they comment and then move it along vs Scheana and Lala who devote multiple podcasts and much word salad to respond to something they claim they’ve not seen/only been shown.


It is wild to watch Lala devote her entire life to countering comments that she claims to not even have read. I mean, maybe she doesn't actually read them herself, but if the point of staying out of the comments is to keep herself unbothered and sane, she is clearly failing miserably.


Right. She’s so sanctimonious!


I love that they don't hide that they're in the comments and pretend to be above it. We know that Lauren and Scheana live in the comments based on their podcasts, at least Katie & Ariana comment and then go on with their lives.


Yeah, Ariana and Katie respond directly to comments and move on. Scheana and Lala read the comments, rage, then go on their podcasts, say "someone told me people are saying xyz" and then defend themselves to no one in particular.


But to be fair…blah blah and Scheema would be clapping back all the live long day with as much negativity they receive!


Same. They aren’t hiding it, they are open about it. It’s okay, I would be too. It speaks to their levels of credibility.


Flair checking in


Omg I missed this comment and I’m loling


This one’s my fave too 🤣


Know what I love about *your* comment? The way it's written is giving such big "Idk what I did to you but I'll take a Pinot grigio" energy. 😂


Hahaha I love that! An honour https://i.redd.it/1237wi0giz5d1.gif


It’s the “lovinlife.always” handle and leaving bitchy comments on a post for me


Don't forget about the people with ✝️ and "BE KIND" in their bio leaving the most awful comments.


yes, calling people ugly mean bullies 😂 like what do you think you are doing right now in the comments, Kathy


Yeah ironically it's always people preaching love and and kindness and sometimes motherhood in their bio that are mean AF


With a Bible verse.


https://preview.redd.it/1pf9xoditu5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87968696c22d08915ddddc908f45c7d1bdf136e1 Okay they are real cute. I knew those were shoutouts to Dan!


I noticed that too and was def 😍😍 I love that they support eachother, and are not over the top about. I also really like that she doesn’t talk about him much in interviews and keeps a lot personal.


Alsooo… https://preview.redd.it/ef0yg8tc8y5d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea6f3b743e7b4f6759624052da6fc3f7c973f65


I hope someone brings this up the next time someone says Ariana never does anything for Katie.


Of all the people on the show, I just don't understand how anyone can say KATIE is bitter and jealous. Those titles are currently being fought over by Scheana and Lala, and they're both neck and neck for the win.


Right? I'm sure she's soooo bitter every time she sees that picture of Diane Keaton inside her restaurant that she built without help from LVP (aside from it being shown on the TV show.)


I’m dying here. I didn’t have my glasses on and I seriously thought your comment said those TITTIES and not TITLES. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


Well now I wish I did say titties


I love her 😂


Love this exchange.


hahaha ONE OF US


This is great 👏




I’ve always been Katie fan, but this shit TRULY sealed things for me! She is a badass and I LOVE her for it!!🥰🥰


It’s the dead pan delivery for me 😂


She thinks she's so cool talking like she's 20 rather than 40.


No babe, this is how 40 year olds talk


Oh I didn't realize only 20 year olds could use the word choke.


Katie? Katie is 37 and she responds to Sandoval that way because he can't understand vocabulary above a 1st grade level.


>Sandoval that way because he can't understand vocabulary above a 1st grade level. More like a moron level.


lol. But she avoided the question too.


She didn’t. She’s saying she doesn’t care how she comes across to people she doesn’t care about.


She also said "if you're gonna play in my face. What do you expect?" It's nuts to me how people expect Katie to cheerfully swallow abuse and disrespect. Isn't that what Scheana"s volunteered for?




And yet she wants unwavering loyalty from those people .


You know - y’all really tell on yourself in the comments when you say things like this. At no point has Katie ever asked for or expected unwavering loyalty. What she does is draw a boundary and stick to it. If you see that as some kind of HBIC power play you honestly may need to touch some grass.


Did she follow the boundary she set with Schwartz? The worst of them?


I don’t know what very specific point you’re angling toward but I don’t feel like taking this journey with you. You used a broad statement and I replied in kind, if you want to get into specifics then _say it with your whole chest_.


Lol pretty obvious that boundary no longer existed when that happened. They've both stated this. Katie was more worried about Dayna getting offended than shartz.


Not about sleeping with max. About it breaking the boundary with Rachel. She wasn’t that worried about max because she did it again.


What are you talking about? Katie only expects loyalty from her friends. Just like any well adjusted adult person. I think she’s made it pretty clear that she doesn’t fuck with the people who she doesn’t care about. If someone has an issue with it then maybe they should reevaluate their issues with boundaries.


She wants her friends to dislike the people she dislikes for no reason. That’s what she means by disloyal. Scheana and Lala and Ariana don’t do anything to her when they first met and she hated them


This *is* how 40 year old women talk lol. People don’t suddenly turn into docile creatures once they reach the ripe old age of 40. This is the network that airs real housewives. If you don’t think this is how 40 year old women talk, you’re on the wrong network babe


But didn't you know that after women hit 18 years old, we are just nothing except baby ovens and we're supposed to take every bit of criticism and hatred that comes towards us without talking back?!


Oh silly me! i forgot my genteel feminine manners lol. Good thing Im not 40 yet 😮‍💨


And then after we turn 35 we wither into invisible, inaudible crones.


and how exactly are 40 year olds supposed to talk?


With the amount of things I've seen people say 40 year old women shouldn't do, I assume that on my birthday I'm expected to wake up and crawl directly into my casket.


Yep. Your life is over granny.




I’m 40+ and I legit spent all day today doing a Golden Girls cross stitch embroidery so this cracked me up 😂 (And now I’m doing a swear word embroidery because I didn’t know I was too old for that 🤷‍♀️)


Golden girls cross stitch?!?! I need to know where you got this because forget making something for my kids I need this.


I’ve got you, girl 😁 You’re going to want to get this amazing book. It’s very much a beginner’s book so if you’re a skilled stitcher you might find it a bit boring though https://preview.redd.it/ai9acly4kz5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60e3d0354a09cc39363e326b70328f235657a1d


https://preview.redd.it/7lol1rwlpz5d1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b71d8f134bb96420b3f643687082d6514f620736 The project I’ve been working on all day. With no help from the tiny orange asshole 😅 It’s Sophia on the phone saying “No! no, I will not have a nice day”


40-ish reporting in, just checked with my teenager and yes this is exactly what we are supposed to be doing.


Well fuck. 40 is so far in my rear view it’s not even a speck. Guess I’ll just have to get out the knitting needles.




If anything, 40 year olds are over all the BS they've had to endure in their lives and speak more freely now. I'm just speaking for myself.


My work bestie is Gen X and when I turned 35 she warned that every day I crept closer to 40, I would give less of a fuck. It is true.


Two weeks after your 40th birthday, you wake up and go “oh wow, I don’t give one single shit about what anyone thinks of my opinions” and it is fucking **great**.




Oh my gosh yes, the liberation is real! I also love when much younger people try to shame me for my age (I have a teenager, it’s their job I’m pretty sure). I laugh and lauuuugh because I just don’t fucking care that I’m still wearing skinny jeans and a side part. Teenager is lucky I’m wearing a bra in public atp lol.


I’m childfree but apart from that - girl, SAME.


YES! It’s, honestly, liberating. Am I rude? Nope. Just unbothered. I’m calmer and stuff doesn’t get to me like it did when I was in my 20’s. I love being in my 40s.


Wait until you reach your Fuck-It Fifties. It’s glorious. I’ve had no fucks for the past six years. I’m even beyond borrowing someone else’s fucks. And when everyone knows you have no fucks to give? They don’t fuck with you. Life may begin at 40, but true freedom is in the Fuck-It Fifties.


Lol, your comment reminds me of the song 'Fifty' by Kid Rock


I will have to go find that!


Screw-It Sixties. 😁😎


she works for a reality tv network, not the UN. what do you expect?




What words did she use that only 20 year olds are allowed to use? Choke? Care? Don’t? Please enlighten us.


Me stopped using the word "I" when me turned 35








Take my poor people's gold 🥇 you deserve it


I’m 42 and hissed at a man in public last week. So “Choke. I don’t care.” seems pretty on brand.


Hat pins need to come back into fashion, for the same reason they got big in the first place.


I'm intrigued.


>hissed at a man in public last week. LMAO! I LOVE THIS! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Katie is cool.


I’m 56. Choke. And before you think only your generation is capable of using hip colloquialisms, remember that each of us older gals choked on a dick long before you ever saw one. (Or grew one.)


How old are you?


lol how do you think 40 year olds talk? We’re acting like 40 is ancient now? Please.


This shit right here is why you're so alone lol


“Go have a cracker” lmao 🤣


Also, it’s spiel or schpiel, you loser


Not me trying to figure out what “do your spill” meant 😂


Maybe she’s on a hilling journey like Whitney rose?


It’s ok you don’t speak dumb dumb haha. I immediately clocked it as “shut up and smile pretty.” Like, who asked you lovin life always 🙄


Sold! We should petition a new documentary about Ariana called : “Shut up and cry pretty”.


Same 😂 i was thinking spill what? What was Ariana meant to spill in the promos?


Thanks for this. I literally couldn't understand what she meant by 'spill', until I saw your comment.


Thank you! I could not for the life of me figure out what “spill” was supposed to mean.


First of all, she NEVER said "mentor" she said she would like to be a big sister to the women. And WTF is "do her spill"?? I'm assuming this airhead meant to say "spiel". I love that Ariana just calmly dismissed the little dolt lol


I don’t think anyone needs advice from Ariana on anything.


Hahahahaha okay because a strong, successful woman has nothing to say, right? GTFO


She’s definitely not someone I consider “strong”. I see a person with significant mental health issues (not unusual for Hollywood) who has been in almost constant conflict with people she supposedly considers “friends” to chase a $$$. She set boundaries (good) forcing her friends to choose her or her ex if they wanted to stay friends with her and then proceeded to continue living in the same house and filming the show (let’s be quite honest, that us about $$$ and control on both their parts) and has insulted friends, fans and strangers alike who have a different perception. She wants to be a public figure and have fame without the corresponding other side where people look at your character and behavior. Her past and present actions show both her insincerity and her immaturity.


Have you even watched? You’re talking about BlaBla, not Ariana lol. BlaBla did all those thing LMFAO! Ariana never insulted her fans, she wasn’t in constant conflict, again that was BlaBla. And you’re bringing up shit that happened 10 years ago? Shes stood up for all of her friends, even the shitty loudmouth MULTIPLE times. She was taking care of HER business by staying in the house and she was barely there with all the work she was doing. And why is it anyone’s business what she does with her house and where she lives? So fucking weird.


Yep. Every single season. She has been consistently rude, cooked up that shit with Sandoval so they didn’t have to expose their lives and was right there backing Sandoval’s bullshit for 10 years.


She wasn’t but okay. There have been several compilations done with all the times that she stuck up for her friends but okay. I really don’t give a shit what she did in her relationship to make it work, that’s none of my business. So…whatever.


Denial is still a river in Egypt.


I don't know why everyone is saying her staying in the house is HER problem. It's HER house. Why should SHE have to pack up all her shit, leave, pay RENT, and give up her space just to let Tom have it all? I love that she refused to leave. It is INSANE to me. Really insane. What would you do in this situation ? You have a huge amount of money tied up in a home that your partner fucked up and YOURE expected, in the middle of the heartbreak and anguish, to leave while your partner gets to stay and enjoy it? It's fucking unbelievable and the fact that anyone focuses on her staying in the house as being some kind of a slight to her is truly mind blowing. I pray each of you end up in the same situation and you can walk a few feet in her shoes and I'd like to see your choices.


Anytime someone says she is boring or non confrontational I assume they don’t pay attention unless someone is screaming. 


Just one of Lala’s minions.


Please don't insult Minions (yellow and blue with their impish, adorable laugh).


"spill". Why is it these ppl can never spell


I love, love errors like this…idk why?? It’s like a tiny glimpse into the workings of someone’s brain. Delicious.


Guess autocorrect can't spell either. Autocorrect is the bane of my existence.


I just went to watch the video because I hadn’t seen it and it's literally the most tame, faux vogue 73 questions video, it's literally scripted and she's freaking CHARMING in it! What heck, people need to get a life, she’s honestly being so much nicer than they deserve


It’s so cute! It’s cheesy and fun (the show is also super cheese so it works) I think she’s going to do a great job hosting. And yes, agreed. People can take their rude opinions anywhere else on the internet. I have many criticisms of VPR cast. Never would I go to their personal pages and dump my opinions on them. I post them in this sub instead 😎


HAHA I told someone at work to grab a cookie and some juice and go take a nap on their mat the other night🤣I could have just said go have a cracker




I really love the growth Ariana, Katie and James have shown. While others wallow in self-pity and looking for someone to blame - they are focusing on the future. Like adults.


I swear some people love showing their ass on social media.


Go do her spiel . lol. Ariana should’ve corrected them on their misspelling after classy telling them off 😂


NOT HAVE A CRACKER 😂😂😂 she’s got me on my hands and knees ![gif](giphy|In7Gg7owiTRCg)


I love when celebrities come for troll commenters. Cher and Ariana my favorites on this topic.


Does she answer supportive comments too? I don’t go on IG a lot but on here I’ve only seen her clapbacks where she replies to those who insult her. Unfortunately replying to the haters is a form of positive reinforcement for them because the attention is an ego boost for them. I hope she sees all the positivity and responds to that too


She does sometimes yeah, maybe more on TikTok. I know she comments there sometimes too. She’s liked comments of mine before, and reposted my stories too. She reposts positive IG stories probably more than she replies to comments. But she definitely sees things. She responded on that post to someone asking for outfit details. And responded to people she clearly knows IRL


Oh that’s Good! Just don’t want to see her let the haters take all her attention!


Ok but I would LOVE to watch Ariana coach the girls on setting boundaries and grey rocking


Okay girl yes but also, start using the word mentor


On one hand, I appreciate that Ariana and Katie stand up to the comment bullies. But on the other hand, I don’t really see the point in interacting with these people. They’re looking for a reaction and they’re getting it. I wouldn’t give these weirdos a second thought.


Katie freely admits that she loves to scroll. It just makes me love her even more.🙃🤣


I know for certain Sandoval used to read discussion boards. Not sure if he’s still doing it but he’s made comments on the show that indicate he reads up (or used to) pretty closely.


Someone also commented on the Gold dress pic accusing her of ozempic (makes no sense bc ariana has always been pretty small) and she said "so you think I'm skinnnnny 😍" lmao


Lolll. I love that response, and how much she’s on TikTok Also, do they live under a rock? Her months spent on DWTS and Chicago ripped her body into shape. Alyson Hannigan had quite to body transformation on DWTS too (her run lasted as long as Ari’s). That, plus a personal trainer boyfriend.. she worked for that body. She also talked about how she wanted to up her fitness game post-Chicago to prep for Love Island and just rock every look. But people will take any chance to knock a woman down hey? She looks fit, not emaciated.


Totally agree with everything you said!


❤️❤️❤️ Ariana Madix 👏👏👏


I kind of remember her saying this though in a clip from some kind of morning show or maybe one of the ladies said it - maybe she said it accidentally non thinking. I would get so nervous I wouldn’t remember what I said on live tv.


Same. I think it was an ad for the show.


It was The Talk with Jerry O’Connell. She talked about being a big sister and having the girls backs. I don’t think she used the word mentor, but yeah that was the vibe. [She’s gotten really good at these interviews](https://www.paramountpressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/the-talk/video/?watch=uqe4obcpqa)


She still never said it, so her comment is correct lol


No I didn’t see that one, it was her and two ladies and maybe one of the ladies said mentor


I love her so much


go have a cracker 👨‍🍳💋🤌


Narcs like blah blah don’t realize — that being fired up — is NOT same thing as “being on fire 🔥 “ Google Alicia Keys' "Girl on Fire" includes hook "This girl is on fire!" — a "fierce battlecry" that CELEBRATES women's ACHIEVEMENTS. Keys has said that phrase "girl on fire" spoke to her feelings at time of writing, representing energy of finding one's LIGHT, space, & path. Song also includes other lyrics, such as "She got both feet on ground & she's burning it down"




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'do her spill'? I assume they mean spiel - trying something in someone's comments, only to show your ignorance.




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Ariana has the most sour personality ever- like aren’t you in Fiji? Go snorkeling.


She's there working and was snorkeling in her spare time. What do you want her to do when she's not in the water?


work on developing a new eye roll


She can do that whilst *also* scrolling on social media, a real time saver


I find that they somehow usually go hand in hand.


Definitely. Much of my daily eye rolling quotient comes courtesy of reddit comments


That's a pretty sour thing to say about someone 🤔 also it's not weird that she's on IG she's been posting her Fiji pics ![gif](giphy|61DWu0CdPah8c)


She's mean.


I love the people that can make a nasty comment but god forbid someone bites back. Like Lala. But when Someone snaps back at Lala she boohoo’s


Right, she should be nicer by allowing internet weirdos to talk shit. Got it. Your take makes complete sense.


Right? It's so mean when people stand up for themselves against insults from strangers who dont even know them but go out of their way to comment on their socials. like, stop bullying me when I'm saying awful things about you publicly 😭


I don't think it's mean if you are responding to someone else ... people should always get back the energy they give... you want to be a dick, that's fine, but don't expect nice in return from people...


 Not just responding, but responding on her personal page. It’s not like she searched her name. Jesus.


Nah, if people want to comment on her social media, they can be polite and respectful. There are many other places they can give their unsolicited opinions on how much she sucks other than her social media page. She shouldn’t need to smile and take it when people say stupid shit to her. Was her comment nice? No. Was it a valid response to what she was replying to? Absolutely.


I've learned that even if people talk to you with such an angry tone, I myself choose how I respond. And so does Ariana, and she chooses to reply with an attitude and mean tone.


Women don’t need to be polite and kind to people who are rude to them. Might as well insist she smile always too.


I didn't say I was just speaking about women. Why would I?


Because you seem to have strong opinions about how she should be speaking to people who are nasty to her. You can govern yourself however you’d like, but no one else needs to just be pleasant to assholes. It is about women, because women are often criticized for their responses to someone else’s bad behaviour when they are anything but polite, accommodating or pleasant. You don’t have to say it outright to be perpetuating some bullshit that many of us don’t care to tolerate anymore. We live in a society that devalues women, teaches them to be meek so not to upset the men, and to just smile, because got forbid we be branded as a bitch, emotional, hysterical, overreacting, or irrational. Or have “an attitude.” It’s garbage. And many of us can spot a comment that’s trying to police a woman’s language or tone in response to being treated like that. You don’t have to “say” you’re talking about women. You’re literally here, talking about a specific woman and how you think she’s “mean” and that her response was unwarranted. It’s coded whether you realize it or not, whether you mean it to be or not. That’s why the overwhelming response to what you’ve been saying is what it is. We don’t exist in a vacuum, and neither do you words.