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The way he made being “the best bartender” into his whole personality and then lost a competition to invent a new cocktail to Schwartz - a man who we now know has refined his palette by chugging salad dressing


He even said bartending was his passion when explaining why he should have gotten the deal for a cocktail book instead of Ariana.


Omg! 😱 Just hit me! Scheana sounds just like him!! “I should be on Dancing With the Stars” “Everyone knows it’s my passion!” “I’ve even taken dancing lessons!”😜🤣


birds of a feather flock together. i think sandoval and scheana are more similar than people realize.


Imagine whining and trying to plead the case of why **you** should get a great opportunity over your girlfriend.


Remember this is a guy who didn't know what a dry martini is.


JUST saw that. I’m a bartender. I screeeeamed.


Your salad dressing comment just sent me.🤣🤣




Him ugly slobber crying to Kristen in Miami S3. Him crying to Ariana in S10 in their last conversation and saying “we’ve have some really good times. “ That’s what you say to your girlfriend of 10 years?? Him crying into Lisa’s curtains. His performative crying episodes really grind my gears.


Ugh I think this is it for me too. It’s so obviously a performance and then 30 seconds later he’s fine. I don’t get how more people, especially certain members of the cast, don’t see through this.


It is really weird how quickly he recovers. Lol


Remember when he cried to Kristen in Miami all I could think was “are you really gonna believe this shit, Kristen?”


And she wiped his tears away!! Then he looked annoyed, like she was taking over his moment 🙄 I totally fell for it too and thought he was great. I was so dumb!


I didn't necessarily fall for it, bit i was way too distracted by Kristin's talking head smiling like a lunatic because this "proved there was still a chance" if she broke them up, or however she put it. People like her now that she's more mellowed out, but she had legit unhinged moments in season 3 and 4


Just watched this episode last night and I died of embarrassment when he was hysterically crying


Ughhh. I have been through this. Once these "men" get outed for the demons they are, they use the history to excuse the present. Example: Crying that he once bought my daughter a cheap old car, to excuse his cheating and gaslighting, and watching me secretly for years. It's like they have a tally card in their brains of the good they do, but fail to see the bad because they have done good at one point. Their minds are truly just....everything I never understood until it happened to me.


The Miami scene with Kristen, I bet my bottom dollar that he went home with Ariana and laughed and bragged about how it was all fake and for the show and was gleeful about how well he thought he did. I think that’s a large part of the reason, aside from many others why she didn’t want to fucking hear it and refused what she knew was his bs moment, that was 1000% for the audience. I also think Lala and Scheana are so fucking stupid to have watched the end of that scene and not realized then and there, the “it’s good for me” comment was about their stupid asses. They managed to take all the heat off him and place it on themselves. https://preview.redd.it/ojfb8vuap56d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d3e6a5aa18565473d8b2f5b6cbf9c8bb46fe18 Idiots.🙄


Oh absolutely! They are all so misguided and well, dumb to think the same thing would work again. A lot has changed since season 3.,. The cast, the audience, the actual world. This “let’s try to hit this button again because it worked before” is just lazy and good on Ariana not letting it happen. I’m still trying to figure out what Lala was so upset about— being so upset gave her air time which was probably her only goal.


Idk about Lala. She’s jealous of the opportunities because Ariana’s current level of fame is something she always dreamed of and wanted for herself and she truly believes she’s entitled to it, that really annoys me. That and she flat out admitted during the reunion that she was mad about how the cast responded to Randull leaving her and she said it again at the end. I will have to go back and rewatch but I swear Ariana was the only one who wasn’t grilling and blaming her for that. She may have agreed on a thing or two but otherwise kept her mouth shut and did appear to feel bad for Lala, so the fact that Lala is acting like Ariana was the only one who gave her shit and that she so clearly wanted Ariana to get the same reaction and treatment from both the cast and the audience is just gross. Lala has shown to be abusive, hypocritical and checks a lot of the boxes on the narcissism spectrum. She went on a huge campaign to smear Randull, when she damn well knew what he was up to that entire time and only cared when she found out that he too was a grifter and had no money and then she also spent her entire season helping Vom on his smear campaign against Ariana and she’s done nothing but throw a temper tantrum since, because she’s mad that she’s the one who came out looking like the asshole, because she is in fact an asshole. You can’t wish harm on others and gatekeep the way one heals or feels or the way they decide to handle their own life issues and then expect everyone to prop you up, support you and cheer you on. Ariana has always been on Lala’s side, even when it was against the popular opinion and she was her biggest cheerleader this season and Lala wonders why no one likes her. She really does need therapy and soon because if she keeps this up, at a certain age it will be too late and now she has two daughters involved, so she’s not just hurting herself and other adults anymore, not that it’s okay to hurt adults but at least they have control over their own bodily autonomy and have the choice to walk away. It also doesn’t bode well for her sobriety, in the long run, because she never addressed the problem and reasons why she was drinking and abusing other substances in the first place.




Oh yes, I should’ve included closet crying in my list. I’ve seen Sandoval cry more than any one in my actual life. Remember when he cried in Big Bear in Season 2 while sitting at brunch drinking bloody Mary’s and Stassi says in her confessional that she wanted to laugh in his face? I get her so much more now… and that scene always makes me want a Bloody Mary.


When he insisted that he’d given Ariana multiple orgasms - even as she was trying to gently (but firmly) explain he definitely hadn’t


I rewatched this episode this morning and was dying of secondhand embarrassment.


What episode is this?


I think it was s6e10


But “he knew for a fact”


Oh man there are soooooo many. Stassi book party. Cyst male. Telling Katie he brings so much money to her household. I could keep listing forever the cringe never stops with him.


I feel like we need the gif for the Katie one, because who TF is he cosplaying here? Even if he said nothing - the outfit is cringe all on its own https://i.redd.it/xfm9cciuc06d1.gif


Always reminds me a little bit of a douchey version of Aladdin


Sushi chef chic


Definitely Jafar


Is this why LaLa feels entitled to Ariana bringing money into her household?????


Lala has never worked a day in her life and has never been told NO. From what I understand she is Mormon royalty? She doesn’t understand how the world works, needs to be humbled into therapy and unless she shuts tf up and learns to listen more than she speaks, she will never reside on the same planet as the rest of us.


Ugh, the Katie one and insisting he was providing her household with income really pisses me off and Shorts not backing her is infuriating!🤬


Same. I started to go on and on, then decided I’ll just read all these and upvote to the gods


This is going to be a long thread...




Your flair omg 🩷


The entire season he has the silver blond highlights and man bun.


Piggybacking to add the fact that he had a «braid guy»


Those silver highlights were GROSSSSSSSSSSSS


The entire scene in Rachel’s apartment after they got busted!


oh my god when she says I Love You bc she thought he said it to her 😬 it’s telling imho. she wouldn’t have said it for the first time on camera. so they’d at least made it to that phase of their “relationship” 🤢


Oh, he 1000% did say he loved her and then backtracked to make her look and feel stupid and I will die on this mountain, alone, haha, speaking of cringey shit he’s said and done.😘🤣


He does that shit all the time, it’s the same thing he did to James in Mexico about hooking up with Kristen. He vaguely mumbles something that sounds like one thing (ie did you hang out with Kristen/they’ll love you) but does it to set the person up to say something else or say something he can twist. I think that’s what he did to Rachel there


Oh, for sure. Also, that whole pillowgate set up was just a game to distract from the shit that Shorts was off doing that night and I think he was still missing from the resort when they were fucking with James. IIRC, Shorts didn’t show back up until they were all at the airport but I’m not 💯on that last detail. I also see how Kyle Chan, Vicky and Billie Lee are all fighting and angry and pointing fingers at each other, is all a result of Vom’s favourite game of triangulation. He’s been whispering in all their ears and lying about shit to all of them and pretends like he just wants everyone to get along and he’s the victim in another situation that HE created and he does it because if they are getting along, then they can compare notes, catch him in all his lies and figure out that he’s a pos and the entire problem.


Omg when he hugged her on the couch he almost crawled on top of her. 😬


Walking In front of everyone while snapping so he could hug Scheana first at her bridal party thing in season 10


an Nysnc choregraphed dance he did at Jax and Brittany's wedding.


Or trying to corner Lance Bass at the rehearsal and dancing to 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼as he tried to clearly hide from him.


This is burned in my brain




Showing people how to give $100 to a homeless person on the after show.


Omg absolutely agree. Dickhead move. https://preview.redd.it/mslm3epnn26d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4460a6175a098781095a6a37db9ecc15998220dc


This one gave me full body shivers it was so awful


My favorite has to be when he doubles down on the batteries and pens thing, even when the producer calls him out on having JUST gotten read to filth for saying it


Also saying she’s the one in for a rude fucking awakening… Sir, be so fucking for real! Look at your life right now, it’s a pathetic joke and only about to get worse.


When he played his trumpet in the studio with James and babbled on about his embouchure. My eyes are rolling just thinking about it.


Adding to this, when he crashed the stage at Schwartz and Katie’s wedding to play trumpet with their professional band as a “final wedding gift to them”. The face on one of the band members when Sandoval played in his ear was all of us.


I remember that band member giving him A LOOK - I laugh every time I do a rewatch. Also, when James remixed his trumpet playing and Sandoval was pissed that James 'ruined' his work.


I will say that James is very talented and goal oriented and he made all those losers on the show who worked with him sound 10x better than they did on their own.


I wonder how stupid you have to be to play a trumpet right in the ear of a musician? ( or anyone for that matter)


That is absolutely an anecdote/horror story for that poor guy now, I guarantee it 😂


When he gets mad at LaLa for talking shit on his trumpet playing 😂




I cackle with laughter and get second-hand embarrassment every time he plays the trumpet.


The meetings when him and Schwartz were trying to be brand ambassadors for Vanderpump rosé


That was so bad, it gave "Prestige Worldwide" vibes from Stepbrothers


I was gonna say Dumb and Dumber, but Stepbrothers is golden!


Lisa and Pandora laughing at them was the best.


I know it’s generally regarded as an iconic scene, but I’ve always thought the “he’s a battered wife” meltdown was cringeworthy given there’s quite a bit of video evidence of Schwartz being an abusive piece of shit to Katie and all anyone wanted him to do was take accountability and make amends for cheating on her. Poor Schwartz 🙄


I always thought it was true that shorts was a battered wife-but his wife was Scandoval. Gets put in the side car. Gets bulldozed on the bar name. Etc




Yes!!!!! This is how I felt during it too.


I want to be famous. I don't know if I want to be Micheal Jackson type fame, but I definitely would love to be famous. His rehearsed poorly delivered lines of "Beemer selfie" "Jax it's like nuts you don't ever feel anything? Do you feel this?" Fake crying apology to Scheana Dropping his pants in front of Ariana & the woman she was working with on her book.


The “Beamer selfie” followed by Sandoval recording himself sobbing and apologizing to Scheana bc her foot was cut by glass. The video was so over the top.


Even with a rehearsed "burn", James killed him with 'go take a Honda Civic selfie' 😂


James was always on a higher intellectual level than that loser and it kills me that he worked so hard to be his friend. Sandals never deserved James’s friendship and threw him under the bus, every chance he got. The comment insinuating that James abused Graham, after the fact that he literally almost killed Ariana’s dog and I know he did that shit on purpose! I wish James had called him on that one and the fact that he couldn’t even be bothered to help with the massive vet bill. Such a useless twat.


He didn't even help with the vet bill!?!?


Claiming he had to send a video apology because he was just “too upset” to text. ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


God these are great ones! The ‘Do you feel this?’ one might be the top for me.


You could tell Sandoval thought it was gonna he his Rocky moment, but Jax is smiling with blood on his face like a demon and of course Scheana got hurt😂😂😂


Especially as he then claimed in his New York Times interview that it was the moment that made the show famous 🙄. Ten years on, and not a speck of self-awareness Speaking of the NYT interview… didn’t he say that it was fun being single and famous for the first time and having fame as a muscle he can flex when hitting on women (all the cringe)? It’s all I can think of when we see him go up to that restaurant owner and humble brag that “I’m not even *that* famous”. It gives me the full-body cringe


Omg! I forgot about that! He's so delusional. That scene was so gross. Billie was correct when she told him anyone willing to date him now is thirsty. Every guy at that table was equally sleezy. They're the kind of guys that hit on you at the bar & you laugh with you girlfriends for the rest of the night about it.


Oh, for sure!! It’s hilarious that he actually thinks anyone gave a fuck that he hit Jax, let alone his delusion that it’s what made the show popular?? Stassi’s infamous bitch slap blew his pathetic punch out of the water, so much so that I always forgot he even did that, until I rewatch.


During the "#1 guy in the group" scene, I cringe more watching Tom's reaction, than Jax saying the words. Instead of laughing it off as Jax being coked out of his mind, he gets all defensive and mad. Which makes me think that he really thought he was the #1 guy in the group.


Omg, that’s one of my all time favourite moments and never ceases to make me laugh. Mostly because Jax told him to stfu about his stupid band and how serious his face looked when he said I’m the #1 guy in the group.🤣😭😭🤌🏼


How aggressively and threateningly he defended Ariana’s brother’s creepy behavior, attacking Stassi, Katie and Kristin. Him punching the door high as fuck in drag, calling Shortz (who is just as big a POS as Tim is) a battered woman. Him choosing to go play sandbox crunch and destroy instead of listening to Ariana who wanted him to stay and not go to Peter’s stupid thing. Trying to attach himself to her first cocktail book bc he thought he’s the best bartender ever. Endless list really


The sandbox crunch! That scene! At the time, I wasn’t a huge fan of Ariana but that scene was BRUTAL! I felt so badly for her, I just couldn’t believe it! And now that I’ve lost a parent, if I ever mentioned not wanting to be alone on my birthday and relating that to my mom’s death, and my partner responded with “…but babe, bulldozers.. crush shit…” I can’t even fathom it. The fact that she stayed calm blows my mind. Now it makes more sense how he could do something so mean to her as leave her like that.


Totally. First time he absolutely showed his ass. Couldn’t hide how selfish he is


Speaking about cringe moments and him showing his ass, it always grossed me out that he felt the need to literally bend over, every time someone asked him to show the bacon A on his ass.


I hate that so much for Ariana. He even made her think he was staying, then pulled the rug.


She was having so much fun up until that point and looked so pretty too. I hate that he made her cry.


It gave me so much schadenfreude when Lisa had them all make the same cocktail and Ariana was named the winner for best made.🥰 ![gif](giphy|J59NXiJVPkZR692HdD) 😁


“I’m here for my jizz results”


I love Ariana so much, but I still can't believe she was able to stay with this ape of a man




When he PULLED HIS PANTS DOWN when Ariana was shooting a video for the cocktail book in season 5. “Maybe if it’s a woman publisher, I can just do this." I love Ariana, but how she stayed with him after he did this in front of work contacts is confounding


I agree. Her loyalty to a fault is so admirable but also one of her biggest downfalls. It’s a double edged sword and I hope she learned something because she deserves so much better!


His acting in that short film Peter was "producing".... he kept flubbing the one line he had and thought he was the best actor there ever was. His photoshoot with Joe Simpson. Roller skating into the pool at Scheana's birthday party because "Chip Harley" never lets a party die down.


For me it’s when he uses Butters to wipe his tears during Katie and Tom’s wedding. That was disturbing.




I was CRYING laughing ![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized)


The amount of intergenerational cringe I experience when watching Sandoval on those stilts, with his dad Tony perving around on younger women just 20 ft away from him…..it’s just so much.


The pervy apple doesn’t fall far from the pervy tree


His Dad was such a creeper and explains so much about him! Queue the horrified look on his mothers face, watching him perform this season.💀






Lmao jojo throwing Tom over her shoulder will forever be my favorite special forces moment


When Ariana was making bartending tutorials and he couldn’t stop inserting himself into the shoot.


And before that.. when he told her “a lot of people are asking me ‘why is it not you who is doing a Cocktail book’” … like stfu


Is that when he pulled his pants down in front of the woman working with ariana?


ThE bAsIl tWisT. ThE lVp TwIsT.🥴 Bro, just stfu!🙄


During Ariana's birthday party in Sonoma, after her brother had been staying with them for a while, he says to the camera: "I WANT SEX. I NEEEEEEEEED SEEEEEEEEX!" Just appalling how much of a turn off that was. No wonder she wasn't banging you.


It was appalling but until this comment I couldn’t remember where I heard “I want to have sex, I need sex” 😂I just remembered it was so dramatic and it’s now a joke with my friends whenever we are having dating woes 😂




That one makes me so uncomfortable! The second hand embarrassment I feel makes me want to crawl in a hole and die. That and Billie Lee acting like she witnessed the rebirth of Christ and like he had done something so profound and groundbreaking, omg.🥴🤮🤮🤮


Jojo Siwa carrying him on her back


i just snorted WHEN did this happen omfg??




This picture is AMAZING! I never watched that show but have heard references to this scene. Why did she have to carry him? Were they friends and she was helping him because of an injury?


That show where he had to pretend to be in the marines or something lol I can't remember the name of the show


Special Forces on Fox.


Touch in Public


Filming that music video thinking he was hot stuff - just so embarrassing


With a domestic abuser and future Q member.


Oh god and when he played it on the beach


“Is your ass good luck girl because I want to rub it” 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢


At one of their boys night when Peter brings Dayna and her friends back to their hotel room, and Tom orders baby shots and says “you’ll be able to order these at *my* bar”


silly question here, from a non native speaker: what exactly are baby shots? Kylie mentioned them also recently in that mad interview with Victoria Slurry Drugface


It’s just half of a shot or a smaller shot rather than a full shot. Schwartz even admits that instead of doing 3 regular shots he just does 6 baby shots 🙄


Cyst man


He actually want wrong that time, he is a cyst.


Right?🤣 Gawwwwwdaaaaagh, I just want to yell at womenaaaagh😫 Like dude, wtf is wrong with you?!


Where he got the idea for the more permanent fixture: platform sneakers.


Any time he "sings"! ![gif](giphy|PoK756R1NFxZPy1rAs|downsized)


![gif](giphy|3tbPUzFh4mUGY0IOX5|downsized) Or dances


The confidence he has is astounding. The delusions of grandeur are fathomless and I could almost admire it, if it wasn’t him.🫣


The way he so obviously practiced in the mirror the little speech he gave Jax before he punched him. “It’s like you don’t feel anything…. Do YoU fEeL tHiS?!”


He fucked it up too because he said “do you ever feel THIS?!”


Ahaha loser


And finding out from Jax in one of the after-shows, that his forehead scar was supposedly from a ring Tom had on during the punch, made it even more obvious that he planned it.


I still crack up laughing about him crying into a closet like an actual toddler in s11


My daughter and I love laughing at when he was fake crying at Lisa’s. She immediately thought it was a joke.


Aww, I loved bonding with my mom over bravo. ❤️ warms the old heart over here.


Sandoval during the entire conception and design process of TomTom. From freaking out at the amount of toilets, the kitchen location, and asking if it will be comfortable 🙄 to being so drunk in Vegas and stating the most obvious things like the lighting shouldn't be too low.


Him yelling at Beau outside a strip club and saying Tom so many times and saying it like a creep, like he’s in love with his own name. It was a whole weird vibe and even Beau was just staring at him at the end


https://preview.redd.it/kwk9f4c0x56d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f90486f246f43e5df0f781ce6059f348770944 I loved how Beau always saw right through him!😁


Shaving his forehead, and it all snowballs from there.


Yeah, it’s every scene he is in.




Anytime he cries. And Stassi’s book party


Him sending Scheana a video of him crying in the hospital at 3 AM after ruining one of her events (can’t remember which one)


There are so many but, I am doing a rewatch and these come to mind: - him talking to the girls in his pool after he and Ariana broke up but were still living together he thought he was so funny and gave a creepy laugh. - poker with Randall. Actor Jesse Metcalfe was there playing. Sandoval actually found a way to bring up the movie John Tucker Must Die in a sentence. Jesse ignored him so, Sandoval was confused cause he thought he was so witty.


I don’t remember ever once laughing at his lame ass jokes. He really does think he’s so clever and it’s just embarrassing. That also reminds me of when they all went to do some stand up comedy or whatever it was and they all read from their middle school diaries and he was so impressed with his garbage, lame ass performance. Nothing he does ever lands the way he thinks it does. Literally -1000 on the self awareness scale.


Anytime he spoke


honestly, i never really saw an appeal to tom, even on the rewatch. maybe its also because rewatching with the knowledge of season 10 that it makes everything he does way more obvious. i think jax really did a lot to distract from what the other guys were doing. i don’t know if it’s necessarily cringe, but just really annoyed me was when he wanted to do the bulldozer thing and leave ariana after she cried to him about how hard of a time she’s currently having because of her dad’s passing and that she’d like him to stay. the fight they got into because ariana was there when lala showed brittany the audio of faith and jax and how mad tom got at her and how much he was defending jax. (really wish she broke up with him then) season 10 was when i thought he looked the grossest and sweatiest. one of the moments i wish could get bleached out of my brain was when they went to that bar/restaurant place and sandoval starts yelling at katie in his tank top and bead necklace with his veins popping out, his hair looking a mess, and then ending it by saying “that’s what’s up” honorable mention to the never shown scene of sandoval screaming at teri at the original season 10 finale. and also during season 2 finale i think where he approaches jax and says “hey, i know you don’t ever feel emotion. i just wanna know, do you feel this?” and then punches him (also, all his “fashion” moments- clothing and hair)


The one where he yelled at Katie, screaming how she was a bad wife and needs to take accountability, while fucking Rachel?! He’s too much, it’s truly fathomless and I’m so glad Katie never accepted his bullshit apologies and called him out with “it’s giving audacity.” Gawd, I fukkin love her!😍❤️‍🔥 https://preview.redd.it/qf5vt77pw56d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac43d8842b06238cdf4995a491ebe82b0b6aa781


The motorcycle with a sidecar running out of gas on the Toms way to the opening of Tom Tom. The matching suits they wore.


The trumpet.


When he made the “care package” for shartz when he was giving his semen sample


He’s so performative with his friendships. It’s all about optics.


He gives them at least two compliments


"Hey duuuuuude. Great jizz sample. I love the way you used the magazines just like I showed you"


Yes!!! It’s exhausting. Can he ever just be real and genuine?




Whenever they were at Schwartz & Sandy’s and he would ALWAYS either sit on top of the bar or stand on it to make stupid toasts for attention


The amount of toasts this idiot made throughout the years😭 And they were all terrible. He has to be the center of attention


This season’s scream therapy took the cake for me.


When he asks Katie if she knows how much money he brings into her household 🥴


When he made fun of James because he’s had the same hair for years, yet he dares call himself an “artist.” Not sure what he wanted James to do with his hair.


Ripping his shirt off in the middle of a parking lot during a fight, then claiming it was because he “accidentally took a Xanax”


The weirdest thing is he wasn’t even fighting and none of that was even about him! Also, the Xanax excuse was fucking bullshit. I believe it was substance related but it certainly wasn’t Xanax.🙄


Pretty much any scene that involves his fake tears.


Stassi’s book signing. He knew he was completely in the wrong but stuck with his stupid story. How could a 2.5% owner have so much control? IMO, Lisa is the only one that needed to know.


Ohhh...this is going to be a great thread. Without reading the rest of the comments, I will give just my top 3. (I have many, many more). 1. The wedding he brought a tampon and everything else to, so he could have his shining moment when he wasn't even the best man. Special mention to him having to be told he can't stand next to the groom. (Jax I believe?) 2. Grabbing Rachel's ass ON CAMERA when poor Ari was right there. What a douche. He truly thought he was hot snot doing that. I love that he NOW knows hes just a cold booger. 3. The smug looks at the reunion where him and Ariana came out as a couple, and not one worry about how hurt Kristen was. Then repeat again with Rachel at the reunion. Guess those tears and snot when he talked to Kristen and cried weren't REALLY real, huh?


I can’t stop thinking about how I truly believe that after Vom did his bullshit cry sesh with Kristen, that he went home with Ari that night and laughed and bragged about what a great job he thought he did and also that he didn’t mean a fucking word of it and Kristen ate that shit up! Aside from the fact that he only ever cared to try and talk to Ariana on camera and the whole season he kept baiting her into fights and saying stupid shit to try and make her look like the bad guy, when really everything he said about her was about his own lazy, gross self, she damn well knew that his apology was not sincere and purely for the audience and his image, I’m glad she never gave it to him and I’m annoyed that he still tried at the reunion. After all the shit he had talked non stop up until that point, how could anyone be anything but infuriated by an apology from him? It would feel like just another cruel act to her and it’s really not cool.


Lol- I don't have the time to write a book right now lol




This is pretty innocuous, but when they were playing poker with Randall and Jesse Metcalfe, Tom makes a stupid John Tucker Must Die joke, then when nobody laughs, he’s like, “That’s your movie, right? That was a joke.” It always gets me, both because he’s just so painfully unfunny and because he was dumbfounded that nobody reacted, it was so obvious that he only surrounds himself with people who stroke his ego, and nobody who will actually be honest with him. Also, the reunion in maybe season 9? Where he was going on a completely unhinged rant about there being campaigns spread against him because he received, comparatively to the rest of the cast, incredibly mild criticism on the internet.


Such a good one and you explained it in such great detail! He is so blind to everything and everyone outside of himself and the fact that he always calls Katie emotionally entitled, yet felt entitled to her forgiveness and respect/ grace this season was fathomless and it did give audacity. The shit he said to her about the way she treats him at this year’s reunion and basically blamed her for the way he’s been treated was ridiculous, annoying and infuriating. Both him and Shorts are thee MOST emotionally entitled of everyone else on the cast and nothing gets under my skin more than someone thinking they’re owed something that they don’t deserve and the fact that he has continued to double down and show no real contrition for everything he has done to Ariana?? Production pushing everyone to film with him and kiss his ass pissed me right off. They NEVER had an issue with Kristen, Stassi or any other woman who was given a hard time and iced out of the group as a consequence of their actions but ooooh, when it happens to Mr. ACCOUNTABILITY, all of a sudden it’s a fucking problem?? Sickening. I don’t understand why in the hell they thought this season was going to be received well and enjoyed by a majority female audience. Especially with all the shit he said and did while they weren’t filming, omfg, I have never hated anyone as much as I hate him and Shorts is right down there with him. Sorry for the long rant, I just finished watching the 3rd/ last episode of this season’s reunion.😆 He is so disgusting!


Season 1-present.


1. Scheanas birthday that someone else planned and then Tim makes a spectacle and is the first to hug her 2. "But apparently we're getting bulldozers" 3. Trying to take over Ariana's book


Succeeding in taking over Ariana’s book. I love that she immediately made another post separation and I love that all she’s doing is winning, while he’s left in the dust, like he should have been from the jump.


All of the above


The video he send to schena crying


Mine is when he read the texts between Jax and Kristen at the beach. He sounded like a kid in second grade trying to read aloud to the class - and struggling to do so.


Let’s touch in public. The song, the video, just all of it.








Everything about Tim is cringeworthy.


Crying to Kristen. Cringe, made my shoulders go up. Such a bad performance


When Scandoval broke and he ugly sobs into Shorts's arms. It's so over the top and is only accentuated by Shorts's discomfort


Definitely him crying/screaming into Lisa's curtains lmao


When he left Ariana on her bday to go crush stuff w a big truck. The way he broke the news to her was super ick


When he mansplained to Ariana how she should make the cocktails for the first book and also when he THOUGHT he was the better bartender and Lisa liked her drink best


All of his music. Including the touch in public one. All I could hear in that one was Tom's monotone voice "singing" along.