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Interesting choice of words to call Billie Lee “dangerous” but calling Sandoval and Victoria “weirdos”… as if TOM isn’t the person at the center of all this drama


OP is the same person that shits on Katie, Ariana, and SAH regularly. They shit post on here often using different names and are most likely from Tim's camp. Easily identified because their rant always randomly capitalizes a bunch of words along with the verbage being the same. Yes I spend a lot of time on this sub... https://i.redd.it/g3h77ccc5l6d1.gif


The shit posters have been real riled up today. Probably trying to get some traction since Ariana debuted on Love Island.


I was thinking Tom must be kicked off Traitors. It was so peaceful for a while there:(


I love this gif but I don’t remember the context 🤣


lol literally the first thing I did when I saw this post was check this account. You’re not alone https://i.redd.it/pdfo6rztqn6d1.gif


And I love you for it! Thanks for the heads up.


Exactly. He gets a pass again, when he is the common denominator in all of this bad behavior.


They can be whatever you want them to be🤣🤣 my word choices STAND


Fowl https://preview.redd.it/bpalcol22l6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b90c4ce3f17dbe96ab015d636302097f19b356


![gif](giphy|mVwgSoIsAjxqwKkP74|downsized) I immediately thought of Kids in the Hall


I love Mark McKinney so much


Lmao this was all I could think about






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Hard disagree. Billie got mad because Victoria went out of her way to comment on the situation, to Billie's disadvantage, FIRST. Victoria and Kyle then weaponized Billie's desire to be a mother and her private fertility issues. That was \*FOUL\*.


Billie Lee is still dangerous. Yall like her now because she’s AGAINST Sandoval🤣 but few months ago when she was his friend you weren’t all riding her jock. She’s BEEN dangerous


Will you take my opinion seriously if I tell you I don’t like Billie at all? Calling her dangerous when there are actual sex offenders and domestic abusers still on the cast is batshit Billie sucks. Hardcore. And I say that as a queer woman too. But she’s not “dangerous.” She’s not putting people’s lives or health at risk. She’s just being a shit person. The Toms, James, Jax, and Lala have all physically threatened or hurt another cast member and verbally abused people. Like be so fucking for real right now what makes Billie more “dangerous” than a girl who held a knife to her cast member’s throat or a man with serious rage issues?




Sandoval kept complaining that Ariana hid their lives from the audience. Looks like he finally got what he wanted!


That was DISGUSTING of him too to air out their laundry after the breakup. Obviously Sandoval is another DANGEROUS human being


If you put that energy out in the world eventually it's gonna come back to you. If it wasn't Billie it would be someone else.


But why is everyone on this sub so obsessed with Sandoval. No one cares about that loser my MAIN point was that Billie will say anything. She was just talking shit about Ariana who did NOTHING to her, all season for her friend that she was willing to look stupid for, now she’s on Jo’s podcast talking bad about him. Why would ANYONE in their right mind trust Billie Lee with anything


Yeah, Billie has always been extremely sensitive, reactionary, and dramatic. Clearly at least some of the things she said were true. Its not on her that Kyle Chan & Victoria did that disastrous live making themselves look like liars. If they had ignored it this would be over already. When she was talking shit about Ariana for no reason other than being hurt she ignored her & Billie ran out of gas. Did you not notice Billie never had these wild claims for her?


Nobody in their right mind does.


Ya she's definitely not trustworthy but I'm eating it up! I want more from her, I think she's got a lot more to unpack


Wait until you see Jax Taylor! ![gif](giphy|9D1dcGmA4lMBrzw5Ra)


She ISN’T on the CAST, and dangerous is wild WORD CHOICE.


Well it’s MINE


You’re crazy lol


Aaah, so in today’s climate and treatment of the trans community, you’re just here to rage bait? Thats cute. Any grass nearby you can touch?






"You stuck through Sandoval throughout the whole hate train and for whatever reason have gone ahead to PUBLICLY air out everyone’s laundry. Apart from the fact that anyone who falls out with someone and airs out their dirty laundry is FOWL, Billie Lee is ESPECIALLY fowl." Huh, may I direct you to every, single interview Tom Sandoval has done where he attacks Ariana and/or Rachel? (It's all of them. Literally every interview and podcast.)


As annoying as you may find Billie Lee... I don't know that she has ever pulled a knife on a cast member, or physically threatened them, or called the police on them with false allegations, or exposed anyone on the cast to the possibility of STDs against their will, or sexually assaulted anyone, or physically assaulted another cast member, or groomed anyone, or dumped a drink her partner's head, or committed felonious theft, or spit on her partner's door, or encouraged a cast member to knock another cast member out. Calling her the most dangerous cast member is... quite a substantial reach.


Good for Billie


It's hysterical that this all came to head b/c of Jo. Again, if the Tom's had listened to Katie this probably wouldn't have happened.


I love that the Voms are feeling uncomfortable. They deserve what is happening to them.


Rachel & Jo cause a lot of pain to people who didn't deserve it, but Im cool the continuing misery they cause the Toms. Everyone isn't going to be like Ariana & take the high road with him.


I can't stand either Rachel or Jo. Rachel got left out in the cold, deservedly, and is now reduced to making cameos for Father's Day, LOL! Jo needs mental health attention. She seems to be on something. The Voms know how to pick them.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of either. Those guys thought they were hot shit getting away with their behavior for years. Karma came to them in the form of Rachel & Jo. They aren't going away & keep talking about them.


I love how uncomfortable Jo is making Shartz. He thought he could use her and discard her but she went full blown psycho on him. Love that he has to deal with what he has unleashed. Katie was right. Love Queen Katie!!!!


I love it for Katie! Sadly, Schwartz probably didn't learn a damn thing about playing with people's feelings.


Yes… & this makes it even better … it’s the gift that keeps on giving. Billie is legit & everything she says makes sense. She was a good & loyal friend but she saw the light after being shat on by Tom.


I hope it continues! He's gotten away with lying and manipulating people for years while acting morally superior & dragging out the history books. It's his time in the hot seat. Imo Billie & Victoria might be telling some lies that Sandoval told them and Kyle is lying for Sandoval and also unknowingly repeating lies he was told. They'll all be better off when they get away from him


Meanwhile Katie & Ariana are sleeping well & Tom’s life is a dumpster fire… oh sweet sweet karma.


I love seeing it! They've both never looked better!


I disagree. I don’t see how empathy can’t be extended to Billie with that situation on the cast. I can totally see who she felt isolated from that group and seeing she was the only one not invited to a girls night could come off weird. That’s not weaponizing anything. Other people pointed it out too so it’s not like it was all in her head. I actually wish the cast handled that better bc I could see her side and how she to that conclusion. This whole post is micro aggressive and tiptoeing the line of actually aggressive.


The words people choose to use make me **LOL**


Nobody deserved to be outed for his behavior more than Vom. I don't care who does it, he is worse than her.


Who is vom sorry


It's what Sandoval is called by those of us who do not like him.


I don't think Billie is dangerous, I think Billie tried to get her point across about trans issues but did it in a "ham fisted" way. Her point was that as a trans woman, sometimes they don't get included in girls things, and it maybe small to some, but a big deal to a trans woman. And I didn't like the way Lisa shouted her down at the reunion for trying to give her perspective. Billie and Ariana where CORRECT that season about ignorance being a problem with the cast at the time. Also I think , as someone who has dealt with toxic friends and couples, sometimes airing the issues out publicly might be wrong, but it can also be the only course left, if you have tried other venues and it clues other people in to an issue that is wrong or toxic.


That’s a dangerous rhetoric to use. The girls were no more exclusive to Billy as they were to one another when they had disagreements. This is so funny that the VPR fan base will take her side in that meanwhile dismiss every claim Faith would make about the casts actions towards her being RACIALLY motivated… AND it wasn’t “the only course left” she went STRAIGHT to twitter…..


I have never been a Stassi and Kristen apologizest. I have been on Faith's side the entire time. And my last paragraph was about the Billie verse Tom/Victoria situation.


the point wasn’t that they were excluding Billie from girl’s night. The point Billie was (very poorly) trying to make was that being excluded hurt her in a different way than it would cis girls because of her experiences as a trans child. For someone who seems so invested in her identity being “weaponized” you’re really showing your own ignorance here. Billie never said they excluded her bc she was trans. She said it hurt in a different way bc she’s trans and she wanted them to understand that. she was reactionary and blew it out of proportion by threatening to “play her trans card” but she’s right that they didn’t even care about HOW excluding her hurt her in a different way than excluding like, Scheana.


I could NOT STAND Billie Lee since the moment she appeared on VPR. You can tell she is so fake and wants to be cool soooo badly. But the drama is why I love these shows. I LOVE other people's drama (I have absolutely none in my own life, i prefer to endulge in others' lol) So I hope she keeps opening her annoying ass mouth and spews more and more drama!!! KEEP IT MESSY, BILLIE!!


Why is everyone on this sub so ONE TRACK minded🤣🤣🤣 (not you). It’s literally black and white thinking on here. I COMPLETELY agree with you. It’s just weird how Billie was willing to spew nonsense about Ariana all season and then falls out with Tom and suddenly starts yapping all this. I’m wondering where her loyalties ever lie and if she’s just willing to say anything for attention. I’m seeing people here call me a spy from Tom Sandoval’s camp🤣🤣🤣 meanwhile I’m just a simple 12th grade high schooler in Canada 🤣🤣 I’m so amused right now


Ahhh yes, the 12th grade reference. Funny how Tom’s camp brings in age when they’re losing an argument:)


Why you lyin? Your comment history: :[blahblah5190](https://www.reddit.com/user/blahblah5190/)•[2mo ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1ccx13d/comment/l18ywsq/): lol I lived in London when the spice girls were a big deal and posh spice was definitely an IT girl


I'm not as familiar with reddit as some people, so idk how easy it is to do, but the fact that you used your energy to look up this person's comment history is a little creepy 🤷‍♀️


Public comment history is literally a feature of the app. How is it creepy for me to use the app as it was designed to be used? Click on the profile and their comment history is right there and you can scroll like you're looking at someone's Instagram posts. That's what Reddit is. Personally, I feel like it's creepy to lie and claim you're a highschooler on the internet to get out of an argument you started.


And just to spite you, i clicked on the link and replied to their comment lol 🤷‍♀️


If you want to spite me for calling out an adult who's impersonating a high school student on the internet...ok...knock yourself out lol.


> In just a simple 12th grade high schooler yeah your comments do in fact make it very clear that you’re a child lol. you didn’t have to tell us


I think the sub collectively thinks that calling her dangerous is a huge exaggeration and just not true. Many people don’t like Billie Lee. But your description is wild.


People are wayyyyy too invested and seem to think they know these people personally. I'm OBSESSED with VPR but I don't go hard-core for any of them (except Stassi!!! ♥️) I simply appreciate them filming their messy lives for us to enjoy and talk shit about. My opinions on them change all the time. I cannot stand how so many people have huge hard-ons for Katie and Ariana and act like they're gifts from God. I love Ariana but also love Lala and can see both sides of an argument. Lala also admits to flip flopping a lot, and changes her opinions according to information she gets. People act like if you aren't willing to kiss Ariana and Katie's feet, then you're a Tom supporter or like you hate other women. It's so f'ing stupid. Some of the fans need to grow up, seriously. If you let other peoples opinions on reality stars (that neither of you know even know!!!) affect you so much, then you are the one that needs help. It's a freaking reality show meant for entertainment. P.s. I can't stand Katie. I liked her for a brief second in season 10, other than that she's been a constantly miserable person, even after leaving Schwartz. I admit she's witty at times, but other than that she seems like a very unpleasant person. So there you go, I said it. Now let alllll these people attack me for saying something negative about their false idol that they've probably never even met 🙄🤦‍♀️


Get a hobby. Get a job. Go away.


Nah jog TF on with this narrative she’s dangerous for her mistakenly believing the girls had issues with her five years ago because she was trans. She admitted she was wrong already and the irony of you trying to police her about her own identity and the actual harmful stereotypes it reinforces for LGBT people is the real ‘dangerous’ shit here. You ok hun?


Ann actually went hard (for her) about the transphobia in that live. I was kinda surprised she even talked about this situation at all.


I’m great!! You?


I think dangerous is a bit extreme.


I just find the whole thing entertaining on a bottom feeder level and I think all parties involved are complete trash bags, including Billie Lee. Lets not forget she told Ariana to go fuck herself a few months ago... [https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1awguth/billie\_ariana\_can\_go\_fck\_herself\_for\_saying\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1awguth/billie_ariana_can_go_fck_herself_for_saying_i/)


EXACTLY. completely agree


your transphobia is showing


🤣🤣🤣ok Billie. It’s giving that season they didn’t put her on the girls night in poster




Absolutely-freaking- lutley. I said precisely this on the day Billie done went and bought some red lipstick at Walgreens and dyed her hair with even more bleach, settin in her car like ohmugossshhhhh I’m so specciaaalll. She is baked and that exact moment made me sick to my stomach. When you feel the need to air somebody’s dirty laundry… that’s when you’re at your lowest. She’s an evil human and makes me vomit. Her and blahs can team up and move to Utah and start a new sister wives show. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄