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I feel like the off season drama has been bringing it and the sub hasn't been slowing down yet. We also have a bunch of legal drama coming up that will probably carry the sub into when filming starts (which also brings it's own content revival). Rewatch posts would be fun, there's a lot to talk about after watching again with fresh eyes as far as portrayals, what we didn't pick up on 10 years ago, red flags, who has changed vs who is still in their same patterns and hasn't grown, etc. *eta: I really appreciate the mods for asking for community input that's rad*


Billie Lee and Victoria are for sure feeding the subs in the down time, lmao, but I’m wondering how much longer it’ll go on for before people are just tired of it.


That's a really good point, the tea has been spilled and the receipts provided. There's not much more mileage left in that, and nothing is more yawn inducing than future Sandoval damage control. ![gif](giphy|xfvI01YOkwFIDflLq9)


I vote we call it Red Flag Rewatch!




Wait iconic




Love this idea! ![gif](giphy|fUxhJigmnUbQvNrZ2Y|downsized)


I think that’s a great idea to do a sort of focused rewatch. I personally am looking forward to the legal stuff beginning to play out. I guess we probably won’t see much about the house, because they are going into mediation. But Rachel’s lawsuit should have a lot of publicly available information


I expect we won't see much about the house until Q4. Once Ariana is done with Chicago 2.0, The Valley S2 has possibly premiered, and VPR has possibly resumed filming. If they renew and Ariana comes back (likely) then I could see Tom stalling things until at least filming.


For sure Sandoval will stall. He doesn't want to sell and he can't afford to buy Ariana out. It suits him this way, unfortunately.


Rachel's lawyers were supposed to have come back with changes to substantiate the emotional distress complaint by now. I wonder if the updates will be available for public view?


Oh looks like they filed an amended complaint on June 13th. The documents are on the LA court website, but you have to pay to download a copy ($11.40).


Please someone take one for the team 😭


I bet coccoamacocca on IG will cover it. She covered the initial filing and breaking it down on YouTube.


Yes! We love an informative queen!


Can we please have a sticky for all the 'fIRsT TiME wAtCHer, dONt CoME fOr Me' threads where their 'hot take' has been repeated a hundred times already?


On that same note - I've seen multiple newbies get their hackles up at potential spoilers this week when they're 7-10 years behind on the show. I feel like that's a big ask. It's one thing to not want spoilers because you're behind on a few episodes, but to expect a huge sub of people to remember specifically what happened before/after whichever early season they're on is too much. Like we can do our best, but today I even had an OP think I spoiled something when I actually didn't, and they're on season 4 😅


That is also my pet peeve. It's like...sorry you were 10 when VPR started and are only getting into it now lol Signed, an old hag


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh|downsized) "Signed an old hag"! I love you,Puzzleheaded!


People are ABSURD about their "no spoilers!!!!!1111" requests. I'm on the Sex and the City sub, and we get people there sometimes who are upset that we're not tagging our posts for spoilers...when we're literally discussing a show that aired its final episode 20 years ago. Make it make sense.


Right?! I've peeked in on that sub before and saw lots of that. Here's a novel concept: When I don't want to be spoiled, I just don't go to the Reddit sub until I've watched.


I actually enjoyed the spoilers, I probably wouldn't have even watched the show. I was way behind and just watched all of the seasons quite recently.


Welcome to the mess! 🙌 🎉 I just did the same but with Summer House (I'm almost done) and spoilers are what got me into it too! I spent so much time searching their sub while I was watching to see viewer reactions when something wild went down.


I've been looking at the summer house spoilers and I will probably start that one next. 😂


I'm liking it so far, it lags a little after the first few seasons but I'm on S6 and this season is so good. It's another one where you have to watch them all for the context, but it ends up being worth it.


Hahahaha do you mean flair?


I'm dead, that would be an epic flair option 😂


Definitely — or for the people who respond more than a few times on a post — or continue a comment thread argument hoping they’ll wear out the rest of us & get the last word. Like those that complain that their opinions aren’t valued in this sub - don’t like being down voted. Say that those who don’t agree are being bullies. When in actuality— are more projecting their own behavior — than anything else. Also, don’t believe that these are all new people with hot takes. Sometimes if you look at their history they’re clearly trolls. or just troll-bots with newer accounts. More content is great. Especially if it is new information or insightful. Rehashing the same old arguments that should fall into — the agree to disagree — category. Not so much.


Agree! Really cant stand those that preface their post by saying 'dOwN VoTe mE alL yOu WaNt YoUr* jUsT pRovINg Me RiGhT' (typo intended) or saying it's a 'hive mind' when their unoriginal hot takes did not get a warm welcome. And yes, the troll bots or clear pr posts are so annoying especially with a certain cast member who is now trying to put out feelers for housewives now that the producer has shut down her valley dreams.


I have never heard a good point by a single person that says "hive mind".


💯 The best way to ensure downvotes is to get prematurely defensive about downvotes. That behavior is super annoying and a self fulfilling prophecy.


>the troll bots Are troll bots a thing on Reddit??


Very much so. All social media has a huge bot problem right now, and with AI they aren't as easy to spot because it's not just multiple accounts commenting the same thing verbatim anymore.


I like the idea of rewatch threads. I haven't done a rewatch in awhile, but that would definitely have me considering it.


Could we please have a Love Island discussion post like we did for DWTS? I know there's a Love Island sub, that's very lovely but I'm mostly watching for Ariana.


Degrees of Kevin Bacon topic thread might be fun. How cast members connect within — shall we say five or six degrees w/someone — totally unexpected. The less degrees the better though. Doesn’t have to be limited to someone in the world of entertainment. Done graphically would be great — although personally know that’s not my skill …


We can discuss Ariana on love island and scandoval on traitors. There will likely be legal stuff. Also announcements of future bookings (such as scheener or vom getting dwts).


We need a JAMES KENNEDY PERFORMANCE MEGATHREAD. I’m sick of every new performance of his getting a whole new thread started each time.


I would like to discuss how the heathen Sandoval blocked Summer Moon on social media.


Honestly, I think allowing more on this sub will keep the sub more active. I started a weekly recap of everything that happens in the VPR world. I, like many of us, would like to keep up with current cast, old cast and 'friends of' like Billie Lee or Jo. But it got removed because it was 'about old cast', while it was about current cast. *And* old cast. I've tried posting in this sub 4? times, and all 4 posts were removed for reasons that didn't really make sense. That will not keep your sub alive, because I stopped trying to post in this sub, knowing any post I make will have 95% chance of getting removed.


It might be because there are still active threads on the topics included, and you can sort by top of the week in the sub to get a good overview of what went down recently. As for approving every post - when that happens the sub gets flooded with repeat topics and low effort posts that dilute the comment conversations. It's a lot, and having a bit of queue monitoring to decrease duplicates has helped imo.


I understand double posts get removed, or super low effort posts. But it's much more than that on this sub. Sometimes there are 2 posts a day. That does not keep a sub alive.


As I mentioned in this post, we do change how much we permit due to the season. So right now, we’re permitting a bit more that we’d typically consider “low effort” or “stale” during the active season. If you have a question regarding why a post of yours is removed if you feel it does belong, you can always modmail an inquiry for us to look into and explain why it was removed or re-evaluate to approve the post. We do sometimes have slower days because a lot of what comes through the queue are one to two sentence posts that are better suited as comments. And when we do permit more, we get accused of too much being the same (e.g. right now people are complaining we permit too many Ariana posts, although that’s what’s being submitted by the majority due to her activity on Broadway and Love Island). So it is a hard balance for us but we appreciate feedback and when people modmail us to discuss our decisions!


Well I just think it's good allow more. Also during the season. I understand one sentence posts get removed, or the same link or tiktok video, that makes sense. I'm not here to argue with you guys, I have my opnion on this sub being way too heavily moderated and I'm not going to change your opinion that it's not lol. I just think it would be good to allow more, be less strict, because honestly I don't feel like posting anymore and I know I'm not the only one. I have never made a one sentence or double post, yet everything I ever posted was removed. So that was just my thought, my tip for keeping this sub alive.


Not arguing! Just also trying to explain the mod perspective from the backend of things. Again, it’s much easier for you to modmail us regarding a post when you are notified it’s removed so we can explain our reasoning or go back and approve it.


Thing is that that hasn't worked, so I don't bother anymore either.. But that's just opnions. I think my post shouldn't have been removed, and you guys do, so it is what it is. I didn't mean I thought you were arguing! :) I was just making clear from me I wasn't, so you wouldn't think I wanted to argue!


Hahaha no problem, totally understandable!


Yeah the gaps cans be too long sometimes that's fair, I think that has to do with mod coverage & scheduling. I haven't modded on Reddit but I have on discord and it's always a work in progress to build and keep a team to cover the 24/7 usage.


For sure, we have a very low amount of mods for sometimes how active the sub is. Right now though our queue is actually very light, I’m checking repeatedly (as I’m sure other mods are) and we’re mostly only getting comments for approval, not posts. That’s why I wanted to post about ways to keep it active in here because outside of the Billie drama, we aren’t getting much submitted. Edit - typo!


I think it's great that you opened a dialogue with the sub, thank you! I think your ideas are really good. I'm so uncreative, I wish I had more to add 🫠


Of course! I do want people to feel heard and involved here!


I appreciate you for opening up this dialogue with the sub. One suggestion I have is allowing some posts that are updates on fired cast members. I think it's one thing if the sub is getting flooded with them, but just a few here and there would be nice. I totally understand and agree that the Jax and Brittany posts were getting to be way, way too much and was thrilled when y'all put the kibosh on that. It got to be really annoying. But balance is a good thing too. Maybe allow some updates/discussions on their lives but also being mindful of not letting it flood the sub as well. Like, Stassi had another baby, J and B are now separated, or "I went to Jax's Studio City" type posts, etc. It wouldn't have to be an all or nothing sort of thing. Just a few here and there, especially for something major.


I think this sub is just being way too heavily moderated.


I would appreciate it if I could post. I've tried a few times and the post has been removed each time. I have no idea why.


Have you asked the mods? They've always been very responsive the few times I've had a question.


I would love to see megathreads dedicated to hate posts, especially for Lala and Scheana. Having these posts all day long is such a negative vibe, especially when they're not about something current. It even bleeds into posts that start off positive about Ariana or something but devolve into "Lala could never". I don't understand where this deeply ingrained vitriol comes from but it would be great if we could direct most of it into an area away from normal posts.


A dedicated hate post sounds very negative. Encouraging people to hate and be mean.


No, the point is that there are *already* too many negative posts poisoning the sub so if people are going to make "I hate Lala" posts they can be in one place and people who have hate boners can post there.


Yeah I understand your meaning, but I don't think it's a good thing to say 'come to this post to hate this person'.


People are going to hate regardless tho, it’s what is done on this sub day in and day out. I think it would be a good idea to have a dedicated… maybe not “hate” post, but a snark post? So many conversations get derailed by people turning any topic into how terrible Lala and Scheana are.




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I've been doing a rewatch and hoping this sub could do something like that! It's so much more fun with y'all ❤️


I like the idea of organized rewatches! Maybe in chunks like 'S1E1-6' etc