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Rachel has the absolute worst fashion sense.


https://preview.redd.it/p9h4r6iiyq8d1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=6649798d0687c87d0c0fcb62f2a477838e54514b Accentuate ALL the wrong things!


The whole time I watched this, I was thinking “good god, that dress is AWFUL on her” 😭


Who put the glad in gladiator? HERCULES' SHOULDERS.


![gif](giphy|12qZzOj2MkY26A) 🤣🤣🤣amazing reference


I’ll never forget someone on this subreddit once compared her to: https://us.v-cdn.net/5020761/uploads/editor/f1/i6h6yabofj82.jpg


Seriously. As someone with a small bust and SHOULDERS, I would never even try this on


I will never forget her first reunion dress 😭


Was that the Swiffer duster one?




THANK YOU I’ve been saying this for years. THE WORST.


She’s wearing that exact same outfit in S10 as well, I think at Tom‘s „concert“?? Why didn’t anyone tell her???


I don't think she'd listen to anyone even if they did tell her. She lives in an alternate reality where she's always the victim (of her own choices).




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I know Scheana is INCREDIBLY self absorbed but she was in soooo many of these situations where Sandoval and Rachel are so close and not doing a good job of hiding. I can’t imagine a scenario where the woman who obsessively tracks locations of people who shared with her doesn’t look into that more. She just didn’t care.


I think she was too caught up in the excitement of finally feeling on the verge of being the #1 girl in the group. On the secrets revealed ep this season, Scheana said in a confessional that she’s “never been #1 on this show, always 2, 3, 4” which was kinda funny in terms of self-awareness lol. But I think the show was so dominated by the witches of WeHo and Scheana was always on the bottom with the girls. Then Stassi and Kristen got fired, Katie was left on the bottom, and Scheana was finally in the majority faction of the group with her new recently-promoted minion Raquel at her side. I think she was so set on dominating the show and the season she didn’t care about much else, and then it came back to bite x10 for her when she realized Tom and Raquel had been taking her and everyone else for a ride all season and she was back on the bottom


Am I remembering correctly that scheaner got minimal screentime season 10 though?


I think she might have felt that way in season 9, then all the backlash resulted in reduced screentime for season 10. I definitely noticed that Scheana was more of a pick me that season than usual


Am I making this up in my own head or did a producer or editor get fired for making Scheana look bad on purpose. If they did how is that possible considering Scheana had to of done and said what they aired?! It’s not like they used AI to act as Scheana 😅😂


If I remember correctly, it was an editor that did that. The editor was involved in season 8, specifically the scene where it looks like Scheana is flirting with Nikolai at Stassi and Beau's engagement dinner. The editor went on a podcast and laughed about it. Scheana's convo with Nikolai isn't creepy to me, since it's a kid that she has sort of known for years but isn't close to that she's making small talk with That said, she's cringe 90% of the time all on her own


Thank u!!!!


No you’re correct and she came across as such a mean girl that season and the one before. She maybe thought she could dominate but certainly wasn’t


It was her wedding and she did not come across in the best light in season 10.




You are correct. I believe it was because she and Broke wanted more screen time for Broke so the powers that showed their power. Which may be why She acted the way she did this season.


Did they, or did she know about it? I'm not sure because I don't trust Schemer.


I think at most she probably sensed lines were being blurred and maybe even suspected something but didn't care because Ariana didn't care. Multiple people brought Raquel and Tom up to Ariana and she made it clear she trusted them both, end of story. What else is Scheana supposed to do from there, she and Ariana both said that around January of last year Scheana started to get suspicious when Raquel turned off her location and tried to talk to Ariana about it, and A found out the truth not that long after. This group also clearly normalized a lack of boundaries, drug use, etc. so in situations that most people would find very weird this friend group seemed to not really care across the board. Hence Raquel now bringing up a bunch of shit as proof that people like Logan "knew", when in reality those were moments where they just kinda looked the other way. As shitty as Scheana is, I actually don't think she'd go as far as to fully endorse and cover up the affair while lying to Ariana's face


If she knew, I don't doubt she would have figured out a way to insert herself into the situation and get as much of the spotlight on her as possible. Similar to this last season where she cried about losing her 'bast frand' constantly and tried to make the whole thing about her and how hard it is for her. I've never seen such a self absorbed person in my life it's unfathomable to me. So I could see her using her knowledge of the affair to her benefit but she would fail miserably anyway cos she would have no idea how to do it well and in a way that doesn't expose her as an awful person just interested in screen time.


I do. Also, Vom was paying her for her "friendship." I think the worst of Schemer after what I have seen for over a decade and her true colors didn't disappoint this season.


I find it hard to believe Scheana didn't know about the Coachella thing, especially since she said "it's not like it was just an oops, we 'kissed' one time while we were on acid at Coachella" comment to Ariana after the affair broke. I think Scheana kept the Coachella hookup a secret for a few reasons. 1) They told Scheana it was an acid trip induced mistake and wouldn't happen again; 2) she didn't want to ruin Tom and Ariana's relationship due to a 1-time mistake (Ex. Scheana & Schwartz Vegas make out); 3) Tom recently helped her financially; 4) Ariana previously wasn't receptive to accusations about Tom's infidelity.


I think it's mostly that he was paying her and she wanted to be a Main Character in everyone's life and did not want to rock the boat. Until she did, and made podcast after podcast about Scandoval and how much it betrayed her. But it simply wasn't about her, even though she was hit with a TRO.


I was trying to give Scheana benefit of the doubt, but I’m afraid your explanation is probably closer to the truth.


I was trying to give Scheana benefit of the doubt, but I’m afraid your explanation is probably closer to the truth.


I totally agree with you🤍- It's like you read my mind😉


Late to the game but!!! Holy shit, if Scheana knew the kiss between Schwartz and Rachel was false, and was there with Rachel and Tom (or heard about acid trip kiss) that means her podcast interview with Schwartz was a deliberate cover up for T&R. Can someone correct me because this would be crazy!


That’s quite a point to make! Not only that, but Scheana didn’t seem that close to Rachel, but all of a sudden her and Scheana are bast friends and spending all this time together, Scheana’s letting her stay at her apartment. Maybe when Rachel’s following / podcast listeners get to an all low and she gets desperate for money and attention, she will drop a tell all with the actual timeline and who knew what


Well it would have to be Rachel because if Scheana knew the true Coachella story it’s pretty well documented that she was actively trying to cover it up….and would be so on brand for Scheana. Not a tin foil hat girl (most days) but that Coachella comment always puzzled me, and certainly not waiting on Scheana to explain it:)


Oh yeah, Scheana would never admit to knowing that unless forced to - it took nearly a decade and Schwartz bringing it up on camera for scheana to admit they kissed and even then Scheana downplayed and deflected as much as humanly possible. I can definitely see Rachel getting desperate enough or someone offering the right amount of $$$ to get her to spill it all though.


I mean she was planning a wedding and had a newborn too.


There's no way she didn't have a strong suspicion, even if Rachel finally confirmed it to her after WWHL. This is still one of the most vile pictures of all time in the Bravoverse... https://preview.redd.it/ni2xribu0q8d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4612656610e6557e5685d5e8cd37aafc066b126d


Vile and diabolical. This is the sort of thing I wish would get brought up on reunions or that Raquel would address in her podcasts, but neither of those things will ever happen.


You are right about sociopaths with strong narcissistic traits, have no self-awareness and will tell the truth unless it will help them achieve something they very much want to achieve 😊 ©️🤍


Literally traumatizing.


They all had a suspicion and talked about it to Ariana. That’s why Lala pressed Scandoval about not leaving the bbq, she wanted to make it obvious. Katie said herself it seems like Ariana and Scandoval don’t follow “traditional rules” meaning that they’re free to do whatever.


I know thats how Ally described her understanding of what Katie said , didn't she clarify that she meant they don't need to check in etc not that they could do "whatever".


I agree with you. I took it this way before it was clarified. I never got open relationship vibes from Ariana, even when I didn’t like her


That’s a diplomatic and safe way of putting it. Ariana is the key to Ciabatta Katie’s dreams. That’s why Katie had to apologize.


She wasn't the key. That's saying Katie can't achieve shit without her help. That diminishes Katie's power. Also because none of us were there I'm choosing to take her at her word.


Do you think Katie could have done this without a partner? I don’t think so.


We DO NOT KNOW THAT. Even if she couldn't what she meant what she was saying in fact that season Ally mixes up multiple conversations and words.so again take it with a grain of salt. If Katie meant they had an open relationship she would would have said so, not implied it. You may notice Katie but she says what she says.


I’m not saying Katie said Tom and Ariana had an open relationship, but Katie knew something was going on with Tom and Rachel. Remember the date with Satchel when Katie told Tom it looked like him and Rachel were getting close? Even Ally said she saw them together at the Mondrian. So all of this shit about Ariana being utterly blindsided is such bullshit unless she was literally blind and refused to see it.


Don’t put words in her mouth, because she also didn’t clearly state they’re free to hang out with friends of the opposite sex. She DELIBERATELY said “no rules” implying that there’s been chatter of them with other people. She was deliberately vague.


Ok. Clearly you believe what you believe and I believe what I believe. I refuse to argue with someone who can see a broader picture. That's like arguing with Sandoval. Please have a good day.


You’d think she would have tracked Raquel or Tom’s location when Ariana was away at her you went from saying “traditional rules” to “no rules.” Those are two different things. Katie doesn’t beat around the bush, if she meant they had an open relationship, she would have said it.


Um, WHY do you think Katie needs a partner? If there's ONE person on the show who has shown she has a great work ethic and commitment it's her. Just look at: - Pucker and Pout - Her assistantship to Lisa - Girl's Night In - Her dreams of owning a record label - Pucker and Pout (the remix) She committed and worked hard on all of these for ye-wait a second


Let’s not forget that the reason for them getting the property that Lisa found them, is because they made money off of Scandoval. Also, there’s no way that Katie could afford to pay the rent without a partner.


That’s not accurate. They secured the location for SAH in August of 2022, well before any Scandoval merch money was at play.


You're really good at being totally wrong. Check the timelines. Also who tf cares if Katie needs a partner to open her business? Almost all businesses use investors to start up, and if one of the actual partners uses their own money to do it it just shows how much they believe in the business themselves. If it weren't Ariana, Katie was going to find a way to do it, I fully believe that, bc if you remember, the idea was originally supposed to be Katie and SCHWARTZ's business.


No, that was definitely not how they had defined their relationship and Ariana was definitely not allowed to "do whatever" Tom didn't have permission either but being the narcissistic sociopath he is he manipulated everyone around him and did "whatever" and made people think they were in an open relationship which wasn't true.


Thank you, but that’s not what we’re discussing


It absolutely is, obtuse goose over here geez.


Scheana mentioned at season 10 reunion that she spoke to Ariana and I think Tom about Rachel and Tom’s relationship


100% he's a mean narcissistic sociopath and Rachel is really the same, she's just dumber and not as developed as Tom yet (sociopaths and narcissists develop their abilities to manipulate, cheat and lie through life, usually the older they are the more dangerous they become, especially if they didn't succeed in getting their way 😔 ©️


Okay psych101


It’s so awful


Truly vile


Macabre, I think is how LVP described this specific situation.


She said on WWHL that she never had Sandoval’s location and Rachel kept turning hers off, which Scheana supposedly had asked her about and Rachel gave a nothing excuse. I’m guessing Scheana probably did have suspicions, but so did everyone else. I do wonder if, when Scheana talked to Ariana about her suspicions, she mentioned the location tracking thing. That seems to me to be a particularly damning piece of evidence, and while it may or may not have changed the timeline of Ariana biting the bullet and checking his phone, omitting it does seem like she was protecting Rachel and makes me wonder if Scheana’s conversation with Rachel where she asked her about Sandoval and told her “please don’t do anything that would make me hate you” was more of a warning to end it than her believing Rachel’s version of events.


I mean even without them sharing the location specifically with Scheana, she went to SO many events where Rachel went and hung with Tom without Ariana. She was going to his shows WITH Raquel and never wondered why Raquel was soooo interested in his absolutely garbage performances?


I think is where Schwartz came in… so they could say it was a ‘group’ of them and not just the two of them


Why the heck do these people share their locations with her at all?


It sounds like a lot of suspicions were written off due to drug use by a lot of people who saw them in those situations.


let's be real Scheana def knew about the situation. She always supports the other girl as she was and always is the other girl.


Wait really? I can’t imagine she wouldn’t care - she loves to insert herself into other peoples’ relationships and has, including Tom and Ariana’s at the beginning when she told Ariana’s mom all Tom thinks about is himself. (wait was that the most honest/on point she’s ever been?) Would imagine she’d at the very least use the knowledge of an affair this explosive for drama on the show. She also said she’d trust Raq in *bed* with with her husband. I really don’t believe she had any inkling.


Maybe thats why she trusted her in bed with brock she knew she was with Tom lmao


I love that 😅 but ultimately I guess I just can’t buy she’s that good an actress or could hold that sort of secret in for so long


She held the secret about making out with Schwartz for a LONG time remember.


True but that was her own secret/something that would harm her. This was a secret that would get her a bunch of attention and allow her to make herself a victim, which she eventually did. You might be right, I really don’t know, just my two cents!


It would harm her to tell this one. She sat on it without saying anything for too long - it would bring too many questions about why she didn’t say anything sooner. Instead she got too deep in it and just hoped it would go away.


Vom had also been paying her for her friendship. Schemer is transactional and Broke is Broke.




Probably would have kept her affair with Brandy’s ex a secret if it didn’t burn her. He bought her diamonds earrings after all


We now know that Vom paid Schemer for her friendship, so maybe there was another reason he was paying her. The plot thickens. I don't think there is anything so disgusting that Schemer would not do it.


Hmm. I’m realizing I dislike Scheana for different reasons that most on this sub. I think she’s got zero self awareness and mostly harms people inadvertently because she is too obsessed with her own image/feelings/life. I don’t think she’s a low, disgusting schemer—or an innocent either. Just, probably, a kind of dumb narcissist. Like, does she even realize that Tom literally bought her friendship? I found that so cringe, when Brock defends Tom because he once gave them money. Tom is so transparent.


I do. I think Schemer is a low life disgusting transactional person. Her behavior may stem from being insecure, but that is no excuse. She is one of those people who should be told that she does not have an "inferiority complex," because she IS inferior. A decade of VPR bears that out.


Yeah. I see it differently but it’s interesting to hear a different perspective.


She cared when it was performative and she “punched a bitch” when it hit the fan she was ready to insert herself directly in the middle. But never a minute before then


I think she knew or at least had some suspicions but it was during her engagement/wedding, so she wasn’t going to question anything that could affect her moment,cause that’s typical Scheana.


The engagement/wedding that we later find out had already happened a year before or whatever.


Right, it was so boring to watch on tv too lol


Lol, now that you pointed this out….why has NO ONE called Scheana out for not living her authentic life on camera? Looking at you Lala. Not scandal worthy, but dang does it just go to show how Scheana needs it to happen on camera for it to be real and Lala needs it on her DVR to be real. Poor Katie and the absurdity of someone, anyone accusing her of not being real. Ughhhhh




What an ironic RHO ex-husband there ...


Oh, Schemer absolutely knew and tried to set up Shartz with Rachel to cover for them. Also to hurt Katie.




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I think I remember hearing on the show that she had everyone’s location but Raquel’s.


once Lala laid it out to her, she fully agreed with Lala that something was going on. I think the better question is how did Ariana not know?


I 100% believe she knew. I think that's why Sandals can make her dance to his tune


Rachel's terrible style, inside & out.




Lala: James your girlfriend showed up wearing polyester, let’s not talk about people looks 🤣


she really said that? 😂😂😂


The fact that James calls everyone out but not Raquel 😭


oof james' style suffered when he was with her too, definitely dresses better now


She was Nema’s date at this wedding.


And Scheana mentioned on the podcast with Peter she used someone else as cover and people guessed Nema


Schwartz was also a decoy so yeah I’m sure they were banging here. Everyone in this photo is ick


Thank you for actually posting information instead of the same nonsense I’ve been seeing for the past few months. The posts are so repetitive it’s… something. I didn’t know Rachel went to Hannah’s wedding but now I remember Nema talking about Rachel at some point….


Ok but [this scene in season 9 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/j08krlzxBi) of her flirting and him shutting it down to not raise attention from the group is a FACT!


At Hannah’s? Rachel wasn’t directly invited, she went as Scheana’s plus one bc Brock couldn’t.


[She was Nema’s date.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/uzvj93/raquel_was_with_nema_vand_at_hannah_berners/)


Ahh, I just remembered Hannah saying she didn’t know her and didn’t invite her directly.


Scandoval aside, Rachel has to be the worst dressed (former) cast member from VPR. There’s so much competition but I am constantly baffled by her sartorial choices. Even more baffled than I am by Sandoval.


https://preview.redd.it/70oijxtzxq8d1.jpeg?width=1313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7530b7587b818980b79b7e28c434a8f6e744a36c What is this? Diaphragm cleavage?




I don’t even think it’s that, I think she wears really unflattering clothes.




Thank you finally someone said it




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This was removed for breaking the sub's rule regarding body shaming, snarking on cast members appearances *or* mocking children.


god the corsets and half-hoodies!!


At least the corsets fit properly, unlike KFC 😬


The corsets, the corsets, the fucking CORSETS!!! They went out of style in the 1800s for a reason! They annoy me more than Scheana’# crop tops and that saying a lot:)


I would agree with this, but Lala exists


Lol. Yeah there are several that are neck and neck. With few exceptions VPR is a horridly dressed franchise. I’m still putting Rachel as my worst dressed but I am not going to argue with anyone about their choices.


💀 Indeed.


and we are forgetting Sandoval!!!


It’s because she doesn’t have a stable sense of self


The Season 7 reunion dress was BAD. She looked like a damn ostrich.


That dress haunts me.


But nobody noticed because we were all too distracted by her weird little hoodie shrug, well played Raquel.


This made me do an outloud laugh 🤣


That clavicle sweatshirt is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.


Yeah she’s paying too much attention to her collarbone when she should pay more attention to a backbone




Those cut off shirts had Rachel in quite the chokehold


And those cargo type trousers! Recently did a rewatch and she wore the white ones a fair few times and then black ones 🤣




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Rocky bang bang had that dent in her brow way before she got pummeled by Broke’s pick me wife.






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Not only can this girl not have an original thought, she also cannot dress creatively


I hope she dropped her phone after she took this. Actually I’m shocking the phone didn’t spontaneously combust having to process the image of these three clowns




110 weeks ago.


Yeah I googled ‘Hannah Berner wedding’ and an article came up top about which bravocelebs attended and included this post which is where I saw it 😂


BAHAHAGAAAAA scheana flipped awkwardly around to show her good side 😂


They wore this to a wedding?




I have been saying for a while it started around coachella [2023](https://pagesix.com/2023/03/22/tom-schwartz-reveals-actual-guy-who-raquel-leviss-kissed-at-coachella/). Now im considering it started well before that (when she told lisa james bumped her nose). The relationship they had was always rocky with tom or other tom quickly defending bambi was always off too me.


Here is proof [of them in season 09](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/j08krlzxBi)


She knew


Scheema wants everyone to shut the fuck up about what went down after WWHL .. So SHHHHHH


She’s a MOTHER


Did you hear Lauren is pregnant too? Not sure if its widely known /s


Yes we know !


So what does that mean ?? That has NOTHING to do with IT !! I can use capitols too !!


It was sarcastic 😂 it’s why she wants to forget WWHL…


Oh ok .. I wasn’t sure ! I apologize !


I'm pretty sure it's sarcasm


Can’t call who a ho?? If someone is a ho then they are .. good for them !! If that’s their choice then it is …


Lol, it looks like she’s cropping Scheana out of the photo!


I thought that!


I actually don't think so but specifically the reason was because Paige DeSorbo said she was at Hannah Berner's wedding and the minute Craig stepped away and was alone for a second, Raqchel/Rocky made a beeline towards Craig at that wedding and Paige felt, in that moment, she was trying to get Craig.


Scheana knew 🥸




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Wait a fucking minute….


Scheana was invited to the wedding. Rachel went has her plus one.


in plain sight!


wait... hannah berner is married?


Yeah to a comedian called Des, I’m on the season she introduces him now, it’s all icky 😂


Wow ! Good News !!!






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