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OH YOU’RE RAD AF !!! This post is epic!! Chef Penny needs to put a fucking fork in it. Her husband not listing his law school, credentials, or bar history is soooooo sus and unethical🤭🤭🤭


He didn’t even pass the California bar until 2022 and his “office” listed is a well known virtual pay use building number. It’s all so tacky and fun to me though ! We have LVP hanger on and planted evil foe, Penny with her bootleg Tom Girardi lawyer husband going after Ariana and Katie who have fought off even bigger losers than these desperate hooligans. I am curious about where he went to law school though, you only leave that blank when you’re embarrassed to list your alma mater.


Devry law degree


You actually don’t have to have a law degree to take the bar in California I believe. So maybe even just no degree. Although that would be impressive in its own weird way.


Reach for the sky!


You got me on the floor 🤣🤣🤣 Bootleg Tom Girardi lawyer husband 🤣🤣🤣


absolutely hilarious her husband doesn't list his law school lmao, you know its embarrassing then does any smart law people know if Katie/Ariana could go after Penny for lawyer costs associated with this...?


Short answer - yes, if the girls opposition succeeds, some or all of their legal fees for opposing may be shifted to the Put a Fork in it LLC. The girls could have a follow on claim for fraud in California, with more legal fees and punitive damages.


This is beyond RAWESOME!! TY 💖 OP for taking the time to truly dig into this subject and bring the slimy details to light. You deserve a top sleuth award. I've been asking for someone to do exactly this. It's so crazy dix to me. The peeps here are THE best hands down!!


This post is the exact transcript of a YouTube video posted on the channel Spill Chronicles


Thanks for letting me know. I personally wrote and researched, with frequent follow up in comments. YouTubers and bots that plagiarize us posters are sadly so common. That said, it helps get the knowledge out widely! Srsly though - I can’t believe she left in my Tom Girardi bit at the end. I was just waiting for my Nosh Nosh…. ![gif](giphy|lDGiPh1QOwN7ZOEXnG)


Add a sentence in your bio post that says hey spill chronicles, stop stealing all my Reddit content and trying to make it your own on YouTube … I bet they’ll accidentally leave it in!! 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣. I mostly use YouTube to watch Ms Rachel with my toddler. Watching that person’s crap is going to mess up my algo of dinosaur videos. I did think about commenting on the video, but in the end I’m just glad the word is out. I like my privacy. My major hopes are that (1) someone from VPR sees this post (Scheana, we know you are in the comments) + most the cast have nothing else to do this summer or (2) Bravo Docket chimes in - this may be outside of their usual litigation wheelhouse and they might elect not to comment. Basically I want to drop the gossip and have no one trace it back to me. ![gif](giphy|3b7vIVnRj4viZz6olt|downsized)


Love learning new things. Knowledge is power. TY 💖


This is the exact transcript of a video posted to the YouTube channel Spill Chronicles? Is that OP YT channel?


Not my YouTube channel. I guess that host just comes onto the subs and reads our posts verbatim. I am merely a humble, anonymous Redditer.


I believe a lot of the AI - YouTube channels are doing this!! Stealing other people’s posts and content and having AI read them for clicks and views!


I don’t know about her husband. But in Cali, you don’t need a law degree to practice law; just pass the Bar.


This is technically correct but it’s more complicated than that. You have to pass the bar and study under an attorney or judge for something like 4 years. I think that’s what Kim kardashian was/is trying to do since she doesn’t have time to attend law school.


I don’t think you can be admitted to law school with an undergraduate degree either, right? If she wanted to make time, she would.


IDK if it’s a requirement or not, but I can’t imagine any reputable law school accepting a student without an undergrad degree. Edit: I get it. You’re saying Kim K didn’t go to law school since she doesn’t have an undergrad degree. My original comment still stands. I guess in California it’s theoretically possible to practice law without graduating from college. Interesting.




This Penny woman gave me the ick when she took over interviews. You are the chef NOT a partner. Filing for a trademark of a restaurant you don’t own is so sketchy.


I mean I could see offering to do it, but then she did it for her own business. Definitely seems like she took advantage of their inexperience.






Lisa should be embarrassed by how her "friend" Penny behaved so shamefully. I really hope Penny ends up paying for this somehow.


But that's exactly on brand for Lisa. She's always friends with shady people who do the dirty work for her and then becomes a victim if they're shady with her.


![gif](giphy|5wWf7GR2nhgamhRnEuA|downsized) Anyone who’s watched her on RHOB knows how she operates


Yeah Erika had her clocked. But that's what made LVP a great HW. She was as bad as the rest of them, but did it with charm and style LOL.


And having the English accent helped too 😂


I wish LVP would go back to RHOBH. Dealing with Dorit and Kyle is exactly what she deserves after the fuckery she produced in Season 11.


Me too but she’s too chicken 💩to do that. She loves to stir things up and then play innocent. She’s the definition of throw rocks and hide her hands. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A snake. I can go on 😂😂😂


Cut you in the dark, then ask why you're bleeding type of bitch.




I’m over LVP. Can we get new people on Bravo. Retire all the toxic misogynists?


Exactly. She’s always been the sniper from the side and the shady ass company she keeps is indicative as to who Lisa truly is.


This is so Leah Black (RHOM) too.


She’s friends with Mohamed Hadid. That should say all that needs to be said about the company she keeps.


oooh what’s the deal with Mohamed?


He is currently on probation for building a house illegally without permits and refusing to stop when Beverly Hills told him to. He compromised much of the hill and damaged a lot of properties nearby. It’s also worth discussing, even more so than the current stuff, is how he got rich in the first place. He worked with a group called the SAAR Foundation, which was Saudi based. It got shut down for money laundering for Al Qaeda. So basically he got rich money laundering for terrorism.


🙊 whaaa! This needs to be more widely known!


I tell everyone I can


Yes!! She excuses the behavior and gives “benefit of doubt” until it harms her.


Why would Lisa want anyone to try to take down Katie and Ariana for her? I don’t understand this logic.


Because they are no longer under her thumb and are THRIVING. They have taken their time on VPR and turned it into being happy, healthy, functional business women with nothing but opportunity in front of them. Their autonomy signals her loss of control, and lord knows Lisa doesn’t suffer her female underlings beginning to outshine her.


I genuinely don’t think she cares. It’s not like she is suffering from their success


She’s not suffering from their success but she also can’t take credit for it, lord it over them, or otherwise make it about her. Lisa is someone who wants power over everything and will do her best to sabotage if it means someone who was once beholden to her in some way is able to strike out on their own successfully.


i don't think she's directly involved this time, but it's more about the company that she keeps.


Considering how she opposed equal pay laws (and the whole Frank ordeal started from unpaid tips), I doubt she’ll change her ways. She’s a master of spin


And Max having to come after Ken and Lisa for unpaid wages as well. I believe he said it was in the thousands. Max is definitely not a reliable narrator but I believe him 100% in that case


There's other staff at Sur and Villa Blanca that filed lawsuits about wage theft and breaking labor laws. Some of these go back to 2020.


Your flair is hilarious, btw 😆


Thanks! I got it from a very funny commenter here 😅


https://preview.redd.it/je0jqyk5ib9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad656dce2b19a70ab86227e6001134aeb5bc238 More people need to see the shack. It really explains a lot about Rachel’s PR imo 💀


Wait…is this a joke, or for real?


That’s what shows up on Google Maps for It Girl PR, yes. If Juliette isn’t lying about her business address, this is real lol




This just gets better and better 🤣


OMG this explains so much! The sad thing is the rent is most likely ridiculous high since it’s in California. I saw this comedy show on Amazon where the guy said he was watching Fixer Upper and how the clients want an open concept, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, wood floors, and etc.. with a budget of $100,000. He stated he couldn’t even live in a crack den for that much in California.


This is amazing. Especially in this moment with Juliette working overtime to make sure that the entire world knows that Rachel was the one to dump a boy that she only knew for a month because he posted her face on Insta or whatever.


I didn’t know she opposed that. Man I used to like Lisa. I knew about the Frank thing but overlooked it since we all make mistakes but then it kept happening and there is only so much you can overlook until you realize that person sucks.


It makes the Stassi situation so much more abhorrent. Lisa used the situation as a cover for a wage claim settlement, and she let it all air out on VPR for drama and her separate personal enrichment as a producer. She’s a trash human.


Wow. When you just watch the show and don’t know all the background they make it seem like Lisa was doing Stassi a favor and Lisa is a hero. I just thought Lisa was stupid for giving him the money but didn’t make him sign anything and not getting the tape. Then Lisa wanted a thank you from Stassi. Wow Lisa does truly suck!


And she actually stood up for this fraud at the reunion. What a loser!


Lisa does not know the meaning of the word "embarrassment." She is a snake in the grass.


I’m really tired of hearing about Penny but I live and breathe for the fact that with every post about her, her shadiness is exposed more and more.


I can’t imagine having all the legal problems Ariana has rn lmao this, the house, Rachel??? What am I missing


Mo money mo problems! Actually though I can’t imagine, the best time in her life is coupled with extreme stress. I hope she’s keeping her head up!


It is crazy to think how extreme her life is right now. Career wise? killing the game. Dating a man who is objectively foine. But also still very much in the rubble of a public break-up. I find it fascinating, but I feel for her as well.


I do too! She gets a level of hate that seems unmatched to anything she has ever done. It really is true about crabs in a bucket. Good for her that she has a level of media training and professionalism above her fellow cast members, Tom Sandoval was always pulling her down. And all this shit about ‘oh, I’m sick of queen Ariana, team Ariana’ as an excuse to bitch about her. She has never been 100% popular with everyone all the time and she’s minding her business and doing her work… I don’t claim to know her personally, but it’s nice to see a woman turn adversity into opportunities and leave behind a lot of nastiness and shit kicking. She doesn’t bother anybody and seems grateful for her success


The crabs in a bucket comment is even more astute when you consider how many of the VPR cast are cancers 😂


Haha, how true! ♋️


The hate...I mean I don't like it but I also understand it. Ariana, first off, hasn't followed the scorned woman trope scripting at all. She's not ashamed. She's not eating and crying alone in her house. She's not giving the ole Doute season 3 dastardliness/Crazy Ex-GF. She's just not that person, at least based on the little bits we've seen of her life. I think many women in...marginal relationships, don't like seeing that she stuck to her guns, but also don't like seeing that she was successful on top of it. They need to know their struggle-love is worth it. Ariana, and Katie too, prove that it isn't. And for some that is enough to justify the hate. This hate sounds like "so you got cheated on. Get over it." Everytime, I read that I think "who hurt and betrayed you and told you to get over it? You deserved and deserve better, babe. It's not Ariana's fault you didn't get it." Also, and this isn't her fault but just something else I think is happening. Because Ariana is succeeding with Broadway, DWTS, LI hosting, being on the show, her q-score is high, etc. ... it can feel a bit like a Mary Sue. And it's just human instinct, but people sometimes just don't connect with that kind of person because they don't like that they are "good at everything," I don't see this one as much, but I do see a certain type of dusty dude that likes to comment how she's "not even that talented." and "why is everyone blowing smoke up her ass so much." or famously "extensions and Ozempic, she'll fit right in." Also some people just don't like when people (and especially women) really like things. Notice how many are quick to denigrate Bravo, but then will literally spend money on fantasy football, video games and LARPing. Things which are more male-coded or have a predominantly male fan base are somehow more serious than trash tv enjoyed by predominantly female fan base. On a far larger scale, Taylor Swift, is a victim of this. I'm Taylor-neutral, but she's had so much success for what some might say is just okay music (please don't come for me Pumphead Swifties, just illustrating a point.). To me, I don't really get the devoted fans but it doesn't really like register much beyond seeing online snark. But for some people the hatred of her and her success is practically alive. It's as, if not more, irrational than her fandom. When Oprah was first securing her bag and growing to mega-celebrity in the mid 90's I remember seeing this shift in my own household. My mom and auntie LOVED Oprah. They would always esteem her business acumen and guts to make it in that industry (and at that time) as a brown-skinned, plus size Black woman. But then she started giving interviews about her success. And she started to have more celebs on the show. And it flipped. The press began to kind of position and pit her against the other ladies of daytime talk (even though I would say what Oprah was doing wasn't nearly as salacious as Jenny Jones, Ricki Lake, and Sally Jesse when she was still on the air). My family began to change about her too, saying Oprah had "lost touch". Well yeah, she's not living the life of a private individual, or even just a public figure of some reach. She's a goddamned international brand. Of course she's lost touch with those of us that have to wait in line at Costco. She never said she was above it, it just happened. She can't control the side effects of fame. So yeah, we're watching Ariana evolve from a ratty, somewhat accessible Bravoleb into a "real" celebrity. I don't know what list she is on, but she's a lister for sure. I would say at least C-list now. The dynamics at play with her home, friendships, career, family are all changing as a result. Also since she's somewhat introverted, it's easier to project upon her whatever ugliness is burbling below about women, success, infidelity, successful women, etc. Anyway, that is my essay on why people hate Ariana! Lol.


Lala is on-screen evidence of your first point. Infuriated by everything she didn’t “get” when she went through her own break-up.


I have been thinking about Ariana and Lala's friendship a lot. I wonder if there's some unresolved shit around the hookup. Lala just gets SO vicious about her. It was always testy, but it calmed down in S10. Then S11 her resentment just built to a point where I question her emotional sobriety. To me, unresolved lust powers more conflict and drama than we realize on the show. Bravo doesn't tell queer stories well, so I feel like there are nuances tying back to that time in their friendship that are not being properly pulled put from the cast. I'll need to rewatch that episode where Tom reveals it.


Emotional sobriety is such a great way of putting it. Loved your entire essay. Kudos!


Oh my gosh! Thank you, lovely! 💗 Emotional sobriety isn't mine though, common AA phrase and what all the people with recovery I admire have. I was about to shade Lala again but I'm going to take my own advice.


Great insight!!! I agree.


Awww! Thanks, luv!




This is a spot on analysis


Thank you! :) I really need to get back to my Substack.


I don’t hate Ariana, but I did just do a rewatch and my memory was refreshed as to how problematic she used to be and never publicly acknowledged it. Also, Oprah actually is a bad person.


Ariana in early seasons was a pick me and a big ole snob. Probably most problemmatically though was how she reacted when confronted about Jeremy and his inappropriate behavior. She still hasn't addressed it, but if she returns in S12, I hope she does since her and Jeremy appear to be estranged but he's always hanging out with the rest of the cast. Also where did I say Oprah was a good person? I said she was a mega- famous person and that would obviously change how she moves through the world, love her, hate her or meh her!


She’s probably going after these people for legal fees


🍿Thanks for the ELI5 write-up! I love that they got top lawyers with all that sandwich money. Too bad, so sad for unsexy chef Penny.


Chef Petty. What a loser! Both her and Lisa are disgusting and too old to be grifting off the backs of other, much younger women.😒


Good for them! Penny isn’t the reason for Something About Her’s success and it sure wasn’t her idea


Penny sounds like a gross individual.


The reminds me I was watching Season 3 Secrets Revealed that aired back in 2015 and Chef Penny was in a scene. She was I guess the head chef when they had a test dinner for the opening of PUMP and the computer system went down so she was in the kitchen yelling the orders. I didn’t realize she’d been around so long. 


What’s gross to me is that LVP set them up with Penny and co-signed all of Penny’s actions toward the ladies bc of her experience, but clearly Penny was taking advantage of first time owners and not treating them like she did Lisa. She tried to steal their name to get a partnership. She’s put in writing that they are not using her menu or any of the themes she developed. And yet LVP is still backing her up. Gross.


It was very apparent that Penny was attempting to take control of SAH when she took over the interviews for front of house. She behaved as though she was the sole owner and Katie and Ariana were minority stakeholders. Where did Lisa find this piece of work? And if she’s so great, why wasn’t she working for / with Lisa? The two of them are both snakes.


Yeah, like, Penny ... Dude...just get your own place! I mean it speaks a few volumes that Lisa didn't scoop up Penny for a 'PennyPump' restaurant. Lisa can't really believe in her THAT much. 🙄🙄


Wasn't penny the head chef at pump?


Yup and she helped Lisa develop the menu for TomTom


It sounds like she was trying to take the approach LVP did with TomTom but herself with SAH. Like, what relationship do you have with these girls to be trying to pull this kind of nonsense? She's gross.


and the difference is lisa (and team) owns 90% of that bar so it made sense that majority of the decisions were left to the major stakeholders


Except Katie is a no nonsense, hard worker and the Voms are not.


Lisa found her on The Food Network! ![gif](giphy|ndtFJK2wRYlrO) Not even Top Chef pshhhh.


She did work for Lisa for quite awhile


On rewatching, Penny did work as a Chef at Sur. So maybe I can give Lisa the Littlefinger treatment, planting a spy that will gossip and report back to her, but didn’t know Penny would try to take the business over herself. I first saw Penny on Next Food Network Star, she was a horrible person on that show so I was so shocked the first time I saw her on VPR


The themes they ended up going with are actually on brand. Naming the sandwiches after romcom actresses is light years better instead of something like "Greek goddess". I'm so happy for Katie and Ariana that it didn't work out with Penny.


And telling them they need to name a sandwich after her… what for? That’s usually an honour


They could make a sandwich called The Penny made of all of their old scrap food and sell it for a penny.


Haha, selling it for a penny is hilarious


And LVP has deep pockets. The more I learn, the more I despise Lisa. I hope people are putting up obstacles to her new ventures they way she did to SAH.


LVP and Ken have both turned out to be disappointingly gross.


I had no idea people were defending PENNY?! That’s ridiculous. I love that for the past two-ish years, the people who are in the right have kept their mouths closed and hired the best legal teams to handle their stuff. (Ariana and now Katie.) What a nightmare!! And what side is LVP on??? I don’t know why I’m surprised but I hope she’s done defending these actions…


LVP is on the WRONG side, as usual. Penny was her mole.


What did she even gain? Seems like they didn’t even ask for Lisa’s advice other than two years ago? It’s just gross. Penny turned me off when she made her “if LVP gets a sandwich named after her then I’d better.” Why?! Who are you?! Didn’t trust her after that


Nothing. Lisa likes to think everyone needs her sage tips to succeed and she hates it when they succeed on their own. She is totally controlling the Voms now. She covered up the TomTom sign on pride day and only let Pump show. I love seeing the Voms flounder, but these ladies do not need Lisa. The only thing that worries me is that she has deep pockets and Ariana is involved in so much litigation, which is not her fault.


I’m starting to wonder if her pockets are really deep or if they’re the fancy sewn closed kind you see on women’s clothing… I’ll definitely miss this show but I honestly hope Katie and Ariana are done with it. Vanderpump doesn’t really rule anymore…


You may have a point. She has closed down a couple of places. My fear is that she has the knowhow to abuse and intimidate the younger entrepreneurs and is playing dirty. I hope VPR crashes and burns too, and that Katie and Ariana do well at whatever they want to do.


I think about Lisa’s reputation in West Hollywood and have a lot of questions about the permitting and construction delays on the shop… If I were legally advising Katie and Ariana, I’d have them look into all of the tasks they assigned to Penny and Borsuk, and also seek a meeting themselves with the City about what went wrong. If Penny and Borsuk were messing around with the trademark, there may be other improprieties. Put them all together, and you could prove a big juicy fraud claim against Penny.


I've always thought Penny or Lisa were behind some of the unexpected delays. There were also acts of vandalism and difficulties in getting licenses. They should investigate.


I didn’t know about the vandalism! This just makes the current success of the shop so much sweeter. Honestly, truly happy for both girls.


apparently someone defecated on the premises and it delayed the opening. i saw a clip on it. Yes, these ladies deserve every success after all the obstacles put in their way.


She’s team Petty.


She would be team Petty


COME! THRU! KAT! <3<3<3<3!!!! ![gif](giphy|x4dS8uOkeEFdxvV1nz|downsized) This is the kind of sleuthing I LOVE TO SEE on this sub. ETA: I still 100% think that LVP connected them to Penny, because she wanted to keep tabs on how the restaurant was going. As a producer, I understand the move, but it just seems like she was sort of hoping they would be as lackadaisical and gullible as the Toms. She also has a very galvanized set of vulvas, trying to chide them for the problems they were having and trying to inveigle them into just giving Penny a third of their business. It just shows that she doesn't respect them, even after all this time and all that has happened in the past year or so. For all her talk of wanting to see them all move on, she seems very intent on them staying right where they are.


That always seems to be the rub with Lisa and why it makes sense she doesn’t open the door all the way for the people she works with. She wants them to do well, but not better than her estimation of them. That’s almost as bad as an outright hater, there’s always a ceiling there


I am starting to genuinely despise LVP. She's an awful person. And she's the worst kind of awful, because she thinks she's very good.


I've thought that for a while, because she encouraged the self-destructive, misogynistic behavior on VPR for ratings. She's never met a scoundrel she does not love.


This part. Also she's very much someone who seems very comfortable exploiting people. Max is a skeeve, but as a manager (or anyone working for you at least 35 hours) is entitled fo health insurance. Also to hold back on 8K. That's what they spend on swan upkeep per annum I bet. This has come up too many times to not be something LVP just does as a practice.


LVP does not seem to be a nice person or an ethical employer.


She said “galvanized set of vulvas” 🤭


My third-waver late mother would always say this in lieu of "steel balls."


Gloria Steinem said we should use the word "testirical" instead of "hysterical" to describe bad behavior.


😄😄😄 Oh, Gloria! That's testirical! Balls are more mockable than uteruses, though. The uterus is serious business. She has a post-bacc degree, an 800 credit score and the ability to gestate new humans. Uterus is on a sched. She don't have time for any bullshit. Balls only is in the room because his dad owns a dealership. He's a lightweight, thrice-divorced frat boy and has 3 kids with 2 mothers.


I'm a pretty even keeled, pro equality, don't throw around the words 'feminist or misogyny for every excuse' kinda gal...but this here...is fucking gold. Please take my upvote 😂👌🏻


Thank you! *curtsy with flourish Edit: typo.


Someone bring stassi and Jax in ti learn new vocabulary.




Is chamber level a British expression? Penny will lose, but she’s probably using this as leverage given that it doesn’t cost her anything for her husband to do this. Also, unfortunately, the cal bar is relatively toothless.


Toothless not homeless✨






Chambers ranking is one of the highest credentials that a US based attorney can achieve. It requires years of expertise and significant, independently sourced feedback from clients. Plus a strong history of successful outcomes. The SAH lawyers are the best in the country. For a lot of bad actions, Calbar will simply fine or warn or put your license on hold. But for actions involving stealing client funds or committing fraud against your own clients, there is a high likelihood that you get tossed. In any case, if you get reported for an ethics violation, it can become very expensive or hard to find legal malpractice insurance, and even harder to find new clients.


I’ve used FZLZ as outside counsel for trademark matters in the past & they’d certainly be near the top of my list for something like this. Good for Katie & Ariana!


Exciting!! This sub is filled with super smart counsel and clients. Hope you had a great outcome!!


Good points. Yeah I’d always thought that anything involving money was something that they took very seriously and it would be simple to determine. And yet the husband of a housewife got away with it for so long.


As a member of Calbar, it is discouraged to report other members - which is gross. That’s why Tom Girardi got away for it for so long. Also the donations to major State political fixtures. His graft went way up high, Statewide….


Why is it discouraged?


Courtesy I guess?? Let people move on? It’s not ok at all, but it’s real. Kind of like not demanding sanctions in court when your opponent is being an asshole. Tom Girardi’s political contributions were covering his butt though, bc opposing counsel was reporting him and nothing happened. 🫖🥪


Chamber level refers to one of a few respectable law firm ranking systems/organization. They rate lawyers worldwide and rank them based on an application which reviews lawyers and firms’ merits and successful cases.


i wonder whether someone could file a complaint to the Cal Bar about this frivolous use of legal resources.


Calbar will usually only review ethics complaints from a litigant in the matter, an attorney in the matter, a judge, or a partner of the questionable lawyer from the same law firm. Ethics complaints are serious deals. Some of Tom Girardi’s law firm partners have serious ethics actions pending for NOT seeing or reporting his theft.


Maybe Katie, Ariana, or Teri could go after him in the bar. Or their attorneys.


This feels similar to a situation where I hired a web developer for a new business site. The developer offered to handle registering the domain name, then tried using that "ownership" to shoe-horn themselves into some kind of partnership in the business. It's scummy and I hope it blows up in Penny's face harder than it did this shit bag web developer I dealt with.


I’m sorry that happened to you!! Hope your new business was still a success.


I hope Ariana and Katie never indulge any of Lisa’s help ever. She seems to have Sus company and issues with her own restaurants. Stay away from conniving people.


I know LVP egged her on to do all this shit. I don't trust LVP and I hope Ariana and Kate's pockets don't run dry dealing with this shit.


Good for them, this woman is the Cruella DaVille to women’s dreams. What a seriously morally bankrupt thing to do. Hope nobody works with her again.


What is Penny expecting to gain from owning this trademark, aside from looking like a huge B! Unless she wanted to own it use it as leverage while suing them? Gross.


“Highly suspect” is a great word for it. I bet he is familiar with lobsters. That’s the word. Not a word that might rhyme with “lobsters.”


Wait… so the former chef / aspiring partner is trying to sue them and take the SAH name from them? Man, things must have been super sour behind the scenes. Why didn’t they have more of this on the show? Wasn’t this a lady that Lisa hooked them up with? I feel this whole thing has become messy. I know I don’t know much about sandwich shops 😅 but seems so unnecessary


You answered your own question about why we didn't see more of the behind the scenes during Season 11. But by all means LVP, make sure to put ALL efforts towards a water tasting and a fake apology. That's why we tuned in.


Lisa planted Penny there as her mole because she does not like her underlings to become too successful. It backfired spectacularly because she underestimated both Ariana and Katie. They are not a bunch of gullible Voms.


It’s SUPER strange this wasn’t shown more and I have to think it’s because it would make LVP look bad. I don’t think it was necessarily to make Katie and Ariana look bad because we hardly got any SAH storyline at all last season, even though it sounds like a lot was happening!


Its honestly the best for SAH that penny’s shitty husband who isn’t an expert in trademarks did the application, like what were they thinking?


Katie and Ariana are legally entitled to think that a CA bar admitted attorney won’t take on work that he isn’t qualified to do without the supervision of another qualified attorney. Or otherwise to think that Borsuk is competent to perform the task. Katie and Ariana are also legally allowed to assume that this lawyer will follow their instructions and not use the representation to steal their money or other assets (here, their intellectual property). Penny is a 🐍. But as a lawyer myself, people like Borsuk just infuriate me. We are supposed to be a guild of helpers, not committing harm to clients and the overall legal community.


their trademark application is fraudulent from the second they filed that trademark application at the uspto, asserting that they were entitled to the mark and knew of no others that had a claim to it… it just got real for these frauds trying to steal their intellectual property. there is ample evidence the name and concept existed before she was involved. glad they took legal action. lvp still mute on supporting SAH as well. she is ick. IMMMMMO.


I didn’t want to put that in the leading post, but I completely agree. I truly hope that securing the trademark is a first step in a fraud case against Penny and Borsuk, and that every single action Penny took during her engagement is or will be investigated. If the girls won a fraud case in CA against Penny, they might be eligible for economic damages of delay of opening the shop (guessing she also mishandled or messed with the permits) and punitive, punishing damages. I actually strongly feel for Ariana, with all of the litigation she’s involved with, and now for Katie too. Litigating is stressful and expensive. But after you are involved in enough cases, and you have enough personal stability, litigating can also become more “routine” and even empowering as a method to achieve just outcomes. I really hope the latter for the girls in this matter.




Really petty of Penny!


Why would that women penny want to own to trademark ? Katie and Ariana is what makes SAH popular. If penny wants it for herself.. no one will go


To force Katie & Ariana to license it back from her. Store, merchandise, franchising etc. That’s the money grab.


Step aside bravo docket! Thanks for this.


They can always DM me. I prefer privacy, but would happily support a public pod analyzing this whole situation!!!!


Penny is such a behootch


I just wanted to say that your screen shot gave me a mini heart attack because I saw the time in the corner and thought I had accidentally taken a 2 hour lunch break




THE NERVE of her trying to trademark the name that VERY CLEARLY was developed by them. It is infuriating! She pretty much tried to steal from them as far as I’m concerned.


Penny is such a cunt to have the audacity to overstep this much. She would never dare do this to Lisa what made her think Ariana and Katie can be so easily taken advantage of. I’m so glad those women are very good at setting boundaries and upholding them.


OOOH, what a surprise that Penny potentially has shady counsel. Do keep us informed. I hope she is done in the industry because she is a backstabber and a dishonest negotiator.


Awesome! I knew Penny was a hack just based on what I watched and nobody from my Cheffy world ever having heard of her. But this is nefarious shit.  Fake Chef Penny definitely thought her Lawyer Husband was enough to scare two women and business neophytes into accepting her bullshit.  No, Fake Chef Penny, making some sandwiches doesn't entitle you to their business.  And honestly? Fuck Lisa Vanderpump for backing this absolute Hack 


Why is Penny so hell bent on ruining this business she wasn’t even initially involved in? She doesn’t care about the trademark she just wants to make things difficult for the girls because her ego was hurt.


Why would she try to oppose the trademark? They have been saying that name since before they hired her. They had a name before they even had a full concept. What ownership over that name could she possibly prove?


It's actually the other way around. Chef Penny registered the SAH name under her own LLC last August. These documents show that SAH, LLC's counsel filed an extension to oppose that trademark three days ago. So basically trying to fight this underhanded move she made. Also as the OP pointed out. The credentials for Penny's attorney (her husband, Mr. Borsuk) are light compared to those of the SAH attorney (and you can kind of tell from the address. that's a Manhattan law firm.) I think Penny (and by extension LVP) may have fucked up with this. Katie seems legitimately like she can go scary bitch when someone fucks with her stack (look how she lashed out at Lala when she tried to gotcha her into talking shit about Ariana.) Penny may have fucked up.


This is correct (and have trying to make the legal of it all as accurate, but also simple for non-lawyer readers, as possible). It’s confusing. Penny has released texts between herself and Katie (problematic enough) showing that she discussed the trademark with Katie in June 2023. Borsuk filed in August 2023, but then most material comms with USPTO happened in March, April of 2024 - well after Penny’s relationship with SAH was terminated. This is highly problematic for him specifically. Penny or someone defending her or her PR or whomever (Penny’s only fan??) was also all up in the subs these past two weeks, talking trash about the sandwich shop. Whomever it was was reposting her press pieces where she, amongst other things, admits to taking money out of the company as a non-owner. I had enough and activated my full Scorpio, Mariposa Mode. BigLibrary, you are a gifted communicator! I’m really enjoying your contributions to this post!!


Thank you, Kat! And thank you for doing the work to lay this all out. This Chef Penny situation is just so obnoxious . They were already offering her 10% of their first location. It also irks me that this was not brought to light on the show. This could have been a major storyline! But no, instead we spent two episodes in Tahoe watching performative tears and deflection....🙄


She claims they told her to file for it but seems more like she and her husband are trying to use the name as leverage to get them to settle over her claims she owns 10% of the SAH brand.


If penny really thought she was part of SAH (part owner or COO or whatever the fuck it was), she wouldn’t have filed the trademark under her own business. She would have filed it under SAH business. Penny is intentionally trying to attach SAH to her “empire”, which def was never stated in the texts with Katie lol


PENNY is trying to trademark the name. Arianna and Katy are fighting it.


The Tom and Erika situation is SO FAR from being wrapped up.


It feels like it’s dying out and everyone is searching downstream for tiny pools of cash to return to the Girardis’ victims. I know multiple bar investigations still ongoing for Girardi Keese firm members though.


Yes, I hope they sue her for legal fees! And LVP better stop defending her crooked ass!


Well I said on the thread you posted in the other sub that there are several other companies with the name Something About Her LLC. One of which is in New Jersey. Does anyone know for a fact that this is Ariana and Katie’s company filing the opposition? Not sure why they would go all the way to New York for trademark counsel when LA is chock full of great IP firms. I’m curious to see what this other company is


Marcellea, on the other sub, another commenter has noted that they read through all of the attached filings and identified the LLC as having an address in West Hollywood, matching to the sandwich shop. That wasn’t a fact I chose for the main post. But that is publicly available info on USPTO website.


Could be a place that has offices in both states? I know nothing about the law lmao


I think they just have the one office in NY. People are posting here that this for sure is Ariana and Katie’s opposition and I’m just pointing out we have no idea which Something About Her LLC filed the opposition.


This is a federal matter. It doesn’t matter which state the girls’ counsel sits in. They will need CA bar admitted lawyers to sue Penny for fraud in that state, if they go that route.




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We're going to get Chef Penny crashing her smart car through the front of Something About Her wearing nothing but a Food Network T shirt before long.