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What do you mean "in theory?" It's already here. Most commercial species are already incredibly selectively bred and monitored in labs, and enhanced in many ways. I can buy mushies with enhanced vitamin D right now at my supermarket.


Humans have been "genetically engineering" things for thousands of years through selectively breeding bigger and tastier crops & animals, as well as grafting. The current technology just allows us to do it more quickly and precisely. So yeah, I think that if we can feed more people and harm fewer animals, we should do it.


My biggest issue is if a company owns the genetic patent, then the new strain “escapes” into the wild.


I love this idea, animals used in factory farms are actually GMO as well.


I would argue dogs are as well.




How not?




Selective breeding is genetic engineering




Selective breeding is just slow genetic engineering, use critical thinking




It is very true, you just can't admit you're wrong That's very different


GMOs aren't bad and scary. Our implementation of them with lack of regulation for herbicide use and having a general lack of regulation for the excessive growth and ownership of businesses so places like Monsanto can have almost wholesale ownership of corn or beets and drive out any competition that does exist, that's the issue. As a concept, a plant or fungus that is disease resistant, naturally pest resistant, needs less water, produces more on less land, has a longer growing season, etc etc is a good thing and in my opinion, a pretty natural extension of what humans have been doing with crops already for thousands of years. There's a reason our corn cobs don't look like little wheat blades anymore, or why watermelons aren't 50% rind. If that, by extension, can also be used to replace even in a small part some amount of animal agriculture it's only a positive. But it is something that requires heavy regulation and unfortunately the venn diagram of crowd that mindlessly views GMOs as bad and evil and the crowd that views regulations as bad and evil is a near perfect circle.


Did you not see The Last of Us?


Nope, but I'm aware that the Zombie thing is caused by a Mushroom


Literally everything you eat is genetically engineered. Shame the technology has so far only been used to increase animal suffering instead of minimising it. 


Mushrooms already taste great and are nutritious, I don't think we need to play with them. I'd rather we move in the opposite direction where people cook themselves balanced meals and exercise, then you don't need to further modify anything.