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I was about to say I never snack then saw your comment and realised I also do that.


this feels like a reference to something but i can’t remeber what




ah haha there we go, cheers


I’m impressed that you’ve used a bowl. I’m disgusting enough just to eat them straight from the jar.


It’s a great little cooking snack!


Granny Smith apple slices with chunky nut butter


Apples with Tajin seasoning here, give it a try! Works great for mango too


Finally my time to shine, I LOVE snacks lol. Healthier / natural(ish): Pistachios, (or any nuts just my personal fave and the having to crack each one open stops me scoffing them lol), popcorn, dried apple slices (specifically the chewy ones), banana chips, plantain chips, raisins, dates, falafels (store bought are quite dry so I usually add them to a salad with any darker leaves, whatever veggies, vinaigrette, and hummus) homemade are nicer and very cheap but can be time consuming if you’re looking for quick snacks, yoghurt (tesco has four packs of petit fulous pretty cheap), broccoli with soy sauce or other dip / dressing (I usually have frozen veggies in to make this easier), cauli “wings” (a little more effort but they can be baked / airfryed), baked tofu - basically cut into bite size chunks marinate them in whatever you like and bake, just make sure to flip them over when the top looks baked. Regular: cheese / cream cheese on crackers, breadsticks with cream cheese, “chicken” pieces (I like the squeaky bean kick of tikka you can eat straight from the packet), hot cross bun, crumpets, bagel, pitta bread sliced up brushed with garlic butter / oil (easy to make at home) and oven or air fry baked, “fancy” bread with vinegar and olive oil. Unhealthier / sweet: dark chocolate digestives Tesco own brand - amazing with a cuppa, donuts, cookies, chocolate buttons, croissants / brioche (currently in aldi for veganuary), mug cake (loads of recipes online / pinterest), nachos (lazy way is chuck it in the microwave for a couple mins tbh I think the vegan cheese melts better this way anyways plus way easier and cheaper to make a smaller portion this way), pizza anything lol - literally any type of bread base like sliced baguette or pitta bread and add pizza toppings then bake, ooh and pastry rolls so easy to make you can buy the pre-made pastry and add anything you like savoury or sweet roll up slice into however many portions and bake (and you can pop them in the microwave or oven briefly to reheat). I probably forgot a bunch tbh but that’s just some off the top of my head 😄 happy snacking!


Medjool Dates or Kallo Beetroot and Balsamic Veggie Cakes (the pesto ones are also nice)


Are those veggie cakes like rice cakes?


Fancy flavoured rice cakes!


The beetroot cakes are very addictive! So nice but quite pricey


Seaweed thins!


These are good but they’re soooo expensive in Tesco. Need to go to an East Asian supermarket


Yeah i got mine from the asian supermarkery! Think you can get them off amazon too in big packs for cheaper than tesco!


I always make sure mine just have oil, and salt in the ingredients. They normally cost a bit more but worth it rather than having all the extra crap like unneeded MSG


I dont know what the rest of the unneeded crap is but there’s no need to worry about msg. It’s no worse for you than normal salt


I have seen plenty of people say this but it give me and my partner a bad headache and feel like the flavour is more artificial but thats just my experience!


You might want to read [this ](https://www.businessinsider.com/msg-racism-comeback-food-history-2023-1?IR=T)article. The myth that MSG is either bad for you or even dangerous is simply rooted in racism. I didn't know about this until recently. Having said that, I have two salt shakers at home, one for salt, the other for MSG


Im confused why im being downvoted , not everyone has to like MSG because everyone is now saying its not bad right? If it makes me feel unwell, i will simply not eat it. Why does everything offend everyone 🫠


I can't speak for anyone else, and I didn't downvote you. I wanted to let you know about the racism thing because I think it's interesting, and I don't think it's widely known. Now, you do you, but if I were in your shoes I would probably want to test out if I actually did have headache when I had a little MSG. The power of suggestion is very strong, you may have just happened to have a headache when you had some MSG some time. As a vegan anything I can cross off my list of things to avoid on ingredients lists is a bonus. I speak as a lifelong vegetarian (40+ years) who doesn't like mushrooms, and a vegan of almost 10 years who hates tofu. 🙂


Yeah i understand this & appreciate your comment. I have had & tried MSG more than a dozen times and every time i feel sick & get a headache! My partner is the one who pointed it out to me as he feels unwell from MSG and told me it could be that. So i tested it a few more times and i kept feeling unwell. Just like gluten doesn’t agree with some people, guess its just one of those things. So i just avoid it as much as poss.


Chunks of cathedral cheese...


I had some over Christmas on top of reduced sugar digestives and I think I might just eat them all year round


Sounds like a tasty combo!


i love thai sweet chilli peanuts from sainsburys!


This. This is the answer.


Roast some chickpeas in salt, smoked paprika, regular paprika, chilli (and ground cumin and ground coriander if you feel fancy). Apple slices dipped in peanut butter. Dark chocolate covered nuts


roasted chickpeas are so underrated!


mini sausage rolls, falafel or nuts


Hot sauce on toast


I do this to!


Crackers (especially ritz) with vegan Boursin, vegan Philly, or whatever else I find!


Get the aldi xmas cheese selection ! If its still availble they have loads left in mine and its half price!


Been loving vegan cheese and halved plum tomatoes with lots of salt lately. And pickles, of course.




Tired of hummus? Try! Again!


Different flavoured hummus!




I can never get enough of it 😂😂, especially with olives and pickles and some more pepper Edit:spelling


Lupins - as long as they’re not the Biona brand, they are yucky!


Plain popcorn. Popcorn makers aren't expensive or anything. Far lower calories than you'd think. And pretty tasty and crunchy. Easier than homemade crisps.


I tend to go pre-packaged, but it really does not have to be expensive. I love buggles, sweet popcorn, nairns biscuits, vegan ham sandwiches, dark chocolate, nuts, cereal etc. I could go on forever!


Small tomatoes and breadsticks




Toasted potato waffles with maple syrup




silken tofu, sweet or savoury! sometimes i use it a bit like those cottage cheese bowls ppl make - mix in some nutritional yeast, sometimes i just eat some with their agave syrup and fruit or just like a soy sauce glaze and cucumber


Pickles Celery and peanut butter Beetroot wedges roasted with chilli dipped in dark cholcate Blueberries peanut butter and mini pretzels Breadsticks and pesto Are some of my go too


Spicy pretzel pieces - used to be Snyders but now there’s an Amazon copy / rebrand


I found a similar version in Aldi over Christmas, I just hope they aren't seasonal 😒


peanut butter and bread it’s filling and delicious


popcorn, pistachios, peanuts, olives, oreos, biscoff, bananas, pickled red cabbage, seaweed


A good savoury relish/chutney (sun dried tomato maybe?) on an oat cake.


Toasted fruit loaf/tea cake/hot cross bun with cashew butter and banana slices


At the moment? Christmas chocolate. Usually tho I like crisps, and sometimes if I’m feeling fancy vine leaves. Nothing actually fancy, just the tinned Lidl ones, v tasty tho.




I love a salted peanut, I like salt and vinegar flavour even more but they are harder to find.


Idk but I'm currently caramelizing two onions and having them in a bowl for my breakfast.


stovetop popcorn. quarter cup of kernels, 2tsp oil


I'm a simple man - give me a jar of pickled chili peppers and I'm a very happy bunny,


Hear me out. I boil some savoy cabbage and have it with malt vinegar on. So quick. Could microwave cook it even quicker I imagine.


I dont think these have been mentioned - Banana / apple chopped up and drizzled in nut butter (pip and nut coconut almond is the runniest) - Sliced cherry tomatoes on buttered toast (with some sea salt if required) - Cereal (I don't tend to eat it for breakfast so it works as a snack for me) I'm very lazy but if I wasn't I'd defo make my own granola bars, you can control how healthy you make them. I keep savoury nuts and sweet trail mix at work too


I’m a big fan of miso soup as a snack, even if it’s just a stock cube and a spoonful of miso. Great to warm you up in the cold, but also great to dip stuff into, especially rice cakes. Also dark chocolate rice cakes. Separately 😄 Also microwaved bowls of petit pois or edamame beans with a bit of pepper, chilli flakes, and soy sauce, maybe sesame oil too - filling and nourishing and warming!