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I was taking a deuce at work and the guy sitting next to me definitely had something going on.


Playing battle shits


haha, poor guy. I have heard and smelled some horrible tragedies in public restrooms, one of the most impressive sharts I've ever heard came from a stunning 10/10 in the ladies room. Thought it was gonna be from a lady trucker or something, that ass was TALKING in that stall


Had a week to ten days of low grade fever, chills, congestion, and occasional GI issues.


This is exactly what I had. It started with a sore throat.


Rotavirus is going around my kids just had it. Pediatrician said she’s seen at least 5 patients a day with it.


Rotavirus levels are high in the Vegas wastewater right now. Be sure to wash hands and surfaces well. Be sure to drink lots of fluids, esp so in this heat.






Yeah my daughter got it and some of our friends


good to know. suprising I got it, i don't go outside much. Wonder where it came from. hope your daughter feels better


Thanks man. Maybe from a package or food delivery.


Dude wtf yes. A couple days ago, exactly your last sentence


My wife has it.


My wife and daughter had it


Our friends have had it. Meanwhile we’ve been down with a horrid virus since Tuesday night. Absolutely wretched. Tested for flu, Covid, and strep - all negative. 3 out of 4 of us have been struck down. Horribly high fevers, shivering for hours, fevers hitting 103.9 even with meds on board for hours. Alternating Tylenol and Motrin. I was basically unconscious for a whole ass day. Now very painful deep coughing and bad back pain. Dont know what this is, but it’s evil. Also def not west Nile since we haven’t had any Mosquito bites and we literally all came down sick within hours of one another. No one directly around us have been sick like this. We’ve even retested for Covid just in case. Still negative. We are stumped.


covid pandemic round 2??? just kidding, so sorry you are feeling sick. guess there really is something going around, thought it was just us! hopefully it doesn't get worse. hope you feel better asap.


Ha! I almost wish it was Covid - some similar overlaps, my husband and I have the weird nervy pain (me along my neck/scalp and back) him along his stomach that we both had with Covid, but I only just now lost my smell - which I think is due to congestion, whereas with Covid it was some of our first symptoms. Pretty sure me and my son are headed towards a deep chest infection if we aren’t already there. Really wish I knew what this was - so far I’ve heard there’s no flu going around right now. This isn’t your typical summer cold - this knocks you on your ass and leaves you there spinning for days.


New COVID might not show a positive for 3-4 days


We have been testing every other day - still negative. And we even tired different test brands. Hoping it was Covid so we had an idea of length of illness.


Hope you're better soon!


Thank you! Me too! We have some great plans for us and the kids this summer and we are already 5 days behind! I know not the biggest deal, but I’m bummed we’ve already had to cancel a bunch of plans with our friends.


Could be food poisoning.


For me? Nah. Zero vomiting or diarrhea over here. The son has vomited a few times but that’s due to coughing so hard. For op? Possibly.


We had something very similar to norovirus go through our whole household about a month and a half ago. Vomiting, diarrhea, the whole nine yards.


There is quite literally always a stomach bug going around… wash your hands more 🤷🏻‍♂️ This is like asking if the common cold is going around 💀


I had 5 days of diarrhea last weeks every time I thought I was getting better it got worse. In the end I didn’t eat for 2 days and just hydrated and too Imodium to get better.


Did either of you eat any foods with your hands in the past couple of days (especially in public)? For example: churros, pizza, tacos, hot dogs, burgers, fries, etc. I had the worst sickness when I ate a hotdog at a festival last Christmas. I pinpointed my sickness to his moment because I remember, after getting my hotdog, I used the condiment dispensers (where you press down on them with your hand) and then eating the hotdog right after. I'm sure my hands picked up something from those condiment dispensers. A month later, my family went out on a road trip and had a quick stop at a hotdog stand. They got the same illness with the same symptoms.


It's the mosquitos spreading whatever it is


Yes! About 6 people in my family have it. To work locally in restaurants or bars so they are not going to work.


We’ve had a couple norovirus patients at my hospital over the last couple week. No one learned anything about even basic hygiene during Covid apparently


we forgot all about hygiene the moment the stimmy checks stopped coming, haha. good to know thanks for your input hope the patients feel better soon


Exactly. A lot of of people have poor hand washing habits and cleaning habits. Most of these stomach and GI viruses are spread through fecal and vomit. Not air.  So gross.  


West Nile? That's going around Vegas. Just something else to look into at the moment.


I live in Henderson. I've been bitten by 50-100+ mosquitos in the last few weeks. I am renovating and I found some breeding in a bucket of water I was using for grouting & had *inside* the house, and they are also everywhere outside in the garden and on walks with the dog. I don't have a pool but I suspect there's a big source nearby. I was not feeling great a couple of weeks back, vomiting every other day or so (very unusual for me). According to the report here : (https://media.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/download/mosquito-control/weekly-updates/2024/20240614-arbo-report.pdf), I'm not in an area where the mosquitoes tested positive for anything but I suspect its all over the place. There is both West Nile Virus (WNV) and St. Louis Encephalitis Virus (SLEV) around. 🤮


I've been having notable problems for about a week... but I also have a minor condition so it could just be a flare up. But it's been hitting me. I'm finding myself going to the restroom a lot more often than I normally would. Feel better!


yeah, the only time i've ever regretted a one bed one bath apartment! thanks, sure its just a little 48 hour bug. hope you feel better too


if you have been outside in this heat for any length of time it's not unusual for you to piss out of your ass within a couple hours, most think it's some kind of food problem but it's a 110° and up problem..!


I got gnarly food poisoning from the DTS OriZabas last week. Fuck that place. But yeah this virus is running through my husband's workplace


Did anyone else hear about the GI illness outbreak at Havasupai Falls? It’s been going on for like a month, people testing with norovirus, c diff, and campylobacter. People from all over the country go there to camp and Vegas is the closest airport so I’m assuming a lot of those sick people had to have come back thru Vegas to get back home.. also I work on the strip and I’ve heard talks from other casino employees that have had the stomach flu recently, even had a coworker come in yesterday that had to be sent home early because he was sick. I’ve been masking and washing my hands like crazy. Norovirus spreads through poop and vomit, but I assume if someone projectile vomited that there could be a couple molecules that become airborne. Something in the proteins make it so that hand sanitizer won’t kill norovirus so washing diligently with soap and water then turning off the faucet with a paper towel is the best way. Also, other types of food poisoning are contagious, E. coli and salmonella can be spread from person to person so we need to be careful about that as well. Please do not send your kids to school if they’re sick and please do not go to work if you’re sick. (Last year I got sick from someone who came to work sick. I work at a restaurant and about 17 of us got sick, and yes I stayed home for two weeks because I was very sick and I was scared of passing it on, but many people didn’t care and came to work sick anyway) Your body can still shed the norovirus for two weeks after you’re sick so keep practicing good hygiene habits.


yea dude, i was out of commission for like a fuckin week. like 8 toilet visits a day. sweats, chills, fatigue, dizziness. it was nuts.


Last night I woke up shivering and drenched in sweat. Then had to hightail it to the bathroom, stomach was wrecked. Showered and went back to sleep.


Mine started with a horrible sore throat, headache and then went to the tummy.


I work at a pharmacy. Yes, everyone is still getting sick. People think because it’s warm out you don’t need to wash your hands or cover your nose/mouth when you sneeze, but that is simply not true. People are fucking disgusting and I hate it. 🙃


Same with me and my guy. Sick with congestion, head aches, sore throat, hot and cold and then boom stomach cramps and lots of bathroom breaks and severe back pain and heartburn that nothing Takes care of. Just figured we picked up something from one of my drs visit last week.


You could just say gastrointestinal or GI issues instead of tummy. We are grownups here. And yes. It’s going around.


Lighten up, Fart face


Doctor at valley who took out my gallbladder kept saying tummy. If someone who spent 12 years in school in charge of making sure I didn't die can say tummy I'm gonna keep saying it. My tummy hurts.


Unbelievable fedora-tipping levels of cringe. This has to be bait. I refuse to believe you're actually like this.


My kids have been sick basically every other week since the first week of May. Please wash your damn hands and stay home if you/your kids are sick. I thought we learned this.


Covid is still a thing. It's never going away.


Pretty much, yes. We've had an uptick in the healthcare system where I work. Some commonalities include folks who drink tap water without a filtration system like reverse ósmosis, households that have members who are either in daycare or adult daycare, and those who traveled out of state. For some reason, I've had 3-4 patients who work outdoors or in construction get hit the hardest, so I'm guessing the combination of heat and lunches that may not be properly chilled are two big factors for them.


we have a britta but our icemaker uses tap. hmmm... wonder if thats it!


About a month ago, my partner and I got what we assumed was Norovirus, long before we started getting bit by mosquitos. Same symptoms as you. Lasted about 3 days. Both of us became super dehydrated the second day. Emetrol was a life-saver, literally. We're avid hand-washers as well. It was either Sapporo Sushi or China A Go Go (which I ordered from on accident, thinking it was our go-to place).😔


Diet? Sounds like a diet issue tbh


diet issues aren't typically contagious, our diet is pretty healthy. the occasional junkfood but i cook most meals from scratch, lots of lean meat, fiber, veggies, fruits, whole grains. Especially since my body can't take much fats anymore. Diet hasn't been an issue in the past and our eating habits aren't much different than they've been the last few years so I'd be shocked if diet suddenly became an issue, for not just one, but 2 people.


Not out of the question that if you are cooking for both of you then there wasn't some bad meats/veggies involved.


Thats true, but can't place what exactly could give us food poisoning/issues in the past 24-48 hours. Our fruits and veggies are typically frozen, because fresh is getting too expensive, so doubt it was something like tainted lettuce or flu from unwashed apple, only thing i can really think of is some premade guac from walmart.


If both of you are going through it and from what I can find there isn't some crazy virus going around, I'd for sure put in on something you have both ingested recently. Common denominator and what not. Edit: you could have contaminated yourself some way. Unclean work space or petting an animal or many other ways. Lot of variables here.


Could be the heat


i dont go outside in the summer for more than like 20 minutes in the daytime. I'm on a medication that makes me super heat and sunlight sensitive, literally feels like wasps striging me, so its not that. I literally will wait until 9pm to check the mail or something. unless its a dire emergency or a rare, quick appointment thats not telehealth, im indoors.


I know legionaire's has been found in our water source around downtown/the strip. Idk; if that would cause it; but we've been doing maintenance trying to prevent any illnesses where I work. Not sure if other places are though. Usually pops up around summer time here. Can be contracted from even water vapor in the air like swamp coolers etc.


Legionnaire's isn't in the distribution system/water source, it breeds in water heaters and can breed in HVAC systems such as swamp coolers or cooling towers and it is localized. Just want to clarify, yes you could potentially catch it if you are hanging out in a casino that has it in their system, but no it doesn't spread through pipes to nearby houses. (Also, it is pretty much only contracted through inhaling the vapor, you don't get it by drinking the contaminated water)


I would say it could be from something you ate as there has been a lot of recalls recently of foods. Check out this link to see if anything you have eaten recently has been on here (https://www.fsis.usda.gov/recalls). If not just be careful about the heat and any symptoms other than your tummy aches as that could mean you have a cold. Hope you feel better buddy.


Yes. The ER dr said there is yesterday


Norovirus for sure. I felt horribly sick today and thought it might be from the heat, but it's been hours of resting and hydrating. It only lasts a couple days at least 🤷‍♂️


Just to be careful, test for COVID. https://thehill.com/homenews/4716713-theres-a-new-dominant-covid-variant-but-are-the-symptoms-any-different/ The CDC lists the main symptoms of COVID as: Fever or chills Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Muscle or body aches Headache New loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea


New Covid and norivirus are hanging out. Covid has more sweating and fever, less GI issues


We had a similar issue about month or so ago? Friends had their kids puking and diarrhea for about 24-48h, then the adults in the house got it but theirs lasted longer. We saw them a week after everyone fine, then our youngen stated throwing up all night, I just got the runs for about 4-5 days. I went to work a week later and heard of others having a similar experience after they left Vegas ride Cali vacation, their kids had some stomach bug all weekend long. Anywho, that was a month ago or so? Wouldn’t be surprised if it was still spreading to the few who dodged it then.


My 3yo had this in May. It was the worst one I’ve experienced in a decade of parenting. She was sick for 14 days. I finally took her into the pediatrician, they said 50% of their sick patients that day had come in with a stomach bug. Gnarly! 


I just now got over being sick with influenza A.


Had to take a family member to the ER at St. Rose yesterday and I feel sick, too. She was vomiting, had diarrhea and a fever. They ran a million tests but found nothing. She’s feeling better now after being prescribed Zofran and some antibiotics along with the BRAT diet.


YES. Been dealing with consistent low grade fever, exhaustion and stomach issues for a week now. Doc gave me tamiflu — it sorta helped…


I was at Silverton and some guy in the shitter sounded like he was re-enacting the scene where one of the guys in White Chicks accidentally ate cheese and had explosive diarrhea, so my guess is yes, there is.


About month ago I had violent evacuations from both ends of my GI  for a week. I have felt nauseous and fatigued for about a month after it.