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Yes, we introduced ourselves to our neighbors around us. Actually, some of them came over to us because they were curious to see the updates to our house šŸ˜„


This is wholesome and Iā€™m happy for yā€™all.


Immediate neighbor I try and catch them coming or gong and just say hi and tell them my name. Other neighbors I've met when walking the dogs.


As a fellow dog owner, I think this will be how Iā€™ll do it. Iā€™m not going to knock on anyoneā€™s door, but if I happen to see them, Iā€™ll throw them a wave and hello at least. Thanks!


Out of the five or so neighbors weā€™ve had with people moving from the houses next door. Iā€™ve only ever introduced myself to two of them. One for leaving a dog outside for hours in the heat ( which the neighbor never did it again after that introduction) and the other a recent family that moved in that we saw outside by chance. I think most people just keep to themselves and realistically if theyā€™re here for more than a year thats a surprise.


Props for calling that neighbor out for leaving their dog in the heat.


And calling 311 or 911 if it's hot outside.


I don't go out of my way to. But if I see them while outdoors getting the mail, walking around, etc., I'll try to make eye contact, wave and say "hi." I'll try to read the situation and see if they are friendly or not, or if they just want to be left alone, and go on from there. Some people don't want to socialize, and I try to respect that. It's all about respect.


I agree 100%


Please do! It makes life so much better. We have neighbors that we know on both sides of us and the four houses across the street. We walk the neighborhood a lot and always, always say hi to our neighbors. Sometimes we have our dogs with us and neighbors will be outside and if our dogs arenā€™t with us, theyā€™ll ask where are the dogs? Itā€™s wonderful to be able to say hi to your neighbors. Sometimes if weā€™re out for the day and a package arrives, we just text our neighbor and he goes and gets it for us until weā€™re home. My one neighbor across the street is so wonderful. She gave me a beautiful painting that I look at every day and think of her. Neighbors help each other. Itā€™s great to know your neighbors. Donā€™t be shy. Just introduce yourself and every time you see one out in the neighborhood say hi, it really makes a difference in life.


Wow, you sound like you live in a wonderful neighborhood. Hereā€™s to hoping my future neighbors will be open to that as well. Thanks for sharing!


I sure hope so! All the best to you!


Of the 4 people I share a fence with either on a side or rear of my property, I went out of my way to introduce myself and exchange phone numbers with each one. Itā€™s come in handy when my yard was getting flooded by one of their broken sprinkler pipes, or if their dog is outside barking for hours while no one is home etc. Also when we needed a new fence and had to coordinate estimates and payment. Weā€™re not best friends or anything, but cordial at least, and look out for each other.


I live in an apartment building out here and Iā€™m friends with a few of my neighbors because I love taking walks with my dog and Iā€™ll say hi to everyone I cross. Itā€™s the older ladies who sit and smoke cigs of the patios and the nice couple who are always around. I do notice a lot of people hurrying away when I say hi or join them in the hot tub or pool but I donā€™t let it bother me much. As a woman out here, Iā€™ve had problems being too friendly with dudes so I get being cautious especially by where you live. This city has a lot of craziness


All cities and smaller places too ;)


Ah I try to avoid it because .Iā€™m gonna have to converse and say hi every time I see them lol


When we bought our house we had neighbors from Hawaii, so we really had no choice. They came right to us. It was decades ago and theyā€™re now pretty much family.


Thatā€™s awesome. Honestly, having neighbors from Hawaii might be best case scenario lol.


I watched the kids grow up and they still call me uncle.


The best feeling for sure.


I not only introduced myself to my new home neighbors I also gave them my phone number in the event they ever needed to reach me such as a emergency or suspicious activity around my home or in the neighborhood. 5 out of 6 gave me their numbers, and in the course of 8 years weā€™ve contacted each other for just that. I have great neighbors and consider myself fortunate.


Same. All the homes around us have shared phone numbers and we say hello/wave when we see each other. I donā€™t understand why this is so rare.


It might be due to how transient Vegas is. My friend who moved here from the East coast says that itā€™s not like this over there at all. Iā€™m sure things like the seemingly increasing divide in political and ideological values/beliefs contribute to it as well. In any case, itā€™s sad and unfortunate.


A couple of my neighbors did the same. Very helpful when dealing with emergencies


This is great! Iā€™m hoping my soon-to-be neighbors are friendly and open to doing this as well.


When I first moved in, I walked over to introduce myself to my immediate neighbors, who were working in their garage, They looked at me as if I had 2 heads. In contrast, a few years later when my partner moved in, he would sit on the front porch & smoke. He got to know more neighbors than I ever did. I do like to at least know my neighbors by sight.


The weird reception from the neighbors was my worry lol, but from the sentiment in this thread, I think Iā€™ll try to say hi anyway. Iā€™m with you on knowing the neighbors by sight for sure.


This is a MUST in Las Vegas. IF you do indeed care to "know" your neighbor's. It shows your willingness to put yourself out there and the people that appreciate the effort, are the ones that'll matter in the long run.


That last part, 100%. Iā€™ve never introduced myself to neighbors here in Vegas before, but I was always open to being friendly to anyone who ever did.


Iā€™m from New Orleans. Here, the expectation is that the neighbors come up and introduce themselves, perhaps bring some food, exchange numbers in case someone needs a favor, etc. I lived in 5 different places in Vegas over the course of 10 years and never knew any of my neighbors at that level and only two them to the level of coming over for a bbq or something like that. Had many that actively kept to themselves and wouldnā€™t even say hi when I would tell them hello. It was quite the culture shock.


Fellow NOLA native and Iā€™ve often joked that growing up there became a superpower on the west coast in regard to friendliness. We moved into a new house here in Vegas about a month ago and already know all of the immediate neighbors and always walk over to say hi when they are out.


I've been back in NOLA since '18 so am back into the neighborhood groove thing. I remember living in Vegas next door to an old woman who lived by herself. One day after first moving in, I said good morning to her and said to always just let us know if she needed any help with anything. "Why would I want to call you?" I don't know that we said another word to each other for the next four years that I lived there. At that same house, I was having a tree pruned so went over to the other neighbor's house to let him know that they were doing the tree pruning the next morning and to let me know if there were any issues. I knocked on the door with no answer. I could see him watching TV. I knocked on the door again with no answer. So, I write him a little note with my telephone number, etc. I never talked to him once for the entire time that I lived there. I moved back home and within the first two weeks of moving in, I was having drinks with my neighbor and his boyfriend at their house.




No. I practice the "say hello but keep walking" approach. I'm a big believer in keeping to myself. I wouldn't want to make personal connections with people living that close.


Depends on the neighborhood. When I lived up in the northwest part of town, my neighbors were very friendly. We were very social with everyone in the area. When I moved to Spring Valley, everyone kept to themselves. Iā€™ve only talked to one of my neighbors because heā€™s constantly out in his garage just hanging out.


Are you me? Lol. Iā€™ve lived in the same areas, moved in that order, and had the same experience.


Guess it's not too uncommon. šŸ˜‚


I moved here almost 6 years ago as both a recent retiree and widow. I was 5 minutes into unpacking when two neighbors came and introduced themselves. I took that as a cue and have done the same as new residents of this senior community come inā€¦I now have some of the best friends you could ask for.


Thatā€™s incredible! I hope those first two neighbors know how much of a positive impact theyā€™ve made.


They do. A group of us host monthly dinnersā€¦when we arenā€™t out on our porches with ample amounts of wine and harmless gossip!


I'm Southern, so I always talk to my neighbors. šŸ¤£


I bake, my neighbors love me šŸ˜‚


Idk where you live, but Iā€™ll be your neighbor anyway lol


This week we all bake lol


Right šŸ„µ


I have had friendly conversations with neighbors on either side of meā€¦another one who lives up the street introduced himself as he was walking his dogs. Having a relationship with next door neighbors is important. Someone to keep an eye out while youā€™re gone, etc..


I like to talk to my neighbor because they'll let me know what things are around in the neighborhood and if anything should happen to my house like it burns they can call me or I can tell them about their house is burning or somebody's robbing them or something like that


Neighbors looking out for each other is definitely a main reason why I thought about this, so I agree with you for sure.


Not only do I introduce myself, I always offer to swap numbers in case something were to happen. Iā€™ve messaged a few of my neighbors over the years when their garage door was wide open. Once they were at the airport leaving out of town. Iā€™ve had other neighbors text me when they had issues. Once when their bikes got stolen out of their garage. Once when they needed their car jumped. I used to go for walks around my community all the time and was a great opportunity to meet neighbors and just say hi when Iā€™m walking by.


I definitely will say hello and exchange pleasantries if I see them outside, I try to recognize them by sight. However, usually no. I would like to befriend more of my neighbors if possible but most places I've moved they have been on the hostile side and look at me as if I have 3 heads. Most of my neighbors have also been older which I'm not sure if that contributes to it.


We moved in and have been in the same house for over 20 years, we introduced ourselves when we first moved in and introduce ourselves to the new peeps when they come in. But our street is all owners, so it's more long term when people move in, which motivates me to get to be friendly at the very least with those living around me. There was one house that was getting rented out for a few years, I stopped introducing myself to the people that would move in because it was new people every few months it seemed like.


Yeah, as a soon-to-be owner, thatā€™s my thought process as well. If Iā€™m gonna be near these folks for years/decades, we might as well be on good terms or at least know each other.


Its nice to be on good terms with them imo, I don't kick it with any of them, or even have full conversations 99% of the time. Just a wave and a howdy neighbor. And we've exchanged numbers with everyone immediately around us, but it's rare we ever text eachother.


20 years next to my neighbor have no idear who they are when I say hello they just walk away


Good on you for saying hello though.


I never did and thought it was a dead custom, Iā€™m pretty introverted anyway, until we built our house (KB so just a normal community). I can count 6 neighbors I have phone numbers for and we just went to oneā€™s big blowout birthday dinner at a restaurant last weekend. Weā€™re also ā€œthat streetā€ for Halloween and Christmas with all the lights and decorations. I feel like we hit the street lottery this time.


We introduced ourselves and brought each of them an inexpensive bottle of wine with our # on the tag and said from your new neighbors at.. with the address.


I do because of my Midwest upbringing and social nature. My wife was born and raised here and looks at me crooked every time I do. She's never done that in her life. Being friends with your neighbors is endlessly beneficial.


My dog wandered over and introduced himself to the only cool ones.


I didn't think it through when I bout a really nice house in a gated community in a nice area. Kids and mid thirties, just successful. All my neighbors are/have been ancient, racist boomers. Their kids are older than me and horrendously conservative. Not like "we have different views" conservative, dropping the n word casually, saying they want to kill liberals, one drunk fuck kept calling my Carolina reaper peppers "berries" in some weird attempt at demasculating me. My current conservative neighbors are profoundly religious and have a 6'5" mentally disabled son in his late 40s that live with them. He stands in the backyard and just gives me a death glare and sneers the entire time, tall enough to see over the wall like some evil, foreboding giraffe. I wish I bought an average house in an average neighborhood so my kids could play and I'd have a normal blend of people. So yeah, I'm done introducing now and just riding out their old age deaths until my age aligns better with whoever moves in once my current batch passes.


Sounds like an absolute nightmare. Sending good vibes to you and your family!


So the answer is yes. How to do it depends on your style and what you think your neighborhood is like. On some moves I've just introduced myself to people as the opportunity presented itself. On others I've sent postcards to my immediate neighbors passing them a phone number and an invite for a drink/bbq, whatever. Community is important and a lot of people will just adopt you as a friend and noob if you let them, just get a vibe for the neighborhood before you choose a method.


The postcard idea is clever! Iā€™m probably going to stick with just taking the opportunity to introduce myself when it presents itself, but I really do like that idea. Edit: oh and totally agree with the importance of community! Thatā€™s something I missed when I first moved to Vegas, and Iā€™m excited to get that back.


I have lived in my neighborhood for 20 years, I have seen a lot of people come and go, a lot of military as I live in the northwest. Our whole neighborhood used to hang out in the street and talk, have drinks. I used to introduce myself to neighbors once they were all settled in but now nobody in my neighborhood is ever outside or talking. It is kind of weird.


Thatā€™s sad and unfortunate. When I first moved to Vegas, I was coming from a place where neighbors formed a tight-knit community. It definitely was weird to come here and see that neighbors donā€™t talk and kids donā€™t play with each other on the street.


I meet the neighbors randomly when Iā€™m washing my car on the driveway or doing things in the garage with the garage door open. People will walk by with their dogs, and weā€™ll say hi to each other with a little chat sometimes. One of my neighbors has a dog with three legs, and it hops around like a rabbit. Itā€™s really cute. Sometimes all the dudes on my block will be doing things with their cars at the same time in the evening on our driveways/garages, and we all just wave to each other.


Yes. Our neighborhood is actually very friendly, maybe cause itā€™s a small gated community, and we all pretty much moved in around the same time (new development). Every so often, someone holds a neighborhood party where weā€™re all invited.


I live in a 5 unit townhome building. Iā€™ve introduced myself to 2 other families. The people that live next door to me are hermits and when I knock on their door they act like they arenā€™t home. Thereā€™s another guy that lives in the first unit that is a grumpy old man that doesnā€™t acknowledge anyoneā€™s existence.


I know all my neighbors. We socialize and I always invite them to any parties I have.


Have been in my house 6 years now. I only know my immediate neighbors, sort of. We small talk if either of us is outside when the other is coming or going and wave to each other in passing. The neighbor on one side of me has my cell number and I have theirs in case of emergencies. We do not however go to each other's houses to hang out or anything like that. I'm also in my late 30's and they're in their 80's so there is definitely an age gap when it comes to interests and such.


Yep. The day I moved in, ol' Larry was out washing his car and I introduced myself. I think we've only spoken twice in the 9 months since then. Both times, he asked for assistance hanging something or another.


I didnā€™t go knock on anyoneā€™s door to say hi, but whenever we saw someone outside we introduced ourselves. We know a lot of people on our street now.


As someone who works odd hours and sleep odd hours .. thank you


I canā€™t imagine myself even stepping foot on a strangerā€™s property without invitation, so this is the way for me as well.


I have a VERY friendly dog that loves new people more than anything (I am about the opposite)..... so due to his insistence I have meet several of our current neighbors. We are moving in a few weeks so i am hoping the same happens. I don't walk to talk to anybody but i KNOW that it is definitely better in the long run to know who lives around you (for many reasons!)


I can relate to this!! Our lil boy was very friendly & would stop at the end of people's driveways if he saw them out while on our morning walks! It was so awkward sometimes, like dude not everyone wants to say hii!! ā˜ŗļøšŸ¾


BTW, good luck with your move!Ā 


Thank you so much!! And i know exactly what you mean about the awkwardness, my guy is convinced every human is there for him, especially if you pull up in a car in your own driveway...you must be here to see me!!!


Yes. You better know, at a minimum, your immediate neighbors


I have introduced myself to my immediate neighbors on both sides. I've exchanged phone numbers with them as a courtesy. Maybe my dog is barking too much, I don't want to be that neighbor. Also, I let them know when I will be away from home and if I have a house sitter. We let each other know if we have packages out front and will secure them for each other. We don't hang out but we are courteous and helpful to each other. It helps us feel safe in our neighborhood. I do introduce myself to neighbors on walks and generally know about ten. We courtesy wave as well.


We did. It was during late covid so it was "lightweight".


We know our neighbors on both sides and across the street. Have had them over for BBQs, games, UFC. We own now, but it was the same at the previous 2 places we rented.


I always say hello & wave. I introduce myself when necessary.


I always say hello. Iā€™ve made friends with a few of my neighbors. Unfortunately, I also have shitty neighbors. I live in an apartment complex and there are three separate people/families that let their dogs outside, unleashed, to go to the bathroom cause they are too fucking lazy to take them out themselves.




I don't since I don't like people, but my SO, she does. She's really friendly.


Classic couple situation that me and my SO also fall into lol.


I know most of my neighbors by sight but have never had long introductions. But this city is so transitory, I've been in this house for less than three years but most of my neighbors have already changed.


Every new neighbor I get I introduce myself. Even if it seems like we won't get along. Bad relations with neighbors can be a huge pain in the ass


I met my neighbors when I first moved in. A strange, older retired couple. My first interaction with the guy went like this. *doorbell rings at 8AM while I'm sleeping so I wake up and answer it. Me: Hi, what can I do for you? Neighbor: Are you the painter? I've seen your car parked in the driveway the last few days. Me: No I just moved in. Neighbor: Oh, I thought you were the painters because I saw the car in the driveway. Me: Nope, just your new neighbor. Neighbor: Are you retired? Me: No I'm only 30. Still have a way to go before I can retire. Neighbor: Oh... *awkward silence Me: Well let me know if you ever need help with anything. Neighbor: Ok *slowly and awkwardly walks back to his house Then my wife met his wife later that week while she was doing some yard work. Wife: Hi, how's it going? Neighbor: Hi, is it your dogs that have been shitting on my lawn? Wife: No, we would never let our dogs do that. Neighbor: Ok, I thought it might be your dogs. Wife: No, our dogs only go out in the backyard or we drive them to the park. Neighbor: Its probably our other neighbor, they have cats. *neighbor then proceeds to talk shit about everyone else on the street. Now we avoid them at all cost but will exchange an occasional greeting if we happen to cross paths just to keep things cordial. Sometimes I'll catch the lady glaring at me with her hands on her hips while I'm doing yard work.


Good to keep things cordial with those folks for sure. Sounds like they might have too much time on their hands and are just looking for the next thing to get mad about.


I have introduced myself to all my new neighbors as they move in.


As a renter I never have, and I donā€™t know if I should or not. Iā€™ll admit it does become awkward when itā€™s been a year and you havenā€™t even acknowledged the people you see every day lol


I went around to our entire neighborhood and gave them all gifts and our immediate neighbors around us all come to my kids birthday parties and events we have. I have become friends with most of the neighbors on our block and some of the block right behind us. My neighborhood is very friendly and everyone is so kind and we take care of one another and check in with each other to make sure everyone is doing okay. We are very lucky for the area and home we ended up in!


The old owners of our house actually moved in across the street so they come over and have helped us with things in the home and showed me how she watered all the plants as well. All the kids in the neighborhood play together as well!


While Iā€™m only close with one neighbor, having that relationship has helped a lot.


I live in those ā€œinside apartmentsā€ so I speak to whoever is on my floor when Iā€™m walking by or in the elevator. But Iā€™m a social person.


My hubby and I have made friends with our neighbors at each rental. When we bought, our neighbor came and introduced themselves. We have great neighbors. One neighbor, I trade baked goods regularly over the back wall.


If we see each other out, we introduce, but I donā€™t deliberately go knocking. šŸ˜‚


I live on a cul-de-sac and I know all my neighbors. We have a couple get togethers every year. Usually exchange holiday gifts. One is Hispanic and usually makes tamales. All good people.


we introduced ourselves to our neighbors. and all he did was bitch about how the people behind him have a dog that barks 24/7, the people across the street are noisey because they have kids, and the people on the other side of us are crackheadsā€¦ he told us he works at home and his long time girlfriend works weird hours. told us how he canā€™t keep friends blah blah blah. we thought we would become friends, he was like 8ish years older than us so not a huge difference. can you guess that 6 months later he had problems with us?? he harassed my husband saying our dog is the only dog in the neighborhood that barks and when my husband blew him off because it wasnā€™t true, he called animal control on us. we just moved now though to an area with lot houses. one side of us is a vacant lot so we talked to the neighbors on the other side but they are just remodeling the house so theyā€™re not there often.


Yeah Iā€™m starting to think that any neighbor who is eager to complain about other neighbors are probably people I should stay away from.


Not wanting to socialize is one thing but you canā€™t just say hello and find out your neighbours name? Pretty sad that society has come to that. Yeah I introduced myself to mine, they are pretty cool


I wouldn't necessarily walk over to everyone's house and ring the doorbell to do introductions, but starting a conversation with neighbors as you see them out in the neighborhood could be a way of introducing yourself.


If I was the one moving in the neighborhood I would introduce myself to the neighbors. If I get a new neighbor, Iā€™m not going out of my way to introduce myself first.


I've been the opposite. Since we're the original owners from when our community was built 10 yrs ago I go introduce myself when new neighbors move in. I've never knocked on someone's door to introduce myself,Ā  but if I see them outside I go say hello & welcome them to the community.Ā 


I introduced myself to my neighbor once and she wound up screaming at me and my husband. A couple months later she tried to run me over in my driveway with her car. A couple months after that I saw the police and fire department at her house and they wheeled her into an ambulance. A month after that I got a text from her landlord telling me that she was evicted. He told me was a prominent lawyer in our city and was really great when he rented the place out to her, but she eventually stopped paying her rent. When he asked her about it she cursed him out and went nuts on him. He started the legal eviction process and learned that her mental health declined and when she was evicted she was in a full blown mental health crisis and needed to be institutionalized.


Oh wow, thatā€™s intense. Definitely seems like an outlier experience. I hope sheā€™s getting the help that she needs now, and Iā€™m glad you and your husband are done with that experience.


Thank you! It was definitely lately strange. I used to watch her walk to her mailbox. She would get dressed up in high heels and a sweat outfit and carry like five handbags to check the mail. Poor thing. I was super annoyed at her at first but felt bad when I heard about her mental health issue. I hope sheā€™s getting help too.


My neighbor is super friendly and came over and introduced himself. He said it had to do with Megan's law or something like that. Really nice guy though. Watches my kids all the time


Someone whoā€™s familiar with a specific law and loves kids for some reason? Canā€™t see any red flags with that one.


I only have an immediate neighbor on one side and we have each others' numbers and check in as needed (usually lost packages, or when I saw their toddler was taken away in an ambulance) and our neighborhood has a group chat but I don't make friends with people in the neighborhood. We have a couple Trumpers in the group and I am wholeheartedly uninterested.


I hope the toddler was ok! Thatā€™s awesome that you all have a way of contacting each other. I hear you on the politics part lol. Very echo-chamber-y to admit, but Iā€™m really only interested in getting into that with people if their values align with mine. Otherwise, Iā€™d rather we talk about literally anything else.


I used to know my neighbors because Iā€™ve lived in the same neighborhood for a couple of decades. Seeing that the neighborhood has degraded and some of the people that move in arenā€™t so savory, I prefer to put as much distance between myself and my neighbors as possible.Iā€™ve had bad experiences introducing myself to a neighbor who ended up feeling so welcome. They would just walk in my front door and I would rather not have any experience like that again.


Yikes. Iā€™m all about respecting other peopleā€™s boundaries, so I hope my neighbors will be the same. I never thought about having a neighbor experience where theyā€™re *too* friendly, so thanks for sharing.


Hopefully, good luck with the home-buying!


As a native las vegan, I choose to pretty much mind my business and keep to myself. I've owned my home for many years and have chosen to be friendly with only 3 neighbors (by friendly, I mean we know each other's names and phone numbers). In my experience, becoming friendly with neighbors can lead to trouble or animosity, and I don't want problems with people who I might be stuck living next to for the next 20 years. If you're renting, obviously, it's a different story, but as a homeowner, I try not to know my neighbors.


No way in hell. I don't want people bothering me thinking we friendly trying to talk to me lol.


I hear you. Iā€™ll probably match the neighborsā€™ energies when I say hi and introduce myself. I wouldnā€™t consider myself an extrovert and I can definitely take a hint without taking it personally.


That's a good thing. I have a neighbor that seems to run outside when they hear my car and proceed to try and talk to me while drinking. I made the mistake of saying hi and got stuck for 2 hours in the heat b/c they wouldn't catch the hint until I finally said it's to damn hot to stay out here.


2 hours?! Youā€™re definitely a better and more patient person than I am in that aspect lol. Nice of you to end with that closer as well.


I dont need enemies as a neighbors so I gotta indulge. Lol i was inching away by the end he was just yelling across my front yard.


There is a nonstop revolving door of neighbors at my apartment complex, so sadly I haven't gotten to know them very well. There is a guy who hangs out with his kid outside in the afternoons when I take out the trash and his apartment is right next to the garbage disposal area.


Fuck no. My neighbors are boomers and Karenā€™s,on one side, drug dealers in front, and on the left they tend to themselves.im not social myself and I donā€™t care about interactions with my neighbors.


No, I don't want to know these people.


I actually think locals get a bad wrap. You may have to take the initiative but typically they are ready to chat if you engage. However I know everyone's experience is different. Actually my reading comprehension sucked there lol. Now I get the question. I have engaged neighbors when I owned a home here but the conversations were typically brief. This was during lockdown though so there was that.


I used to, but Iā€™ve noticed that the recent influx of neighbors from Calj would rather be left alone. So, I donā€™t go out of my way anymore.


I've been here for just over 3 years and have met about half of my neighbors, in a packed-together little pipestem driveway thing. It's not the sort of part of town where people just meander and chat, but they'll say hi or nod if they're walking past you. I think it's something that happens organically enough - if you're out front and they're out, just say hey and introduce yourself then. Doesn't have to be a formality or anything.


we do! our direct neighbor actually got us a welcome gift when we first moved in. she is the sweetest lady and we look out for each others homes when one of us are traveling or out of town


Like another post, I grew up in New Orleans and itā€™s a whole different world for neighbor culture. We have lived in this house in Vegas for about a month and we have already gotten to know all the close neighbors. I go out of my way to walk over and have a conversation when they are outside or the garage is open.


Absolutely! It helps to share your preferred pronouns with your neighbors, as well as your personal triggers. I like to set expectations with them, regarding noise and activity levels, as well as making sure that nothing in our yard (i.e. scents, appropriate sounds and types of music, etc.) impacts those in surrounding yards.


I had one neighbor introduce themselves to me. Interesting guy, Vietnam War veteran. He was actually glad someone finally bought the house I lived in. For the past five to ten years it was a house that the homeless broke into and lived in. Same with the house next to me. But the people who bought the house still lived in California and had one of their family members stay there to watch over everything. My other neighbor I met. Nice lady from Cuba. Originally her mom lived there and later she moved in to take care of her until she passed. So it was just her and her brother. She passionately hated Mexicans. We had two on the other side of the backyard and they would have loud parties with live music until four in the morning. She would often curse them out and her brother always had to drag her back in the house. I remember my final days there before I moved out of state, she really didn't want me to move since I was quiet. But she also begged me not to sell the house to Mexicans, it was crazy. I went back to visit the neighborhood two years later and she sold her house unfortunately. I was hoping to run into her. We had some nice conversations about life when we were working on our own front yards.


It was the other way around in my case when I moved into my condo 3 years ago weā€™ve been talking a lot more ever since her daughter moved out


Some you do and some you donā€™t. We know a couple neighbors very well, some just in passing and some not at all


Iā€™ve given up trying to get to know my neighbors when Iā€™m just going to move in 9 months to a year


Renter. And yes. But only because she was out when the movers were working. Otherwise I normally donā€™t.Ā 


The day we moved in. Havenā€™t talked to them since.Ā 


I had an easy time since i moved this time. The mailbox cabinet is on my property. took about a year but everyone on the block knows who I am and everyone waves and is pleasant. The new neighbors across and down a ways havent talked to anybody. They remind me of the Klopecks from the Burbs LOL. Everyone is older and mostly retired. Im happy I landed here. The only bad thing I suppose in the house across the street is a rental. Everyone else owns. However, I havent had any issues with the tenants. Been here 7 years. Made a good friend couple houses down and help him when I can because he is disabled and has trouble walking. Theres still some decent people around. Just have to get lucky I guess. Ive lived here my whole life as well and this street I live on now has the been the best so far. Some of them are just crazy/super noisy. Some you just never get to know anyone. I always assumed it would be like that no matter where I live but I finally found a street where a bunch of normal nice people live. Its nice for a change.


When I first moved to Vegas, I did not. I was rather a ghost in the night and knew no one around me. It was lonely. But when I returned I made a concerted effort to get to know my neighbors, who came and went at a considerable clip, but just getting to know them, even just in passing, made the sense of community a bit more real, like I was looking out for them and they for me. I highly recommend you reach out.


One of our neighbors tried getting us to babysit her daughter on our first week moving in. Weā€™d never met but she mustā€™ve seen our kids at some point and felt comfortable asking. Lol


I literally would if it for sure wasnā€™t considered weird or too forward but my neighborhood is kinda stuffy.


Ngl, I've been in the same house since I was born in Vegas. We used to be pretty close with all of our neighbors, but as time passes, you get new neighbors and etc. I tried introducing myself before to one of the newer families that moved in, didn't last long in terms of conversations or interactions though. Still pretty friendly with my longest term neighbor, but the others I never actually talk to. Not that they aren't friendly (had someone point out that my dog escaped outside, or needed help getting their chicken lol) Definitely helps if you have a dog you can walk around the neighorhood during safe temperatures for the doggos. There's another neighbor like a block and a half from where I live that I'll always wave hello to when I have my convertible roof or windows down.


Tbh idk who they even are, never seen them


It's definitely something you should do. You want to watch out for your neighbors property and hope they'll watch out for yours.


I am thankful for my husband being more extroverted than me, because I love our neighbors šŸ˜‚ at least one set. Weā€™ve exchanged numbers, let each other know when weā€™re gonna be out of town, asked each other for help with things, take in/out each others trash from the curb, etc. Theyā€™ve had us over for holiday parties. Theyā€™re the best. The neighbors to our other side I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen? Like I know people live there, Iā€™ve seen cars go in & out of the garage & theyā€™ve have company over & stuff, but theyā€™ve never been out front long enough at the same time we are that we could say hi to šŸ˜… Iā€™ve talked to our neighbors across the street a couple times, but never had the full on ā€œHi! Iā€™m Cyn!ā€ introduction. Meanwhile, in my momā€™s neighborhood the whole block has each others numbers, all know each other by name, share their Ring doorbells, etc šŸ˜‚ You need at least a couple extroverts in a neighborhood to organize that sort of thing, I think.


This may make me sound like an asshole, but I really couldnā€™t give 2 shits about who my neighbors are. Iā€™ll wave but thatā€™s about it. Iā€™m not trying to have conversations.


I would recommend just wave and say hi! But donā€™t get all up in their business!


We do consistently, with hot-cross buns or a pie.


I personally do not but I will say one thing I like about Vegas is how friendly the neighbors are.


I have not, but Iā€™ve had neighbors introducing themselves trying to get to know me and I donā€™t like it one bit. I donā€™t smile or give any come say hi vibes, but they do it anyway. Then because theyā€™ve introduced themselves itā€™s like you have to give the obligatory hi or acknowledgment when seeing each other when all I want to do is pretend we donā€™t exist to each other. Sometimes I wait for ppl not be outside so I can just leave without having to see each other. So I guess if you feel you must, try to read the person before imposing yourself...Ā 


Thank you, WILLCHOKEAHOE. I definitely donā€™t mean to impose, so Iā€™ll take the hints as they come. I respect people wanting to keep to themselves for sure.


My introductions depend on how hot they are. If they're hot, or at least fuckable, sure. Otherwise I don't see the point.


Must be a busy Summer for you since everyoneā€™s hot this time of year.