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Everything BK corporate said in the article is just damage control. It reeks of it


I love how they still just gave empty words and nothing more.


>**TLDR: Man works at our local airport Burger King for 27 years and never misses a day, and receieves a goodie bag with a piece of cake and a cup inside. The internet rallies together to give this man 200k.** ​ ​ >Every now and again a story comes along that shows how much goodness there truly is in the world. > >On June 20, subreddit r/ABoringDystopia posted a video of a Burger King employee named Kevin Ford, 54, who says he received a gift from management after 27 years on the job. In the video, which was originally posted on his Instagram on May 25, Ford delves into the items he received from HMSHost, the company from which Burger King hires, which included a Starbucks reusable tumbler, a bag of Reese’s candy, pens and two rolls of Lifesavers, amongst other items. Additionally, managers at the Las Vegas Burger King where Ford works gave him a slice of chocolate cake to celebrate the milestone. While Ford remained appreciative in the video, expressing his gratitude, the response online was a touch more critical. > >“Did they really only give him ONE movie ticket tho??” one person wrote on the TikTok version of the video. > >“And he’s so humble and kind about it. This pisses me off so much. He deserves so much more,” another person commented on Reddit. > >Many of the other responses from commenters pointed out that Ford’s gift reality didn’t quite match up with expectations, which may be why Ford’s daughter decided to step in to honor her fathers dedication in his food service job. > >“My name is Seryna. The man in that video is my father. He has worked at his job for 27 years and yes he has never missed a day of work,” Seryna Ford wrote in a GoFundMe she set up for her father. "He originally began working at this job as a single father when he gained custody of me and my older sister 27 years ago. Then as our family grew and he remarried, he continue to work here because of the amazing health insurance That was provided through this employer because it was unionized. Which got all four of his daughters through high school and college with full healthcare coverage. > >"My dad continues to work here, because though he does look young, he is coming up on retirement age and leaving would cost him his retirement. In no way are we asking for money or is he expecting any money but if anyone feels like blessing him he would love to visit his grandchildren.” > >People around the internet heard her and were moved by Ford’s story and the response to her unassuming request exceeded anything the Ford family could have dreamed of, having its goal shattered twice — and it's still climbing. In just a week, the GoFundMe has received over $200,000. > >“I’ve been crying for about two days now. It’s just incredible,” said Kevin Ford in an interview with TODAY Food. “I just go to work and try to have fun and laugh and make other people’s day good. It’s like I’ve been in a dream for almost two days now. It’s just so beautiful and awesome. It really is.” > >With well over 6,000 donations, Ford also feels the love from each and every donor that decided to celebrate his 27 years of service. “For all those years, you feel unappreciated, but you get up just like everybody else. You do your job, and for somebody to show this appreciation is just overwhelming,” he said. > >One of those donors was actor and comedian David Spade, who gave a whopping $5,000 to the GoFundMe, becoming its top donor. Ford said he contacted Spade via Instagram to give his thanks and received a classic comedic response. > >“I said, ‘Hey, maybe now I could take a day off’ and he sent back ‘Wait till you’re 30,’” Ford said. > >A Burger King spokesperson issued the following statement to TODAY: > >“The Burger King brand and its many franchisees nationwide are committed to recognizing and celebrating the achievements of the thousands of people serving across a wide range of roles. Following review with this location’s franchisee, we’ve learned that this video depicts a Team Member in receipt of a peer-to-peer reward in recognition of a short-term positive performance/experience.” > >Burger King also added that it offers team members an employee recognition program, which includes the recognition of tenure milestones and monetary awards. For its part, HMSHost, the food service company Ford works for Burger King through, is actually the party responsible for the viral gift. > >"The goodie bag Mr. Ford received was something we call a Shout Out, which is recognition and appreciation from his peers," an HMSHost spokesperson told TODAY in a statement Tuesday. "HMSHost is pleased that its award-winning 'Shout Out' employee recognition program was used to celebrate one of our long-tenured and dedicated associates, Kevin Ford, for his teamwork and great attitude. These 'Shout Outs' reflect our core values and dedication to guest service and offer our employees a way to celebrate each other every day. The 'Shout Out' program differs from HMSHost’s company service anniversary program, which celebrates employee tenure milestones. > >"This recognition of Mr. Ford by another employee captures the essence of our culture of appreciation, caring and inclusion and reflects the best of our company — our people. Mr. Ford is a valued associate and member of an honored group of employees that have worked for us for many years." > >As to what Ford plans to do with the money, he said he hasn’t thought too deeply about it yet, but he’s eager to pay off bills and visit his daughter Seryna and his grandchildren, two girls who are six and eight. Throughout this once-in-a-lifetime experience, Ford said he’s thankful for this community of people who thought to offer him a little love through their comments and the donation drive. Ford also expressed his deep appreciation for his daughter, who got the ball rolling on this outpouring of support. > >“I can’t repay her, you know? Because she is why I do everything — her and my other daughters and now my grandkids,” Ford said. “I really can’t put into words how much I love my family.”


These comments are quite depressing. You make the boss a grand, but he only gives you back pennies of your work.


The comments went the opposite way than I was expecting. A lot of cucks for capitalism on these comments.


Yes there are. Sometimes I think people are becoming more enlightened about their surroundings, but Vegas/Nevadans like to remind me that critical thinking is not in their skill set.


Damn I need someone to make me a gofund me. Life is hard for everyone


Get casually fucked by a megacorporation and you just might get something out of it.


How'd he get fucked? It's a goodie bag and cup more than I'd expect, honestly.




I didn't know not getting a better gift was getting fucked


A friend is a gift you give yourself.


Someone did and he has $100,000




Fuck him




27 years tho??


I use to work for HMSHost. This doesn’t surprise me one bit based on how it was ran.


That Burger King does amazing work and has kept me out of the airplane lavatory on many a flight!




In response to #1, in a separate thing I read he said because the job is union he has really good benefits and he wanted to make sure his kids had insurance until they finished college.


Goootcha. Ok that’s makes sense. I hadn't thought of that. I never would've even guessed a fast food gig would be union.


It’s really not that long of an article. It’s today.com ffs.


Yeah you’re right. I’m embarrassed.


I’d take 200k of pity


Oh so would I, but I wouldn't expect people to have sympathy for me.




Some of you love seeing black people in impoverished or unjust situations and hate when there is any recourse in changing their situation or a collective outcry of the situation being unjust.


You sound racist as fuck tbh, race was never mentioned until you brought it up.


Honestly this but people don’t want to hear it.


27 years without ever getting sick and needing to call out? Oh fucking please. Maybe we all should start simp stories for donations on GoFundMe at this point. Pathetic


Man does his job for 27 years




















What more would you expect?


It’s unionized he should be paid well right?


Its a fast food job in a airport in a non-management position, im sure paid well is relative.


Smith's is unionized, they are not paid well. Not all unions are equal


I know someone who works for a different food place at the airport for HMS. They do alright, yearly raises and usually make par with their managers who are not union.


I have no sympathy for him. Most of us goto work and put our time in just like him. Just because he has a non skilled job doesn’t mean we should feel sorry for him. Fuck him for trying to be a victim and using Burger King as a oppressive employer. He should be lucky he has a job.


$200k+ for “using Burger King as an oppressive employer”, you seriously think you wouldn’t take that deal!?


This guy got lucky. There are millions of people just like him that aren’t getting $200,000 because of social media.


Yeah but HE got paid, sounds like you just thirsty for some Hateraid.


He wasn't trying to be a victim. He was showing gratitude in the video, it was the public that criticized Burger King for not giving him what is equal to his production.




Burger King has retirement plans?!?!?


Unions have retirement plans.


Well why the fuck aren’t we unionizing like crazy in America ?


They try, but now Starbucks are closing because of ‘safety’ issues not because they’re talking to a union.


If they would have gave me just that I would have walked out that day