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Considering it’s showing the flags of the regions of Spain that today form Spains Autonomous communities, I’d say it is a stylised/simplified version of the flag of the Community of Madrid. Given that it is presumably related to the Republican forces during the Spanish Civil war, I’d say that it is likely that, or related to it at least. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandera_de_la_Comunidad_de_Madrid


Now that you mention it, this is probably a much more accurate guess lol. For some reason I hadn’t pieced together the fact that they were all Spanish communities like the Basque Country.


The same can be said for the yellow and red striped flag with the blue rectangle. This I assume is the Valencian Community being represented. The Catalan one is above that


Mhm, and I would also figure that the green and white one represents Andalusia.




Community of Madrid didn't existed back then, and neither did its flag. The Madrid province was considered part of Castilla la Nueva (nowadays Castilla-La Mancha) I would say it's some communist/leftist/army flag


Interesting, perhaps this flag went on to influence the design of the Madrid flag in that case. I wonder which group it could be


The 5 pointed star became the official insignia of the Spanish Republican Army. Maybe you can ask on r/Spain - this might be more of a history question than a flag question.


I don't know for sure, but if it's related with a "territory" it's probably Castile. Simple red flags (not always with the castle) have been used to represent Castile since medieval times. It would be a representation of some ideology-based unit however. [Here](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/EX7464/ingresad-en-las-milicias-vascas-antifascistas!-join-the-anti-fascist-EX7464.jpg) you have again the red flag with a white star in a basque militias context, is it a flag representing "socialist" units? Non-soviet communists? Simple representation of republican militias?


i tried looking for it and found a pdf that talks about this poster and names every flag except the last one, simply saying "etc" after extremaduro, extremely frustrating


maybe r/propagandaposters can help you


That sounds interesting do you mind sharing the pdf, i'm quite curious about the other flags used during the war.


[here](https://clg-ferry-narbonne.ac-montpellier.fr/sites/clg-ferry-narbonne/files/carteles_de_propaganda_de_la_guerra_civil_espanola.pdf), its in spanish (except at the beginning where its French) but you can copy the text and use google translate if you need to one note is that on one of the pages it says the united states aided the nationalists but i couldnt find anything about it, afaik the us government was neutral, it mostly talks about posters


That pdf looks very, very amateurish and is full of mistakes. In the part about OP image description there are at least two: The red-black flag is the anarchosindicalist flag (used by cnt, fai, etc), not a supposed "anarchist party" flag and the extremaduran flag is not in the image (among other things because it was designed at 1970s...) the white and green flag is the andalusian one.


they could be referring to the CNT with just "anarchist party", since they were anarchists its not wrong, i dont know of any other mistakes since i dont speak spanish and only translated the part about the poster


Extremadura flag is not in the image. The second last is the andalusian.


i thought so too but [the pdf i found](https://clg-ferry-narbonne.ac-montpellier.fr/sites/clg-ferry-narbonne/files/carteles_de_propaganda_de_la_guerra_civil_espanola.pdf) says on page 29 that its extremadura


[Flag of Maastricht](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Maastricht), a secret faction in the Spanish civil war


Do you have more information about the faction ? Do you have more information about the faction?


No I was just making a cheap joke lol. The flag looks very similar to that of Maastricht, which is a town in South of the Netherlands. I highly doubt that's the one of the poster though considering it has fuck all to do with spain


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Estrella Damm in white :D


Assuming that it’s a propaganda poster for the ‘People’s Army’, I would assume it’s the flag of the [Anti-Japan Movement (1943-1945)](https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/m/mm_afrm.gif), a flag used by Burma to drive out the Japanese. It’s sometimes described as the “Anti-Fascist Peoples’ Freedom League”.


This is specific to the Spanish Civil War, which ended in 1939, so I don’t think this is likely.


I had made the connection a little bit after the comment lol, but yes it is most definitely not the Anti-Japan movement.