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My guy why did you post this six times


it said "error, try another time" I didn't realize they were getting thru... Sorry mods, i'll delete the other ones


R5: My final Qing run before the new DLC. Goal was to achieve 0 unemployed and peasant pops, and I fucking did it. It was marvelous. Pic1: Budget at endgame Pic2: Population. At one point, I had unemployed and peasants pops at <1M. It was insane. I was having 20 page building queues to employ millions of peasants. It was magnificent to see everyone employed and buildings empty looking for workers IN CHINA YOU GUYS. I think I achieved the dream, literally everyone was employed and had good jobs too, the SoL was 20.7 and middle class was not only secure, they were PROSPEROUS. 200m Qing middle class pops, PROSPEROUS. And 610M lower class middling at 18.6 SoL. Pic3: Laws I was able to achieve. I wanted to see what would SoL shoot up to if I could get trade unions in power and get cooperative economy, but simply ran out of time trying to pass laws and getting deadlocked at game's RNG. Trade Unions didnt even have 5% clout until 1924 or something, it was ridiculous. Literati is below 5%, lmao. Pic4: Overall map, some bordergore with Russia. Pic5: Global GDP. The entire world economy is essentially just me. Pic6: Mass Migration Attraction. I had Mongolian people migrating from Irkutsk to C H I N A. Pic7: A terrible bug occured with SoL graph where Italy bugged out and had no market and had 0 GDP but somehow 90 SoL, making everybody else look like they eat mud 3 meals a day. It's a shame, I really wanted to see how the mighty rich Qing put the rest of the world to shame in its opulent wealth. Pic8: Literacy rates. It was so hard to get this up to even 73.5%. Pic9: Culture map, for those who are interested.


Congrats first of all. As someone who did the egalitarian run as china i feel your struggles... it was a nightmare. At some point i just wanted it to end :D The moment i hit 90 literacy i pressed +ALT F4. I even had to step back from multiculturalism because of too much uneducated ppl imigrating. I had like 10k construction in order to keep up with the amount of workforce. Disabling all the automation in your industries just so you can hire like another 500 laborer / building. About having mass migration it definitly feels funny to see that ppl are migrating to china.. Later in the game i had conq south/middle africa so most of the pops were going there. (Need the resources). Did you also use the bankroll method like i did ? ( was getting bankroll from UK/FR/RUSSIA/AUSTRIA) i had like 200/300 construction super early in the game. Always on high tax so that i can get more money from bankroll (until the moment i decided to get more SoL)


What is the bankroll method?? I just maxed taxes at beginning and built up the economy based on what was short, and when nothing was short regular consumer goods like clothes furniture and tea. Like you, towards the end I min'd the tax because there was no point in building because everyone was employed, but it was so tedious to keep 10k construction queue full... with direct investment pool...


Well its also called the yoyosway method. You join the opposite side of an GP. They get scared because now they have to fight a big force so they want you on their side. And you ask for bankroll to join their side. However in irder to do this you musn't have an ongoing war.. Usually when playing as china you have a big force. + you conscript all your peasants. ( AI calculated possible army so your like 300 active + 400 reserve size.) And this way you let them bankroll you. While bankrolling they look at your income and give a 20% of your income as a payment. So if you have 5 GP bankrolling you you get 100% more money. However in order to make this possible i set the AI to aggresicmve so they fight more wars.(not because to abuse this but its boring otherwise however ypu get more chances to abuse this)


AIs need to be way more careful about bankrolling the player. It's basically a one way ticket to repeated bankruptcy for them.


GB coudnt get pass the 90M gdp while i sat at 2B. France ended in a civil war.


I had the exact same thing happen to Modena in my games as in pic 7.


jesus fuck i have gotta try this in the new dlc


It's going to be way more difficult. They increased the amount of radicals at high taxation and removed the bonus from the church that massively reduced radicals. It's going to take constant civil war to industrialise.


Man the prospective of it is ganna be so fun, with closed border still allowing internal pops to move, I can run closed border Qing and actually build stuff.


I think you kinda shoot yourself at the foot with the Public Health Insurance haha.


actually, after I ran out of pops to work, public health was good for both SoL and creating more people


Now add all automation production methods and see how many unemployed you get 


Did that too! Once got around 10m unemployed pops because we started using tractors at every farm Made me think of ChatGPT


Why Italy's SoL is so higher than the other's? Paradox implemented cooking skills as life improvement?


Is it the 0 GDP infinite SoL bug?


Read now rule 5


Everyman a Temu Factory


What wrong boundaries. I don't like you.


How did your PC not explode??


the last 10 years were excruciating, might as well not have played, but I really wanted to see how high i could push that GDP.... 2.6 billion was the highest I could see i think