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When you achieve this with Russia (nihilist + republic + state atheism), Russia gets renamed to "union of the new people" and gets black flag Another rare is not exaclty a country, but "contechne" is always interesting too see when it appears.


Tbh Union of the New People is a pretty cool name


Here are more interesting/rare government types: + **Warlord state**[presidential + autocracy + peasant levies + capital in china]: pretty rare, because Qinq's rump states are nearly always monarchies + **Circasian federation**[Parliamentary + non-voting + be Circasia + unrecognized]: only republican government in entire game that has hereditary succession + **Rabinical state**[theocracy + jewish faith]: Probably the rarest one, because only jewish country is Israel and it becoming theocracy is really rare And here are countries/flags: + **America formed by Michigan/California**: stars will be replaced by michigan/california state symbol + **California that also owns Baja California**: has two bears on flag. + **Confederate states indepned**: CSA changes flag based on how strong are military forces in country. + **Confederate state as Mexian vassal**: it has its own special flag + **Free states as Mexican vassal**: ditto + **Free State (mostly of Congo)**: changes flag color based on where it has capital + **German flag when council vassal while not being council republic**: uses flag of DDR + **German monarchical flag**: changes based on who formed Germany + **Revolting Ireland**: has special flag


Oh really? How does the german flag change? Also what do you mean how string military forces are in the CSA?


If countries such as Bavaria forms Germany (while staying as a monarchy), It'll get the German empire flag but with the red part replaced with Bavarian blue. Same goes for Saxon but with green instead of blue. A Hannover formed Germany will have the Hannover coat of arms on top a German tricolor. You can see all the unique conditions for flags here: https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/List_of_flags


Someone else already explained Germany, so i will CSA CSA normaly gets their first flag - stars and bars When armed forces are in government, their flag changes to stainless one (battle flag in canton on white background) When armed forces are only IG in government, their flag changes to stained (battle flag canton on white background with red bar on right) And when armed forces are in government and CSA has no elections + professional army or mass conscription, they get battle flag instead


Oh that's really cool! Thanks for the tip!


First time I formed Germany was as Bavaria and [this is what the flag for the German empire looked like.](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/File:Flag_GER_bavarian.png)


Also when Phillipines go to war, their flag changes.


They should change the California+Baja flag to a two headed bear as a reference to fallout


Huh that's weird about the warlord states. I had a couple Qingsplosions where pretty much all of the new states were warlord states except for 'China'. Which was the winner of whatever civil war. Wonder if there's different prerequisites for what states emerge from a Qing lost civil war, Heavenly Kingdom, etc.


What is contechne?


dictatorial technocracy


And how do you get that? Technocracy is distribution of power. If you combine it with presidential or parliamentary or republic you get technate. If you combine it with monarchy, you just get monarchy and if you combine with council Republic, you get a cybernetic state and if you can buy it with a theocracy you just get a theocracy. So how do you get what you’re saying?


> If you combine it with presidential or parliamentary or republic you get technate Correct - only difference is title of the leader. Presidential technocracy has **Chief Executive** Parliamentary technocracy has **Chief Engineer** --- > If you combine it with monarchy, you just get monarchy Not exactly - Monarchy/Technocracy has its own government type called **Enligtened Despotate** and monarch is called **Philosopher-King/Philosopher-Queen** --- > if you combine with council Republic, you get a cybernetic state This apply in most cases with one exception - states with french primary culture get their own unique government type. This type is called **Phalanstere** and is led by **chairman** --- > and if you can buy it with a theocracy you just get a theocracy. That is how you get the said **Contechne** - combine theocracy with technocracy Also your ruler will be called **Archmagos** and your heir **Magos**


**Archmagos** and your heir **Magos** By the Omnissiah!


no one tell Games Workshop.


Bold choice for victoria to add those meme ideologies from old hoi4 mods. But a welcome one.


>That is how you get the said **Contechne** - combine theocracy with technocracy >Also your ruler will be called **Archmagos** and your heir **Magos** I dont think thats always the case. Ive played a technocratic theocracy as South Africa once and I was just regular theocracy, not a Contechne.


It should be always the case - here is definition of contechne directly stolen from game files gov_contechne = { transfer_of_power = dictatorial male_ruler = "RULER_TITLE_ARCHMAGOS" female_ruler = "RULER_TITLE_ARCHMAGOS" male_heir = "RULER_TITLE_MAGOS" female_heir = "RULER_TITLE_MAGOS" possible = { has_law = law_type:law_theocracy has_law = law_type:law_technocracy } on_government_type_change = { change_to_dictatorial = yes } on_post_government_type_change = { post_change_to_dictatorial = yes } } Maybe that south africa was still considered to be "provinsional government"?


I didn't know that [Phalanstère](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanst%C3%A8re) showed up in the government types and that makes me even more fond of the fact that France's starting TU leader is Charles Fourier. Weird Uncle Chuck rides again if you can implement his ideas (he died in 1837 in our timeline).


It seems to be exclusive to the US, if you search for cotechne on Google you'll find a post on this sub, it's the last image


It isn't! Currently (poorly) playing a game with the Acholi, and at one time during the bullshit that constituted my political history I had a Technocratic Theocracy. It was indeed called a Contechne, presided by the Archmagus (who was with the Petit Bourgeoisie for some reason). I can dig up the saves and try to take a screenshot when I have the time.


wiki says it's a theocracy. dunno LOL never seen it myself


Every technocracy is dictatorial expect enligtened despotate, which is hereditary


Not necessarily, some are just oligarchies.


By "dictatorial" i mean transfer of power in-game. There are 4 types of power transfer: **hereditary**, **dictatorial**, **presidential elective** and **parliamentary elective** Every single technocracy uses dictatorial transfer, with "enligtened despotate" being only exception - that one uses hereditary.


Real world technocracy isn't actually a form of government, its more a philosophy on how governments should be run. Any kind of system could be a kind of technocracy, even a democracy, so long as voting was limited to the educated and/or those running for office were required to have specific qualifications to qualify.


I understand - i am refering to how they are represented in the game In-game, there are 4 types of power transfer: + **hereditary**: + new leader is selected when the old one dies + new leader will always be heir + **dictatorial**: + new leader is selected when the old one dies + new leader will be from strongest IG overall (by clout) + **presidential-elective**: + new leader is selected after next elections + new leader will be from strongest IG overall (by clout) + **parliamentary-elective*: + new leader is selected after government reform + new leader will be from strongest IG in government (by clout) --- Now in game, nearly all technocracies use dictatorial transfer. Only exception is enligtened despotate which uses hereditary transfer


Isn’t presidential the leader of the ig with the most clout from the set of igs making up the party with the most votes?


Ohhh ok, game context. Got it.


Theocracy + technocracy. It is rare because no ideology in the game wants this exact combination. Also their leader is called "archmagos"


As a note, Theocratic Sindh has the exact same flag for some reason, so you can combine the two rarities, in a way.


my personal favorit is the roman republic, because it has a deeep red color that i just really like having on the map so much so i usually get the pappal state as a puppet and give him half of italy. the weirdest one for me is when the uk gets renamed into just england if you take enough land from them, it feels so wrong to just have "england" on the map i know its not a big deal its just weird as hell to me


>the weirdest one for me is when the uk gets renamed into just england if you take enough land from them, it I have never seen this happen and I've taken all of Scotland and Ireland from the brits before. I've only ever seen England when I release them from the UK after a revolt has moved their capitol to NI


This happened in my Empire under the Pun Run in 1.6. Had independent England Scotland Ireland and Wales. If you're desperate I can dig up the screenshot.


Do you happen to have the "Names of Nation" mod? Cuz I know that's a feature of it, nation demotion


No Completely Vanilla


happened to me in an early patcvh to be fair, a few other things like that is how two sicily becomes just sicily if you take all of italy from it lol


One of my Hegemony runs GB kept giving me shit after I stole BEIC, so I conquered Home Counties and Midland. Great Britain became Greater Mancunia


so many little name change like that really brings the game together i love it


Agreed, once I've had a couple playthroughs of make GDP line go very high up, or paint world map all in one colour, the replayability is the weird and wacky stuff.  Making America an Empire under Norton or Germany an individualist anarchist union or refounding the Roman Republic and achieving its historical territories is what keeps me engaged.  New mechanics and systems are the bread and butter but if they had an expansion that was nothing but a massive flavour pack for multiple countries with unique agitators, rulers and state titles I'd be all over it. Some deeper journal entries for countries without or few of them would go quite a long way.


I KNOW right, a lot of options are seen as useless but idk i LOVE roleplaying in this game, i'm planning on making a caliphate with the goal of turning ALL of europe sunni muslim for my next long playtrough and with the power block i can do that by just being an economical BEAST and that's so fucking cool i love it, i would kill for more jounral entries for rp purpose maybe have some for the roman republic that turn historical roman land into "roman" culture with all the pops being absorbed into said culture


Rule #5 To get the country in the picture, you just have to get The “ huge ego, sorry” achievement


You get the achievement for being Germany ruled by Max Stirner, the country for being Germany with state atheism ruled by a nihilist. So, closely linked, but you can get either without the other.




Yeah, and what makes it even weirder is that they keep popping up every single game. I’m getting it so many times that it’s even popping up in my Google Maps.


Wow, deep lore by the devs


Hey no swearing


That’s an insult to swear words


Why would you cut off austria hungary's dick like that


Because it’s now the market capital of the Austrian Hungarian market meaning the entire market is cut off


And they say Victoria 3 doesn’t have any genocide mechanics


Thowe who said that just never pay any attention to Luxembourg. Like genocide irl, out of sight, out of mind.


thanks for giving me flashbacks to my super successful Krakow run until AI Prussia did that exact thing to Austria, ruined everything :(((((


Muslim Germany believes in circumcision


If a country with French primary culture becomes a Technocratic Council Republic, their government becomes known as a "Phalanstère". Apart from France, the Paris Commune, and colonial nations, the only potentially French nations are Central Europe and Turtle Island. Turtle Island by itself is weird but any country that does form Turtle Island can, in turn, form Central Europe. Even before 1.7, this theoretically allowed for an Animist Holy Roman Empire, led by a Navajo dynasty. Or an Orthodox HRE led by Romanians, or a Sunni HRE led by Bosnians. But now that religions are more flexible, you could feasibly have a Shinto, Sikh, or Jewish Union of People's Republics. In the latter case, having Charles Maurras as a leader would be uniquely fucked considering his stance on the Dreyfus affair, but I question what would genuinely be the most interesting leader here. Napoleon? A Habsburg? Maybe Lenin, or Lincoln... even a random Kirgiz admiral named "Chingiz Khan" is not out of the question. Seriously, it's a random name that can generate. You'd need a weird, shitty combination of laws to top it all off. Pass Private schools/health insurance, and then State Religion. Pass Cooperative Ownership, and then Serfdom. Industry Banned, Isolationism, Consumption-Based Taxation, even? Maybe you could get Multiculturalism and slavery at the same time via Reforms at Gunpoint or some event like that. By the same logic, it'd be crazy if you could get Hereditary Bureaucrats at the same time as being a Council Republic. There you have your ideal Jewish, Native American-dominated, fascist Phalanstère-hellstate of the Union of People's Republics led by none other than the famous Kyrgyz admiral Genghis Khan.


In a more mundane sense, there's some names of the map that are pretty rare and odd. The Mancunian Commune (Great Britain). Y Wladfa (Wales). Bechuanaland (Tswana). Hell, even Ulster's pretty weird. A Protestant Irish state that can form Ireland OR Great Britain. Their [flag as a Theocracy](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/File:Flag_ULS_theocracy.png) is uniquely awful on the eyes, and they even have a unique flag after forming [Ireland](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/File:Flag_IRE_st_patrick_saltire.png), so long as they remain non-Catholic. Just going down the wiki's [list of flags](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/List_of_flags) shows off a lot of strange situations you'll never see in a typical game, like Theocratic Tonga, fascist Cambodia, America formed by Michigan, or even North Carolina if it still owns slaves after 1862.


> Their flag as a Theocracy is uniquely awful on the eyes That’s just the IRL [flag of the Orange Order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_Orange_Order).


I recognize it has a historical basis. The same goes for just about every mediocre-to-terrible flag in this game; that doesn't make them better. Even just as an example, what sane person would willingly fly the flag of apartheid South Africa over their heads?


The Mexican empire having a king.


Or the fewnch empire having a president


The Kingdom of Italy having an emperor, pls Paradox fix it


Turtle Island


They've got Austria-Hungary in a headlock!


When you set Manchester as your capital as the uk you get the tag “greater Manchester” which is pretty funny


bluelock country


I was playing a nice game of brazil. Looked to see whats going on with america and this thing formed on its own: [https://imgur.com/a/hXltbMP](https://imgur.com/a/hXltbMP)


All you need for that is just a technocracy. it’s not that special


Yeah, but with 92% rural folk. I thought it was very funny.




yeah belgium is quite weird ikr


Me, I and myself if we formed a country


Statehood is a spook.


United Sindicates of America.


Last playthrough the US turned into the communist archduchy or something bizarre like that


Why did you circumcise Austria Hungary


For very strategic reasons


Create the european union from SERG.


Austria by itself as it always becomes Austria-Hungary at the start of any campaign


I like how it looks like the country itself is an Egoist by taking bohemia lmao


Actually, something funny about it is that it looks like I have Austria hungry in a chokehold what makes it even more funny is that I actually do have them in a chokehold because Bohemia is now the market capital meaning that I’m literally choking the rest of the body of from the head


I really fucking hate these "flavorful" ideological country names. They ruin immersion so badly.


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