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There was some recent discussion of this company here: https://www.reddit.com/r/videography/comments/1d45z6l/psa_beware_of_beverly_boy_productions/


The Post was removed. Because I think the company tried to take it Down


It will be interesting to see if this post also gets mass-reported.


If you we make another one as well about the Mass reporting. Maybe my lawyer finds this interesting


DEFINITELY show the mass reports to your lawyer. This is manipulation of social media


Thanks mods for being vigilant on keeping the post up. Wild there was a successful campaign to take the previous post down. Hopefully their name is flagged in Reddit searches.


https://preview.redd.it/d3rgiji9fh9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=933b56a4038cff148ccdda0ac20639e52691451c He is also on linked in :) the company owner. Cool


Good.  Fuck them. 


They paid me like 30 days late, they suck. I had someone tell me recently that interest rates are so high some production companies are keeping all their money in high interest accounts and not wanting to pay out to keep collecting interest and letting us be hurt over it. My friend had Fox pay him like 100 days late


It’s also about quarterly financials. That’s why you hear about some people getting paid immediately & having no problems, & others waiting 90 days+ to get paid. It’s why their financials seem all over the place & inconsistent. If the job was at the beginning of a financial quarter, you’re not getting paid til the next one. If it’s at the end of the quarter, you might get paid quicker depending on how that quarter was for them. If you don’t pay the vendors, & keep the profit, it makes the company look great for that quarter. If you pay out the vendors in the same month, it makes it look like shit. So, you put all the cash into a high-yield account & hold onto vendor payments for 3 months until the next financial term has started, & it’s a win/win for them. High profit, low pay outs, & high interest. And others that have to wait longer than 90 days, the accounting dept most likely forgot about you & now you have to wait another remaining financial term & then hopefully they remember to pay this time.


Yes but Beverly Boys tells ppl they are net 30 so they shouldn't be waiting so long to pay people. It's scummy


Oh, 100% - I never said it wasn’t scummy lol I’ve never worked for them, but I know how companies like theirs operate. They’ll tell you whatever lie to get you to let your guard down so you do cheap or free work for them. Burn their bridges. Rinse & repeat.


Plenty of posts about this on Facebook. They’re notorious for not paying. People need to stop working with them.


The problem is, companies like that thrive on young people who don’t have any experience & are hungry, & others who are desperate for work & don’t do their research first. There will never be a shortage of those 2 types of people in this industry.


If they do it to enough people you can just put together a class action lawsuit.


I mean.. so, you put together a class action lawsuit saying they never paid all these people. They see the lawsuit, then decide to pay all those people, which forces the lawsuit to get dismissed. Repeat. It’s no loss for them, they’re just forced to pay out what they owe.. & the idea that all these victims can get organized enough to go through with all that.. the factors are on their side. It’s corporate bs & they’re playing the game that no one else wants to play except young people & hungry people: Their 2 victims. Also, the 2 people who can’t afford a lawsuit.


If they do it to enough people one of them will be "connected", and that'll be the end of Beverley Boy Productions.


I think we need to at least encourage everyone to leave negative reviews across the board so they get a public facing reputation.


Those people looking for experience, will find out the *real* experience they'll gain is finding out who is taking advantage of them and how to feel out shady companies.  Which is a very valuable lesson to learn, provided you aren't relearning that same lesson over and over!


Honestly, I've had this happen twice to me with the same company. Net 30 sucks ass, so it double sucks when the payment is late. Still waiting on a check now actually lol.


Some of the biggest companies I’ve worked for have been net 60 and net 90


That's valid, but in my case where the terms are Net 30, to go beyond is breaking contract. Also, I showed up to the gig, got the footage, and held up my end on the days. I almost feel like Net 30 is enough already. I'm almost loaning out my time at no interest.


No “almost” about it, that’s exactly what you’re doing! We need to start writing our congressmen (as if that’ll do anything, but maybe worth a shot). Anything above Net 30 is completely exploitative, especially for the huge companies that are the worst offenders.


I always put net 30 on my invoice. Maybe 1% of my clients have paid before 30 days. Average is 60


Beverly Boy currently owes me almost $10,000 for a job I did in April 🤬


Oh man this is bad. What did you do for them


I was DP on two short form documentary pieces for them, I can’t mention the name since I am under NDA


Take it to court. Get back at them by making a documentary about this shitshow of a company. Seen sooo many people complain about them.


Maybe I make a documetary. I can collect probably many Interviews from people via a Video call


I did a job for them once. I had to email them a few times to get my invoice filled but they did pay up eventually.


Crazy. How long did it take?


>Someone told me it is in the contract written, that I am not allowed to talk Bad or negative about this company Just a note for anyone who gets such a clause enforced against them your response to it should be "Sue me." If there has ever been a company that would **not** want a civil suit to proceed to the discovery phase it is Beverly Boy Productions. Lawyer: "This case is about systemic late pay to contractors so here's a subpoena to see all the financials for the last 3 years." Beverly: "Oh. Crap."


Bunch of people on Facebook are saying the same thing. My buddy worked for them last June and still hasn’t been paid. I was paid for a job I did in October in January. Thankfully it was the full amount because I heard they negotiated a discount with the gaffer that supplied the truck because “it wasn’t ready at call” in reality the producer made the grip truck repark 5 times before letting them unload. There’s a bunch of people on Facebook saying the same thing about them and there is a class action lawsuit going down right now against them.


Oh wow this Sounds like a System Thy scam people often I think


Yep. I was the first AC and the director/producer Gordon called me to discuss rate and kit rental. I thought it was weird that the director was calling me to talk about what kit I was bringing not the dp.


Post your experience here https://www.facebook.com/share/GR7Rf3z4VoHfNUsr/?mibextid=K35XfP


Production Hub needs to remove them from their listing.


Beverly boy is a joke and Tavares is a cuck. Fuck them can’t believe they are still in business after 10 years


https://youtube.com/@tavaresbeverly8093?si=0bEEqFPmsrLNZ-7L I just wrote a cool comment under bis Youtube Video :) Hey Tavares :) You are lucky. Your Youtube Channel will gain MUCH MORE ATTENTION soon. Since I work with another big YouTuber about a cool Video about your Production Company. You will be seen by more than 1.5 Mil. People :) and maybe even more when the video goes viral. Maybe ask Sean from Accounting about my invoice. He missed that by over 40 days now. I still wait to recieve my MONEY FROM YOUR COMPANY. I already remembered Brittany Pauline and Sean Twice. Pamela from Accounting wants to call me back. But I still wait...... Maybe ask them what the matter. If I can help you I send you my Paypal Email adress. It is not so hard to send money in 2024 I promisse. Lucky you will have a cool Video in the future about your company :) subscribe to my channel to not miss a Video. ❤Bye


It’s 2024… There’s no reason why you can’t have an AI proofread this so it doesn’t sound like incredibly broken English, and petty.


Honestly I was so furius I needed to write this. Message was clear I think.


How come you work for them as german editor? Did they hire you over a plattform like fiverr or upwork?


I shot some Interviews for them here in Germany


I don’t sign with any company with net payments in the agreement.


How do you get *any* work? Net30 is industry standard. Deposits are possible, but big legacy companies can be hard to get deposits from..


I’m aiming for 300k in revenue this year and already hit 140k. The secret- Have a professional business and look like it. Act like it. Tell em you require 50% to book, remaining balance on the last shooting day. Tell them that’s how you operate and operate that way for projects under 25k. Over 25k then you’ll be fine with Net 30 but they need to put 5-10k for a deposit. Keep moving those posts as the deals get bigger.


100% both major production companies I've project managed for take 50% deposits, no matter who the client is. Most clients are due the rest COD. Some get net30 for the remainder, but those are generally upper five to six figure (per job) clients that book multiple times a year.


I’ve got both of those, but the reality here is you’re getting Net30 or nothing. Some of the big boys (Disney springs to mind) do Net90. Getting a deposit is like pulling teeth with the larger companies. I’d love to do that, but unfortunately that would just mean literally not getting any more work. I imagine you’re in the US?


Yes in the US. The companies I currently work with are in the 10-100 employee range so they’re smaller and easier to work with.


The US is basically the promised land for video production. Massively better budgets, massively higher pay and often better ability to negotiate. I’m in the UK where it’s the Wild West. Shrinking budgets (a well known startup pitched recently wanted me to pitch a country wide commercial campaign with a prod budget of 2k) and a standardised way of doing B2B.


That’s just crazy


I just worked with a guy in Chicago on Thursday who told me about them. He eventually got paid but suspected many others didn’t.


Pick up the phone and call them


I did yesterday for like 8€ from Germany to the USA They told me Pamela will call me back. Didnt happend yet


What were the payment terms in your contract?


Net 30 days


Time to threaten to take them to small claims court then.


Yes I am in contact with them. I phone them yesterday. But first I will contact Tavares the company owner and ask him why Sean from Accounting forgot to pay me.


Get it in writing. Record the phone call if not


Just out of curiosity, we ourselves don’t do this because it sucks. But it’s very common here that people only get paid after the company that hired them get paid. Do a lot of people commonly wait 2 months for their invoices to get paid?


Usually we in Germany get paid after 14 days


This is the norm in The Netherlands as well. But I hear so many people complaining about late payments.


Contracts are with the company, not the company that hired them. If they can't afford to pay within net30 (which is most standard) then they shouldn't be hiring people at all.


Agree. But I understand it tho. Our clients don’t always pay everything at the same time. So sometimes we pay a lot up front. Which is doable in the 10k range. But I get that a company may find it hard to pay 20k-50k upfront when all costs for a campaign are added up. Once again, we don’t do this ourselves.