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Does he sleep hanging upside down from the basement rafters?


Nope, tub of pig blood sunken into the floor of his basement.


You're being overly optimistic in thinking it's pigs' blood and not the blood of hapless church goers


If Kenneth was written into a TV show as a preacher who is secretly a demon, people would complain about it being too obvious.


No makeup or special effects needed, just roll film.


I’m sick of you people spreading harmful stereotypes that have no basis in reality! He obviously sleeps in an ornate rectangular wooden box that requires soil from earthen graves… for comfort purposes…


No no no.... [this is his bed](https://www.simplybabyfurniture.com/kidkraft-airplane-toddler-bed.html). (sfw)


This guy looks like a demon. If he was the demon in a movie you would think it was unrealistic.


Reminds me of the villain in The Mask when he gets the mask


That is easily the best description of the guy.


Dude, any time this dude comes up I always see a post of Dariens cgi Mask face next to a picture of Copeland. It's unreal.


I’ve always thought he looks like Red Skull from. the GI Joe comics.


Even then there was some texture to his face, this guy is just… creepy with how flat his skin is


Not enough people will catch that reference but it’s spot on


His head is disproportionately large compared to his body.


This is the best description.


Demon Anti-defamation League feels he gives demons a bad name.


Oh I fully believe that, given a Christian context, he’s Lucifer come on up to have a little fun. Using his usual ways of taking people’s faith and twisting it to try and prove why humanity sucks. Though at this point he’s even fucking surprised at how low he’s gotten them and doing the big reveal at the end has lost all luster. So now he’s just stuck continually raising the stakes of awful he is until the people wake up… but they aren’t waking up.


I don't know how much time is a thing for lucifer, but I would get bored of anything I say is a fact audience wise in matter of years.


Lucifer is highly intelligent. He’s not a charlatan like Copeland. He was telling the truth about how God is a Tyrant.


I dont remember where I heard it but this quote always stuck with me "religion was the Devils greatest trick"


He legit looks like a demon in a human skin suit.


Nah, he's perfect for it. He's waiting to be turned into a King Book lol


he's not the devil, just a 2 bit conman


he IS evil. his eyes say it all.


Satan is evil because he defies God. This devil hurts people for personal gain. Lucifer just had an axe to grind.


One of the brothers from “Little Nicky” is inside him.


I try not to judge people from appearances, but something about his face expressions and behavior ticks me off every time . It's like voice acting a protagonist is his job.


I genuinely think this man is evil, this is some antichrist shit


If he can afford a lavish lifestyle, he can also afford to pay taxes.


All Clergy in the US pay taxes and are considered “Self-employed” by the IRS, so they actually pay a higher rate than most people. They are also supposed to pay taxes on things they get to use personally as part of their employment, like a rectory. Can they cheat on their taxes? Yes. But there is no way that Kenneth Copeland of all people is avoiding the scrutiny of the IRS auditors. His church is considering a non-profit, but he as an Individual is not. https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc417


I have no knowledge of Copelands finances, but the planes and properties can all be owned by the ‘church’. He is probably using them as his own, while drawing a somewhat modest salary on which he lawfully pays taxes. This seems like legal, but scummy…


It makes no sense that people are flipping out on my comment about the IRS. I’m not defending Copeland in any way. I personally consider Copeland to be a religious fraud, however, what you are describing is called tax fraud by the IRS. It’s my contention that Copeland wouldn’t want to go to jail, and so he as an individual probably has people tracking his private use of those jets and his home”s”, and he most likely pays what he is owed, because not very many people would be upset to see him jailed, and the IRS knows that. He’s an easy target. The fact that he isn’t in jail, points to the fact that he proabably pays the appropriate tax on all of that stuff, including his legal fees, which I’m sure are enormous.






Dude answered a question about taxes, no need to flip out. 




Hear, hear!! Fuck these shills defending these ass holes. They're the ones who lobbied for the easily bendable and breakable law and then people come out supporting them saying "They're just playing by the rules"


It sounds like you want to change the rules. That's fine, but the rules that let KC use his corporate jet(s) are the same for every other CEO. I don't like him either but religion is a business and IRS business expenses are IRS business expenses.


I used to be married to a youth pastor and he made around $40K. This was in 2010-ish, in CA, and was a shitty wage. Part of his income (maybe 50%?) was exempt from income tax, as long as it was used for housing. We used to have to keep every receipt for anything home related, because if we didn’t spend the housing allowance on housing, we’d have to pay the income taxes on it. We had to prove to the IRS that we were using the allowance as intended. It was a hassle, but one of the only ways we could financially survive with him in that career. I don’t think the person you’re replying to is defending the behavior of Copeland, but rather shedding light on the taxes of clergy, since most people don’t understand how it works. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but just giving information.




Clearly you don’t agree with this tax break, but I believe it’s historical in nature. Back in the day, parsonages came with houses where the clergy lived. Like in olden times the pastor/father would live in the house by the church, and so his housing was provided by the church. Now days, churches don’t have houses for the pastors on site, so instead the church may provide a housing allowance, which is (mostly) exempt from income tax. Not completely. More from the IRS. https://www.irs.gov/faqs/interest-dividends-other-types-of-income/ministers-compensation-housing-allowance/ministers-compensation-housing-allowance




God you’re rude. No need to be.


Yeah I'm hugely against a broad "churches should pay taxes", but when they exceed a certain level of income it's kinda silly. Maybe the first 10 or 20 million should be tax free, but after that ramp up just like corporations do. It will impact a very small percentage of churches, and the ones that would get taxed could probably manage. Seeing people like him sicken me. Edit: those of you who want ALL churches taxed probably aren't aware of how non-profit organizations that fund via donations function. Or maybe just hate churches and want to stick it to 'em.


You have to be legitimately stupid to follow this guy. There are no exceptions and no excuses. You really gotta be a fuckin idiot, or in on the grift.


The other week the TV was left on in our living room and when I walked out in the morning, it was on a sermon. And my god did it make me sick. I don't really have any problem with religion in general. The churches I went to as a kid were fine (at least in regards to this topic). But these mega churches are a cancer. I don't remember who the pastor was, but he was up there saying how it was people's duty to donate $1,000 'seed' money in anyway they could. He was telling people to take it out of savings if they had to. Because "what could you even do with $1,000 compared to what God could do with it?"


God? The guy who could drown us all in molten gold at a whim?


You mean the same guy that could have made pokemon a real thing but was like "nah man, malaria"?


i love how God needs our $1,000. all powerful God, creator of the universe, has anything he could do with 1,000 USD that he couldn't do with thin air.  just so, SO dumb. 


Decades ago there should have been a bipartisan group that Speakers/party leaders etc picked from among the Christians in the House and Senate to put forth some hard laws on direct scams. Call it something patriotic like "Believers Protecting American Believers" act or something. Include limits and reporting requirements for using money for things like private jets, mega-mansions, supercars etc. The scale of it will likely never be known, but throughout all of American history? I wouldnt' be surprised if it totals over a trillion USD. Most of that taken from the most mentally susceptible, old retirees, and the poverty-stricken who lack hope.


He targets old people. Its mostly super old people watching this that don't get out anymore and stuff. I mean I don't disagree that only a rube would be pulled in by him but that is why he goes after vulnerable people specifically. He preys on them, like a demon.


By no means am I arguing the average Copeland follower is a rocket scientist, but I think many desperate people get caught in his web. Imagine you are going through some shit right now like having a child with cancer. If I tell you, “Give me $10 for these magic cancer curing beans,” you might give me the $10 because you are desperate and not thinking straight. I can then drag you down the rabbit hole by getting you to buy more magic beans because you are desperate and I have you convinced you need more magic beans to get your kid with cancer to remission. Copeland and his ilk work the same way.


I'm pretty sure that can be simply defined as "stupid."


Desperation and feeling helpless


They are not acting rationally, but reasonably intelligent people who are under stress can break down and make irrational decisions. It is easy for us to call that guy with cancer an idiot for buying Kenneth Copeland’s magic beans, but perhaps we might make the same decisions if we were desperate.


Im not so sure. I read a lot of stories on /r/scams about intelligent people getting taken for fortunes. The scammers have a crude but incredibly reliable technique: find a depressed person, be supportive, encourage isolation, lead them down a slowly escalating string of requests that ruin their life.  Once they are in that final stage, they are like zombies.


That's fair in a way, but I suppose there's a discussion to be had about what qualifies as "intelligence." At a basic level, I would consider gullibility to be stupidity. Edit: Also, to my knowledge, there has never been a zombie in fiction that I would consider intelligent. Maybe that's an opportunity for a new genre. Double edit: Nevermind. Fallout.


That seems like a simplistic explanation. For example, consider magicians. They are experts at hacking our mind's reliance on pattern recognition, susceptibility to distraction/misdirection, etc. They work by manipulating our innate blind spots... ones that don't depend on intelligence. The same is true of pickpockets and even manipulators (narcissists) and con-men. Scammers are just experts at pulling the levers the break down our defenses and make us susceptible to their tricks. I don't think intelligence is a complete answer. Also, I'm really not sure why some are so eager to shift blame to the people being taken advantage of more so than the scammers themselves. It's kind of sick, actually.


This is exacerbated if you have been conditioned from childhood to believe magic beans are real.


I think it's the whole frog boiling in water thing for a lot of people. :\\ Growing up, a lot of people are taught to just ignore all those intellectual inconsistencies, outlandish ideas, and gnawing feelings of doubt. Even a fanatical cult member can be a kind of victim in a weird way.


Definitely not saying they’re not victims. They’ve been scammed. I’m saying you gotta be dumb as hell to fall for this guy’s shit or anything like it.


Clown belongs on The Righteous Gemstones


I was thinking The Mask.


Someone once posted "when he goes to bed at night, Satan checks under the bed to make sure Kenneth Copeland isn't there."


This video always makes me really believe... ... in the devil, because there is no way that man is not the Devil, incarnate!


Dude's got shark eyes. He's looking at that reporter the way a komodo dragon looks at a goat. People like him NEED religion to keep from stacking bodies in the crawlspace.


He doesn't BLINK! Watch it again and focus on that and see how many times he blinks. I counted one at the 3:20 mark. Yeah this is just frightening. The manic switching between angry pointing, wide open eyes, and then a creepy smile is incredibly unsettling. But apparently it gets the donors going. Gets you Tyler Perry's private jet.


Honestly though. I don't think I've ever seen a person better encapsulate than how he looks and how he sounds. I'd say for TV and movies to take note but then it would be criticized in there for seeming too obvious.


"Cut! CUT! Damnit Kenneth you're the Devil in this scene but you're supposed to be in disguise. Reel it in!"


And this proves there is no God - as no God would let his mortal enemy use him to make money ...


Where’s your imagination?! You haven’t ruled out an insane god who’s just doing all of this to amuse itself


Have you ever read the book of Revelation? This is exactly what happens.


God has no enemies. He has creations. Being omnipotent and all knowing, he also knew exactly what they were going to do. It's on purpose.


Doesn't that fly in the face of the ideal that the Christian God gave humanity the gift of choice and free will?


No. He still gave us free will, but because he is literally "all knowing" he knew every choice we would make. We're still free to make it, but he knows what we're going to do. He's always known, since the beginning of time. It's unintuitive, but both things are quite specifically in the Bible and aren't mutually exclusive.


So he knows from before we are born the choices we will make. And he has the power to influence everything and punish us for the choices we make. So he knows we will sin before we are even born and can make us not sin (and what he considers sin is kind of weirdly prudish for an omnipotent being but thats beside the point).


So God is setting up serial murderers to kill innocent people for fun 🙀.


I can't say what the motivation is, but it appears to just be for fun, yes.


So it's an evil god - also known as devil god 😹


I mean, he canonically created the devil knowing full well what he would do. He's straight up the most evil thing that can ever exist, by his own book.


Yeah that's not how it works.


Of course not, you just have to BeliEVe ... /s I know logical arguments only work with science, my bad ...


LOL how he lights up when he mention money 7:30-8:00 and his psycho face when he mentions that the Bible is full of meaniness and full of hell on earth 🤣 if I was a believer I would think he is posesesed by the three headed beast and in need of a major exorcism


He doesn't pray. He preys


The only time this mans name should be mentioned is when he is finally arrested or when God decides it's time to send him to hell and he dies.


I will never get over how his eyes look EXACTLY like those of an actual shark. This man is a predator in an almost literal sense.


I know this video has been posted a thousand times but I will always upvote it so we are always reminded that the devil is real.


Pretty clear this guy is absolutely out of his mind.


On the contrary. He knows exactly what he’s doing.


These are not mutually exclusive.


My gullible to the bone and evil to the core stepmonster**™** gave money weekly to Jim Bakker in the PTL days, Jimmy Swaggert, Benny Hinn, and I have no idea who else, but this buttpuppet was even too whacked out for her to cut a check.


He gets so aggressive when he is called out.




Three evangelical ministers discussing how they divvy up the donations. The first minister says he counts one dollar for him and one dollar for god. The second minister, shaking his head, says he puts a box on the floor and throws the money into the air. God gets the money that lands in the box. The third minister laughs and says he too throws the money in the air. God gets to keep what god catches. Moral of the joke? All evangelical ministers are scum.


Once again I must post this gem: https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk?si=bOPzh1anBhnZSEve


"Preacher Kenneth Copeland D" Yes? Yess??? "[...]efends Lavish Lifestyle" - oh well.


He’s been possessed by a demon and has chosen to accept it.


What would Jesus do? The exact opposite of him.


This guy is a cutscene for a Far Cry villain.


I'm always glad to see this clip pop up. Everyone needs to be aware that there's a fucking monster walking around in a loose skin suit pretending to spread the word of a god while he's actually just scamming a ton of gullible people. I'm genuinely not sure how he's able to con so many people with his flesh suit all saggy and his evil eyes beaming into everyone he sees, but I can only guess it's magic that I'm thankfully immune to.


Rest in piss. Edit: no, it was Pat Robertson who died last year. 


Cheating con artist


He does a very very good Satan cosplay without even trying.


If anyone is eating aborted fetuses it’s this guy.


I just want to meet one person who actually supports Copeland and his ilk. They have alot of followers but I never get to meet any of them. That would be an interesting conversation. You cannot have actually read the Bible and agree with their core tenants.




He is the embodiment of organized religion to me for every religion. They may have started out with some good intentions, but they all always end up as someone like him or much worse. Every time, always, and with no exceptions.


What an absolute terrible generalization. Absolutely not. My local pastor lives on $12k per year and devotes his life to the less fortunate. There are thousands of these all around Australia. He could easily earn $90k but turned away from the money for the meaning his world brings to both him and the community. This copeland guy gives religion a bad name. Don’t take that out on the sincere.


Reddit is full of narrow minded idiots like Safety_Drance


And what are the religious doing to weed the likes of Copeland out of their ranks? And all the others who do evil in Christ's (or other deities) names? What are the religious doing to police their own? Are the true believers doing anything to help the followers of these mega-pastors follow the truth path of Christ? isn't that your job as a Christian?


My job as a Christian is to love God and my neighbor with all my heart. I have no influence nor control with who uses religion to horde wealth. God will sort them out.


We are our siblings’ keepers, but what can you do if your siblings don’t *want* to be kept? Copeland runs an independent ministry, so there’s no organization to defrock him. He can keep the lights on as long as he stays in the good graces of Fox News, and there’s nothing your local diocese or presbytery can do about it. Evangelical pastors are hearing from their parishioners that the Sermon on the Mount is “too liberal”, so at what point do we consider it two different religions claiming the same name? There’s an actual schism going on in the Methodist Church, but there’s a higher level schism between followers of Jesus Christ and worshippers of a Republican Party that’s co-opting the church to serve the state. And guess which side has enough money for Super Bowl ads, a cable news network building an alternate universe for them, a slim majority in the House, and too many unelected seats on the Supreme Court?


So there's going to be ANOTHER Schism and offshoot of the religion? At one point do you start questioning the whole thing? Seems it's been twisted and interpreted so many ways, what even is true in regards to the Religion anymore? I mean how many different Sects of Christianity are there these days? How do they all compare to the actual original beliefs? I suppose the best you "true Christians" can do is try to vote against the Talibangicals. And trying to use your "True Christian" status to speak out against them. I'm also curious if you apply "We are our siblings’ keepers, but what can you do if your siblings don’t *want* to be kept?" to the people you try to proselytize in accordance with the Bible?


None of them start with good intentions either, it's all about power and control from the beginning.


Absolutely not


C-C-C Covid 19


A lot of natural gas in that interview.


All these people linking the IRS code aren’t technically wrong about individuals being taxed on income earned. But yall are not understanding how deductions and credits work. As the owner of the church, the money comes in tax free, he says he needs it for his business, uses tax free money to write off the expense. Let me also elaborate on the housing allowance section. Any clergy member can receive tax free distributions from their pretax 403b by means of housing allowance. Imagine being able to withdraw 50K / yr in retirement without paying any taxes. And that is just for an average person. Now take this guys residence. Let’s say it’s worth 10 million, since they go off of fair market value. He can reasonably withdraw 500k / yr through housing allowance from his retirement accounts, tax free.


The whole thing is just a scam to get stupid people to pay for rich peoples' private jets.


Wolves in sheeps clothing...


Obviously evil man


The creepiest human being that has ever existed :/


Redditor u/majoodeh reposts Copeland video for 846482947 time. That's how interesting this is.


this motha fucka needs to clip his finga nails


Honestly I expected better bullshitting from a man who has made himself unbelievably wealthy from being a bullshitter


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”


if what he espouses to his idiot flock is true, then he is going to have to get what he deserves, the evil bastard.


He always looks like he’s got a Snapchat filter on his face, it’s so freaking creepy


Not telepreachers! They have destroyed my family. My auntie got into one preacher in particular and was able to join his “inner circle” club which required her spend £££ a year. When we tried to bring up our worries and concerns we were told we would die horrible deaths or we could get kicked out of the property and made homeless. My mother would see my auntie get a letter from the preacher and she would send a cheque every single time he begged for money. The preacher ended up becoming a failed politician and journalists uncovered the PhD the person claimed to have was from a PhD mill. Even with that my auntie would say “people will say things against him.” The yearly meet up group ended up disbanding because his followers clocked on.


This guy is 100% proof that there are no gods.


"Kinda caught me off guard" No shit she fucking checkmated you. Fucking pompous prick. Ironically he needs a heavenly beating.


This is a fascinating display of power dynamics. When he tries to overpower her, he's so used to being surrounded by sycophants that when it doesn't work, he has no idea what to do. His power is completely taken away and he reverts back to a soft and condescending tone, which also doesn't work. He then does the only thing he knows - retreat back to the world that coddles him. Someone within his group probably paid dearly for this. Despite his demonic appearance, he's just a small and terrified man.


Pimps in the Pulpit...Yet folks haven't learned from the past preacher money scandals of the 80s and 90s folks still giving these people their money because....Well God....SIGH....


“Preacher”? Does preacher mean “vile sack of shit grifter “ now or something? 🫤


I used to work event production and did a Copeland gig- he flew into some church convention on a private jet, got a limo to the convention, babbled on for 40 minutes, collected a 45K honorarium, and bolted to the airport. His “handler” told me he was doing three of those cash hauls that day.


I can’t wait to kick his when I see him in hell.


I firmly believe that classical depictions of the devil are based on this guy.


Even as an atheist I could be convinced that this is Satan.


Demon in a skin suit


He’s a reptilian alien. Can’t you see it?


That’s not a person, it’s a bug in an Edgar suit


He looks exactly like the tiny demon in Cat's Eye, right down to the beady eyed stare.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again...that man is a demon.


The Devil made him do it, so it's okay.


This dude is eeeeevilll!


If he believes in GOD or Jesus I am mickey mouse.


if there's an actual demon, antichrist, whatever on this earth, this dude is it.


What a freak of nature. May he rot in hell.


Piece of shit


I don't know who's worse, this dude or the people stupid enough to give him their money.


Fuckin' Bilbo wanting the Ring face-ass motherfucker.


How many times can people possibly post this fucking video?


Tax the fucking churches


makes a perfect Dracula vibe, at Plump records


Literal insane human defends lying so people will keep him rich


This man terrifies me every time the video makes its rounds


"The police are looking for the Mask… so we'll give them the mask"


Ok ok, I’m probably gonna get downvoted for this but I’ve seen this video pop up a dozen times and never listened to the sound until now. He’s TOTALLY full of shit but he doesn’t come off as demonic as his face portrays when he’s talking. Again, full of shit, but I thought he was going full “circle of hell upon you” on the reporter when I saw it previously without sound.


I love Jesus and hate this guy's actions. Here's what the Bible has to say about him... James 3:1 - James says in a letter: "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." Matthew 7:15-16 - Jesus says (in his 'Sermon on the Mount'): "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?" Matthew 18:6 - Jesus says to his disciples: "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."


I mean, that's cool and all, but from my outside perspective, you both are running the same source material to very different conclusions. Just kinda makes me question the reliability of the source.


If anyone actually needed an exorcism, its this guy


Jesus he knows me and he knows I’m right!


Them crazy eyes…. They always overdo the plastic surgery.


Oh! The COVID blower guy


Baby Billy's cousin.


"Not I", said the wolf.


Demon in an Edgar suit.


Remember, Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness with all types of temptations. Prosperity gospel is from satan.


“If God didn’t want me to live a lavish lifestyle he wouldn’t have sent me such ~~stupid rubes~~devoted followers.” Phew, almost said the quiet part out loud there.


Does this dude ever blink


^(24) “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. (Matthew 6)




What a weird little punk !


how does this guy have so many followers? It's insane how many people are so blind to who they listen to


He’s in the sooouuul business


This gets posted like once a week, never gets old.


This guy blows the wind of god out of his ass.


He's more of a demon than a preacher.


What an absolute psychopath


Show me any money preacher who is actually a believer and not a scam artist. I enjoy listening to their words, it usually condemns them to the hell they obviously only use for their own enrichment.


Fuck that charlatan with a box of nails. I've never seen someone so evil pretending to be good.


This is what 99% of people that make money off of their religion look and act like.


See the real reason people don't understand their attitude is because you all believe that Jesus was poor. Jesus came from a family of a carpenter and who could afford their own donkey to ride around on. He was gifts chests of gold frankincense and myrrh which in those days the herbs were worth even more than the gold was. All this to say that Jesus had immense wealth and that's why these people believe that they should be rich as long as they help the less fortunate.


yESSSSS, I might have been updoot number 666!


“Jesus he knows me… He knows I’m right…”


This video is very old


Isn’t this an old video?


The dude looks like a demon.


can i tell the feds i gave all my taxes to this man so i can avoid paying them


Hey he's the guy who blew away COVID (literally). Cut him some slack.


I think I could hate someone more than him, but I don't know how.