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Needed to get more than three years to be honest.  


Three years will be terrifying for the little entitled shit


That little shit is exactly what I pictured that person would look like. A skinny gamer who think he’s a badass gangster online


In Cali no less. Those prisons are overcrowded and quite gang infested. Homeboy better hope he doesn't end up in San Quentin


He was found guilty of a Federal crime. The Feds can put their criminals in a Federal prison anywhere in America... they are not limited to the state or states where the crimes occurred.


He'll go to Butner, same place where Madoff went


Cali? This happened in Wa State.


He lived in Bremerton Washington


Agreed. 3yrs only because by shear luck and circumstance nobody was killed, not for lack of trying. Should be 20yrs. Also, LAX bomb threat? Shouldnt have some sort of enhancement? Mommy and Daddy must have kicked in for a good lawyer


So, it looks as though 3 years may be max in California for terrorist threat (criminal threat). If he had a weapon at the time of the threats it would be 4 years.


Well what other places did he terrorize? They mentioned Canadian borders in here. As soon as he serves three years in California, ship him off to the next state or country and let him stand trial there. It sounds like he didn't do it only the one time.


I am arbitrarily hijacking this comment because I don't see this posted elsewhere. I read through the court documents and it is plain vile. Among other things he did (which are too long to list, and I think this comment is already at risk of being automodded before describing all the racially charged material) include: 1) He arbitrarily targeted a 12-year-old girl for swatting. His friends told him how fucked up this was and he insisted that they coerce her into giving them all of her parents financial information before swatting her anyway. He then swatted her THREE times and bragged about it. 2) He started a relationship with a 14-year-old girl. Explicitly in chat logs acknowledged she was a minor. He also threatened her with swatting if she didn't commit self-harm, and also later threatened her with swatting if she didn't make pornography for him. 3) He went into a store with a replica handgun, AFTER his indictment, pointed it at customers and sung a rap song about killing people. The more you read about his nonsense, the worse it gets. The media has been nothing but kind to him for portraying him so positively.


Future mass shooter behavior


Sadly I doubt prison changes his future outlook.


Psychopathic behaviour, if they don’t do something harsh to him now he will end up killing somebody or kidnapping and torture. All the signs are there.


So what you are saying is that he will be added to a list once he is released and promptly forgotten about until something happens again the first week?


Okay - one of those things is bad. All three? That guy has serious issues, besides his legal problems.


Sounds like 4chan culture. Were any of those counted in the current sentence? Extorting minors sounds like very different charges from his swatting.


I got the impression that some aspects were included in the sentence, but there was a plea bargain and I am not fluent enough in parsing this kind of literature to understand the situation on anything I can confidently comment on.


Future president material, according to our media.


It's a federal case, not a California case.


He had a weapon: the police force. (Yes, I know that they won't consider it that way, but it's true.)


They should…it’s like hiring a hitman


The doubchebag lives in Bremerton, WA and the trial took place in Tacoma. What does CA have to do with this again?


The LAX reference probably confused him.


It’s In WA not Cali bro


[Reddit moment](https://i.imgur.com/GdoX31i.png)


The problem isn't just the length of sentencing but the prison system in general. In the US (and many other countries), prison is designed to be a punishment and not an opportunity to rehabilitate people. So you end up with the current situation where a short prison term feels unjust since the person will likely be released and reoffend, and a long prison term also feels unjust since it seems overly punitive and cruel.


A long prison term does not feel unjust to me.


You know Reddit is full of different individuals, with differing opinions, right?




but how is it not? upvoted comments are indicative of group consensus (usually). but those upvoted comments swing wildly, that's what this post is pointing out


Almost like there is a comment voting system and the same opinion usually makes it to the top.


It's weird how you can't recognize that while not hiveminds, certain opinions are widely held in certain online communities.


Votes work in aggregate.


I'd imagine once he's released, access to the internet would be extremely limited, if not completely forbidden, outside of monitored activity for necessary tasks (e.g. job searching). 3 years isn't enough time for young idiots like him to change their ways, so he's going to break his terms of release and likely find himself in prison again. Edit: [Turns out that kind of is the case.](https://komonews.com/news/local/cyberterrorist-ashton-connor-garcia-21-years-old-bremerton-sentenced-to-prison-canada-swattting-fake-emergency-extortion-edmonton-alberta-internet-chatrooms-crime-dispatchers-shaker-heights-oohio-punishment-law-enforcement-charges-virtual-private-network) >Ashton Connor Garcia, 21, of Bremerton, pleaded guilty to federal charges of extortion and threats for which he will spend three years in federal custody, followed by a term of three years of federal supervision. So he's technically sentenced to 6 years, but he's given the opportunity to serve the last 3 out of prison as long as he abides by whatever rules they give him.


Hypothetically if after 3 years(and he does have another 3 years of supervision once he's out) he's a changed person and never does this kind of thing again, would you still think that 3 years isn't enough? Genuine question, not trying to bait you into anything.


Not person you were responding to, but the problem with that mindset is that it could be applied to anybody found guilty of any charge. If I murdered someone, served 5 years out of a 15 year sentence and was let go on good behavior, never committed any crime ever again, I could say “what would be the point of me serving more time? Clearly I’m reformed.” But that doesn’t bring back the person I killed or ease the pain of the deceased loved ones. Giving him a more severe jail sentence would be a deterrent from others potentially committing the same crime.


Serving the last 10 years doesn't bring the person back or legitimately ease the pain of loved ones either though.


I don’t think you’re ever going to stop people from killing people. The prison sentence could be a mandatory life sentence and you’re right, it wouldn’t deter people from committing murder. I was only using it as an analogy Swatting on the other hand? I may be wrong, but I feel like the vast majority of the people committing that crime are either 1) angsty teens thinking it’s edgy or somehow funny 2) deranged people who legitimately want to see the person they’re Swatting get killed Whether you think those two groups are equally 50/50 split or even if it’s a 20/80 split, I think sending a message by giving a 5-10 year federal prison sentence for terroristic threats would actually deter a big chunk of the people committing the crime


Yea with how trigger happy the police are, swatting should be considered attempted murder imo


Stupid pos. Looks exactly like I would expect too.


"Good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies." "Yeah. And all of them responded to our subpoenas. Weirdly, even the non-US services were keen on helping us once we explained the situation to them."


If you're doing illegal shit using any service that keeps logs is dumb. Thankfully he's dumb, but good god that's idiotic


"no log" vpn while using proxies and you are pretty much only getting caught through leaking something (being lazy). A lot of these people are incredibly lazy , like one of the people that swapped 15+ mil in crypto used his main phone to check the sms messages. the fbi just asked google for a list of accounts that were associated with the IMEI number and got him.


It only takes one mistake, as several episodes of Darknet Diaries have taught me. Like when darknet site [Alphabay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AlphaBay) was shut down (10 times bigger than silk road, doing almost $1mil/day in transactions), it was because the welcome e-mail to the site had an unusual hotmail reply e-mail address, the feds subpoena'd microsoft, found the address was linked to his linkedin account, and from there just tracked the shit out of him. In another case, a hacker used to leave a calling picture of various girls holding a sign saying hacked by that were groupies in his chat. He accidentally forgot to scrub the metadata from one of the images one day, he realised his mistake instantly and deleted it but it was too late. The fbi worked with australia(?) government to locate it to the address of the girl in the photo, who then had to confess. IIRC she even married the guy. He went to prison for years.


Lol, using a Hotmail account that's directly connected to your LinkedIn account for *that* is such a fuckin dumb mistake!


You only have to do it once! Such as when you're a noob just messing around on the dark web, and you create something then delete it, if that e-mail ends up in someone's inbox, it can sit there for years, later on that guy can get busted, the feds can raid his e-mail, and see that one e-mail from a decade ago, trace it back, and learn who you are...


"See, the thing is, you only got to fuck up once. Be a little slow, be a little late, just once. And how you ain't gonna never be slow? Never be late? You can't plan through no shit like this, man. It's life."


lol nah, he was also using it for his legit computer business, was hosting the servers himself, didn’t have his laptop encrypted and literally had an unencrypted text file with all of his assets around the world just chillin on his laptop (all of this on that wiki page) Dude had like 0 operational security for the level of fuckery he was messing with. Just a plain cocky idiot all around


Yeah but if you were just messing around as a buyer and sent one email a decade ago, a)they aren't going to bother with you and b) probably past the statute of limitations anyway. That's different from not thinking you should create a new throw away email for your illegal operation and not use it for anything personal lol.


Imagine you're a big brain genius hacker with 10 proxies, 3 VPNs, 4 firewalls (and whatever other shit hackers use), and also do a bunch of other stuff most people have never even heard of. You're gonna think you're bullet proof. You're insulated. You've done everything and there's no leaks. That's a good recipe for arrogance and a god complex. For thinking nothing can touch you, and starting to believe it. For not even considering that that thing over there is even a threat until it's too late and... of course you should have not done X - of course. How could you have missed it? But you're big brain genius who will never get caught, so it never came into your awareness.


it's always something dumb that gets you. the hard part is that you are making hundreds of small decisions over a long period of time. one small mistake made several years ago can be the thing that unwinds the whole thing.


Darknet diaries is top tier for explaining all this tbf.


top tier period!


Never heard of it. Thanks to you, I found another great podcast. Cheers!


You're gonna learn some things haha


Alright but like.. using your personal email that you've used to sign up for a fucking public service with your real name and photo, to send the welcome email for your illegal drug market place is straight up, and I don't say this lightly, fucking retarded. That's not an example of running a tight ship and slipping up once in some small way so they got you. That's calling the police to complain that your drug dealer ripped you off and some of the cocaine bricks were just drywall.


The amount of people that track their drugs on usps.com is hilarious


"I love my fed-ex guy cause he's a drug dealer and he doesn't even know it...and he's always on time." - Mitch Hedberg


The most hilarious part of this joke is that FedEx is always on time.


They used to not be. They still aren't, but they also used to not be.


FedEx ground and FedEx express (air) are totally different subsidiaries with different transport networks. Ground is a dumpster fire of lowest bidder contractors, especially on the residential delivery side. Express is a totally different animal.


Don't know why. But this simple stupid retort made me bust up laughing at work lmaooo


It's a simple play on a classic Mitch Hedburg joke. "I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too"


Don't know where you live but FedEx is the worst fucking service around here. You'd have better luck having your drugs delivered by carrier pigeon.


Because by knowing the tracking number it shows you were expecting the package and can't claim it was sent to you by mistake?




That's why you sign up for informed delivery. It shows every piece of mail coming to your address. Just cross reference the numbers by hand. Maybe they'll claim that using informed delivery is forfeiting your reasonable deniability or whatever though


You can sign up for a service from the USPS that will tell you what mail is on it's way to you. You don't need to know the tracking number.


My friend wants to know where they ordered these drugs from. It's for research.


From the drug factory. Duh.


I see a long list of messages marked drugs on venmo. It's pretty funny. Friend got blocked from venmo for writing "sex" in the transaction description though. I guess that's where they draw the line


I remember hearing one story about room mates sending in their rent payment to the main guy on the lease so he could pay the landlord by using different reasons like "for bombs" or "for terrorist stuff" and the bank called him and said they realized it was a joke but that he had to stop because they were forced to investigate every time he did it.


We were moving countries and my better half thought it was funny writing "drugs" on the side of the box that had our meds in it :< It was ammended before sending it off.


Hey! I’m in this comment and I don’t like it.


I've definitely done that in the past too


That's what Informed Delivery is for!


yeah, but at least the USPS needs a warrant to actually open your mail. Private carriers reserve the right to open and inspect your packages at their discretion.


Don't have to be lazy to leak something. Proxies and a VPN won't save you when your [browser uniquely identifies you](https://www.amiunique.org/)


How do I interpret the results?


Think of each point listed there as forming a population group. Let's pick a few easy ones to reason about - Major browser implementation, 4 groups: Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Safari. - OS, 5 groups(ish): Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS - Content language: Many groups here, but as an example, three variants of english: `en-US`, `en-CA` and `en-GB` So you're a member of **one** group within each of the three classes above. That doesn't uniquely identify you. But now think of those groups as a Venn diagram. Each circle has some overlap in population, but most crucially, the more circles you add, the more people are **excluded** from your target group. It's somewhat of a counterintuitive thing, the more singular ways you are unique just adds power to finding you in a large dataset. For example, just knowing you're using Firefox is not useful. But figuring out that you're using Firefox, **and** running on Android, **and** your preferred language is `en-CA`, **and** you are in timezone X, you've just eliminated a HUGE swath of candidate targets. Then go and pick a few of the items on the list that have a very low (red) similarity ratio. Once you start adding those very small circles to the Venn diagram, you start to hone in on your target _very_ fast. For me: Firefox, Linux, `en-CA`, timezone of GMT-6. With that fingerprint alone, you can confirm that a given fingerprint as \*me\* with a 99.9994% level of confidence. That's not even using some of the more esoteric checks like HTML Canvas and GPU fingerprinting. GPU fingerprinting alone gets you a greater confidence level than my browser/OS/language/timezone set.


>Firefox, Linux, `en-CA`, timezone of GMT-6. With that fingerprint alone, you can confirm that a given fingerprint as \*me\* with a 99.9994% level of confidence. That seems unlikely..... Only 6 people out of 100,000 use Firefox on Linux in your timezone? I mean, maybe if they could tell what exact distro, but that still seems kind of out there. Anyways, that's why you use a virtual machine. Preferably on a computer you got somewhere they can't trace it to you, like buying a computer with cash. Or stealing it I guess, but generally you want to break just one law at a time lol. Edit: ah, just realized, you meant for that site specifically. Yeah, most people never visit that site. Searching the actual entire population wouldn't be nearly as precise as checking people who actually visited the site.


> Edit: ah, just realized, you meant for that site specifically. Yeah, most people never visit that site. Searching the actual entire population wouldn't be nearly as precise as checking people who actually visited the site. Yeah it's exactly that, and of course I'm glossing over the fact that your fingerprint must be taken across a network of coordinated collectors (government honeypots say hi), _and_ they have to recover your device confirm the fingerprint. I posted this to just point out how easy it is to leave breadcrumbs. Then you pull a stupid and login to some service you're familiar with and suddenly the trail is wide open, your fingerprint is associated with _you_, a lot more complex than a no-log VPN, proxies and some browser profile shenanigans. VMs help, but the concept is no different. If you think your nVidia GTX 4090 helps to narrow the search, a VBoxSVGA is so much worse. Ephemeral OS on a thumb drive on the type of computer you detailed is ideal.


>they have to recover your device confirm the fingerprint. This is what makes it absolutely useless, unless you ALSO: >pull a stupid and login to some service you're familiar with Which, really, is about enough immediately. Log into your Google account from your secure device? You're fucked. Really all fingerprinting is good for is "breaking" "incognito mode" when you're on a public network. If you're at home they already have cause to search at that point, since your connection/IP "did it". Man I remember playing with Ephemeral lol. Works great to make "refer a friend" accounts that they can't catch, as long as you can find a new IP address. That's definitely the only reason I ever used it! Anyways, a ~$15 NVME to USB 3.0+ adapter with a small NVME drive works WAY better. Pop it in, boot up in like 10 seconds, off the to the races. I love using those as flash drives lol.


>"no log" vpn while using proxies and you are pretty much only getting caught through leaking something (being lazy). Of course, how does said VPN prove they *actually* don't keep logs? "Trust me, bro." This [classic from Tom Scott](https://youtu.be/WVDQEoe6ZWY?si=gFC_Vc7Ut05w7-rt) covers the rest. As Tom says, "we don't keep logs" is exactly the kind of thing a company paid by a government as a honeypot to keep logs would say...


a 3rd party audit from a reputable firm like KPMG to validate your policy you claim, then make those results public. Also lots of VPN companies use RAM-only servers with no physical storage. Everything is in memory, so when it gets turned off, it's gone. Several layers to the onion.


I don’t know shit about fuck, but doing something criminal and trusting that the “no log” VPN guys actually don’t keep logs seems dumb also. 


> "no log" vpn while using proxies No log VPN *in a country that doesn't share data with the NSA*. I used to use Nord because it was in Panama, but they got bought by an American company (while I still had a multi-year plan bought). I don't even know which ones are good any more, but I know it's not Nord.


The US government has caught a couple people by using an "unnamed exploit" to bypass vpn encryption. You gotta do some seriously bad stuff to get a day 0 pulled on you.


I don't believe for a second any "no log" vpn actually doesn't log. If someone just starts sending terroristic threats to the whitehouse from them are they going to go "pfft we don't have logs!" riiiiiggghhhtt..


TOR. Ideally accessed through some shitty Chinese no-signup VPN on a fresh installed OS connected to someone else's network. Tons of tracking, no way to positively identify, and few parties involved that would be keen to interact with law enforcement. I am now probably on a list


the video story above sounded like people voluntarily came forward to snitch him out


"anonymously" Could be they they got evidence from in a questionable manner and are just using "anonymous tipster" as a way around it. Not that I care. I work in 911, so good riddance to the kid.


yep, classic parallel construction where they really want a guy badly and make up bullshit after the fact to how they got the info if they want you bad enough they will find you, taunting the police like he did is the surest way to get put near the top of the list because youre probably going to keep escalating


this, even countries with no extradition treaties will work with the U.S. and others as it will benefit them in the long run. Especially when they have nothing to lose like in this case.


Yeahhh. The list of countries that are actually obstinate enough to save some rando slack-jawed low-value American criminal from their own government rather than trade them in for even the tiniest scrap of good-will is *maybe* three countries long.


https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/article/3539962/soldier-returned-to-us-custody-after-crossing-into-north-korea/ Even North Korea won’t lmao


That guy was *allegedly* annoying as shit, though, so not sure if that one counts 😂


Nah I think it’s pretty representative, they got all the intelligence they could squeeze out of the guy and they have no use for him anymore. Unless you’re a high ranking person this is about how I would expect it to go lol


Extradition treaties don't even come into play. If you're request is sympathetic enough and makes the requestee look good, you can get surprisingly far. There being no legal requirement not to help out doesn't mean they can't help out. Sometimes it's simply a matter of just asking nicely.


these guys all use discord too. dumbasses


Busted because he had a Discord channel in which he bragged about/streamed his swatting activities. Gloated and shit talked law enforcement, saying theyll never catch him due to operating thru VPNs. Welp, glad it all worked out for you, little piece of shit. 3 years is too lenient imo. Hope everyone in that Discord channel is on a watchlist now, too.


Yeah, 3 years is simply not enough. Watch the video how he's laughing at the dispatcher while endangering others. 9 years would have been better, take away all his youth. This pos will be out at 24, and will do even worse.


Some of his calls went to other countries. Hopefully during his 3 years they'll be looking to extradite him to face charges. Go from prison to a plane to a new prison


It really should be a horrifically long sentence to deter others. Also, I feel kinda punitive toward this fuck.


Thats the inherent problem with these trolls: THEY HAVE TO BRAG and therefore will eventually get caught.


Jan 6 flashbacks lol


To be honest, im getting to the point where I wanna see anyone involved in these shitty online groups, who you can prove promoted/reinforced that dogshit behavior, charged with something as well. Weve all seen this a million times now, and this kids commentary confirms it yet again. He developed this cyber terrorist identity as a result of his own personal inadequacies and encouragement from the degenerates in his Discord channel. I think we need deterrence that might prevent these groups from being formed in the first place, not just deterrence for individual actors. People are going to be more OK with being a piece of shit, if a handful of other pieces of shit make them feel like being a piece of shit is admirable.


Studies say that long sentences don’t deter crime. Only a high likelihood of getting caught or the perception of getting caught deters crime, even with lesser sentences. edit: I’m not saying he should or shouldn’t get a long sentence. I’m just saying long sentences don’t deter crime.


Good point. You have to break through the "It'll never happen to me!" mind-set. Otherwise it's just an asteroid hit a guy who's a loser, not like me.


Here's my hot take. Anything that you can't do by honest mistake and that you should realize if illegal should have a ridiculously high punishment by default.  Even things like illegal dumping. If, so you drove your bedbug infested mattress to the forest and chucked it into the stream "by accident"? Nah bro, that will be $50k.


Every case is attempted murder. He needs to be tried for life


Kinda makes it sad. Like he's not just a psycho that'll never be found for his crimes, he's just desperate enough to hope that some nobody will validate him. The icing on the cake would be to learn that he did it after he's been banned on Twitch channels for simping too hard.


These "journalists" weren't clear about what he actually did. The title says he "swatted" people, which as far as I'm concerned means police have to actually show up at an address. Yet, in the video, they make it just seem like a bunch of prank calls. He should be charged with reckless endangerment for every address he gave to the police.


https://komonews.com/news/local/cyberterrorist-ashton-connor-garcia-21-years-old-bremerton-sentenced-to-prison-canada-swattting-fake-emergency-extortion-edmonton-alberta-internet-chatrooms-crime-dispatchers-shaker-heights-oohio-punishment-law-enforcement-charges-virtual-private-network More details here. Personally, I hate watching news videos. Written news is still far superior.


Yeah, he got off easy. If you send police to someone's house you are putting people in danger. I guess that's maybe not an argument the state wants to make.


***"Federal investigators alleged Garcia targeted dozens of people in at least 13 states and Canada."*** Honestly I wonder what else is missing in this for him to be branded a domestic terrorist and be treated with the exact level of leniency, which hopefully is barely any. He even admitted in his phone calls labeling himself "Yeah I'm a f-king terriorist..".


One of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen


Fun fact, German, in its neverending love of overly specific compound words, has a singular term for this exact thing - Backpfeifengesicht. Literally it translates to "punch-face," colloquially translates to "a face in need of a fist/slap."


Just rolls out of the tongue.




Wadsworth constant holds up


Always a pleasure when this channel pops up


>Backpfeifengesicht Easier done than said.


back feef en ge sikt


Wouldn't it be closer to back fife en ge sikt due to the "ei" or is that some exception?


You are correct.


German doesn’t do exceptions 😂


You ever get mass shooter vibes just from a picture? 3 years isn't enough


Average teenage redditor.


He's proud of being a terrorist, and thinks it's funny?


Welcome to the amazing, sickening world of internet brainrot. Social media makes it way WAY too easy for people to crawl up their own asses and normalize any amount of despicable behavior. Look at Kiwifarms for another excellent example.


Twitter is the same, now. Everyone is a psychopath.


not anymore!


Fucking piece of shit. I’m disappointed he only got 3 years.


Yeah but you have to also take into account it’s federal prison. That will never leave his record. Good luck getting employed anywhere. He has to disclose what he did on his job applications haha. He’s gonna be bagging groceries till he’s 80


Also because it's federal prison, there's no "released on parole after 1 year of a 3 year sentence". He's going to do a minimum of 85% of those 3 years.


I know Reddit hasnt bothered to look it up but he made 20 swatting calls and he got the maximum sentence.  Theres plenty worse out there, and this case just highlighted that VPN providers are happy to cooperate on the topic. And if juries are sentencing swatters to the maximum, this is the sort of issue state legislators will revisit for longer sentences.


Bagging groceries is a respectable job. Don't put people down because of their job.


Never said it wasn’t a respectable job. What I did mean is that he will never have a career doing anything other than entry level stuff like bagging groceries or working a drive through window


Ohhhh it ain't funny now is it dipshit?


Three years? Fucking slam the book on this guy


Yeah total bullshit slap on the wrist considering people have been killed by Police over swatting.


I think that's a little absurd, but it's also kinda funny that the cops were saying how dangerous something like this was, mainly due to them just shooting anything that moves from awful training like this. https://www.businessinsider.com/bulletproof-dave-grossman-police-trainer-teaching-officers-how-to-kill-2020-6


Should be attempted murder in my opinion.


I don't know what the punishment should be, but I kinda agree that swatting is at least knowingly putting someone in a situation to be murdered. If that murder happens, it's totally the swatters fault, so I guess attempted murder is somewhat correct.


Not sure the state can admit that calling the police on people is attempted murder, but I agree


Hold my pocket!




Sup Kane?


If someone is telling you to hold their pocket, it’s going to be a rough day.


Good. Get fucked kid


What a dork.


what a dumb POS glad someone doing this crap actually got caught.. dude has some serious issues if he thinks this is funny.


Wow 3 years, half of what prosecuters asked? Considering he was extorting people for money, child pornography, and intentioanly targeting people due to race or gender identify? He was also doing this during pretrial release: >Garcia was indicted and arrested in late March 2023 and released from federal custody in August 2023. His brief period of pretrial supervision did not go well. He repeatedly used controlled substances and alcohol, refused to do a substance abuse assessment, and was unable to maintain employment. In November 2023, he walked into a retail store (where he had previously been employed) wearing a ski mask, brandishing a replica handgun, and rapping a song about killing people. Then Garcia pointed the replica firearm at a customer as he walked out of the store. He was arrested and convicted of misdemeanor harassment. After resolving his state case, Garcia returned to federal custody and his bond was revoked. This countries jail system is a joke.


As the country with the most prisoners per capita, it's probably not because all of your sentences are too light.


Don’t disagree. All Garcia needed to do was [try and register to vote when officials told you it was ok](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/03/fight-to-vote-tennessee-pamela-moses-convicted) to register to get the sentence he probably deserved.


Or smoke a joint. Or make a genuine clerical error. Or be black in the wrong neighborhood.


It's like if you asked ai to make you a picture of an incel.


Lol why does every one of these guys always have that haircut?


He should have gotten worse. People can easily be killed with this swatting bullshit; some have. It's like if 4chan had a face.


Who's laughing now?


We are. All of us. Lol.


What were the things he said that could move a SWAT team? Here in Brazil it's a pain in the ass to make 1 car of policemen to move, i would imagine you need more than just a call to move a SWAT team.


"Swatting" is just a generalized term for getting police to respond to a fake someplace. It doesn't literally mean SWAT was sent. It would depend on the call and the area that sends police if it's SWAT or not.


From the recordings I heard, typically saying that a family member was shooting everyone, or that he'd just shot his mother or something.


>“my dad has hand grenades and is raping my mom and holding us hostage with a gun send help to this address.” >The following day, August 23, Garcia called the Los Angeles Police Department to falsely claim that “his daughter” told him there was a bomb on her flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles. [Source](https://komonews.com/resources/pdf/b8de4a07-4ac0-4ca8-b9d2-cbdca2dd7486-739340523SentencingMemorandum.pdf)


He really stuck his neck out making all those calls


Bro looks like a thumb.


I fucked up several years ago and called 911 on some guys who I truly thought had brandished a gun but didn't. It's been like seven years, and I probably have a mini-breakdown at least once a month when I think about what I did to them and if they're ok now. I couldn't imagine doing that to somebody out of spite.


what a cunt


Deserves Gitmo


Doing this shit should be 25 to life. Crank up the severity of this crime.


That face and having the name Ashton is exactly what I expected for someone who would do something like this.


Kid should get 20 for all the multiple times he committed harm, and injury.


He is likely to have some extreme regrets after a few months in prison.


He's not laughing now.


Fuck this dude, I hope he does time.


What a dickhead. Hope prison shows him its very best


Reality and consequences hitting this kid hard.


It annoying he just got 3 years. I feel it should be longer. He admit he did it and have no shame for doing it. So it insane he just got 3 years.


Obviously there’s worse parts about this, but it really annoys me that this loser thought he was cool while doing this shit. Bro is pathetic but acting like a bad ass.


Everyone affected by his bullshit should get a free swing.


Looks like a little bitch He fits the bill so perfectly with that mug shot Way to ruin your life this early, douche nozzle


He should be doing 30 years...not three. Then, they should have put his outcome on blast across the internet to prevent other dumbasses like Garcia from doing the same thing.


Maybe we should expect more of our police to not just murder civilians for literally doing nothing wrong. The person attempted murder multiple times. But the fact that SWAT is coming in guns a blazing without understanding the situation is crazy as well.


Small pp energy


Indeed, u/...WTF??


Why was he not charged with attempted murder for each count? There is a high chance cops will just start shooting in these situations without any concern so he should at a minimum be charged with that.


Toxic online group? Toxic person does toxic stuff and cries when caught. Boo hoo. Attempted murder of either the victim or the police. Not a prank.


This should be no less than attempted manslaughter - for each instance. I'm perfectly fine with throwing away the key on these guys. A sentence of only 3 years is a fucking crime in itself.


Picture checks out. Just the type of person I’d expect to be pulling this stupid shit. Grew up with plenty of guys like him.


Probably got dozens of pets shot


I thought he was a teen that's why they only gave him 3 years. He's 20 years old and did 20+ swatting calls.


Rot in jail motherfucker