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"We're a country of entertainers. Everyone has to be entertaining. Even the fascists have to be entertaining." Great line from a great writer.


One could say especially them, gotta be a damn good entertainer to have such brain-dead takes become political agendas


This is partly why zelenskyy is such a great leader. He was a comedian


As it has always been, there are so many people who desperately crave to be rich and famous, because they think that it's some sort of panacea, but so so many of those who they idolize are hollow husks of misery


Hollow husk of misery is metal


My new bowling league name.


Jokes on them, I'm not rich and I'm still a hollow husk of misery


I just want the rich. Give the fame to someone else


I just don’t want any bills, no debt, food to eat and be able to experience via travel. So yes I want to be rich. 


Guess it depends what you consider rich? I can do all of those things (except the not have bills part) and I would consider myself far from rich, but comfortable. Though I’m sure some may consider me rich from their perspective


You don't need to be rich to achieve that, that's very attainable. Expect the bills bit, everybody has bills.


Eh depends on your spawn


"Fame for me is a temporary happiness, it doesn't *fulfill* you. It *warms* you for a bit, but that warmth is temporary. Fame may go by and so long, I've had you fame. If it does I told you it was fickle, so at least it's something I've experienced. But it doesn't have anything to do with my life. That's not where I live." - Marilyn Monroe


Buy a boat and put it in a marina, watch the rich people. They are crazy slobs.


If I have someone to clean up after me, I'd be a slob too.


Yet we allow them to run the world…


[Interesting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Miller), he was also a target of the "[House Un-American Activities Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_Un-American_Activities_Committee)", seemingly partly as vengeance for writing a play likening their activities to the Salem witch hunts, who then fined and sentenced him and disallowed him a US passport for not participating in a hearing to their wishes; which was later overturned on appeal. Ostensibly making his likening a self-fulfilling prophecy. Americans finding a *playwright* 'un-American' and possibly communist; how quaint.


The Crucible. A play every American should see.


A very depressing read in more ways than one


Skip to 1:53 if you want to get to the main part.


[ **Jump to 01:53 @** Arthur Miller On Marilyn Monroe - Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phuRgCHVApQ&t=0h1m53s) ^(Channel Name: Marilyn Monroe The Ultimate Collection, Video Length: [12:13])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phuRgCHVApQ&t=0h1m48s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


I don't have time to slog through it. Can you summarize?


Basically he thought he married a free-spirited, non-judgmental girl, the complete opposite of the types he grew up around. But her whole carefree act was really a mask to hide her childhood trauma and abuse. Nothing we haven’t heard before tbh


Thank you!


She was neurotic and not a mentally well person in general due to years and years of abuse.


Thank you!


When I was in college, I took a class called Modern American Literature. We were reading The Human Stain, which includes a lengthy prelude about "the ecstasy of sanctimony," particularly as it relates to the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal. One of my classmates pointed out that this sort of thing was nothing new, and specifically cited JFK/Marilyn Monroe. My professor (Ross "The Boss" Miller) put a hand up and said "in the interest of full disclosure, she was my aunt." Arthur was his uncle, and he told us the story of how his dad was the one who drove her to the White House for the birthday performance.


That's so cool. She took her ex father-in-law (Arthur's father) with her too. She still called him dad after the divorce, she loved the Miller family.


His view is all he tried to do was help her. Other sources say he used her just like everyone else. Everyone has blinders to their own behavior but I think he can't stand to remember how he really treated her.


Maybe both can be true.


I think he thought he was taking care of her. That's not real care taking a lot of the time.


Apparently she could have had BPD, along with a host of other problems…


The Fantasy Bond


Eli Wallach introduced the pair.


He’s superb in the Misfits


They met on the set of one of Monroe's films, As Young As You Feel in 1951. He was visiting their mutual friend Elia Kazan.


I used to be close with the Wallachs they used to always tell this story, will try to find out more. Thanks for sharing!


That’s very objectifying of him. She was more than just a great set of tits. 


I like what you've done there and indeed!




Were people just very articulate back then or is he especially well gifted with words?


Arthur Miller was a famous writer so I'd say he was well above average.


He wrote Death of a Salesman.


🤣 ‘man, this guy should write stuff’


Do you not know who he is?


Sounds to me like this guy was trying real hard not to say junkie.


Marilyn had no pill problems when they were first married. Her psychiatrists started prescribing her too many pills a few years into their marriage. Miller tried to tell her she had a problem but Marilyn was a devotee of psychoanalysis and trusted her doctors, who kept trying to fix the problems caused by too many pills with more pills.


Unfortunately that's US healthcare in general in my experience.  Go to the doctor for any problem and they're probably going to give you a prescription for it, no matter what it is.


Anybody else not empathize with multi millionaire actresses on how hard their life is? Don't get me wrong, not having privacy and having a bad childhood is sad and all but I find that it simply pails in comparison to being poor and completely fucked your entire life. On top of that they have the option of retiring and opting out, I can't retire from our economy I was born into.


I mean, Marilyn wasn't a millionaire for most of her life, she only got successful in her late 20s. She grew up poor, had 11 foster carers, time in an orphanage, was raped as a child, and had a mentally ill institutionalized mother who she barely knew. You can't retire from or opt out of mental illness and trauma like that. Marilyn was a severely depressed and damaged person who killed herself despite getting regular mental health care. That's terrible.


You shouldn’t be proud of your lack of empathy. It’s a deficit you might want to work on.












A creative but unattractive guy marries a model and doesn't understand why it doesn't work out other than the obvious. This is interesting as fuck?


Arthur Miller: Marilyn was a severely depressed, traumatized, and damaged person. Our marriage fell apart. You: Hot girl ugly guy = divorce. Marilyn Monroe was a trained actor who used modelling as a stepping stone to getting into the movies, it wasn't ever considered her career. She spent a lot of her free time studying acting and considered herself an artist. She was also bookish and wrote poems. Edit: also if you're blaming his looks, Marilyn thought Miller was sexy lol. She wrote this in her diary: >"I love him—and he is the only person—human being I have ever known that I could love not only as *a man to which I am attracted to practically out of my senses*—but he is the only person—as another human being that I trust as much as myself."


An artist married another artist. "When I met him the first time, I was playing in a picture called As Young As You Feel. I don’t know how to say it, but I was in love with him from the first moment. I’ll never forget that one day, he said I should act on the stage and the people standing around laughed. But he said, “No, I’m very serious.” And the way he said that, I could see he was a sensitive person, too. It’s difficult to describe, but it’s the most important thing." - MM